Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1948: Super Dragon Set Qi Hao! ! !

Qin An felt that since Er Fat had expressed his opinion, he should also say something, so he looked at Ji Shang and said:

"The fighting between the two armies is their master. We have no hatred. So although many of my people were killed by you, I don’t hate you. Now Cao Cao is not by your side. The only person who can save you is me. With me, you will no longer be a slave. In our Northern Han Dynasty, everyone can live as freely as a goshawk in the sky. It's as simple as that, you consider yourself."

Free as a goshawk in the sky?

Ji Shang was slightly stunned, what Qin An said was not meaningful, but it was very difficult to understand.

They all fought so fiercely, and so many people died from each other, can they turn their fighting into jade?

While Ji Shang was stunned, another of his brothers was killed by a corpse wolf.

"You may think very well. Since so many people have died, it's a big deal that everyone will die, accompanied by your dead brothers. It's a pity that as a leader, your thoughts are irresponsible. These brothers and sisters who are still alive, are they also slaves for life? Have you ever thought that these people are also born from their parents, they should have a partner of their own, and then give birth to offspring like you to continue their lives , If you lose their last chance to be a parent because of your uncompromising, isn’t this sad?"

When Qin An said these words, he didn't think too much, but it stimulated Ji Shang. He was an **** and could no longer inherit his offspring.

Because of the stimulation, Ji Shang's emotions became very complicated, and he thought of a lot in an instant.

"Brother, I want to have a child, do you think I can have one in this life?"

"The daughter I used to live with was a little girl. I love her little feet, but she was later betrothed to a son who was really ugly, but he was a scholar."

"I haven't thought about it too much. I just want to kneel when I don’t need to see people in the future, and kowtow when I see people. So Ji Shang, let me go to war with you. If I have a little chance, I don’t want to die, but if I die, I can Free then I don’t want to be alive."

The words of the brothers once said to Ji Shang slowly appeared in their ears, Ji Shang wept, and slowly knelt on the ground, facing Qin An.

"Master Saint Son, I surrender to you, please save us!"

Qin An quickly woke up seeing Ji Shanglihua's appearance with rain.

Perhaps what he said was a bit too much, this Ji Shang is an eunuch.

It can be considered to be a straight face, Qin An didn't think too much, and jumped off the trunk, Zhen E sword blood master golden hammer was already in his hand.

The corpse wolf had thick skin and thick skin, but it was still difficult to resist Zhen Ejian and the Blood Lord Golden Hammer. Qin An's movements were very erratic. He shuttled between the wolves and knocked out their three-generation clones in a few rounds.

"Boy, protect them."

"Good grandma!"

The little fat man put the small bones on the trunk, then flew off and took his sledge hammer to push everyone together.

"No need to do it, no need to do it, watch my grandpa kill these guys."


Everyone didn't understand what Little Fatty called the young saint son in front of them, and didn't even bother to consider these, because they had seen the strength of this saint son.

It was terrible, his speed surpassed ordinary people, and his strength was exaggerated and difficult to master.

A three demon wolf pounced on it, and the holy child's sledgehammer wheel moved and hit it. The demon wolf flew away, hit a tree and smashed the tree, and then the flying will go out and fall to the ground, the body has collapsed. In a pool, everything from the brain to the internal organs was shattered by vibration, and it died.

Ji Shang and the others did not know that the third generation of this corpse wolf is already the last generation of split. Only after decades of growing into a mature body can it continue to split. The self-repair ability of the third generation of corpse wolf is not so good. Although the outer skin is still full of resilience, as long as the powerful force destroys its internal organs and skull structure, it will lose its life and cannot survive.

Faced with too many wolves, Qin An may not be too busy, but just ten mature wolves are not too difficult for him to deal with.

Almost ten minutes after Qin An shot, half of the pack of wolves had been killed, and the remaining half seemed unwilling to fight. The wolves in a few hands had already begun to evacuate, and the strong ones launched a fierce attack on Qin An.

This is their wisdom. The horror of this group of guys is here. Once they find that they can't beat them, they will never die, but go back to the vicinity to find rescuers.

Qin An didn't want to let any wolves go, otherwise it would be an endless chase, and the number of wolves would only increase.

"Er Fatty, don't let the wolves run away!"

After listening to his grandfather's instructions, the little fat man acted immediately and went to Qin An to take over for Qin An to deal with the strong ones. Qin An was faster, so he went after the ones who wanted to escape.

In this way, the two also cooperated very tacitly, and finally killed all the corpse wolves in a few minutes.

Ji Shang's group was finally completely stupid.

They felt that the man in front of him had no limits. Originally thought he was very strong, but after a while, his senses were completely changed, because people discovered that this man was actually stronger than imagined. After all the dust settled, people realized that Qin An killed many demon wolves without even a little blood on his body, which was enough to prove that he had not used his full strength.

Qin An is really useless. He just changed his clothes. Although he is not a cleanliness person, if he can keep his clothes clean, Qin An doesn't want to waste it.

"Okay, Ji Shang, I respect you as a hero. Since you have taken refuge in me, please focus on the experiment of surrendering to you. Individually, you are already free, and you will never be a slave again. Collectively, you are already Soldiers of the Northern Han Dynasty, as long as you stand on this position, then you are free."

Although Qin An felt that people like Ji Shang should not have the crooked heads, and even tricked himself into surrendering, sometimes they had to guard against it.

At this moment, Er Pang was happy, and the small bone was still placed on the tree by him, and he jumped directly onto the trunk to take her down.

The trunk of the big tree is almost four meters above the ground. Er Pang Fei stepped on a nearby tree and jumped up with the help of it. It was really amazing.

He was very angry when the small bones were up and down like an object, but he also admired Er Fat's skill.

She felt a little in awe of Qin An's little bones. She could only see Qin An's every move more clearly when she stood on the tree. The killing force was so powerful that she couldn't help being in awe.

Ji Shang was really a character, with tears still hanging on his face, but now he was calm.

He watched Qin An slightly clasped his fists and bent over and said, "As the Son of God said, the two countries are at war, and the sergeant has no hatred. Now that you have become our life-saver, we will write down this favor. A previous battle. Just let him go. Ji Shang is a waste person. I only hope that my brother can follow the holy son to see the sun again in the future. He does not want to be a master, but he just wants to stop being a slave."

Qin An smiled silently and did not give Ji Shang any promise. If he had a chance to go to the North Han Dynasty in the future, he would naturally feel the social atmosphere of the North Han Dynasty, so he didn't need to make extra explanations at this time.

At this time, the black armored chariot finally returned. When entering the forest, it was like a light arrow. There was a road to walk, and the five roads directly hit the tree. When they came to Qin An, Ji Shang and the others were shocked. They all raised their weapons. , I thought it was a monster.

Qin An didn't explain, and put away the black armor in front of them.

The result is naturally very simple, another exclaim.

Qin An has become accustomed to the fright of the people who eat melons, knowing that the explanation is useless, and they will get used to it after reading more.

Now there is nothing to do. The soldiers and horses who came out have suffered heavy losses this time. Qin An intends to go back to Peiping County City first, and concentrate his troops on the mountain pavilion to solve it completely, and stabilize the position against the corpse wolf.


On the pavilion, the battle between Zhang Liao and Ai Le was shocking. Because the center was disrupted, the defense of the pavilion became messed up. Li Guangping personally led people to rush out of a hundred miles north, winning seven cities and eleven villages. Pao Shan Pavilion has lost most of its defenses.

However, Zhang Liao and Ai Le disappeared. Li Xiangnan was the first to rush to the top of the mountain after Li Guangping led the attack to the pavilion. There was a mess, but the trail of Ai Le was gone, and he was immediately anxious.

Li Guangping can only let people look around, and Li Xiangnan goes to search for him non-stop, afraid that his husband will be dead.

Thirty kilometers away from the pavilion, there is a large mountain with a cliff named Heiyanya.

Heiyanya is suspended at a height of 100 meters, and there is a big river below it. The width of the river is 25 meters and the narrow part is almost 10 meters. The water depth is about 6 meters on average.

Zhang Liao fought with Ai Le all night. In the end Ai Le killed all the guards around Zhang Liao, but he was also seriously injured. However, Zhang Liao couldn't beat Ai Le in time, so he could only escape with his concubine Li Shuanghua, and he was on the edge of Heiyan Cliff. It was a battle, and the three of them fell off the cliff one after another.

I don't know how long it took before Ai finally woke up, just listening to someone talking.

"These people are seriously injured, their internal organs are all injured, and they are seriously injured!"

who is it?

Ai Le tried to open his eyes, the surrounding light was very dark, and Ai Le vaguely saw three people beside him.

"Hey, let's go back, it's probably Qi Ling! If it is true, then we will be dead!"

The sight became clearer and clearer, Ai realized that they were two men and one woman. The women were extremely beautiful. The two men were also very handsome, but one of them looked indifferent and the other was very nervous.

After the nervous man's voice fell, the indifferent man smiled:

"Lu Kai, do you think we can still go? This cave is no longer the cave we chased in. Maybe this is an illusion."

Cave, are you in the cave? Aile wanted to talk, but couldn't open his mouth.

"There is no spiritual resentment on these three people. Let's save them first and say, where are you two men so much nonsense."

The beautiful woman spoke very arrogantly, mocking both men, and then broke off and gave Ai to continue to check her body.

From the corner of Aile's eyes, he looked around, and saw Zhang Liao and his concubine lying there with scars, much more serious than his own.

"Qin Yue, Qi Hao, look, he is awake!"

Lu Kai noticed that Ai Le opened his eyes and hurriedly shouted.

Ai Le figured out the lives of these three people, calmly the man was named Qi Hao, the beautiful woman was named Qin Yue, and the other baffled was named Lu Kai.


Looking at their attire and speaking, they should be modern people. Then the modern people who have traveled through the world of fiction belong to only two camps, Qin An or the emperor, who are these two people?

It was too weak, Ai closed his eyes again, and listened to the three people around him starting to study treatment plans. They seemed to be doctors.

Aile just closed his eyes and kept listening. After getting to know the three of them, he was a little shocked. They were not from the world of fiction! It came from another unknown interface space, but they didn't know it yet.

In that world, there are so-called spiritual doctors, as well as many spirits and ghosts. The so-called spiritual doctors are doctors who treat people with evil spirits.

And these three spiritual doctors seem to have not yet been given a teacher. They are all young doctors in the medical school. During the internship, they encountered a patient and ran away after the spiritual grievance drove him away. The three chased all the way into a cave. The cave landscape changed rapidly. They walked for several hours, but they couldn't find the exit or the spirit grievance. Only then did they meet themselves.

After the encounter, the cave became clearer and the maze disappeared. They walked to the entrance of the cave and found that a large river was connected outside, and they felt that they had entered an illusion.

Ai Le was speechless, and he didn't expect to encounter three time-travelers.

"Xiaoling causes illness and damages his mind,

The great spirit killed the catastrophe.

Evil spirits are often chaotic when they enter the body,

The evil spirit possessed soaring ghosts.

Demon spirits can be human forms,

Reincarnation vines of ancient spirits.

Qi Ling is beyond nine appearances,

The demons choke the common people.

Tianling is a legend,

There is no one to fight for the ten gods

I have already memorized this ten-rank spirit method, and among them, the sixth-rank strange spirit is the most weird. It has surpassed the description of the first nine-rank spirit method. Some of the powerful ones even reach the ninth-rank realm. I really want to encounter it. It's not a strange spirit, but it is capable of making such a powerful illusion. It is really possible that it is a strange spirit. I know several Qi Ling that can open the illusion. "

Lu Kai really had some ink stains, repeatedly talking about how to be afraid.

Qin Yue was obviously a little tired of Lu Kai like this, so she ignored him and only treated Zhang Liao and his concubine. It was obvious that their injuries were more serious.

Ai Le's injury is slowly recovering. After Qi Hao checked him, he was a little surprised. He didn't know how the person who was about to die was breathing smoothly, and his internal organs seemed to be recovering.

Aile was indeed recovering his strength and was finally able to speak.

"Are you time-travelers? Were you brought here by the so-called Sixth Stage strange spirit?"

"Time traveler?"

Qin Yue frowned slightly, Lu Kai was stunned, while Qi Hao opened his eyes wide.

(Qi Hao, the protagonist of the new panda book "The Good Doctor", has just crossed from his main world to Qin Yue’s world for half a year. During a process of exorcism, he was brought into the historical era of the Three Kingdoms world by the Six-Rank Qi Ling to make a cameo appearance for himself. Please pay attention.)

Of course the most shocked of the three is Qi Hao. He has just crossed from his main world to the new world for half a year. Is it now that he has crossed again? what the hell?

Qi Hao was originally just a hygienist at the Qinghe Village Clinic, and he didn't know what was going on. He woke up in a different world full of spiritual doctors.

This world is actually not very different from the main world in which he lives. The only difference is the spiritual medicine.

After crossing, Qi Hao worked as a student in the Ling Hospital. Qin Yue and Lu Kai are his classmates, and they are also his good friends.

Lu Kai had been pursuing Qin Yue for two years, and Qin Yue hadn't agreed before. Just a few days ago, she had to be moved by Lu Kai to agree to him, but she accidentally learned Qi Hao's secret.

It turned out that Qi Hao was not a person in her world, but a translator.

The discount made Qin Yue find it incredible. Although there are all sorts of weird things in the world of spiritual medicine, the traversers still can't see them. I really don't know if Qi Hao is lying.

In this way, Qin Yue became interested in Qi Hao. The more he understood, the more interesting this man became.

He gives people the feeling that he is that kind of very simple peasant, but after contact, he will find a little ruffian, and he is often very intelligent and very emotional when doing things.

Qi Hao and Lu Kai are both handsome men. Qin Yue and Lu Kai are more familiar with each other and should have been more emotional.

However, after comparing Qi Hao and Lu Kai, Qin Yue discovered that Lu Kai’s inside was actually just Lu Kai, and Qi Hao's inside was another very interesting soul that was different from the outside.

Because of this discovery Qin Yue hesitated, is she really going to be with a man like Lu Kai?

In fact, it's pretty good. He is just as good as he is, and with a simple mind, he should be a good husband.

But Qin Yue feels that she is more willing to talk to Qi Hao, who is inferior from the outside, to feel the interesting soul in his body. Sometimes a cold joke that Qi Hao makes will make Qin Yue remember for several days, and then secretly Smile.

"I am a steamed bun, I was hungry one day, so I ate myself."

This joke is definitely cold enough. It was made by Qi Hao at the dinner table when his classmates had dinner a month ago. At that time, everyone didn’t find it funny. Only Qin Yue would still find it funny to this day and would laugh secretly. Why? What will happen?

The relationship between the three is like this, it seems clear, Lu Kai is chasing Qin Yue, Qin Yue hesitates, Qi Hao is just a light bulb.

The three of them often stayed together. Lu Kai didn't think Qi Hao was a threat. Qin Yue didn't think she loved the number seven. Qi Hao felt like an electric light bulb.

So on such a sunny afternoon, they chased after a cave and met Ai Le. Then Ai Le said that they are time-travelers and this is the world of the Three Kingdoms!

The three were confused, but Qi Hao was really blinded.

I have not read less about traveling through novels. People are going through the chaos once, so do I have to do it twice? Nyima's heartbreak!

At this moment, a **** wind suddenly blew in the cave, making everyone tremble.

"Ling Yu! It's Ling Yu coming!"

Lu Kai screamed again.

Aile recovered more at this time. He tried to stand up and looked into the depths of the cave, only to see that there seemed to be a huge figure slowly walking out of the darkness.

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