Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1895: Learn from Comrade Cao Cao

Qin An was actually blushing, and he needed to move the woman out of the earthquake scene.

After entering the barracks, I saw that the soldiers were practicing hard. All generals who can fight have a training set. Therefore, Pound comes to command the troops now. The soldiers' condition is of course not bad, but in Qin An’s eyes, they are too ordinary. Where is our Chinese children's mighty soldiers?

After walking through the training ground to the iron-making shop, the place was also full of heat. The strong men were shirtless and lit a ball of flames in the stove.

Qin An doesn't need to worry about it either. Naturally someone will preside over the opening ceremony. In the end, Qin An only needs to speak and then toast Tiandi.

After finishing all these, the foreman began to introduce weapons.

"Master said that you can't use a weapon that is too heavy. Therefore, it is custom-made for 40 kg. The shape is a long-handled knife. The handle is half a meter long, but the head of the knife is one meter. It is used to kill evil spirits. , The knife head is big enough to be invincible. How to achieve the sword technique requires the Saint Child and the soldiers to slowly polish it. After all, you have killed the most demons."

The foreman was humble and kept bending over when he spoke.

The "Hundred Steelmaking" technology has been popular in the Han Dynasty, which can be used several times to create high-quality steel with high carbon content, less impurities, uniform structure and good corrosion resistance.

Qin An paced slowly to a stove, and frowned slightly at the red hot iron that the blacksmith was building.

It's okay to use ordinary weapons to deal with ordinary zombies, if it is a high-level mutant zombies or undead monsters, it will be difficult.

In the game world, sword spirit stones and sword spirit stones can be used to refine weapons, is it possible in this world?

Thinking of this, Qin An took out a sword soul stone and threw it beside the red iron block and said, "Build this together with the equipment."

The blacksmith didn't talk nonsense. He took the sledgehammer and beat the two together. After that, he was a little surprised. The small black stone did not know what it was, and it was completely integrated with the equipment so quickly.

After busying for a long time, a big knife finally succeeded in refining, the blacksmith himself was very surprised, why this knife seemed to be so easy to make, it was easy to strike, and the iron became soft? And it's well formed?

Qin An took the broad knife in his hand and flipped it a few times, and he even felt a slight aura. Could it be said that it worked?

"Come on."

Several blacksmiths didn't know what Qin An was going to do, but how dare to neglect, and soon moved in a piece of long iron.

Qin An took out a knife in his hand to cut, but was blocked by Pound.

"Holy Son, what does this mean? The craftsmen don't fight well, you just say, why bother?"

Qin An smiled slightly, the blade changed direction, avoided Pound's arm, and slashed at the iron block again.

At this time, the iron block was disconnected, even Qin An was stunned, and the others were completely petrified.

Is this too sharp? Cutting on the iron block didn't even make a sound, indicating that there was no resistance to shaking, it was really the same as cutting tofu.

"How could this be?"

Pound spoke with vibrato.

"The little stone is my hometown's sacred iron. The weapon refined after blending into the material can be cut into iron like mud. The foreman then sent someone to my mansion to get the sacred iron, and all three thousand weapons were refined in this way. Evil, you must wear a scabbard on the outside to avoid accidentally injuring the soldiers... Considering the weight, use a wooden box. Make a wooden box. Put the long knife inside and let the soldier carry the wooden box. In the future, our army will become a magic sword. Battalion, Pound is the deputy commander. When I turn around, I will teach you a few sets of martial arts swords. You can pass them to the soldiers."

Qin An issued a series of orders, and Pound no longer dared to ask for a big deal, and hurriedly bowed his head.

Just kidding, even if a group of old and weak women and children have such mighty weapons, as long as they can handle them, they can kill people casually, right? This thing is too powerful!

Qin An was still very happy. He had a lot of sword soul stones and sword spirit stones. It was obviously very cost-effective to take out a little bit to build a private army.

In the absence of super powerful abilities, the importance of weapon soldiers cannot be ignored.


Five months passed in a flash, winter passed and spring came, and the time came to 211 AD.

Qin An never left Hanzhong. He used his identity as a son to send some people to investigate, and learned that Zhuge Liang had actually laid out eight formations in Jingzhou, costing more than 100,000 people and encircling Jingzhou, making it difficult for birds to enter.

Moreover, it is said that many generals appeared in Zhuge Liang's army, with superior combat power, and no one has ever been their next enemy.

At present, Liu Bei is 62 years old, old and sickly, and the power is handed over to Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang has already sent his troops to Yizhou. Sichuan is in danger.

Qin An determined after insight into a lot of information that Zhuge Liang must know that he was in the Three Kingdoms, so he was so cautious, and the mysterious generals around him should be the people of the first main god, right?

In March, Cao Cao, who had failed in his southward plan, set his sights on Ma Chao, Han Sui and others in Xiliang, and sent his troops in the name of taking the road to Hanzhong. Ma Chao saw through Cao Cao's conspiracy and quickly formed the Xiliang Allied Forces to go to war with Cao Cao. Zhang Lu also received a letter requesting support, so he urgently launched a high-level military meeting. The participants were all loyal ministers.

Yan Pu said, "The princes of Xiliang have always been friendly with me. This time Ma Chao asked for help. We must go. However, Cao Cao is strong, and his soldiers have gone through hundreds of battles. Even if the number of coalition forces exceeds Cao Jun, the odds of winning are very low. So I suggest going without cutting, waiting for the opportunity."

Zhang Lu hesitated slightly, then turned to look at Qin An.

Qin An let out a breath, then said:

"I agree with the military division's opinion, and please order 10,000 troops to go to Xuchang."

"Where is Xuchang?"

Yan Pu has never heard of this place name.

"Oh, I was wrong, it was bound for Yingchuan."

Everyone in the conference room was stunned.

To support Xiliang, one should go to the northwest, or the northeast. In short, to march to the north, how did Qin An go to Yingchuan? This is heading east, and directly to Cao Cao's lair!

"Holy son, are you trying to encircle Wei and save Zhao? Although this strategy has been in existence since ancient times, it is impractical for us. Now Cao Cao is in Luoyang, Cao Pi is in Yecheng, and the Cao family has a stable foundation. We sent 10,000 people over. What's the use?"

"Military strategist, my purpose is very simple, imitate Cao Cao, bring the emperor, and command the princes, so my destination is to go to Xudu to rescue the emperor."

Even the generals laughed.

Yang Ren said: "Ten years ago, Liu Xie wrote the'clothing edict' and wanted Hanchen to punish Cao Thief, but Cao Thief took the opportunity to eradicate my great Han and several loyal ministers and strengthen his power. The world has been in the world for more than ten years. Now Liu Bei and Sun have the power to become emperor. This is especially true for Cao Thief. What is the use of an emperor?"

Qin An said: "The princes have been fighting for hegemony for only 20 years, but my big man has a foundation for two hundred years! Many people in this world only know that there are big men, but do not know that there are princes. This is the reason why the princes want to be emperor, but have not dared, therefore Although my aura is exhausted, my prestige is still there. If I take Xudu and control the emperor, although I cannot command the world, at least I have the capital to compete with Cao Cao."

"Struggle? How to fight? As long as Cao Cao sends troops in Luoyang and Cao Pi supports from Yecheng, a small Xu Du near Yingchuan County has no danger to defend and will be wiped out instantly. Wouldn't it be the sacrifice of our soldiers in vain?"

Qin An sneered coldly, how could this group of people know the great wisdom of our army's 100,000 li long march.

"I think Shijun and everyone present here must have misunderstood. I am not going to defend Xudu, but to compete with Cao Cao for the foundation of the north. After winning the emperor, I will turn around to the north, and then take the city of Ye from Yecheng. South, strengthen our strength step by step."

"This is too naive. Does the holy son want to go to the prairie? That's the land of nonsense!"

"Haha, so what, if I am strong enough, anyone can use it for me."

In the chamber, everyone was quiet, feeling that Qin An was a little unreasonable, only Zhang Lu was still thinking.

After a long time, Zhang Lu slowly said:

"Holy son, I, Zhang Lu, have seen through the world situation and have been entrenched in the Han for many years. Now this world is chaotic. As you said, the big man is dead in name, and the powerful can get it. Is your heart still in this world? "

Qin An shook his head and said:

"Master, how do you think Hanzhong is compared to Liu Bei Zhuge and others?"

"Naturally worse."

"Now Liu Zhang's Nasi has already welcomed Zhuge Liang's generals into Yizhou. Liu Zhang's land is no longer guaranteed. Hanzhong is connected to it, and Shijun and Liu Zhang have a hatred of disagreement. Cao Cao attacked Xiliang, and later He will also be close to my Hanzhong. Hanzhong is already precarious. There is no retreat from the north to the south, and the eastward can only go to Liu Bei. Does Shijun want this?"

Zhang Lu shook his head slightly.

"Therefore, the only way out now is the dangerous move of soldiers. If the teacher can trust me and let me leave with 10,000 soldiers, the emperor of the big man will be the capital of Luoyang in a year, and the door of Luoyang will be opened to Hanzhong at any time."

Pound glared and said:

"Shengzi, you mean you can kill Cao Cao in one year?"

"Haha, I think Cao Cao should be better than Liu Bei."

What Qin An said was from his heart. Now Liu Bei is already strong with the help of Zhuge Liang and the father of the Sword God. It is almost impossible for him to kill Zhuge Liang on his own.

Although Zhang Lu has great wisdom, he has no males and is too comfortable. He is really not a master.

Therefore, it would be better to go to the north to explore.

It is March, and Cao Cao dispatched his generals to enter Xiliang, and the coalition forces formed by Ma Chao will immediately confront them.

In July, Cao Cao will personally command the army to leave Luoyang to fight with Ma Chao in Tongguan.

Then the guard in the north will be negligent when the time comes. If you bring the emperor yourself, you can go to fight guerrillas and make your troops grow like a snowball. Passing through Inner Mongolia and entering Hebei, it will not be difficult to take down Yecheng. Loyal ministers will fall into their own hands. It may be difficult for the princes to carry the emperor, but it is entirely possible that the north will destroy Cao Cao with the emperor.

Of course, all these prerequisites are that they have a strong army.

Under his own training, the three thousand men already had the strength of the Flying Tigers of the Special Forces, and the evil swords they were equipped with were super weapons in the Cold Weapon era. Qin An believed that these three thousand men would be enough to be ten. There is an 80% chance that 30,000 armies will win in a head-on battle. What's more, how about the help of this super BOSS? You can use one enemy one thousand and three thousand tiger and wolf teachers as cover by yourself. Can break ten thousand!

Zhang Lu pondered for a long time, finally made up his mind and said:

"The words of the saint son are very reasonable, but what I said just now, everyone should be a joke, don't spread it. Now I have ordered the saint son to lead 10,000 people out of Hanzhong to support the nephew of Ma Chaoxian in Xiliang. It’s not just that you will be uncomfortable in foreign military orders, telling Ma Chao that our Saint Son’s military deployment is confidential. How to cooperate with his allied forces will be led by Saint Son alone, so it’s fine. Pound listened to the order, you, as Vice Admiral of Saint Son, For five months, let’s go together now, and be sure to help me take care of the safety of the Son."

"Pound obeyed!"

Qin An let out a long breath.

I admire Zhang Lu more and more, this is really a talent.

The Undead Tooth appeared to disturb the people, how terrified, he only took a few days to calm the people, and let everyone forget this time, of course, this is also because the monster never appeared again, no matter what, this is regarded as the ability to govern the country.

Now he can allow himself to take away 10,000 elite soldiers, this kind of heart is either too stupid, or it can only be said to have great wisdom.

After the meeting was disbanded, Qin An rushed home and entered Tang Yu's room. Tang Yu was learning embroidery from Shuangyue.

Hey, I really can't see through Tang Yu's thoughts. In the past five months, it has been almost impossible to get out of the door. It looks like the Queen of Tang Yu back then.

But thinking about it, it can be understood that she has passed a hundred years, and she has no expectations and no doubts in her life. Now she is in the Three Kingdoms that no one knows again. She is probably even more unintentional, right? Not going to be a nun again, Qin An is already Ami Tofu, thank God.

"grown ups......"

Shuangyue got up to be rude, but was stopped by Tang Yu.

"Don't pay attention to him, forgot what I told you? No one in this mansion is your master, just do whatever you like."

Shuangyue's face was reddened, she glanced at Qin An timidly, but finally did not move.

"Yes, your sister Tang Yu is right! You will be free in the future, don't always think about kneeling and kowtow, trouble."

Qin An happily went to the bed and looked at Tang Yu and said, "Tomorrow we will leave, and you will go with me."

Tang Yu ignored Qin An, but said to Shuangyue: "Look, where should this needle go from?"

"Madam, it should be here."

Shuangyue was finally settled, anyway, after five months of getting along, she had already discovered that this pair of masters was very different from the master in her consciousness.

Qin An already had a cheeky face to Tang Yu, he would talk to himself if she didn't talk to him.

"Zhang Lu has promised me that I will set off with 10,000 troops tomorrow. When that time comes, I will also bring the group of iron strikers. I want to make more sword spirit weapons and equipment. I will go to Xudu to pick up Han Xiandi Liu Xie. Then bring the emperor to order the princes! Haha, learn from Cao Cao!"

These words finally aroused Tang Yu's interest.

"If you don't kill Zhuge Liang, you will fight Cao Cao instead?"

"The spies have figured it out. Now let alone killing Zhuge Liang, I can't even enter Jingzhou City! So I have to quickly build up my strength, and then march into Jingzhou."

"Well, you know the history, and there is a magic sword camp in your hand. The idea of ​​going north to plump wings is feasible, but where do you come from? Can you take it from the poor? I think Hanzhong has the most I will provide you with food and grass for three months. After you pick up the Emperor Xian of Han, you will either return to Hanzhong and set fire to Hanzhong, or if you head north, the replenishment will be cut off. Could it be..."

"I'm going to Inner Mongolia to **** the Hu people, form a cavalry unit, kill Yecheng, and then surrender Cao Cao!"

Tang Yu's eyes finally became sharp.

Now that she had accepted the fact that she had crossed, even if she hated Qin An again, she would not kill him anyway, so she spent five months in peace, boring to death.

She is not interested in killing Zhuge Liang or not. As a woman, all she has to think about is her emotional fate.

So now Qin An proposed a plan to go to Xudu, she completely agreed, and looked forward to it.

Just come here to travel. She doesn't like Qin An now, because she has had feelings with Qin Er'an for a hundred years.

But there is a big problem here.

During the hundred years with Qin Er'an, they were completely in a spiritual exchange, and Tang Yu had never slept with Qin Er'an.

Women, it's always like this. In fact, a century of emotion is not longer than a one-night stand, which is why people say that **** are ruthless.

Maybe a woman likes feelings, but she also likes the frank meeting on the bedclothes.

"Okay Shuangyue, let's stop embroidering, let the hammer slave prepare the carriage, then bring the weapon, and go out with the army tomorrow."


Shuangyue replied respectfully.

Hammer slave is a guard chosen by Qin An for Tang Yu in the three armies. He is two meters tall and 270 weight. He is extremely powerful, and is responsible for looking after Tang Yu's blood master Golden Hammer.

After Shuangyue left, Qin An approached Tang Yu and wanted to be close to Tang Yu, and Tang Yu turned his **** to him again, unwilling to pay attention.

Qin An licked it for a while and found that it was invalid. It seemed that Master Tang Yu was in a normal mood today, so forget it, and wait for another day to come.


The next day, in the open area on the back of Hanzhong, 10,000 troops gathered, and Qin An’s first 3,000 people had become managers of this army.

These three thousand people are not easy. In five months, what Qin An instilled in them were modern military concepts.

How to detect, how to march, how to cover the battle, how to outsmart the sneak attack, how to fight and kill the enemy, Qin An knew almost everything he knew, even if they couldn’t accept all of them, the military literacy of this group of people is already better than that of ordinary soldiers. Do not know how many times.

Qin An divided the 100,000 people into 100 groups, and then let the small groups march forward, avoiding the official roads of the village, and specially picking the mountains and dense forests to advance, while walking and training troops, and also to check whether the field survival skills are qualified.

The teams rely on carrier pigeons, wolf smoke, and messengers to communicate, and everything is in order.

When he set off, Tang Yu's carriage also came. Frosty Moon escorted him and sat in the carriage. There was a coachman holding a whip in the carriage, and a hammer slave followed on foot under the carriage.

In five months, Pound finally saw the legendary blood master golden hammer.

Now Pound has completely admired Qin An, only because his military commander talent and martial arts are too fierce.

Therefore, Pound really regarded Qin An as the boss, and he spoke kindly and casually.

Seeing the carriage, Pound immediately said loudly: "Master Saint, the lady is doing in the car? Is this the owner of the blood master Golden Hammer? I don't know if we can get her out of the car, brothers all want to see you!"

Several lieutenants who are familiar with Qin An nearby also joked. According to the legend, this Mrs. Qin is five big and three rough, really want to meet!

Qin An saw that everyone was very enthusiastic, so he jumped into the carriage and asked Tang Yu for advice.

"Look at me? Huh, no time!"

"Tang Yu, that's the case. They heard that you can handle a golden hammer. They all think you are a big-waisted woman, and they say that your arms are as thick as an old sow..."

Before Qin An finished speaking, she was kicked out of the car by Tang Yu. Then she pulled the curtain of the car with a flushed face, and dexterously jumped out of the car...

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