Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1900: Double beauty

It was indeed the simplest and most effective method of torture training in the world. Jia Siliang confessed after dozens of boards.

It turns out that Jia Siliang has always had an adulterous affair with Jia Sixian's wife, and this incident was discovered by his daughter-in-law six months ago.

The daughter-in-law Zhang is not a good product. She was originally restricted by her mother-in-law. After catching her hand, she didn't tell anyone, but threatened her mother-in-law to let her have more freedom at home.

In this way, Jia Siliang continued to maintain a relationship with his brother and wife. Jia Sixian was driven away yesterday. Jia Siliang came to the door after learning about it, staying late in the name of persuading the conflict between the husband and wife, and finally stayed secretly overnight.

Early this morning, Jia Siliang got up to leave, but accidentally found someone in the conservatory. After going to see it, it turned out that Zhang was taking a bath.

Jia Siliang thought to himself, thinking that this guy also knows what happened to him anyway. She had come to peek a few times when she had an affair before. Why don't you go and strike up a conversation today to see if you can steal the peach successfully.

Although Zhang is not safe, she is actually unwilling to have an affair with Jia Siliang. It's just that she was taking a bath and was not wearing clothes. Jia Siliang pushed the door and blocked her in the bathtub, so Zhang was half pushed and half pushed. Take advantage of it.

Jia Siliang easily benefited from Zhang's side, and the whole person immediately drifted away. He basically had no family business in the village, thinking that if the men in Jia Sixian's family died, wouldn't he be able to occupy his family business and Two women at home?

After Evil Xiangdan was born, Jia Siliang went to find two nephews and called them to the same room in the name of studying chess. On weekdays, the two youngsters like to study chess with Jia Siliang, so although he thought it was abnormal for him to come home early in the morning, he didn't think too much and was poisoned to death.

Jia Siliang was a little flustered after seeing them bleeding from seven holes, so he wiped away the traces of their facial features with a handkerchief. At this time, Jia Sixian's wife happened to come over.

As the so-called mother and son are connected, although the woman's life is misbehaving, she does not fake her maternal love for her two sons. She didn't expect Jia Siliang to kill her son, so she wanted to run out to get someone else.

Jia Siliang wanted to stop but it didn't work. Seeing that the woman was about to shout, he picked up the axe next to him in a hurry and hacked him to death. Later, he was afraid that Zhang would betray him and went into the greenhouse to kill him.

This kind of case is simply shocking to the simple mountain people. After Jia Siliang confessed, Jia Sixian passed out in excitement. The villagers all rushed to kill Jia Siliang with sticks, just because what he had done was already Completely detached from the three views of people in this era, and was regarded as a great inverse.

When things came to an end, Qin An, Tang Yu, and Xu Xiaomei and the maids returned to the East and West Hospitals together.

This incident touched the waitresses so much, they wondered how there could be such a shameless and vicious person in the world.

For Qin An and Tang Yu, this kind of thing is very common. After all, the chaos in the relationship between men and women in the future world has exceeded the plot content of many small yellow books, and it is not enough for humans to tell.

Although Sun Xiaomei felt ashamed and angry, she still didn't understand how Qin An found the real culprit, so she asked Tang Yu. Tang Yu gave an explanation. This was a trick to attract others. Only then did Sun Xiaomei know that Qin An had caught the first suspect. , Just to find out the culprit from the crowd, I really don’t understand how this couple has such a strong ability to observe. In any case, the first day of acquaintance with Qin An and Tang Yu on this first day was a bit special for Little Sister Sun. As a result, she didn't get a good rest all night, and she couldn't fall asleep.


The guest life started like this. In a blink of an eye, a month later, Qin An has never left the village, but always grasps the dynamics of Wuguan.

On this day, Pound came to report to Qin An.

"That Zhang Xi is really a bit shrewd. We have been extremely careful, but he still seems to have discovered our movements. In the past few days, they will not send scouts into the mountains. Instead, they have sent many messengers. It seems that they are going to Luoyang to report the situation here. Obviously we have discovered some of our whereabouts, but because our team is too scattered, they don't know if there is a large force approaching, so the wolf smoke did not rise! Please rest assured, Shengzi, we have eyeliners against each city, no matter they come out Several people will eventually be intercepted by us."

"Well, since he has shrunk his scouts and sent someone to go to Luoyang to report, he should have discovered many of our people."

"Then why doesn't he light up wolf smoke?"

"When the smoke rises, the battle will start. Now Zhuge Liang's strength has increased greatly. Sun Quan has never been weak. Cao Cao's infantry in the southern border dare not relax. He is using troops against Ma Teng. It is estimated that a proper marching plan has been formulated. On the battlefield in Hanzhong, that was definitely not what he wanted. Zhang Xi, who claims to have the vision and insight of a counselor, naturally understands the difficulties of his father-in-law, so if he does not feel that the situation is critical, he would not just light up the smoke. Besides, How could Wuziliang general beg for help at will, I am afraid Zhang Xi is sitting in Wuguan, waiting for us to go."

"Five good generals?"

"Yes, Cao Cao's subordinates Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Yu Jin, Zhang Yun, and Xu Huang are five good generals. Every time they confront the enemy, they are either the vanguard or the queen. They are all experienced people. It is definitely not easy!"

"Then Son, how do I do it?"

"Our goal is to seize Wuguan as a rear, so that we can obtain food and supplies when we move to various parts of the north. How is Wuguan and the surrounding small gates now?"

"It is difficult to fully form the momentum of siege. After all, we only have 10,000 people, and we are already too scattered in order to intercept and kill the opponent's messenger. Now it is not easy to form a siege force."

"Well, that's enough. Next, I will go to Wuguan to find Zhang Xi and kill this person. Then the pass will be in chaos. When they are defeated, you will intercept and kill on the periphery."

"Shengzi, you want to go to Wuguan by yourself?"

Pound was a little shocked. He felt that Qin An’s approach was too much. Although he knew Qin An’s power, it was not easy for him to go to the city to kill the coach. This is the era of war, and every coach has his own means of life-saving. Otherwise, wouldn't it be assassinated by local assassins every day?

Qin Anzhen did not put a Zhang Xi in his eyes. Although he did not underestimate the enemy at all, as a person who was once in the game world and was about to become as powerful as a **** or demon, even if his ability disappeared, the confidence in his heart still existed. of.

"Don't worry, I will take your wife with you..." Qin An said this in order to comfort Pound and let him not worry too much.

But what he didn't expect was that Pound disappeared when he heard it, and he laughed.

"Haha, it turns out that the lady is willing to take action, so the problem shouldn't be big. Madam's hammer is estimated to be able to sweep a piece. It is difficult to get close to thousands of troops! Shengzi cooperates with the wife to take action. It is estimated that it will be nothing to assassinate Zhang Xi problem."

Qin An was really speechless. I didn't expect Tang Yu to have such a high status in Pound's heart. Isn't it that her hammer is heavier than her own sword?

After seeing Pound, Qin An went out to send him away, and saw Tang Yu and Sun Xiaomei walking out of the courtyard next door to his side.

Within a month, the two really became sisters, and Tang Yu completely poisoned this classical beauty with modern thinking.

Seeing the tangled face of Little Sister Sun, Qin An smiled and said, "Madam, what are you talking about with your good sister?"

"Today I talked about equality between men and women. My sister agrees with me. Why can a man have three wives and four concubines, but a woman can't?"

Qin An rolled his eyes and was speechless.

"So, if a woman can't do it, men shouldn't have three wives and four concubines, they should be the same. Those men who have married seven or eight wives or even more than ten should be Shen He!"

Qin An didn't plan to discuss the topic the two women had just discussed.

Tang Yu is also strange. Over the past month, he and Qin An have been getting along very well, but not talking about feelings and memories, he seems to have become ordinary friends, able to talk and laugh.

"Hey, what happened to you? What is Pound coming for?"

"Ah, nothing, report the situation, I plan to enter Wuguan."

Sun Xiaomei had long known that Qin An and Tang Yu had come from Hanzhong, and also knew Qin An's purpose, and she was surprised when she said this:

"Sister-in-law, do you really want to fight that fortress? Although I have never been on the battlefield, I also know Zhang Xi. He has fought many big battles with Cao thief. He is very powerful."

Before Qin An could speak, Tang Yu smiled and said, "Sister, don’t worry, we have fought a lot in wars. Now we have been idle for too long. Hey, I used to believe in Buddhism for a period of time. I didn’t kill for many years, so I can go. Success on the battlefield is also a joy in life!"

"Sister, how old you are, but you are old-fashioned."

"Hey, sister, of course my sister is not as old as you!"

Tang Yu's tone was not serious. What made Qin Andan painful was that Little Sister Sun could understand her, and she blushed and shy. At the same time, she glanced at herself with her eyes and pushed Tang Yu with her hand.

Hey, it's a pity that the innocence of ancient people was destroyed by Tang Yu, a modern person.

"Well, that's it. My sister is waiting here. Tang Yu and I will leave tonight and aim for Wuguan."

Sun Xiaomei hurriedly said:

"I also need to go!"

Of course Qin An didn't want to take her, but Tang Yu directly agreed, making Qin An want to stop but it was too late.


It takes two days to reach Wuguan from the unknown village in the mountains.

That night, Qin An, Tang Yu, and Sun Xiaomei went out without the thirteen waitresses, and Shuangyue, who did not know how to martial arts, was naturally left behind.

Under Tang Yu's poisoning of Sun Xiaomei, Sun Xiaomei no longer had the notion that men and women were not allowed to marry, at least they almost disappeared.

Therefore, she would not be very shy when talking to Qin An. The key point was that she had never been alone with Qin An. Tang Yu was always by her side.

The mountain road here is very desolate. There are no mounts. Qin An and the three people are all rushing all the way with kung fu.

Sun Xiaomei's strength has been increasing, and now she can shoot directly through a boulder with one arrow. This is obviously not an ordinary martial art, and under the rebalance of time and space energy, it can be regarded as a special ability. Sun Xiaomei didn't know the reason, but Qin An and Tang Yu knew it well.

After driving for two days, I finally arrived at Wuguan.

There are mountain walls on both sides of this pass. There are various traps and secret posts in the forest. It is not easy to pass, and its main entrance is closed, and a large river tens of meters wide passes by.

When the three of them arrived near Wuguan, they found a hidden place and rested on the tree. They didn't get up until late at night to organize their luggage.

"How do we get in?"

Sun Xiaomei raised the question in her mind.

"How else can I get in, rush in, elder sister, would you like to call me off?"

Tang Yu smiled and spoke, little sister Sun was a little excited, and more nervous.

"Where is the sister-in-law?"

"He naturally wants to go into the city to behead his head. Our goal is to kill Zhang Xi. Going to call the city is just to distract the city's attention. You two women go to the army and call in front of the army. It is estimated that the whole city will be shocked? Hahaha !"

Tang Yu smiled a little exaggerated and enchanting, and Qin An saw some excitement in her face.

Perhaps this is the real Tang Yu, she is born to be suitable for the army to fight. Any feelings are nothing more than decorations for her. That's why she can treat herself like this. It seems that there is no love or very much.


There are 40,000 people in Wuguan, of which 13 are sergeants and the other 27,000 are civilians.

Zhang Yun, whose name is Junyi, is forty-three years old this year and has three sons, namely Zhang Xiong, Zhang Yong, and Zhang Meng. Now Zhang Yong and Zhang Meng are still young, but Zhang Xiong has become Zhang Xi's generals.

In addition to Zhang Xiong, the subordinates will have Cao Feng, Zheng Jia, Three, Hou Defang, Xu Qingyun, Wu Ze, and Zhang Rushi.

The adviser is Liang Wendong.

Early in the morning, Zhang Xi was discussing matters with everyone in the military account under the main gate of Wuguan City.

"My lord! Muhu Pass, Fushui Pass, Baiyang Pass, Zhulin Pass, Jingzi Pass, and Manchuan Pass are surrounded by enemies in ambush. Some of our secret whistle gods will disappear without knowing it, although it has not yet been determined. How many people are there on the enemy, but it is estimated that there are thousands of them! These enemy soldiers do not know where they come from and are difficult to deal with. Are we going to send more soldiers out to pay?"

"Yeah, my lord! You give me five hundred men and horses, Hou Defang goes out for a circle, no matter where the other mouse is, I will let him have nowhere to hide! Humph, I dare to go to my Wuguan city to make trouble, I'm so bored! "

"Hou Defang, don't be agitated. The other party is not easy. Our secret whistles are all over the place, and the number of people is too low. We haven't found any abnormalities for a while. Only in the past few days have we found out that it is a lot less, and it is in all directions! What does this mean? The enemy? It has been a period of time since Wuguan City has been set up for us, and I think the main way of going out should have been blocked! Their purpose is very straightforward, to **** our strange level!"

"Yeah, I always have a bad feeling! Although we are close to Liu Bei, Liu Zhang, and Zhang Lu, the one who can send troops to our side is Zhang Lu. Liu Bei and Liu Zhang are fighting for Yizhou, and Ma Chao is being played by Xiahou. The general chased him around. It’s just that I don’t understand that Zhang Lu’s child is just a god, how dare to attack us?”

"My lord, the messenger I sent doesn't know if I can return to Luoyang in the end. I suggest that we should light up the wolf smoke in the direction of Fushuiguan and let Xiangyang City send troops to strengthen us."

Many generals expressed their opinions, and heard Zhang Xi waved his hands this time, then smiled at Liang Wendong and said, "What do you think, Mr.?"

"Now it's also unpredictable. In fact, I don't think the enemy is necessarily Zhang Lu, maybe it's from the south."

"Liu Bei?"

"Yes, I heard that Liu Bei's wife, that is, Sun Quan's sister, Madam Sun, and Liu Bei had a fallout. She seemed to be outraged all the way to the north. She still has nowhere to go. Although the alliance between Sun and Liu is not as good as before, it has not yet He completely tore his face, and Liu Bei is a fake person. Even if he wants to leave Madam Sun, he will always send her back to Jiangdong intact, so I expect Liu Bei’s people will come to me. In Fang territory, the enemies outside are not concentrated, but scattered everywhere. I think this is not necessarily the enemy's encirclement of us. Maybe they are just doing their own thing, that is, looking for Madam Sun!"

"Oh?" Zhang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. "Mrs. Sun? But Sun Weizi, who married three years ago?"

"It's this woman! General, I just received some news before, and I didn't dare to confirm whether it was accurate, but now these enemies outside of us are a bit weird, but if it's related to Mrs. Sun leaving, it's easy to explain. So I think the previous news is not necessarily false. Just now General Hou said that he would take five hundred soldiers out for a round of hunting. I think it’s not a bad idea. If you encounter an enemy, you will kill them. Kill it! The Sun and Liu alliance has come to collapse, why don’t we just ignite me for them? No matter what the reason, Mrs. Sun died, for Sun Quan, it is Liu Bei who needs to pay the most responsibility. According to our institute I know, although this woman was betrothed to Liu Bei by Sun Quan himself, she is indeed the favorite among Sun Quan's many younger sisters! If she dies unclearly, Sun Quan will definitely take action against Liu Bei! And soon! "

"Hahaha, yes, Wen Dong's strategy is really smart! If this Sun Weizi really reaches my realm, killing her can really disintegrate the Sun Liu alliance, and if Sun Liu fights, it will be a blessing for my father-in-law. !"

Zhang Xi's voice fell, and the messenger outside suddenly asked for him.

"What's the hurry? Come in!"

"General Kai! There are two female generals out there!"

"Two female players?"

The people in the military tent were all stunned. Why did the female general come out?

"Yes! One of them is holding a huge golden hammer in his hand, and the other is carrying a huge black bow and is not riding a horse. They are scolding under the city! The woman holding the golden hammer scolds especially badly, saying..."

Chuan Lingbing's face turned red, and he paused.

"what did she say?"

Zhang Xi asked calmly.

"She said, let us quickly open the city to welcome them in, and give her the seat of the city lord, otherwise she will open the city gate with one hammer, and after entering, we will screw off our heads as a kick... And we have to chop off the peeing parts between our legs, let us...let us only squat and pee in the future!"

"What? Where did this shrew come from! General, I, Hou Defang, asked to leave the station!"

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