Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1938: The wind squinted

Maybe no one believes that, the dignified Qin Anda actually got an oolong and got lost.

"This is Lelang County. The old man has settled here for 60 years and has never heard of Mount Tai as a river or mountain!"

Listening to the words of the old woodcutter, Qin An was really stupid.

After a long time, he patted his head, and then asked the old woodman:

"The prefect here is Sun Kang?"

"Yes or not, the king of Liaodong, Yongning Township was once Gongsun Kang, who died in Goguryeo the year before, and now it is his younger brother Gongsun Gong who inherits the position of Yongning Township."

After listening to these words, Qin An finally determined that he had made a mistake.

The so-called Sun Kang is not a person of this era at all.

He just remembered that there was a powerful Sun Kang in Taishan, and thought he was a figure in the Three Kingdoms period. Because of this wrong perception, Qin An also got the wrong position.

Mount Tai is in Shandong, which is south of Bohai Bend, and the east of Liaoning where he is located is later Liaoning. It is far away from the north of Bohai Bay.

Hey...people have collected news from Liaodong before, but Qin An's initial impression is Sun Kang, so he didn't pay attention to the word difference in this name, and thought it was the officials who made a mistake.

After the old woodcutter left, Qin An looked at Lelang County in front of him with chagrin and disappointment.

This so-called county is actually not big, with a radius of ten miles and a population of less than 10,000. Qin An can see the entire city and county from the mountainside.

The speed of the black-clad sports car is extremely fast. The straight line distance from Xuantu County to Lelang County from north to southeast is almost 400 kilometers. It only took more than an hour to complete the road.

In short, because of various mistakes and oversights, Qin An brought Xia Na to here.

When Xian Xana learned that Qin An had made such a big mistake, she cocked her mouth bitterly.

"Then what should I do now? Go back the same way? Or go to Gongsun Kang? I don't know where you took me."

"I know in Lelang County, hey, since it's already wrong, then just make it wrong. We won't go back for the time being, and take a moment to take you to see things."

"What are you looking at?"

Qin An had already taken a stride down the mountain, and Xiaanna naturally followed closely.

This mountain is not big, even if it is a small dirt bag, if it weren't for the tall tree growing on it, it wouldn't even be a mountain.

After walking forward for a while, a dirt road appeared. It was not spacious and the road conditions were average. Ordinary cars may not be able to drive on it, but the black armored tank has a super powerful shock-absorbing suspension system, although it has been replaced by a space energy magnetic field. It has no way to completely levitate after changes, but it can still run fast in most places when the intermittent levitating ability is turned on.

After the two got in the car, Xiaanna asked again, what exactly he wanted to show her.

"Lelang County should be near Bohai Bay. Do you remember what I promised you when we met last year? Let's talk first. First, I didn't bring you here specially, I just came here by accident. The second is Because I promised you this matter, I will take you over now. There is no special meaning beyond the first time. You are still you, I am still me, we are brothers, comrades in arms, and subordinates, understand?"

Xianna's mouth was raised higher, but there was a smile on her face.

"Are you taking me to see the sea?"

"Well, Bohai, we will go back after a quick look, and go to Gongsun Gong in Daodong Liao County and talk to him about the passing."

As the car rushed forward like this, Xiana put everything aside for now, full of expectation in her heart.

Unexpectedly, when he lost his way, Qin An fulfilled his promise to him. He always listened to them mentioning the sea, and Xianna looked at the truth about what the sea looked like.

As the car circumvented Lelang County to the south, and walked out for almost 20 kilometers, Xiaanna suddenly reached out and grabbed Qin An's arm.

"Qin An! Over there, look over there!"

Qin An raised his eyebrows and looked forward. He saw that the sea and the sky became a line, and the sea was surging, and it was vaguely invisible.

"Yes, that is the sea!"

"Why can we see the sea at such a distance? Why are the sea and the clouds in the sky connected together again?"

"Didn't you tell you that the earth is round? You just don't believe it."

Qin An and Xiaina have been together for a long time, and naturally they told her a lot of scientific knowledge, and Tang Yu did not miss her lessons.

Most of Xia Na can understand and digest, but she doesn't believe in the statement that the earth is round.

How can you live on a big ball? And the ball still rotates, it's impossible.

For this reason, she deliberately did an experiment, got an ant on the ball, and then let the ball roll. The result was obviously that the ant was crushed to death.

Through such experiments, Xianna felt that the earth could not be round.

Qin An also told Xia Na about the universal gravitation and the gravitation between the planets. Xia Na couldn't figure out the situation at all, so Qin An could only give up in the end.

Therefore, Qin An did not intend to explain to Xia Na this time, because the explanation is not clear and the theoretical knowledge is too different.

The black armored chariot continued to accelerate, and finally reached the beach by the sea after ten minutes.

When Xiaanna got out of the car and looked at the endless sea with her feet on the beach, her eyes were already round.

"This... is so big, as magnificent as the grassland!"

Xiaanna found a very apt description.

Qin An walked forward with a smile on his face, and picked up a large conch at the beach. Looking around, he saw all kinds of marine life on the beach.

Maybe it's because there are no people coming back here, or maybe the people of the three countries still don't know how to eat seafood, so the products on this beach are really rich.

There are little crabs, little sea turtles, all kinds of shells, jellyfish and so on.

Qin An was in a good mood, ignoring Xianna, and started walking around on the coast, planning to get something to eat, and then went back to eat seafood hot pot in the barracks.

Xiaanna watched quietly for a while, then suddenly shouted at the sea, if a real girl is like a urchin who has never seen the market.

Qin An was also very happy to see her joyful appearance, and finally fulfilled her promise and took her to see the sea once.

The time at the beach was really fast. Qin An looked at his watch, and it was estimated that half an hour had passed. At this time, the sun was hanging far above the sky, and it was already twelve o'clock.

The sea breeze is a bit cold, but Qin An and Xia Na wear very warm clothes. How can they wear less if they come from the north.

Back to Xiaanna, Qin An put the handful of pearls in her hand.

"Whales can't be seen anymore. I will show you them when I have the opportunity to go to sea. These are sea pearls. Take them back and study them. You can use thread to make bracelets."

"This is the pearl? I've heard of it!"

Xiaanna was holding the pearls with a smile, her eyes twinkling like stars.

"It's really rare, you have heard of this kind of stuff... well, let's go. If you don't die this time, you will have the opportunity to watch the sea in the future. If you like it, move to the sea and no one will care about you. ."

While talking, Qin An turned and left first.

Xiaanna was still looking at the sea, still holding the pearl, and finally shedding tears.

At the beginning, I felt that this sea was majestic and majestic, which made people admire.

But in the end, it finally didn't belong to her.

If you can't belong, why bother to watch it?

Xiaanna suddenly hated Qin An.

Because this sea is the same as Qin An.

After standing for a long time, knowing that Qin An had driven the car to the beach, she returned to the car.


Qin An asked softly.

"No, the wind squinted his eyes."

Qin An wanted to laugh, but finally held back.

It turns out that this allusion may have happened in the Three Kingdoms period, but later generations don't know it, and they still use the wind to prevaricate the embarrassment of crying.

Qin An sighed and felt that he really shouldn't laugh.

What men and women are most afraid of is that one side falls in love with the other, while the other cannot love.

He has always been soft to women, this time he must be hard-hearted, as Tang Yu said, he can no longer let other women around him, because there are too many people in the necrosphere that need him to love.

Stop talking, start the car and turn back. The CD in the car contains a song made by a musician in the post-apocalyptic era called "Love or Not Love".

After two children, Qin An finally arrived at the right place, Liaodong City.

In fact, this is not a city, because it has no walls, and the surrounding buildings are very dilapidated. The Hou Mansion in the city center has a five-meter-high earth wall, and this mansion is also the most magnificent in the city.

Qin An took Xiaanna to a small restaurant a few hundred meters away from the Hou Mansion for dinner.

In this era, there is actually no restaurant in the formal sense. The so-called restaurant is more appropriately called a tea house. The locals make some tea and eat, and passers-by have no choice. If you give your goods to the seller, the seller will bring food, and the buyer has no choice. .

Perhaps the people at that time were simple, Qin An exchanged two ham sausages for a large pot of tea, several pieces of stewed meat, and a generous amount of slimy porridge.

The main reason is that the packaging of the ham sausage is too unique. The store has never seen such a smooth and slippery thing, and thought it was a treasure.

Qin An clearly told him that it was food, a kind of meat, and the boss still didn't seem to believe it. Looking at the expression in his eyes, he might keep this thing as a heirloom.

I don’t know what the sealing quality of ham sausage is.

It is a pity that the time is short. If the heart is far away from modern times long enough, this thing will become a fossil after a long time.

Qin An was crooked in his heart, very funny.

"What will I do later?"

Xiaanna had returned to her normal state and asked Qin An's plan.

"I just sent some information. Gongsunkang is a local warlord, and he is also regarded as a minister of Cao Cao. His prince is rewarded by Cao Cao. After Gongsunkang's death, Gongsun Gong accepted the position of prince. This Gongsun Gong is said to be mediocre, weak and sick Heirless. Because his eldest brother Gongsun Kang’s two children were too young, he inherited the position. Such a person is actually easy to deal with. We only need to sneak into his mansion in the middle of the night, bully and lure, and then let him send the army. Cooperate with us and spend time from his territory, we will be able to go directly to Yuyang County in eastern Liaoning, which is also regarded as the first city in the south of the Wei state. After that, we will go all the way south and plan to arrive at Yecheng within half a month. I am dead!"

Qin An didn't hesitate when he said the last few words.

He had already sat down on mental construction, and he was going to fight Zhuge when he came out this time, and his accumulated cavalry must not be wasted in Wei Jing.

Therefore, he must be fierce and let those Hanchen Hanmin see his own strength to come to take refuge, so that he can grow the team.

Let those who would rather die than surrender to die directly. If Cao Wei can't make Cao Wei tremble, then he will kill him!

Xiaanna nodded and was not talking, her mood was not very beautiful, that was the reason, she saw the sea but knew she would never have it.

The two of them were sitting at the corner wooden table and slowly eating, when suddenly a big man came in and opened his mouth.

"Master, bring me your best wine and meat!"

This person looked a bit fierce. He was two meters tall and his face was like a black pot. One hand was holding two sharp axes, while the other was holding a woman's waist.

If Qin An hadn't seen Zhang Fei, he would have thought that this kid was Zhang Fei.

This person is not dark, but Mai Tai.

I don't know how many years I haven't washed my black cloth gown. Not only have the cuffs torn into flashing edges, but there are bright wear marks on them.

It can only be said that the cloths made in this era are handmade, without too many chemical additives, and the color of the clothes is not soaked. It is a natural product, so the quality is really good. I don’t know how many ordinary clothes are worn like this. Big hole. His arms, neck, and face are obviously covered in mud, and it is estimated that a couple of dust will fall off by rubbing it with water. People who bury it like this are rare.

The literati in this era have paid great attention to personal hygiene, and even the martial arts have paid attention.

Then such a shameless guy can only be regarded as a brash man, and should not be seen by others.

What surprised Qin An was that the shop owner was so polite, nodding and bowing over to salute the person.

"Tan Ye, you haven't come here for a long time to have a drink, the little one is sincere and afraid..."

"Don't be babbling, go get the wine, otherwise, be careful I will hack your head immediately."

The store didn't dare to stay, and hurriedly left, to get the wine and food for this Lord Tan.

There are other customers in the shop at this time.

In this era, the custom of serving restaurants in this area has not spread.

Generally, local residents don't come to teahouses to eat. Only some merchants from other places will eat here.

So in addition to Qin An Xiana, the newly-introduced Tan Ye and the woman in red, there are also two wanderers eating.

Buddhism has not yet prevailed, and there is no such thing as alms, but the so-called wanderers are actually doing alms, and they send some blessings to the donor.

The atmosphere in the store was tense. Only Tan Ye didn't feel anything. He put the woman in red on the wooden stool, then took up her sleeves and wiped her forehead.

"This is hot, looking back, I won't smash the red pile building!"

Qin An sat motionless, looking at the woman in red.

She looks good, she has a plump and **** figure, with gouache applied on her face, and she looks like a woman from the wind.

It's just that she's not in good condition at the moment, obviously she has cried, her eyes are full of tears, her lips are trembling slightly, all the hairpins in her hair are lost, her long hair is loose, she looks a little disheveled.

The Chinese Confucian tradition believes that \"the body is hair and skin, the parents are affected, the father is the essence. The mother's blood can be discarded?\"

This shows the importance of hair to the ancients. In that era, a woman had to hold a ceremony at the age of fifteen, put her hair in a bun, and then put on a hairpin to signify becoming an adult.

Even the Fengchen woman has to get her hair after fifteen years old, so it shows that this woman should be snatched by Tan Ye.

"Master Tan, I originally belonged to Shui Bingyue. Why do you think this is? Hongzhuanglou and the Hou Mansion are involved in many ways. You offend Master Fang and you will be troublesome in the future."

"Huh, in this Liaodong city, who is a certain family afraid of?"

Ye Tan raised his hand grinningly and clasped his teeth. There was a layer of oil on his hand, which looked really disgusting.

The woman named Shui Bingyue Jinzhou double eyebrows, she is the girl in the red pile building, she has to receive different people on weekdays, even if she is like Tan Ye, she has tolerated it, but if she let herself follow this for a long time A man, she didn't want to be killed.

Today, Tan Ye came to play, and he had no money. Fang Shuo of Hongzhuang Tower was also a ruthless person. Naturally, he didn’t want Tan Ye to eat the King’s meal.

And Ye Tan's real name was Tan Erlang, a well-known **** in Handong, he was extremely powerful, and he was known as invincible with both hands.

Tan Erlang made a big fuss in the Red Pillar Building, snatched Shui Bingyue out, and then came here to have a drink.

"Master, why don't the food and wine come up yet, why do you want to provoke me?"

Tan Erlang had a grumpy temper, and he stared impatiently just after sitting for a while.

With a roar, he began to look around, and he just saw Xianna at a glance.

"Yeah? Whose pretty lady is this, why is she so handsome."

Tan Erlang stood up slowly while speaking, and walked over with a smile.

The corners of Qin An's mouth twitched. Xiaanna herself was really ordinary. It was all cosmetic faults, and she became a pretty lady.

Xiaanna had no consciousness of being praised, her face gloomy.

"What? Tan Ye talked to you, are you still not happy?"

The smile on Tan Erlang's face also disappeared. He was a vulgar person, and he didn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu. Seeing Xia Na's expression, he felt unhappy.

"You little Piff is his husband? Get out, I want to chat with the little lady."

Qin An was preparing to watch the show but didn't expect Tan Erlang to come rushing to him, and he was also called Piff.

In this era, there is no such kind of national curse as CNM. Piff is already a vicious vocabulary, and Qin An is really angry when he hears it.

Seeing Tan Erlang's dirty hand reaching out to him, Qin An didn't even think about it, the blood master golden hammer shot out from the palm of his hand, and the hammer head hit Tan Erlang's stomach, hitting him directly.

In fact, Qi Hao didn't want to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer. The key point was that Tan Erlang was too dirty, and he didn't want to touch him at all.

Xiaanna had adapted to Qin An's super ability to suddenly summon items. Although she didn't understand, she was able to adapt with more time.

The other people in the room are all dizzy. What is this? Why is it so powerful?

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