Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1941: Liaodong War

It has been almost ten months since Qin An came to the Three Kingdoms World, and every child has given birth.

This journey is a real journey, leaving the world of the novel where he is, and becoming an ordinary person in another world, no longer the protagonist, without the protagonist's halo.

In fact, life is full of dramas, but it is separated from the artistic processing of novels. These dramas may not be so exciting, not so bizarre, and even some dramas are only seen in Qin An’s eyes. He does not force each of the protagonists like one thing. Participate in everything because he is no longer the protagonist.

Therefore, life in the Three Kingdoms was not as exciting as thought. Although there were a few heroes and heroes Qin An met, most of them were not the ones who were touted as more powerful in the history of future generations. Among the generals, Pound was still able to live by, and he had a side with Ma Chao. The fate is also just a touch of water.

Even so, when Qin An truly understood the Three Kingdoms and survived in this era, he discovered that there are really heroes here.

A name that has never been heard can also become a truly powerful person, such as Sima Zhen at the beginning, Xia Na next to him, Tan Erlang, General Stove Bench, and the guy in front of him called Xu Shengping.

The reason why Qin An thought he was great was not because of his calmness at this time, but because of his courage to go to the meeting alone.

Although Gongsun Gong was by his side, he basically couldn't do anything, so Xu Shengping went to the meeting alone.

Qin An was not polite, sitting on the chair opposite Xu Shengping, Xiaanna wouldn't say much on such occasions, and followed Qin An.

"Since General Xu heard my name and waited for me specially, you already know the purpose of my visit this time?"

"Guaranteed that the soldiers from the cities and counties around the paoshan pavilion were mobilized ordinarily. I think there is nothing more than one reason. Cao Wei soldiers will have to guard against the coming of a powerful enemy in the north. However, nowadays, they can be called a strong one in the north, except for the Northern Han Dynasty. It! Shengping was also a Hanchen back then, and he was a small official in this Liaodong. It is a shame that the culprits failed to protect the country personally when they disrupted our capital. It was really embarrassing and anxious all day long."

"Oh? Since it's Hanchen, why don't you go to my north and submit?"

"Haha! The Son of Heaven talked and laughed. Everyone knows that the Emperor Cao brought the Son of Heaven to order the princes. Since I didn't go to work for Wei Gong back then, how can I work for the Son of Heaven now?"

"How can I be the same as the Cao thief?"

"What is the difference?"

"My master of the Northern Han Dynasty is Emperor Liu Xie, this time he came with me by himself, and every Hanchen can see him bowing down to the monarchs, and then he is willing to return to the side, but he is not willing to continue to live in one place! As the Marshal of the army of our lord, I only need to regain the land of Han and rebuild the mountains and rivers! From then on, our army advances one meter to the south, and the Great Han rivers and mountains will regain one meter. If my lord advances thousands of miles south, the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are already in one step. It's that simple."

Xu Shengping was stunned. Hearing what Qi Hao said, it was really easy. He touched his mouth for thousands of miles and got it.

This is a bit illusory, but Qin An took the Han emperor’s imperial driver to conquer Xu Shengping. This is a bit surprised by Xu Shengping. This emperor is orthodox in the Han family and has always been in position. The Han family has been unable to do so because of his existence. It is perished. Is he really lucky enough to meet the Han emperor?

Xu Shengping began to meditate, and Qin An was not talking to him, but looked sideways at Gongsun Gong.

At this time Gongsun Gong seemed to be calmer, mainly he saw that Qin An and Xu Shengping were still polite, and Qin An did not look like a vicious person.

The atmosphere was a little dull, Qin An saw Xu Shengping kept silent, so he said to Gongsun respectfully:

"Your Excellency is Hou Gongsun Gong of Yongning Township, right?"

Gongsun Gong didn't expect that Qin An would suddenly talk to him, and he was so scared that he slipped off the chair and fell into a big somersault.

Xiaanna stood behind Qin An and smiled despisingly, secretly saying that this person was really timid as a mouse.

Xu Shengping shook his head when he saw Gongsun Gong's appearance, and he couldn't comment on it.

"It's me, it's me, exactly below."

Gongsun Gong got up from the ground and hurriedly sat down on the chair again. Then he stood up and bends down to Qin An in a rude manner. He looked at Xu Shengping in a daze for a few seconds before sitting back again.

"You don’t need to be nervous in Yongning Township. Today, I was eating in a teahouse. I happened to encounter a kitchen general who led his troops to arrest people indiscriminately. I took action to rectify him. My master will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Those who died, so Yongning Township did not need to be afraid at all."

Gongsun Gong Leng Khan stayed.

How can this not be afraid? Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will die. This is a blatant threat.

Seeing Gongsun Gong being threatened by Qin An, Xu Shengping couldn't stand it anymore, and said:

"Master Tianshengzi, the purpose of your coming this time is not to scare my Patriarch to death, right? Why don't you just say something."

"Haha, can General Xu Shengping call the shots?"

"My lord is here, if you tell me the purpose, I will discuss with the lord, and I can give you an answer on the spot."

"Okay! The Ming man does not do secret things. To put it bluntly, I just want to go to Wei Jing by the way. I believe you know it too. I need a letter from Yongning Township Hou to Cao Cao, telling him that there are enemy soldiers on the northern border. Soldiers and horses from the entire county of Liaodong have been mobilized to guard Liaodong City, and I hope he will send troops to protect it as soon as possible."

Xu Shengping frowned and thought for a while, and gradually understood Qin An's intentions.

The letter to Cao Cao is false, and the mobilization of soldiers and horses is true, and the soldiers and horses mobilized in the Liaodong territory will not be the Liaodong Army. Qin An will take this opportunity to let his troops quietly move from north to south, avoiding Cao Cao’s eyeliner and reaching the edge of Wei territory. . Cao Cao was suspicious by nature, and he might have been suspicious because of Liaodong's movements, but after Gongsun Gong's letter of help was gone, Cao Cao was relieved. After all, Gongsun Gong was afraid of death and timidity. He was able to assemble an army to resist the North, which was a good thing for Cao Cao. If someone from the Northern Han Dynasty came, at least Gongsun Gong would be able to top him, and then Cao Cao would come back to reap the benefits of the fisherman to match his character. Moreover, in order to distinguish the truth of the matter, he will definitely send someone to confirm it again, so as long as there is a delay of a few days, Qin An's troops may be able to drive straight ahead!

Xu Shengping still had some doubts. If he borrowed a word from Qin An this time, it would be tantamount to rebelling against Cao Cao.

Cao Cao is a traitor. If Qin An loses in the future, he will definitely not let Liaodong go.

Cao Cao is such a person. For hegemony, he can forget hatred, but he can also expand hatred, so today's choice really concerns the future of Liaodong.

Xu Shengping looked at Gongsun Gong, and Gongsun Gong waved his hand again and again: "General Xu, Gong is a mediocre person. The general is the confidant general of the eldest brother. Now that the eldest brother has gone, I have inherited the throne, but the generals of Liaodong can do nothing more. , There is no need to discuss with me. I will recruit afterwards."

Hearing what Gongsun Gong said, Xu Shengping was too disappointed, and the four words of anger were not used in his mood at this time.

With a long sigh, Xu Shengping suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, nothing! Shengping Pingyuan was originally the Hanchen. The holy emperor was playing the banner of my Han family. Shengping should support me and help the world. Lord, please write to the emperor of Wei. We will help the holy As for the success and failure of the emperor’s plan, let history comment on it!"

Qin An heard Xu Shengping say this, and a stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. Although it was a little unexpected, it was finally done!

The third day thereafter!

Li Guangbei and his wife Qin Jiaojiao led the army to be stationed in Dawang Mountain.

The army never marched, because the railway behind him has become a battlefield.

The Xianbei forces in eastern Liaoning, western Liaoning, eastern and western regions are fighting fiercely.

Zhang Liao bought western Liaoning and Xianbei in the east, while Li Guangbei sent a special envoy to buy Liaodong and Xianbei in the west.

Zhang Liao wanted to kill someone with a knife, but Li Guangbei used the other way to return the body. The two sides are on par, winning and losing.

Zhang Liaosheng was destroying a section of the railway. Now there is no direct route to transport troops from the north. The train can only run two-thirds of the distance, but the subsequent section of railway is gone.

Li Guangbeisheng was close to the battlefield geographically. He played for more than a day and the number of people was not small. He also recruited many prisoners, making his 50,000 wrongful snowballs reach almost 60,000. This is also normal. You can send troops to the Xianbei tribe at any time when you are close. It is not difficult to win a few battles.

In the Dawangshan battalion commander, Li Guangbei was lying on the armchair with his big calf lying on the chair and relaxing with his eyes closed. Qin Jiaojiao sat at the table beside him while mending clothes, while Li Xiangnan was sitting beside Li Guangbei and massaging his arms. .

Li Xiangnan looks more mature than his mother Qin Jiaojiao. People will think that Li Xiangnan is the older sister and Qin Jiaojiao is the younger sister when they walk together.

The genes of the Qin family are automatically mixed with the gene of ageing. Although the technology of 10,000 years after the end of the world can also enable people to have a long life and not easy to grow old, they are still not as powerful as the natural gene of ageing of the Qin family.

"Dad, Aile and I have been here for a long time, and we haven't had a chance to see our ancestors."

"He is very busy. This ancestor of the Qin family is not easy. Although he is very powerful in the novel world, he is most affected by the plot. His character and most of the things he does are done under the control of the author. Yes, he has no self at all! Now he came to the world of Three Kingdoms to find the author. It is really not easy to train a sergeant to go to Jingzhou for a year! On the contrary, we don’t have the comfort of life like a dragon."

Without opening his eyes, Li Guangbei said something to make Li Xiangnan think.

After a long time, Li Guangbei said again:

"Well, you will see it all the time. The Qin family's blood is spread all over the world because of your second ancestor Qin Busheng. Since we have all come in to help Qin An, we naturally want to help him solve all the problems completely. By the way, your husband is doing it. Well?"

"Of course I was fighting with Ai Xiaomi, and you know, as long as the father and daughter meet, there is no time for them to be silent."

"Hey, Xiaomi’s character is a bit too tricky and weird. You should talk to her more. Whether it’s the old Qin family, our old understanding, or the bloodline of Ai Le, we are all duty-bound, Ai Xiaomi is actually not bad, but this method is sometimes too fierce. When she kills people, the victims may not understand why, it is too fierce!"

The needle in Qin Jiaojiao's hand accidentally punctured her finger, and blood flowed out.

Li Xiangnan hurried over after seeing it.

"Mom, why did you stabbed your hand so carelessly?"

"Well, I'm distracted by what you said, Xiang Nan, Ai Xiaomi is also the boss, everyone who you like?"

"Hey, why haven’t I, there are so few who look pretty good, but men are all flowery, how can they be so dedicated to my dad? Aile is really honest in front of me, but according to me I know that there are so many confidantes in the back. He didn’t tell me that he wanted to marry in, so I just opened one eye and closed another... There are a few guys that he liked very much, but later they all killed them because they were jealous. I said that she still talked back to me, saying why she can be one person with all her heart, why can't she be better than others? I am also very helpless. , I can’t take care of this child! Mom said, did you bother when I was young?"

"No, you are a good boy, you have been sensible since childhood."

Qin Jiaojiao looked charming and picturesque, but she sounded a little old-fashioned in her tone. She was sincere when she praised her daughter because Li Xiangnan was really cute.

After pondering for a while, Qin Jiaojiao said, "It may be that the previous boys don't agree with her. Look for someone to find her favorite."

"Is it useful? It's easy to like it, but because of the volatility of other men, she will kill people. I don't want to commit crimes."

"So I still don't like it enough. A woman who truly falls in love with a man is willing to give everything for him, rather than take everything. The world often says that **** is ruthless, but it's just that the woman didn't meet a lover for life. Choosing a man to marry casually for the sake of the world and to survive, it is easy to betray because he doesn't like it that much. It's nothing."

Li Guangbei finally opened his eyes and got up.

His chubby body looks a little awkward, and only those who have worked with him know his speed.

Walking slowly to the table and poured a glass of water, Li Guangbei gave Qin Jiaojiao with a smile.

"Hey hey, my wife, you have worked so hard. The younger one will pour some water and wait for you to take it."

Li Xiangnan laughed out loud.

No wonder Dad, a man with a very ordinary appearance, can marry the beauty of his mother, and he still has a family in love over the years. Dad is really going to come. When he heard his mother talk about the relationship between men and women, he immediately ran over to show his courtesy. It's strange that mom doesn't love him.

Hey, if Elle had his father half come back, she would be Amitabha.

What a pity, the entanglement between people, especially between men and women, is so unclear.

Aile is a cool guy with a cold temper, and Li Xiangnan just likes this, what can be done?

Qin Jiaojiao watched the fat man come over to please herself, and she was in a good mood. She put aside the work in her hand, and then took a cup of water to drink. After half a full drink, she said to the fat man:

"Okay, now this Liaodong grassland has been in chaos. The ancestor sent a message saying that he was mobilizing troops to rush to Wei Jing. Originally, he wanted to go to the pavilion to increase staff, but after thinking about it, he couldn't decide to come. I have to face the situation all by myself. What do you plan to do?"

The fat man straightened his waist and smiled calmly: "I shouldn't have come originally. The pavilion is a strong place in the Wei state, and the defense is tight. Gongsun Gong's Liaodong area was originally used as a defensive zone for Cao Cao's buffer, but now it has been persuaded by the ancestors to lose it. The effect that Fang encountered, however, Cao Cao could not have no other arrangement there, but it was looser than the pavilion. The ancestors led the army to drive straight in, and the pressure on my side naturally laughed. Zhang Liao will definitely divide his troops to encircle the east. Support, let's take down the pavilion at that time."

"You mean, after the ancestors do it, we are doing it?"

"Huh, my dear, what do you think? Naturally, we should do it first and bite Zhang Liao to let him know how good we are!"

"Oh, now that you think about it, when do you plan to move?"

"You woman, you don't go out every day, you just guard me, don't know anything about the outside, you really convinced you! But because you love me so much, you can't leave me without a step. , I won’t criticize you."

Qin Jiaojiao blushed, and stretched out her hand to pinch Li Guangbei's fat belly.

"Don't talk nonsense, speak up!"

Li Guangbei slowly said:

"Last night I let Aile go out of the city. There are nine cities and twenty cottages in the pavilion, which are staggered back and forth to form a defensive formation! If you attack any other place, you will quickly support it. Even if you don't support these towns, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Regardless of entering the defensive formation, you will be making dumplings! But this is a three-dimensional terrain, not a symbol on paper. As long as it is a formation, there will be shortcomings and loopholes, so I want Aile to find this loophole and destroy it. !"

"What loophole, can you make it clear?"

Li Guangbei looked at Qin Jiaojiao's mother and daughter, and finally turned his attention to his daughter Li Xiangnan.

"This loophole is the pavilion!"


Li Xiangnan was originally an obedient appearance, but now he exploded.

"You fat man, let my husband fight the patrons? That's the enemy's command center, located behind the position. Are you crazy?"

Li Guangbei's face blushed, and he secretly sighed that it was really the water thrown out by his married daughter. He called himself a fat man.

"Xiang Nan, don't worry, for the father's army is ready to trigger, he just tried a way to sneak in, I will attack before him, really hard work! Of course, in the end this battle will be able to Whether to win, it still depends on whether Aile can kill Zhang Liao, and whether the ancestors of the Qin family can drive straight into Yecheng!"

"Okay, I don't want to tell you, give me some people, I'm going to the front!"

Li Xiangnan's eyes widened and he was full of evil spirits.

Li Guangbei shook his head heartbroken again. He felt that his daughter really didn't give face at all. He spoke so softly and kindly. Why did she just think of her husband?

Qin Jiaojiao also got up at this moment.

"You are really unreliable, that's not your own aunt? Let's go, let's start together! Since the enemy is a defensive formation, how can it be so easy to get in? Not to mention Ai Le still Wait for the soldiers? Hurry up, if your uncle is in danger, I can't spare you!"

Li Guangbei's desire to die is gone, but he didn't expect that his old wife would eventually become a traitor!

(Brothers, the panda has been written for three years, and the new book has finally been uploaded simultaneously. Search for "The Good Doctor" on Zongzhong Chinese website, ask for collection of the new book, and monthly pass support! Panda has never been updated for three years, the first one The book controversy continued, but the panda persisted because there are many old and new friends who have been with the panda. The Weicheng book may have many unsatisfactory writings, but the panda must give it a decent ending and will continue to write .I hope that old readers can continue to support Panda, thanks!)

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