Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 930: Show off

reax; a light and shadow fly, several flashes invisible

In the blink of an eye, Qin An reached Li Guisan's side.

At this time, Li Guisan's face was yellowish, his eyes rounded, and he was terrified.

A few seconds ago, he suddenly realized that he could no longer feel the aura of the Divine Sword Bone.

Jiufeng Tengyun robe and eight dragon-pattern robe lost their souls and turned into ordinary worn-out clothing.

What exactly is going on

"Om", ..v

With a sound, Li Guisan was frightened in a cold sweat. After stepping back more than ten meters away, he found that the position where he had just stood had condensed several air vortexes. It was a young man I saw at the goods exchange market during the day. I heard his apprentice Chu Xianghua say that his name is Qin An.

So what kind of power is this? He actually felt the presence of sword spirit in Qin An's body. This is impossible. This kid should be just an ordinary supernatural ability, how can he suddenly become a sword **** cultivator? And the huge sword in his hand is how the newly born divine sword was made

How could Li Guisan not be shocked, he has spent ten years in refining the sword god's bones and robes, and he has just begun to have some signs. This is definitely not an easy task.

But now suddenly looking at the enemy, a young hairy boy holding a real divine sword, this made him almost confused.

Li Guisan didn't have time to think too much, because Qin An had already broken through the void again and split up seven ghosts to his side.

Without the Bone of the Sword God, even though Li Guisan is still a super-physical powerhouse with powerful physical skills; even though he still has the power of sword soul and sword spirit, the combat power that can be exerted at this time is also greatly reduced.

The Excalibur and the Sword Soul were originally in a mutual traction relationship, and the aura of the sword spirit played a guiding role in the middle, allowing the three to play their strongest state.

Now that the bones of the divine sword that played the role of the divine sword disappeared, Li Guisan's strength was equivalent to a decline of more than half.

Although Qin An was only a 7th-level mortal realm with supernatural ability, he still had a real divine sword.

The divine sword echoed with the sword spirit under the influence of the spirit of the sword, and Qin An's ability of the sword **** was able to be activated, which had some restrictions on Li Guisan.

When Qin An realized this, when he shot, the possessed ghost of the three ghost possessing ability, time slows down the magnetic field, and gravity restricts the magnetic field at the same time. Li Guisan immediately felt dizzy and his steps were heavy, although he knew that there were seven around him. A Qin An, but he can’t find out the true body in it, nor can he avoid it quickly.

Qin An's body occupies a phantom side of Li Guisan, and the Sanhuo Yingyue Wentian Sword waved out. The invisible air was squeezed by the powerful potential energy and left several air masses on the path of the divine sword. After the collision, there were crackling noises and tyrannical sparks

Li Guisan, who was unable to dodge quickly, had time to turn his body sideways, but one of his arms was directly cut off by the Heavenly Sword.


In the distance, Chu Xianghua and Chu Qitian saw this situation and hurriedly shouted forward and rushed over.

Li Guisan's face turned pale after the broken arm

His eyes widened, the sword spirit's energy circulated and his whole body finally broke away from the comfort of Qin An's sword god, and his mind rose as he withdrew two steps back.

The broken arm suddenly turned flesh and blood, and parasitic beast blood came out.

It was an eight-legged, eight-handed, five-meter-high, skull-headed body, black skin, and a ten-leaf colorful rune mark on the chest.

"Haha old ghost, can't beat him, call me to help, see if the uncle will kill him for you"

Everyone nearby, including Qin An, was shocked at what the **** was this, even talking

Yes, the fifth-level mutant beasts already have some IQ, so it doesn’t seem strange that the tenth-level mutant beasts can speak.

It’s just that what’s the original form of this thing? It’s indistinguishable from the outside. It looks like a spider or an octopus

The surrounding horse hordes were naturally much more shocked than Qin An, and the point that shocked them was not that this parasitic beast could even speak, but its tenth-level mutation and Qin An’s strength.

Most people here actually don't know or understand Li Guisan.

The Wrangler system has its own set of methods of message transmission. Li Kuilan discovered the difference between Li Guisan and reported the news to No. 1 through the online. However, Li Kuilan’s online did not know what the so-called message content was. Others even more. Impossible to know.

Therefore, when they saw the appearance of the tenth-level mutant beast, how could they not be shocked, and finally understood the source of Li Guisan's power and where.

Has this world evolved a tenth level mutant creature? This is terrible

However, they still underestimated Li Guisan, and no one knew about the nine main gods and the practitioners of the sword god.

After seeing the tenth-level mutant were shocked, the Wrangler soldiers began to be shocked by Qin An again.

Li Guisan's strength was already there, and dozens of Wrangler warriors died in his hands after just a few moments of hands-on effort. You can know how powerful this person is without describing.

But as soon as Qin An took a shot, he cut off one of the opponent's arms and forced the opponent to release the parasitic beast in his body. What is the situation? For the Wrangler, the male owner who has been thinking about it for more than ten years, actually Is it such a strong being, why can he be so strong

Qin An, who is in a fighting state, naturally doesn’t think too much, and doesn’t know what other people’s thoughts are. At the same time that the tenth-level mutant appeared, he has already shot seven sets of 490 red leaves in a row.

These red leaves at this time are different from the past, with a faint color of light and shadow attached to their surface, which is the aura of sword spirit.

Ordinary sword **** skills are ineffective against enemies with strong mental power, but at this time Qin An already has sword spirit in his body, so the sword **** skills will be blessed by the spirit of sword spirit when attacking, although this blessing still cannot be allowed Sword God skills become very powerful, but can also play some offensive effects.

Four hundred and ninety red leaves formed a net and quickly flew towards Li Guisan's parasitic beast.

Qin An didn't care about it at all, but stepped up to Li Guisan again and fought with him.

After Qin An took another shot, three figures flew over. They were the host of the Flame Sword God Liu Xia, the host of the Phantom Sword God Lan Yue, and the host of the Blood Sword God Hong Luan.

In fact, they had already rushed here when Qin An shot, but the speed was too slow compared to Qin An. Qin An had already cut off one of Li Guisan's arms. The three talents just arrived, but they just caught up to the tenth level. The mutant beast appeared.

As the host of the blood master sword god, Hongluan’s host combat ability is the strongest among the three. She quickly imposes a blood frenzied state on Lan Yue and Liu Xia's two daughters, so that their physical strength will be permanently increased. Following Qin An's red leaves, he rushed towards the tenth-level mutant beast.

At this time, the nearby Wranglers also moved. Some of the stronger ones and the Lan Yue trio went to besiege the tenth-level mutant beasts, and the others met the Chu Xianghua sister and brother who ran over.

When the melee broke out again, Qin An and Li Guisan had fought fiercely for more than a dozen rounds.

Li Guisan's eyes were blood-red, and his thin body exuded his strongest fighting spirit.

At this time, Li Guisan knew very well that the reason why his Sword God's bone was destroyed must be related to Qin An in front of him.

He must go all out, otherwise today's battle might really become his fall.

This is really an accident. Li Guisan Jianxiu has rarely done anything with others for so many years. Every time he does it, he kills the enemy in seconds, but now he is almost killed by a hairy boy. This makes him feel embarrassed.

His speed is extremely fast, and Qin An possesses the Phantom Body Technique, so the speed is naturally not slower than him.

Now Qin An has the spirit of the sword and the divine sword, his offensive ability has increased a lot, and the battle is even more powerful.

The two trembled for dozens of rounds again, and Li Guisan was beaten back steadily, and there was no chance to fight back.

Finally, Li Guisan had fear in his heart and wanted to escape. How could Qin An let him succeed, catching up and continue to fight Liu Guisan with all his strength, unable to escape, but can only continue desperately

Li Guisan's parasitic beast was originally a spider, and this guy was naturally strong as a real tenth-level mutant beast.

Unfortunately, his luck was very bad. As soon as he appeared, he was hit by the red leaves shot by Qin An dozens of times. Although he didn't suffer too much damage, he still bleeds all over his body. The sword spirit blended into the wound enough to make him The mutation ability has declined.

At this time, he was besieged by three strong masters of the sword **** body and nearly a hundred mutant masters.

Chu Xianghua's sister and brother were also caught in a hard fight. There were also nearly a hundred mutants besieging their sister and brother. Both of them are still ordinary mutants. Although the mutant level is higher, they also possess the spirit of sword spirit and the bones of sword god. , But there are too many people around, and they are basically level five mutations, which is definitely not easy to deal with

The victory or defeat of the battle has basically been determined, and the three of Li Guisan and his apprentice are about to fall.

This is indeed an accident

No one could have expected Qin An's ability to suddenly become so much stronger.

No one thought that this is the temporary gathering place for the Wranglers

During the fight between Qin An and Li Guisan, the bodies of the two moved into the circle of group battles. Qin An watched and listened to all directions, and saw that the tenth-level mutant beast was less than ten meters away from him. The power of the fist was turned on, gathered on the Three Fire Yingyue Wentian Sword, and then struck Huashan and jumped up and slashed towards the monster’s head.

A bright light rises instantly, like a rainbow falling

At the next moment, all the people around who were working on it all took two steps back, completely stunned.

This monster with super defensive power and capable of spraying out a poisonous silk screen was cut in half by that shocking sword and died.

ps, the recent chapters may be a bit too fancy, this is definitely not the original intention of the panda, but now the sword **** has too much abilities and is a little messy, so panda wants to deal with them in some ways to make it easier for everyone to read. So this is just a transition.

No matter how much he writes, this is still an apocalyptic story. In order not to deviate from the main body of the apocalypse, Qin An also thought about many pits.

In short, this book is not in the fantasy category, Panda will try hard not to forget its original intention.

Let’s talk about something. Panda hopes to get more fans’ support, so I plan to build a fan group. If I have anything to do, I can chat in the group. If I have something, you can help me register an account on Zongzhong Chinese website. It is a free recommendation ticket, and the collection is a support.

It would be better if there is a reward haha

Then panda black and white group qq group: 281474502

Panda Personal WeChat: pty911pty.

The reason why Panda announced these accounts is just to get more attention and support.

The so-called support includes encouragement, communication, and company.

So wechat pandas with pandas will not take the initiative to ask for red envelopes, don’t worry

Hahahahaha~www.NovelMTL.com~ book friends have added it

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