Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1932: Tang Yu

One of the seventh-generation grandchildren of the Qin family was called Qin Jia Yaolang.

The reason why he was called is because he was born with a faint red flame burning on his body, almost burning his mother to death.

And Qin Jia Yaolang's mother is a concubine that Qin Jia Tieqi prefers, so she named the child who almost killed her mother Qin Jia Yaolang.

Qin Jia Yaolang is really a monster. He was born with a flame on his body, and he has the ability to change everything when he is 3 years old.

Since then he has left Africa and wandered around.

Qin Jia Tieqi has many children, and he didn't have time to pay attention to a Qin Jia demon, so he has not been looking for him for several years.

In fact, Qin Jia Yaolang didn't leave deliberately, but he became a flying bird when he was three years old. After that, he couldn't find his way home when he was flying, and he started his journey from then on.

Ten thousand years after the end of the world, the world of fiction has been thriving.

Only under King Qin's rule, the world was still a bit chaotic.

The law is only useful to the nobles, the ordinary poor are not protected, and continue to be exploited.

King Qin owns the entire world in name, but there are many forces that want to resist him, and riots happen from time to time, so what lies behind the prosperity is endless chaos.

The poor Qin Jia Yaolang flew to the sea. When he couldn't fly, he saw the fish in the water, so he changed into a fish and lived in the sea for five years.

In five years, he has been changing in the sea, from a common small fish to a ferocious shark, and then a sea clan.

When he finally returned to the mainland once, he was already in China.

"who are you?"

A little girl who looked about the size of Qin Jia Yaolang was on the beach by the sea. She was playing vigorously. When she saw a little boy coming up, she was dazed and asked questions.

"Me? I am a sea clan!"

Qin Jia Yaolang did not actually forget his name. His memory developed very early. He had remembered his parents' names and his identity when he was one year old, and he has not forgotten him since. He just didn't want to tell the little girl in front of him, because the little girl looked stupid.

"Oh, my name is Qin Ya Xiangluo, why did you come out of the sea?"

Qin Jia Yaolang rolled his eyes, only to think that the little girl in front of him was too stupid. He said that she was a sea clan, of course she came out of the sea. Doesn't the sea clan live on the sea?

"Qin Jia? This surname is rare. Who is your father?"

Suddenly, a sturdy man came from a distance, and his words were lost before he arrived.

Qin Jia Yaolang glanced at the man, frowned and thought about it before saying, "His name is Qin Jia Iron Horse!"

"Haha, you turned out to be a descendant of Qin Jia, and that is my descendant. Qin Jiaoyang gave birth to many offspring after marrying Jiaziyan Liuxiang, some of whom extended their surnames to Qin Jia. I know your father Qin Jia cavalry, he seems to have established a kingdom in Africa, and has been fighting with the demons over there. He is a very powerful character."

"Ah? You know my father? You know Qin Jiaoyang? Who are you?"

"I'm Qin Busheng, do you know him?"

Qin Jia Yaolang ran away from home at the age of three and naturally did not know this ancestor.

But just like this, Qin Jia Yaolang returned to the human world and began to live with Qin Busheng.

At this time, Qin Busheng and his wife Li Ying had lived in seclusion for many years, and Qin Ya Xiangluo was their last daughter.

After Qin Jia Yaolang and Qin Ya Xiangluo grew up, Xiangluo married an ordinary fisherman in the village. Qin Jia Yaolang wanted to go back to see his biological parents. Of course, Qin Busheng would not allow it.

The journey to Africa is not far away. There are portals in many large cities, but they are generally under the control of the Great Qin Empire.

The people of Qin An's line are not at odds with the Great Qin Empire. Qin Jia Yaolang didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he wanted to go to the black market to find some unofficial portal to leave, but he met Qin Jia sadly.

Qin Jia has been doing the work of collecting and liaising the blood of the Qin family for many years, so once she met her, Qin Jia Yaolang officially recognized the ancestor and returned to the organization.

At the same time, Qin An’s incident has spread, and Qin Jia sadly knows that Qin An, Tang Yu, and Yaozi are trapped in a space. They have not lived in the past ten thousand years, and the world they live in is nothing more than a novel. .

It is really not easy to open the door of time and space to the Three Kingdoms world, but there are indeed a few masters who are good at space shuttle among the bloodline children of the Qin family.

They have worked together to send Ai Xiaomi to the Three Kingdoms World.

The reason why I gave Ai Xiaomi and not someone else is because Ai Xiaomi has Feimi! This **** servant robot is not simple, because she is Qin Ling Yaxi's original transforming agent and has the most complete genetic database. It can be said that there is nothing that it does not understand.

Therefore Ai Xiaomi has the honor to be transmitted first.

The Qin Family Council was studying who to send next, and Qin Jia Yaolang appeared.

There are naturally many capable people in the Qin family, but most of the strong are Patriarch-level figures and it is impossible to just leave.

Among the younger generations, there are many who are powerful, but after comprehensive evaluation after Qin Jia Yaolang appeared, people found that his strength turned out to be the best among the younger generation.

So Qin Jia Yaolang got this opportunity, and the second one was sent to the Three Kingdoms Era.

Following Qin Busheng for a long time, Qin Jia Yaolang naturally has a thorough understanding of the history of the Qin family.

Because of its thoroughness, what Qin Jia Yaolang admired most was not his ancestor Qin An, but the Tang Yu queen.

Qin Busheng compiled a detailed history of the Qin family and recorded all the biographies of the Qin family. After living in seclusion for many years, Qin Jia sadly found Qin Busheng, and Qin Busheng passed this Qin family character to her, and asked her to continue to organize it.

Qin Jia Yaolang learned more about Tang Yu from this biography, and felt that she was very powerful. A woman who was not by Qin An's life but guarded Qin An's life, the Qin family was also one of hers, otherwise it would not be possible to enter the family history of characters .

After successfully crossing, Qin Jia Yaolang began his journey to find Tang Yu, and finally when Qin An took people to fight against the Somanu tribe last night, Qin Jia Yaolang and Tang Yu met in the tent!

After Qin Jia Yaolang said his identity, Tang Yu still maintained a calm posture.

"Oh, so you are the sixth generation grandson of Qin An, the grandfather of Honglian and Ai Xiaomi? But you are younger than them, only in your twenties."

"Hey, ancestor, you really are like a legend. I see you are a heroine level mission! I am your fan."


Tang Yu pondered for a while, then smiled and said to Qin Jia Yaolang: "Since you are my fan, are you willing to do something for me?"

"My ancestor, you ordered, as long as I can do it, I can do it!"

"I want you to fall in love with someone and then marry her as your wife."


Qin Jia Yaolang was a little dizzy.

"Do you know Sun Shangxiang in the history of the Three Kingdoms?"

"Well, I have read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and know Sun Shangxiang."

"She is in the camp now and is very interested in your grandfather. Since the Qin family has a biography, you should also know that Qin An is soft-hearted and has no resistance to women. I don't want to be in Lanyue Liu Xia. Before a few women were resurrected, there were a lot of women around him. So... Sun Shangxiang is very dangerous. I want you to get her soaked and marry her as a wife. You are also big and young, outside Do you have a wife?"

"That's not there yet."

"Well, then marry her. She is a good woman and a poor woman. The times make her destiny doomed to be tragic. Married to Liu Bei for three years, but from my previous contact with her, she should still be a yellow flower. Girl. Now she is alone in the army and can only pester Qin An, so you should help her and make her a woman."

"Okay! Since it's the idol's order, I can do it, but how do I do it?"

"It's very simple. Women in this era still value chastity. Find a suitable opportunity to climb on her bed. She will become your woman no matter how strong her character is. And you are worthy of her, and It can bring her a new era of thinking and thinking, and let her have unimaginable happiness."

Qin Jia Yaolang was a little dizzy. He had learned a lot of knowledge of the past times by Qin Busheng's side, and naturally knew that the ancients fancy chastity.

So Tang Yu asked him to do this, which is somewhat difficult for him to do.

Maybe it’s Qin An’s genetic decision. There is really no bad person among the descendants of the Qin family. Ai Xiaomi also has his own set of right and wrong standards. Although he is fierce and crazy, he can’t be regarded as a real bad person, otherwise Qin An can’t tolerate it. he.

"Well, if that's the case, then I will try. Tell me where she lives, and I will find her."

Tang Yu was very satisfied with Qin Jia Yaolang's performance and praised him again.

In this way, the poor little sister Sun was sold. She had no idea that after she fell asleep, a man entered the room quietly, first released Mixiang to make her fall asleep, then took off her clothes and hugged her all night.

Waiting for the next morning, even if she wanted to commit suicide, it would not help, because the raw rice was already cooked.

"You let me go and let me die!"

"Hey, really want to die? I don't dare to amplify your voice, or I am afraid of being heard? Since you are still so shy, how can you really want to die? Put down the sword, it's still early, Let’s talk about it, and you will be my woman from now on, and I will marry you with integrity.”


Sun Xiaomei wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say when she came to her lips.

Qin Jia Yaolang's strength is not small, he has already snatched the sword in the hands of Sun Xiaomei, and pulled her back to the bed and hugged her under the quilt.

Little sister Sun was still struggling at first, Qin Jia Yaolang said:

"In this way, we will all lose sight of each other. Do you want to unscrew the quilt and let me look at you and you look at me?"

Sun Xiaomei heard what Qin Jia Yaolang said, and felt that there was some truth, so she stopped struggling and just cried.

After crying for a while, she cried more fiercely, because she knew that she was still at a disadvantage. At this time, she hugged each other naked. She is Liu Bei's wife, and she is like other men without the divorce book in hand. She really can't live anymore.

"My name is Qin Jia Yaolang. You can cry if you want to cry now, but believe me, you will not regret it in the future. You are a beautiful woman. Although I don't know you, I think I should fall in love with you. I will give You have many different lives that you have never experienced before. In fact, as an ultra-modern person, I don’t need such a thing as love, but as long as you want me, I can give it to you and keep you happy."

This confession was not wonderful, but it made Sun Xiaomei stop crying.

Because Qin Jia Yaolang's way of speaking is very special, or in other words, there are only a few people around Sun Xiaomei who speak like this, Qin An, Tang Yu, Honglian, and Ai Xiaomi who has little contact with Sun Xiaomei.

Why is there such a thing, and where does Qin Jia Yaolang come from? Are they with Qin An?

These people are very special at first, Qin An and the others have not explained it, and Sun Xiaomei has long been full of doubts because of their speciality but can't figure it out clearly.

Suddenly, Sun Xiaomei's body trembled, because Qin Jia Yaolang suddenly came over and kissed her lips.

"You! Why do you humiliate me like this!"

Sun Xiaomei froze for a while and suddenly resisted again, pushing Qin Jia Yaolang away.

Qin Jia Yaolang was a little surprised, why did the well-behaved woman who just looked like a tigress again?

At this time, Sun Xiaomei was a little melancholy kissed by Qin Jia Yaolang, so all the emotions just now resolved and were replaced by anger.

But she calmed down after being angry for a while.

If the man in front of him named Qin Jia Yaolang came from the same place as Qin An Tang Yu, it would not be surprising. Tang Yu and Qin An are still kissing in front of people, which is simply commonplace for them.

"You are all monsters!"

Sun Xiaomei called out angrily.

Qin Jia Yaolang frowned and said, "Jin Zhu, can't I kiss her?"

When the voice fell, a small golden ball flew over from nowhere. Xiaomei Sun was startled, and then thought of Feimi next to Ai Xiaomi.

Qin An explained that this thing is a kind of animal called **** servant. Little sister Sun knew that it was not that simple. There was no animal that could speak human words in the world, and it was so smart. It turns out that Feimi is not unique. This man also raises one of these things, which is called Jinzhu.

Jin Zhu flew around and then said:

"The ancients were very particular. Kissing is not accepted and allowed by society. It is said that men and women cannot accept it clearly. It is very impolite for a man to kiss a woman. It seems that this can only be done with a prostitute. It is absolutely impossible for a wife. Kissing, this is also the so-called case of raising eyebrows. In fact, the relationship between wife and husband in this era is completely a kind of confidant relationship. It is difficult to collide with passion, especially in Jiangnan and other places. This kind of limelight is more popular. Sun Shangxiang was born there. , You kiss her and follow her with Qiang X. Of course she will get angry!"

Jin Zhu has a detailed historical database and quickly helped Qin Jia Yaolang find the answer.

"Oh, that's it, all right, you retreat, I will continue to pick up girls."

Jin Zhu was very obedient, and Qin Jia Yaolang flew out of the tent after speaking.

At this time, Sun Xiaomei was attracted by Jin Zhu, and she really didn't know what the little thing that Huifei could talk about was.

Qin Jia Yaolang is known as a demon. He has not been an honest child since he was a child. How could he be afraid of the etiquette and morals of this era. Moreover, he is very confident in his kissing skills, ready to conquer Sun Xiaomei with facts.

So, he suddenly pressed on Sun Xiaomei, and took Sun Xiaomei on a very dreamy and thrilling journey.

From the perspective of Sun Xiaomei's thinking, concept and world, this morning, this man is enough to make her unforgettable, even if she enters the cycle of reincarnation, she may still think of this ups and downs.


Three days later, the integrated team finally embarked on a journey again.

Qin An's interest was not high, so instead of riding a horse, he sat in a carriage with Tang Yu.

"What? Still caring for your little sister Sun?"

Tang Yu pouted and spoke.

"Hey, you obviously know that I have no interest in Sun Shangxiang, but you just think you are too good. It seems that I can't get another woman into the Qin family in my lifetime. I would really regret it if I marry you early. Isn’t there no such thing as a horse like me? So men still need to have a good help!"

"Huh, you can talk."

Tang Yu pursed his lips and smiled, not to mention amorous.

After becoming Qin An's wife and her body rounded round, Tang Yu was a bit more feminine than before. She was pretty good-looking, but now she is naturally much more beautiful.

"I'm afraid I'm sorry, Xiaomei Sun, after all, after she met us, she stupidly followed us all the time."

"Don't worry, I am very accurate in employing people. This kid Qin Jia Yaolang is definitely a good man at home. Little Sister Sun is happier following him than following you. If you don't believe me, watch."

Qin An was very depressed. In Tang Yu's mind, he couldn't even compare to a descendant?

Tang Yuxin has the exquisite universe, and naturally it is impossible to just hit Qin An, so he comforted:

"It's fine for you to guard our women. Although you are an energetic man, but love is scattered too much, and there is no love. How many good sisters do you want?"

"Don't don't, don't slap a sweet jujube, and then a glass of poisoned wine, I can't stand it."

Qin An laughed at the end, thinking that what Tang Yu said was actually quite right. After all, Qin Jia Yaolang is a modern person, knows a lot, looks handsome, and looks calm. After all, he was brought up by Qin Busheng, and although Qin Busheng is Qin An’s son, his true life span is 10,000 years longer than Qin An. He is naturally calm and reliable. Qin An met his youngest son. .

"How about Diao Chan?"

Qin An knew that this sentence shouldn't be asked, but he still cared a little.

Tang Yu was very big this time and was not jealous.

"I found someone to take care of her. After I arrived in Heilongjiang, I was thinking of ways to deal with her. Hey, it was actually troublesome for you to get her back, but I also understand that after all, I met the first beauty in the legend of the Three Kingdoms. "

Old Qin An blushed and felt unable to communicate with Tang Yu.

Tang Yu smiled again, very bright.


On the next road, the army encountered dozens of small tribes on the way to the northeast. These small tribes did not dare to challenge an army of more than 20,000. In less than a month, they finally arrived. From the Xiaoxinganling generation in Heilongjiang, the number of teams has grown to 50,000!

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