Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1930: Somanu tribe

The Somanu Tribe is a close relative of the Kebineng Tribe, the largest tribe in Xianbei.

Somanu was regarded as Kebineng's nephew. The two tribes also had wars and ended with Kebineng. Somanu surrendered and paid taxes all year round.

In the past two years, the Kebi Noh has been devouring other small tribes, allowing the Somanu tribe to recuperate. It has also integrated some small tribes, so it has its current scale.

The old Somanu was sixty years old, and his health was not very good. All the chores in the tribe were taken care of by his three sons.

Temur, Chagambara, and Polyd are not friendly.

The Huns in this era care about friendship, but they don't care about brotherhood. If there are weak brothers among their brothers, they will fight each other and eventually lead to the division of the tribe. This is the reason why it was difficult for many tribes in the Mongolian steppe to unify at that time.

There was a cough in Somanu's tent.

"Grandpa, you are coughing again, get up and drink some water."

Arslend is the son of Polyd. He is only fourteen years old this year. He is the smartest and best of all Somanu's grandchildren, and he is naturally the most favored by Somanu.

"Alslen, come over to the bed, Grandpa has something to say to you."

Somanu was very weak, and it was already dark, but he was unwilling to rest and sleep.

Arslend ran to Somanu's bed.

The so-called bed is actually just a fur mattress on the floor, and the house they live in is also a fur tent similar to a yurt.


"Arslen, Temur's daughter, Gülen, is the same age as you. I will go and talk to Temur, how about you marry her?"

"Glen? But grandpa, you know that the relationship between your father and Uncle Temur is not good."

"I know naturally, but now my grandfather's body is getting worse and worse, and may not survive for a few months. Among the three sons, your father Baolide is the most brave but not wise; the Temur tribe has a large number of people, but iron Muer is too weak; Chagambara is good in everything, but too cruel, and is really not a person who can be the head of the tribe. The three of them want my position now, and I think it is not good to think about it. It’s Temur’s only daughter. If you let her follow you, then I can pass you the seat in a fair manner. I believe that your father, Baolide and Temur, will not object to it. If the two can work together Two in one, the Somanu tribe has a future."

In steppe tribes, as long as they are not the same father and mother, they can get married, and there is no notion that close relatives cannot get married.

Arslen was a bit tangled. Since he was the smartest and most outstanding grandson in the eyes of Somanu, this fourteen-year-old was naturally very extraordinary. He thought about what his grandfather said and weighed the gains and losses.

At this moment, Chakgan, the Somanu warrior, ran in from outside.

"Headman! Our camp is surrounded by a group of people of unknown origin! They don't look like people on the grassland. They are all in armor, and they are even covered by armor immediately!"

"Oh? Is it Cao Jun from Bingzhou? Why did they come to the grassland? They surrounded us?"

Somanu didn't understand, but coughed again.

Arsleng hurried over and slapped him on the back.

Somanu's cough eased after a while, and immediately got up and put on his robe.

"What is Bao Lide doing?"

"The enemy is surrounded from all sides, only the people from the south come to call the formation, and Bao Lide has led people to fight!"

"Then let's go out and have a look, surrounded from all sides, we have the potential to win, we must not be sloppy! Chakgan, go and ask Temur to take people to guard our cattle and sheep and women, and let Chakbala lead people. Defensively, we go to Bao Lide."

Just as Somanu was about to take a few people out of the room, suddenly another Somanu warrior ran in.

"Headman, the Polyd warrior has been arrested!"


Somanu was shocked.

"what happened?"

"There was a black-clothed general on the opposite side. His weapon was very sharp. He directly cut off the swords of Bao Lid, and then captured it alive and brought them back to their camp."

Somanu couldn't accept it. Baolide was the strongest in the clan. How could it be captured alive?

Somanu rushed out of the room in a daze, temporarily ignoring the feeling of physical discomfort. He took a few steps and flew on his horse and rushed southward.

Arsleng followed closely.

After a while, they ran out of the camp and saw Qin An before the two armies lined up.

It was during this period of time that Qin An really showed great power, not only caught Bao Lide, but also five so-called warriors, finally realizing his attempt to confront the two armies.

In the 1VS1 battle, even though the strength of these people is better than before, they are still much different from Qin An. It is not difficult for Qin An to deal with them.

Moreover, Qin An discovered that energy rebalancing is actually regular. Generally, the more famous people in history will increase their strength. If history is not famous, even if the factual strength is strong, the increased combat effectiveness will be lower.

Seeing a very old man appeared in front of him, Qin An estimated that it should be the patriarch on the opposite side, so he fought forward again.

"My name is Qin An, and the purpose of coming here is to let your tribe follow me to develop and live in the fertile land in the north. It's good if you don't resist. If you resist, you will surely lose something today, and you will be us Just defeat and become a slave-like person, you should be Somanu? You choose where to go!"

Qin An's words are a little erratic, and he is not to blame.

Negotiating with the Huns is actually meaningless. If they don't subdue them, they will not surrender at all.

The Xiaanna tribe is just a special case, or that Xiaanna is the beautiful boy of Qin An, so it has a later integration.

Somanu didn't respond immediately. He inquired into the situation and knew that Bao Lide had been caught alive by the opposite, looking young general, and his heart became more and more shocked.

Looking at the army behind him, Somanu's brow cursed tighter.

This is a horse formation. It is estimated that there are more than a thousand people. All the horses are fully armored, even on their legs.

These armors are different from the Cao Jun armors that Somanu has seen. It is covered with black square metal blocks. The gaps between these small blocks are not obvious, but it is precisely because of these small metal blocks that Horses and people wearing armor can be retracted freely without affecting their movements.

This is not the most fearsome thing, the key is their uniform military appearance.

More than a thousand horses stood motionless, and all the soldiers sat on them with their backs straight, looking like a stone statue!

When Somanu was young, he also experienced many battles, so he could feel the murderous aura of this team, and his two thousand cavalry might not be the enemy of this thousand team.

Qin An?

Never heard of it!

After pondering for a while, Somanu coughed a few more times, and then said after trying to suppress it:

"Qin An? Where did your Excellency come from?"

"I am the General Marshal of the World Soldiers and Horses under Liu Xie, Emperor of the Han Dynasty. I went to the north to rebuild the foundation of the Han Dynasty. You are honored to be my fellow citizens.

Han Emperor Liu Xie?

Isn't he trapped in Xudu by Cao Cao? It has been more than ten years, and everyone in the world knows that the big Han has long existed in name only. The mighty force of the big Han to drive the Huns into the grassland has become a story.

So Somanu didn't quite believe Qin An's words, thinking that this man who claimed to be Qin An could not be Liu Xie's Marshal.

Qin An saw the doubt in Somanu's eyes, and he didn't care too much. Starting from today, he will recruit troops under the name of a big man, so that he will be honored a lot when he goes to calm the world, especially in the north. After all, there are many foundations of the Han Dynasty.

"Somanu, I don’t have much patience. Just answer me now. Either the whole clan surrender and follow us, or I will immediately launch an attack on your tribe. The two options are actually the same. The difference is The latter will kill a lot of innocent people!"

Qin An's voice fell, and a big man behind Somanu rushed out.

"Boy, don't be arrogant, how can you insult the Soma Nube at will! The warrior Dan shield takes your life."

A burgundy horse suddenly shot out from behind Somanu, each of them was not tall, and looked a little stubby, holding a huge sickle-shaped weapon in his hand.

This weapon looked very domineering, its whole body was jet-black, only the head of the blade was shiny with cold light. It is almost two meters in length, with a blade head of about half a meter, and the weight is estimated to hit 50 catties. It is also an unusual weapon.

Qin An held the Zhen E sword and did not move. He felt that these Huns were really powerful, but they did not have a systematic way of fighting, and their weapons and defense armors could not be compared with him, so it was impossible to defeat him.

This time, Qin An planned to test the power of the armor he was wearing, so he didn't move.

Dan Dun ran to Qin Anma, and the sickle blade swept towards Qin An, Qin An still did not dodge, pulling the iron ring hidden on the cuff!

The armor assembled by the Qin An army now has a characteristic. As long as the mechanism is pulled, all the metal armor pieces will quickly gather, turning the originally loose armor into a fixed plate armor.

The defensive power of the plate armor is of course stronger, but the body of a person is also fixed by the plate armor on the horse, so it can't move.

Dan Dun's sickle contained very powerful strength, and the blade hit Qin An with a sound of metal delivery.

Qin An sat down on the horse and ran a few steps sideways, but Dan Dun was unexpectedly pulled off the horse.

The sickle is not easy to use, especially the sickle of Danshi is longer. If it hits an ordinary enemy, if there is no armor, the enemy may be divided at this time, even if it has armor, it may be pulled. dismount.

But Qin An’s armor was too tough, and the horses were also supported by armor. The stronger the enemy’s strength, the greater the reaction force he received. Dan Nu was accidentally pulled off his horse, whether it was himself or the Soma slaves. Everyone could not think of it.

Qin An lifted the plate armor mode and allowed his body to exercise for his own use, reining in a spin to quickly return to Dan Dun's side.

Dan Dun was a little blinded. He didn't understand why he was pulled and dropped off the horse. How could he understand the physical support effect of Qin An's armor with the horse's armor.

Qin An was not used to him either. He flew up and down and kicked him on the head. The poor Dan Dun was kicked out for more than three meters before landing and fainting.

Qin An continued to step forward, bent over and grabbed his collar, and threw it directly at the camp on his side.

At this time, it was not someone else who was deputy Qin An, but Sun Xiaomei Sun Shangxiang.

Sun Shangxiang has been unhappy with Tang Yu during this period of time. Tang Yu actually didn't treat her as a dish, thinking that Sun Shangxiang was a big brainless girl.

In fact, Sun Shangxiang is not stupid, but he is really not very strong in terms of scheming.

She always thought that if Tang Yu turned around to save her, the maid next to her would not die.

Of course, Sun Shangxiang also hates Xana, because all the maids were killed by the Xana tribe.

If it weren't for Qin An's pressure, Sun Shangxiang might have been looking for these two women to go crazy.

Originally, Sun Shangxiang and Qin An had nothing to do with each other, but women are always weak. When there is no relative around him, Sun Shangxiang naturally regards Qin An as a relative. After all, in today’s military camp, Sun Shangxiang is most familiar with Qin An and Tang Yu. Unwilling to pay attention to Tang Yu, she had only Qin An left, so Qin An was able to suppress her.

She has been around Qin An several times, and Qin An will also comfort her that people cannot come back to life after death. Tang Yu is to save more lives, and Xia Na is for the development of her own tribe, so the previous hatreds can't be regarded as hatred at all. Now we must unite as one.

After being comforted by Qin An, Sun Shangxiang not only felt that Qin An was a kind-hearted and warm man, but also discovered the fighting method between Tang Yu and Xia Na.

Qin An is Tang Yu's husband. Xiana likes Qin An, and the two women began to attack each other in front of Qin An. Although the rumor is subtle, Sun Shangxiang as a woman also has her own sensitivity.

She felt that there was actually a way to retaliate against Xia Na and Tang Yu, as long as Qin An was snatched!

Therefore, Sun Shangxiang set himself the first goal in life, which is to hook up with Qin An.

It's a pity that Sun Shangxiang is not proficient in this way. Although she has been Liu Bei's wife for several years, Liu Bei has never even climbed her bed. She doesn't understand men, so how can she seduce?

Nevertheless, Sun Shangxiang persisted, and she followed Qin An to look for opportunities.

Pound, Ai Xiaomi, and Mi Yue are all powerful people around Qin An. Honglian has become Liu Xie’s little fan. Tang Yu is busy taking care of the baby, and Xiaanna is busy studying various things, so Qin An’s side is currently following The powerful general is Sun Shangxiang.

During the close contact with Qin An, Sun Shangxiang got to know Qin An better, and was even more curious about this man.

Under this curiosity, Sun Shangxiang had forgotten her original intentions. She wanted to know more about Qin An, not just to anger Tang Yu and Xia Na just to hook him up.

Sun Shangxiang with this kind of emotion is very dangerous. A woman who wants to understand a man who doesn't provoke a woman will eventually fall into the abyss of eternal disaster, but Sun Shangxiang himself has not realized it.

Following Qin An on the battlefield today, Sun Shangxiang was also dressed neatly. She was actually very nervous, as she had never experienced such a confrontation between the two armies.

Qin An's heroic posture is naturally impressive.

The opponent's generals looked fierce, but several people were captured alive after only having contact with Qin An. Why are they so powerful?

Qin An caught the person and ran back on horseback, throwing the person at Sun Shangxiang a few meters away.

Sun Shangxiang’s combat effectiveness was not weak at all, and his strength was not weak. He was naturally able to catch Qin An’s people who were still here. After several times of cooperation, Sun Shangxiang felt that Qin An was a hero.

In the army of Soochow and Liu Bei, how can there be such a brave, it is simply too domineering.

Sun Shangxiang was full of Qin An's mind. Suddenly Qin An grabbed another enemy general. He was still 20 meters away from here, and he threw him out.

Sun Shangxiang was taken aback, hurried forward, took off his body bow at the same time, and struck out six arrows at the same time.

Dan Dun’s horse was running over to find its owner. Dan Dun’s body fell, and six arrows hit the clothes hanging on him at the same time. The horse ran over to Dan Dun’s side, and Dan Dun’s body was driven by the six arrows. The horse, the point of the arrow shot into the saddle again.

So when the time was too late, Sun Shangxiang also ran to the Dan Dunma, reached out and grabbed it and brought it back to the camp.

At this time, Somanu and the people behind him were all dumbfounded.

Let me talk about Qin An's armor first!

There is actually only one type of armor in this era, that is, the metal shell heavy armor. Qin An's is obviously not, it looks like the clothes worn on the body.

In Somanu's view, Dan Dun's ghost knife is very powerful, and a cow can directly split it.

However, when he slashed on the enemy, not only did he fail to kill the opponent, but he also failed to hook him off. Dan Dun fell off his horse instead. How could this be possible? There is a common sense here. The opponent cannot use power on the horse. Somanu knows the power of Dan Shield very well, so he can't understand why Dan Shield will fall.

What is even more exaggerated is Qin An's move of throwing the pill shield. The pill shield was more than one hundred and forty catties at any rate, and was lifted by the opponent and thrown out ten meters away.

This has made Somanu and his people unable to believe it, and they did not expect there to be more exaggerated things.

A female player ran out of the enemy camp. She shot six arrows at the same time. This is unimaginable. What's more, the six arrows did not hurt the Dan shield, but instead led him to fly sideways. Go, and then the six arrows hung on the saddle again without hurting the horse's body.

This is too powerful. The opponent's archer girl is completely calculated. It is not accidental. She just doesn't want to kill Danshi, nor does she want to kill the horse that just ran over to find her master.

In the entire Somanu tribe, there was no second such a powerful archer to be found, and of course no fighter like Qin An could be found.

When the Somanus were surprised, chaos broke out in the north of the Somanu tribe.

Somanu turned his head back in shock, and a fast horse ran up.

"Headman! The enemy horse team in the north has rushed into the territory. The enemy is too strong. It killed hundreds of us as soon as it entered the camp. It is set on fire everywhere and is now breaking through the central camp, requesting support!"

Opposite, Qin An only felt that his head was big!

This Ai Xiaomi, as Tang Yu said, is a mental illness!

She ordered a unified action following the signal, besieged but not attacked, to see if there is a possibility of a peaceful solution, but she was good, and she broke into the camp and began to burn and rob.

What can we do now? Only by hurrying and taking down the Somanu camp can we prevent Ai Xiaomi from killing more people. Now the combat effectiveness of this unit is exaggerated because the equipment is too powerful. Qin An is strictly forbidden to use hand grenade ammunition this time, but Qin An doesn't know if Ai Xiaomi is going crazy.

It seems that she can't lead the army when she looks back. It is always said that the blood of the Qin family is about to come to the world of the Three Kingdoms. Why is there only one Ai Xiaomi that is the most troublesome?

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