Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1946: Frustrated

Dongfang Tianji didn't know when it had already raised a white belly.

Qin An took a nap, and when he woke up, he saw Erpang lying flat on the ground asleep. The child was injured several times last night and was poisoned, making him very weak.

The task of preventing the corpse wolves from chasing was completed, but after Qin An and Er Pang shot away the corpse wolves, they did not find Xianna's team.

The more eastward corpse wolves, the more corpse wolves, there are pairs, and there are lone wolves walking.

After Qin An thought about it, it became clear that perhaps the emperor was a corpse wolf transported from the Bohai Sea Belt, and his purpose was still his own, and Wei Jun was just affected. If that's the case, wouldn't the direction they went in Xianna dangerous?

Thinking of this, Qin An didn't have the mind to continue to rest, even though he had been fighting for several days and was already very tired. But Qin An is still ready to set off immediately, a few minutes' sleep is enough.

He walked over and picked up Erpang on his back. Erpang frowned and mumbled but did not wake up. Qin An didn't know what he was saying and didn't care, and walked over against the rising sun.

Along the way, Qin An saw many corpses, most of them humans, and many of them belonged to the North Han army.

Qin An was entangled. It seemed that Xiaanna and the others must have encountered many corpse wolves in total, and there were no corpse wolves here but footprints, indicating that the corpse wolves should have been chasing Xianna.

Qin An became more worried and speeded up his pace to search around. This time, he walked more than 50 kilometers. The direction was not to the northeast, but to the southeast. This showed that Xiaanna could not go northeast, but was driven by a corpse wolf. Know if you are in distress.

Qin An was a little self-blaming. He had known that he shouldn't have stayed behind last night, and followed Xia Na.

But there is nothing to say about this kind of thing, who knows there are so many corpse wolves?

This kind of thing is really difficult to deal with. For Qin An, their strongest ability is full-body split reproduction. After a mature wolf is killed, the body can instantly split into 2 to 6 offspring, and these offspring will return after being killed. It can continue to split once, so it is too difficult to kill them. A wolf can become a pack of little wolves in an instant.

When the sun hung high above the eastern horizon, Er Fat finally woke up, still looking weak.

"Grandpa, why don't you drive?"

"Black Armor was sent to another direction by me. I'm afraid I won't find Xianna. You kid, my name changes every day."

"Hey, I don't have much strength."

"Well, grandpa is carrying you. Let's go back after finding Xianna, and then specify a plan to eliminate the corpse wolf. I think Cao Jun is also suffering from it. This is actually also an opportunity to let Cao Cao understand who is the real terrible enemy. ."

"Is it possible for us to cooperate with Cao Cao?"

"It's unlikely, I can't be a newcomer to Cao Cao."


"Many of the family members who arrested Cao Cao last year are now raised in the royal capital. He had contacted Cao Cao several times before, but he had never mentioned it. This is a very deep man in the city. It is the same as in historical legends. It is a traitor. He only has himself in his heart. He can abandon all other things for the benefit of his family and beliefs, or his beliefs are just himself. Such a person is very dangerous and I don't like it."

Qin An and Er Pang just chatted and found their way. Occasionally a few survivors were drunk, and occasionally they killed a few corpse wolves. During the fight with the corpse wolves, the survivors who had been rescued died again, and they continued to the southeast. Go, finally reached the beach.

At this time, the sun was already in the sky, and Er Fat was a mutant after all. After lying on Qin An for a whole morning, his body's strength recovered a lot, and he was able to walk down by himself, and his strength recovered after a while.

"Grandpa, corpse wolf!"

Er Pang suddenly yelled, and Qin An was looking toward the sea. He seemed to see a few small boats drifting on the sea, because they were far away, so he couldn't see clearly.

Hearing Er Fat's shout, Qin An looked sideways, and a group of corpse wolves rushed towards him. There were almost thousands of them!

This is too much. Qin An estimates that once he and Er Fat fall into the wolf pack, they will die in nine deaths.

What should we do now?

Qin An had little use to think, and after pulling Er Fat, he went into the sea.

His swimming level is very good, and it’s okay to swim in the sea for a few days and nights without going ashore.

Er Fat is also good at swimming, but he hasn't fully recovered yet, so Qin An pulled him.

After the two entered the sea, the pack of corpse wolves did not catch up. Qin An often exhaled. It seemed that these guys were afraid of water.

Swim all the way forward in this way. It took Qin An almost two hours to swim near the small boats. There were a total of six boats, and there were almost 20 people on board.

Qin An glanced at it and felt surprise in his heart, as well as sadness.

Xiaanna was indeed here, but she was tied up, her clothes were a bit torn, and a pair of slender, white thighs were exposed, with a few scratches on them, which should have been injured by a corpse wolf. An arm was exposed on her upper body, a white and deep gully appeared on her chest, and there was a blood stain on her left face. The flesh on it had been turned over, and it should have been scratched by the claws of the corpse wolf.

Hey, it seems that Xiaanna's experience is very specious when she parted yesterday, but Qin An didn't know the people on the boats. This shows that the 1,000 or so soldiers who went with her are no longer auspicious.

"Hey! Who are you?"

A group of guys on the boat looked very unfriendly, and Qin An had a very bad impression of them, because they tied Xianna, and the men on Xianna's boat would look at them with wretched eyes. Xana's big white legs.

These legs are really white. They may have never seen the sun before. Now they appear to be seen by strange men. This is nothing for modern people, but it is also a big deal for ancient women like Xianna.

Women are the eleven magical creatures for men.

Qin An remembered a history of his youth.

When he was in high school, he actually had a fragrant experience.

That was the lady proprietor of the pharmacy in front of the school. She was twenty-five and sixteen years old. She was only 1.6 meters tall. She was not very good in figure and had a slight belly.

At that time, Qin An was still very simple. Seeing that the boss was immediately classified as an old lady in Nian, he just called her aunt when she opened her mouth.

"Ah, you, you buy medicine when you buy medicine. What is your name? Look at you, a big man, a head taller than me."

Qin An, who was in high school, was about 1.78 meters tall, indeed taller than the boss lady. Under her guidance, Qin An called her sister, and the two people have become familiar with each other ever since.

Qin An had a hard time in high school. Li Na met some little ruffians in the society at that time, and she often brought Qin An to the school for trouble.

Qin An once had a fight with a few punks and got hurt all over his body. After school, he went to the drugstore to buy safflower oil to wipe his wounds.

The lady boss turned pale when she saw that she bluffed:

"How did this happen? Who beat you like this? Now this school is really messy! What a mess!"

The lady boss took Qin An to the back rest room while she was talking, and personally wiped him with safflower oil.

Qin An was embarrassed and shy at the time. He had never seen a woman so close.

In fact, the proprietress is not pretty, she has some traces of pimples on her face, and her face is reddish, much like a woman who has experienced wind and sun in the countryside.

So before that, Qin An had never thought that the proprietress was a woman, only regarded her as an aunt.

It was just that time when the two people were sticky in the small black room, Qin An was very uncomfortable, very scared, and very excited under the hook of the boss.

The proprietress finally took off her clothes. That was the first time Qin An saw a woman naked. He was stunned. Then, feeling deep in fear, she finally put on her clothes and ran away without doing anything.

Since then, this experience has become an important part of Qin An's youth. After entering the army and getting acquainted with his comrades, he occasionally mentioned this matter and expressed his views.

"Really, the woman's whiteness and face are not the same color, she looks smooth and soft. I really regret it. Why did she run away at the time?"

This description is unconsciously stimulating to a group of soldiers who have never touched a woman.

At this moment, an older veteran came over and said:

"It's rare and weird. Which woman's body is not white and soft and smooth?"

It was this sentence that ridiculed all the young lads. At that time, they just felt embarrassed. When Qin An experienced more later, and occasionally thought of the words of the veteran, he would feel that it was the truth.

No matter how beautiful or ugly a woman is, as long as she takes off her clothes, her body really looks the same in her eyes. It's all white and clean, and her skin is delicate. Unlike the rough masters, this is originally the only difference between male and female human beings.

Little boys often don’t understand. A woman is the same as a man. Everyone is human. Everyone lives together. Apart from the different organs that represent gender, what else can be different? Only after growing up and experiencing a woman will you understand that men and women are really different and cannot be a kind of creature at all.

Suddenly remembering this, Qin An's mouth showed a smile.

He didn't answer the question from the people on the boat, and swam to the side of the boat where Xia Na was, grabbing Chubby's hand and putting him on board.

The people on the boat saw that Qin An was going to board the boat hard and hurriedly wanted to organize. After the upload, Er Fatty moved quickly, kicking everyone down with a few feet, and then said to the people on the other boat: "Why do you want to tie Xianna? Are you looking for death?"

In fact, this group of people were originally fishermen by the sea. They entered the sea in order to avoid corpse wolves. Xiaanna also entered the sea for this reason, but she couldn't swim, so she almost drowned.

After the fishermen rescued Xiaanna, they found that her clothes were disheveled and her white flesh was exposed, and she immediately became malicious.

But at this time there were storms on the sea, and the boats at this time were not too big. In order to control the stability of the boat on the sea, no one could do anything to Xana at this time.

At noon, after the calm and calm waves, Qin An also came early, which saved Xia Na from suffering a tragic fate.

If Qin An hadn't come, then on this boat, it is estimated that Xiana had already been **** by these wild fishermen.

Although these fishermen were subjected to some hardships from the Han culture, they were far away from the imperial court and lived in the same way as savages. Of course, they did not understand the way of a man's gentleman.

Qin An didn't know these things, but just looking at the expressions of the people on the boat towards Xia Na, he knew that they should be unkind, so there was no need to be polite to them.

After clearing the people on the boat, Qin An asked Erpang to control the boat to the shore. It was impossible to keep floating on the sea. Since he had a boat, he could walk on the seashore. Qin An planned to change a place to land and return to Beiping City, Weijing.

When Er Pang went to work, Qin An carried Xia Na into the cabin and took out some things to help her clean up her wounds.

The injury on the leg was nothing, but the injury on the face was really tangled. The wound was a bit divine. Qi Hao estimated that even if he got better in the future, a scar would shed on his face. Xiaanna was originally not a beauty, and having this scar wouldn't make her an ugly girl, but it was not good anyway. Qin An didn't know whether Xiaanna could accept such a blow.

In fact, it's nothing. If Gu could return to the world of novels, it would not be difficult for Qin An to find medicines that could repair the collective so that Xia Na's wounds would recover.

After handling the injury, Qin An went to untie Xana's rope.

It didn't matter if Xianna was untied, the broken clothes on Xianna's body fell off directly to her belly, which completely exposed Xianna's upper body.

Qin An was immediately stunned when she looked at it. She didn't expect Xiana's figure to be so good. The most important thing is that she has a pair of chests that look good in shape!

"You...Qin An...Ah!"

There will always be some coincidences. When Qin An was in a daze with Xiaanna's chest, Xiaanna woke up and found her situation, so she exclaimed.

Qin An hurriedly took out the clothes from the space ring and put them on Xia Na, and then explained what happened.

No matter how clear Qin An described the incident, Xiana, as an ancient woman, still could not accept the fact that she faced a man naked.

Although ethnic minorities are sturdy, women don’t usually wear much clothes, but not much and naked are two concepts.

After being ashamed for a while, the weak Xiana fainted again, her clothes were not properly dressed, her arms opened again when she fell on the boat, and a pair of rabbits broke out again.

Qin An was helpless, but could only help Xiaanna up and get him dressed.

After looking at her big white legs, Qin An, helpless, took out her pants and changed her. When doing these things, she would inevitably touch Xia Na’s body, saying that she didn’t care that it was fake, and Qin An couldn’t. Completely doing Liu Xiahui, at least the hand was accidentally scratched on Dazhina's thigh...Well, it's slippery!

When the night arrived, Qin An, Xia Na, and the two fat men's boat had gone far north. Qin An went out to check, and Er fat said, "Grandpa, do we want to dock?"

"Go to the shore. It shouldn't be far from here to Peiping County. As long as you reach the defense zone of Peiping County, those monsters won't be able to do what about us. I think the three-city line defense mechanism of Peiping County should be already Established, we can’t let those corpse wolves really become a climate. It’s also helpless that we were not prepared to be attacked by them before."

"Master, don't think too much about it. Victory or defeat is a common matter for soldiers. Although we have suffered heavy losses this time, we have also wiped out a lot of Cao Jun. This was originally the purpose of our march."

Qin An heard that Er Fat was comforting himself, and was very depressed. This little boy actually comforted the old man in turn. Is it really that bad for him?

This can’t really be blamed on Erpang. The key point is that Qin An’s appearance is in his early twenties. Erpang verbally calls him his grandfather but has no attitude in his heart. He treats Qin An as a peer older than himself. He comforted him aloud and found an unclear reason.

And Qin An had taken this reason to comfort him a long time ago, but he didn't expect Er Fat to say again that the comfort effect was gone.

The two grandpa and grandson talked to the shore in this way, and it took a long time for Qin An to figure out the direction. It was about 40 kilometers away from the town of Beiping County. The black armored chariot and Qin An had a spiritual connection, and they ran there. More than a hundred kilometers away, many corpse wolves were encountered along the way.

Qin An tried to recall it, since he found Xianna, there was no need for it to leave him so far away.

"Grandpa, look over there!"

Qin An had just left the biography with Xiaanna, who was still drowsy, and Er Fat, who ran out to look around, returned, showing Qin An with his fingers far away.

Qin An looked around and saw a small village almost a thousand meters away from the sea. At this time, there were a few corpse wolves nearby.

"Well, it can be seen everywhere. Now the north is more chaotic. Let's find a slightly hidden place and wait for a while. After the black armor comes back, we will return directly to Beiping County."

After walking along the coastline on the beach for a while, a forest appeared in front of him. During this period, the height of the tree reached more than 20 meters, and the stout one could not hug it alone.

After the three of them entered the woods, they climbed up on a tree to rest and wait. After a while Xianna woke up again.

"my face......"

When Xiaanna was injured, she saw herself in the reflection of the sea. She originally thought that she was not strong enough, but now that her face is injured, she is even more sad.

"Don't worry, I can heal your face when Jingzhou is broken. It's just a scar. There is an old saying in our hometown. You are a smart person, and these external things should not go back. Do you care?"

"Of course I don't mind, but what about you? As far as I know, the women around you are beautiful and dignified. Isn't it because I'm not beautiful enough that you always refuse to accept me?"

"Hey, Xia Na, of course not. You see, there are many other beautiful women around me. How can I be confused with other people? I have only experienced too many emotions, and I am ashamed of too many lovers. , So I can't let go of any relationship, any woman anymore."

What Qin An is telling is the truth, if he has any information, he will engage in affairs between men and women.

In the face of Xia Na Qin'an, she didn't dare to say too much, she was miserable enough, and all the people she carried were dead and disfigured. Qin An really didn't dare to say too much for fear of hurting her.

Qin An secretly remembered in his heart that he was going to make a big break in Jingzhou, with grievances and grievances.

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