Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1889: Gong Jin and Wan Jing

Blue and white, red grass, water snake waist.

The water was a bit salty, but it was actually the tears of the snake girl. After crying for a long time, the tears accumulated and eventually became a river, covering the whole floor.

Perhaps because of the salty river of tears, the grass nearby turned red, and the flowers nearby were only blue.

Most of the snake's body is in the water, so it is a water snake.

Its body length is 100 meters entrenched, and its scales look golden.

There is a thatched house near the Salt Water Tears River, and the thatched house is surrounded by continuous mountains.

These mountains are naturally not real, they are also mazes. Once you walk in, you will naturally lose your way.

When the sun rose in the sky, the water snake suddenly opened its eyes, then quickly disappeared, transforming into a human form and becoming a peerless beauty.

It's just that the expression on this beauty's face is very bad, she seems a little angry.

"Little demon, why are you playing in the water again? Don't you know that the water is salty?"

There was no one else around, the beauty suddenly moved after she had said this, and the expression on her face changed when she reached the shore.

"I'm so tired. Yesterday I was really tired from Daguai upgrade, so I took a bath, Qin An, did you make breakfast? I want to eat barbecue."

This time her voice was much softer, not as neutral as it just sounded.

After saying this, her body moved again and quickly returned to the previous position.

"You, you, you are really a foodie, go, the food is on the edge of the woods, you go to eat, I specially prepared it for you."

"Hey, you are the best!"

The beauty continued to change roles. After speaking softly, she ran to the edge of the woods. There was no food at all, but there was another big pit, and there were tears in the pit, and the tears gushed out into the lower river of tears.

The beauty took a stunned look, then sat on the ground, took a handful of mud mixed with tears from there, and slowly sent it to her mouth.

While chewing, her tears flowed.

I don't know how many times this scene has been staged in the past 11 years. She was trapped in the maze and in her own heart.

The little Weng Lan with wings was like a little bee leading the way. She took Qin An to a high ground and disappeared.

There is no sea and promenade here, only a piece of woods, a hut, a big river, and the woman who just finished the dialogue between the two and went to eat the mud by the river.

Qin An was originally struggling with his identity, but when he saw the woman's performance, he quickly petrified.


What if this is a world of fiction?

Look at the woman in front of you, and everyone in this world, everyone has a soul and thought!

In this case, this is true. Maybe some power in the dark determines the destiny of some people, but isn't life like this? On the way forward, either succumb to fate and do nothing, or challenge fate to become a dragon and phoenix among people, even the gods have no choice.

Quickly flashed to the woman's side, Qin An whispered:

"The demon."

The demon child who was eating the mud and crying suddenly shook his body. He didn't look back for a long time, but said slowly with a trembling voice:

"Hey, are you here again?"

"I'm back again?"

"Well, you will always appear behind me and call me a demon, but when I look back, you don't exist at all!"

"Oh, it seems that you still miss me."

"Of course, you don't know that in the past 11 years, I have not missed you a day. Sometimes I even want to see Qin Er'an because he looks exactly like you. But after I saw him I couldn't help being angry, so I ran away. Gradually, no one came to see me. Those guys who stood outside the formation and appeared will be killed mercilessly by me, time after time, until no one else! Qin An, why do you say? Why do I always think of you?"

"You are trapped because of me, so you will naturally think of me."

"Yes, I heard that there was another Qin An at that time, so I wanted to take a look. See if I like a Qin An or you like that one! Then I understood, I like you, not just casually. A Qin An, this is love, just like in those novels, once the sea is hard to be watered, but Wushan is not a cloud. I really can’t forget the days of fighting monsters and upgrading with you and eating barbecue. I don’t know how much I survived. In years, I finally found that that kind of life can satisfy me, and I can even live in that kind of life until the end of my life."

Qin An was moved by it, and for a while he didn't know what to say.

In fact, he was more guilty. He didn't expect that he was so high in the demon's heart, but he could not rescue her in the first time.

Qin Er'an, and the cursed beast behind him, Qin An didn't intend to forgive, since he has half of the blood of killing in his genes, let him occasionally kill him.

"Are you leaving again?"

"Monster, look back, I will not go, because this time I am not your illusion, not your dream, not your depression! I am a real person, I came here to take you away , From then on, if you are willing to follow me, you can always follow me. Forever, I can let you eat barbecue every day, as long as I stay by your side. Get up, I don’t know how I got in or how we will get out , But I understand that no one can stop me, because I am the protagonist! If this is really a novel world, I should be the supreme **** here, and this is destiny!"

As Qin An spoke, he took a step forward, reached out his hand to pull the demon boy up, made her turn around, and then wiped the mud from the corner of her mouth.

Qin An pursed her lips, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes, because the demon looked too miserable at this time. After being trapped for eleven years, did she live like this?

"Come on, open your mouth and look at the mud, your tongue is up and down! Is there nothing else to eat?"

"This is not mud, you made me barbecue."

The demon seemed a little ignorant. After saying this, he turned his head slightly and looked at the man in front of him.

She slowly reached out her hand and touched his cheek.

"This meat... so soft, you are not a big tree?"

Qin An's tears couldn't help dripping.

He seemed to see the scene that the demon had experienced before.

She was eating mud there, and then Qin An suddenly spoke to her behind her.

She got up and ran over, and stretched out her hand like this to touch Qin An's cheek, but after a daze, she found that there was only a big tree, not Qin An!

Isn't she really proud of a woman who can miss herself so much?

"I am not a big tree."

"Then you are not a huge boulder?"

The Yaozi's voice suddenly trembled, and there were tears on her face. At this time, tears came in her eyes again, and her lips were already shaking.

"I am not a boulder either! I am the real Qin An, come to pick you up and let you stay with me forever."

"You...you are not a boulder, you are not a big tree?"

The demon was like a demon, repeating these words over and over again, tears staying uninterrupted.

"Qin An! Are you really Qin An? You are not a huge stone? Not a big tree?"

Yaozi repeated these words again, and then suddenly moved forward, hugged Qin An tightly, and wept bitterly.

As she cried, the dark clouds in the sky gathered quickly and surged wildly.

A ray of electric light forms a net in the sky, and a wave of powerful energy turns into a lightning pillar to fall vertically, quickly smashing all the restrictions that trapped the two.

Outside the big formation, the Flame Beast and Fire Qilin who was fighting with people suddenly turned his head, and was stunned when he looked at the terrifying sight.

"Ah? What's the situation? When two people meet, why are they trying to crush the world? Is there anything tricky between Qin An and the demon? Strange! It's strange!"


The story is still happening, but different time and space points have different stories.

Some are not related to us, and some seem to be irrelevant, but in fact they are the beginning of all stories.

In other words, there is no beginning, things themselves are in reincarnation.

A drop of water freezes into ice, and the ice becomes water when it is heated. The water continues to be heated and becomes volatile water vapor. The water vapor gathers up as a rain cloud, which becomes a drop of water after it rains and falls to the ground.

This is a process of reincarnation, no one can tell where is the beginning and where is the end.

In the 14th year of Jian'an, in 209 AD, Zhou Yu worshipped the general and led the prefect of Nanjun.

A carriage was leaving Nanjun at this time and was about to head to Gangneung.

A faint cough came from the carriage, followed by a woman's whisper.

"Gong Jin, do you want some water?"

"No need...Wanjing, it's hard work for you."

"The concubine is Gong Jin's concubine, so why is it so hard?"

"Haha, yes! Gong Jin is a minister of the lord, now the lord has finally allowed me to send troops to Yizhou, I will definitely go all out!"

"Hey, Gong Jin's body is worrisome. It was good to go directly to Jiangling. Why should you come to South County for a round? Is it because you took the vacant position of the South County prefect?"


"Why is that?"

"Do you know Zhuge Kongming?"

"Why don't you know? Gong Jin has always been jealous of this person, didn't he expect him to be your strongest enemy in the next ten years?"

"Hey, the world is unpredictable, how can I know the future? But if I can live another ten years, there will be no Kong Ming in the hand down, only my Gong Jin! So this time to go to the South County, just Ming Zhi, then Kong Ming Zeng Plowing here, the thief Liu invited him out from here. This time I asked Kong Ming to disarm and return to the field and return to his place of plowing."

"Gong Jin, you and Kong Ming have never been enemies, why do you care about him so much?"

"There are many people in the world, but there are many planners, but they can see the fate of the sky, only Gongjin and Kong Ming. I guess he also regards me as the enemy of his life, but my fate is unpredictable, I can't see it! I can't see it! "

"Gong Jin, don't think too much, just rest on your concubine's body for a while, so as not to cough again, I see your face flushed, it seems inappropriate."

"Well, starting at the end of the new year, it is estimated that it will be next year when we arrive in Jiangling. We will pass by Tangxia Town, where there are delicious Qingtian boiled water frogs. We can rest for a while, and then go to Jiangling. We should have a good time with you. Year, and this year, only you and me are good?"

"The elders in that family, and the wife..."

"The elder Wugongjin can be safe, so as not to worry about my body. As for her...what do you care about her? If Gongjin's life is not long, why should he pet Qiao Wanjing alone?"

The woman in the carriage was naturally moved, the carriage moved slowly, and finally reached Tangxia three days later, and entered a farmer’s house to rest.

Today’s weather is already cold, and the first snow fell yesterday. Gong Jin’s body is becoming more fragile. He coughed up blood for a long time. Xiao Qiao was shocked. Following the rumor, a nearby Shili doctor came to the meeting and sent someone to report to the lord, saying that Gong Jin’s body was getting weak , I may not be able to take on the big responsibility.

Soon after, Gong Jin woke up and found out that Xiao Qiao's arrangements were furious, and sent a quick horse to chase the messenger, criticizing Xiao Qiao for being ignorant, and punishing him to copy the female scriptures again.

As it passed day by day, Gong Jinqu still couldn't make his way.

Sun Quan knew about Gong Jin's situation, so he ordered him to cultivate in Tangxia, and then went to Jiangling when he recovered.

This procrastination came to March of the next year, when Gong Jin's illness got better when the spring was on, he no longer wanted to cultivate, and brought Xiao Qiao and the eighteenth sergeant to Jiangling.

Day and night,

On the way, Gong Jin took Xiao Qiao to climb the mountain to watch the stars, then frowned without saying a word.

"Gong Jin, your body is better. The spring is cool and cold. You should return to the carriage as soon as possible. It is estimated that you will be in Jiangling one day."

"Hey, the sky is full of stars, but I don't know the astrological reconciliation, how can Gong Jin sleep peacefully?"

"What? Did Gong Jin see some changes?"

"Wanjing, can you believe in reincarnation?"

"I can't believe my concubine, because my concubine is dull, and I don't know if the soul in this world can be passed on from generation to generation."

"Wan Jing Conghui doesn't need to be self-effacing. If you can say this, it proves that you are more awake than too many people in this world."

"Gong Jin..."

Just as Xiao Qiao was about to speak, suddenly the sky was covered with dark clouds and the lightning flashed!

"How can this be? Is this going to rain torrentially?"

"No, this celestial phenomenon is extremely weird, I'm afraid something big will happen!"

Just as Gong Jin's voice fell, an electric flash that was as strong as a horse-drawn carriage fell, smoothing a piece of wood ten meters away, and then a huge bright silver object appeared on the clearing.

Both Gong Jin and Wanjing were frightened, because the thing in front of them had never been seen before, and they didn't know what it was.


Kong Ming watched the sky night by night, but he saw another scene.

After the dark clouds have risen in the sky, what are the dots scattered among the dark clouds?

Suddenly, the entrenched star point began to rotate rapidly, and then three light groups rose from different directions and merged into the light point!

How could this be? The spirit of the lord, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei fluttered out, where are they going?

Zhuge Liang was shocked, and immediately started divination, but after a long calculation, he did not know why this happened.

Suddenly, the sky full of light disappeared, and another light fell from the sky and fell in front of Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang hurried over to check, but a young man covered in blood appeared!


A long time after Qi Rou and Qin Shihuang left the earth, Qi Rou was pregnant and had her first son Anchen.

At that time Qin Shihuang was old, and Qi Rou was going to take him away to find the way of longevity.

However, she didn't want to take the children with her. After all, she went too far and didn't know what would happen. The universe was so big that even Qi Rou couldn't understand her real future.

Turning on the space-time magnetic field, Qi Rou's spacecraft rushed into a space-time point in 210 AD.

After landing, the people they met were Zhou Yu, Zhou Gongjin and Xiao Qiaoqiao Wanjing.

"Ah? The energy magnetic field over there didn't appear because of me. Zheng, you return to the cabin. The earth's air is no longer suitable for you. I will go around and see if I can put Anchen in this space."

Ying Zheng's body has been evolving under the influence of Qi Rou. Knowing that the oxygen in the earth is no longer suitable for his breathing, he also gave up many things in order to pursue longevity. He hadn't got off the spaceship before Qi Rou spoke, and returned immediately after hearing Qi Rou's words. Qi Rou held the baby in her arms alone and met Zhou Gongjin and Xiao Qiao.

"Who are you? What is behind you? Why are you here?"

Zhou Yu guarded Xiao Qiao behind her, wondering whether the girl in front of her and the baby in her arms were humans or ghosts.

"Haha, don't be afraid, I am an alien, understand?"

"Aliens?" Zhou Yu was blinded. He is such a great military division. He knows astronomy from the top, and he can understand the earth. I really don't know what an alien is!

"How old is this place?"

"What is a park?"

"Okay, okay, it seems that your era is not developed enough. I used the material algorithm to infer that the future earth should be an era that is fairly advanced in science and technology. It seems that the space-time point must be adjusted to be a little further away. The earth will go in time and space in the future, but... I don’t know why the magnetic field in the space is turned on. Are there any outsiders besides me and Ying Zheng? What a hell!"

"Who are you!" Zhou Yu was still yelling, his face flushed and his lips turned a little purple.

"Ah? No good, what is your name, this body doesn't seem to be very good!"

Qi Rou's voice fell, and Zhou Yu was so excited that she fell directly to the ground. Xiao Qiao was shocked and knelt and wept bitterly.

Qi Rou was a little depressed. She was just a time traveler. She met Ying Zheng and fell in love with her. Now she is about to put her child in the peaceful age of the earth, and then travel long distances, but she doesn't want to harm human lives without cause.

So Qi Rou took the child back to the spaceship and greeted Ying Zheng, allowing him to spend a few days on the spaceship.

After that, Qi Rou accompanied Xiao Qiao to Jiangling and treated Zhou Yu.

It’s a pity that Qi Rou discovered that this man named Zhou Yu had been dead for a while. He was dying. His spacecraft produced strong radiation after landing. Zhou Yu and Qiao Wanjing were too close to each other. They had been poisoned by this radiation. It's hard to save his life even by himself.

Qiao Wanjing is the later Xiao Qiao, and naturally he can't live for long.

Qi Rou, who felt extremely sorry, planned to try hard, so she stayed in Jiangling temporarily with Zhou Yuqiao and Wanjing.

A few more days later, even though Zhou Yu woke up, she was still sick and unhealthy. Qi Rou used many methods and found that Zhou Yu still could not really save Zhou Yu, not only a little desperate.

Zhou Yu had many speculations about Qirou's identity, but could not let go of the idea of ​​sending troops to Yizhou.

For the great cause of the lord, although he does not live long by himself, he still rectifies the three armies and is expected to send troops soon.


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