Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1878: Tang Yu remarried

Although not upgrading, Qin An's total health bars have been soaring. Half a year ago, he reached almost 1 million health. Although his health bar is still there, the system does not display the value. Whenever Qin An wants to check his health, the system gives only one sentence. : Your blood volume cannot be counted...

How can blood volume still not be counted? Qin An doesn't understand. Could it be that his blood is already infinite? This is obviously impossible. If there is an infinite amount of blood, it means that he can also have an infinite number of attacks. This is a BUG!

I don't know if this BUG exists, but Qin An's combat effectiveness is indeed very strong. All the monsters he encountered in the past year were killed with a single sword, just like killing those time-space hunters.

So Qin An still doesn't know what his abilities are, and he has never encountered an opponent that he knows.


"Dear Qin An, can I use your granddaughter? You know, those children love Dai Yana and are more patient than snacks or toys!"

The fat aunt Anton Ola walked into Qin An's study early in the morning. At this time, the unscrupulous Qin An was painting. His model was Qin Yana in a red dress.

"Oh... Aunt Anton Ola, can you wait for me to finish drawing this foot?"

"Sorry, dear grandpa, I think it's more important for the children. You can imagine my feet."

Qin Yana stood up with a smile, and followed Anton Ola to leave.

Qin An was stunned there, frowning and thinking for a while, but thought that his granddaughter's feet were beautiful, and then he stopped thinking about it.

Abnormal, how can I think about my granddaughter's feet! Crime!

Qin An shook his head looking at the painting he was about to finish, which was a pity.

Suddenly, Qin An raised his head, a murderous look in his originally comfortable eyes.

Hmph, this kid, really can't change the shit!

Throwing the unfinished portrait of his granddaughter aside, Qin An hurriedly left the room, and then ran out of the city to a small forest ten kilometers away.

At this time, Jin Ge was showing his muscles in the grove.

"Hey chick, look at my muscles, aren't you in heat? Now you lie on the grass and close your eyes. I promise to make you cool from the hair to the toes!"

"Hehe, what are you doing? You want to lick... the whole body of the slave?"

"If you like me, you can?" Jin Ge has been holding back for a year. His physical needs are actually very strong. At this time, he is willing to do anything for a shot.

Jin Ge hasn't left for a year, and he just wandered around. Qin An was in a good mood and he could get closer. When Qin An was in a bad mood, he could only stay away, or he would get fattened.

The day before yesterday, he peeked at Yana to take a bath. Naturally, it was conceivable that Qin An almost cried her father and called her mother, so he didn’t dare to approach. He ran to the green jungle map ten kilometers away from the dangerous city. Today I actually met a pretty beauty in the forest!

In fact, this beauty is not that beautiful. She has a pretty face at best, but her figure is really plump and charming, and her body is exposed and tight. If any male species sees such a female wolf in heat, it is either a problem in the heart or a physical problem. has a problem.

Without any problem, Jin Ge released enough hormones and amused the female wolf. Just when he thought he could get the stamens soon, a dozen figures suddenly appeared in the forest and moved quickly, and after a while, Jin Ge Surrounded by it.

"Husband, you are here!"

"Haha, small tit, you go into the woods to get rid of it. If you don't come out for such a long time, of course your husband has to follow along to see if someone wants to plot against you."

"Isn't it him? He said he wanted to **** me, let me go from the hair to the toe cover!"

The small tit, who had just smiled, looked aggrieved, and changed his face faster than flipping a book.

"Damn, the woman who wanted to make me black tiger was really ambitious, brothers, kill him!"

Heihu gave an order, and the flesh shields of the two close professions had moved forward, and an archer leaned back and drew the bow to draw the arrow in one go. The energy elements were already in the hands of the two magicians.

Jin Ge was shirtless and his face was livid. He didn't expect to steal food but it would make him irritated.

"Hmph, where did you come from, dare to go to the dangerous city to pick up the wild."

"Dangerous city? What kind of city is this? Why don't you know there is another city here? Don't talk nonsense, kill him!"

Heihu gave an order, and all the attacks were issued together. Jin Ge was not afraid. He was a local mage. Attacking others might not be considered powerful, but the ability to defend and escape was absolutely nothing.

There was a loud bang, and the entire surface suddenly collapsed.

The nearby trees, flowers, and people were all trapped in underground pits. The soil controlled by magic didn't stop moving, but kept rolling.

"Black Tiger! Save me! Black Tiger!"

The small **** also failed to escape the collapsed trap, their body was already rolling uncontrollably in the soil, and the voice cried out for help.

The big hand that had been stretched out of the soil suddenly, grabbed her clothes and tore it open, and then a strong and powerful embrace took it.

"Little lady, dare to play with me, watch me play with you in a while!"

The little **** heard that the speaker was Jin Ge, but she calmed down a lot, and she whispered: "Big Brother, the slave family could have recognized you for taking it, but you have committed a crime now. You save me and go!"

Jin Ge grabbed the small titmouse with naked upper body and ran on the flowing soil, as if he was a master of light work who stepped on the water, he still had the energy to talk and chat with the small **** while moving.

"A crime?"

"No, do you know who the black tiger is? Do you know where we come from? You don't know. Now you have completely offended the black tiger. If you kill him, no matter where you hide It is very difficult to escape. I advise you to show mercy and not let this soil bury the black tiger!"

"Haha, you little lady is kind and righteous, and want to save your man with a strategy? Don't worry, I just want to play with you. I am not interested in your man. They will crawl out of that pit."

"Hey, you idiot. I am a wandering apocalyptic woman, and there is still friendship in my heart? If I say yes, I will treat you more now. Your wild nature makes my heart move, but I don't mind having fun with you in time. It's just that. Although Heihu is incompetent, his elder brother is a man with great supernatural powers. We are from the Kingdom of Qin in the East China Sea. His elder brother is Hei Moruo under the king of the East China Sea, Qin An!"

"Oh? Qin An from Qin Kingdom in the East China Sea?"

Jin Ge had already ran away from the magic collapse area at this time, and took the small **** to a large open space.

He has been with Qin Yana for four years and Qin An for a year, so naturally he has almost grasped their situation.

At least he knew that Qin Yana was the orthodox bloodline of the Qin Family in Kaitian City back then, and he also knew the legends about two Qin Ans.

Then if Qin An who is next to Qin Yana is real, the other Qin An should be fake.

Three years ago, Jin Ge also participated in the strategy war performed by the Allied Forces against Wanshen, but he was hiding at the end. He escaped before seeing the BOSS, so he could survive and save Qin Yana. Later, he met again. Roland.

Roland told him about the Qin family. Otherwise, according to his personality, he would put Roland on the bed and sleep, knowing that Roland had something to do with Qin Yana and let her go.

So after the last battle, the gods wandered around and wiped out the old nest of the Qin family, Kaitian City. I don’t know if I went to Jin Ge on the East China Sea Xia Ke Island. After that, all the teleportation formations have been destroyed, and it will take some time to go there. Jin Ge just wants to find a place to hide and avoid the boss, so naturally he will not go far.

Could it be that the fake Qin An is still alive? And it's a comeback in the East China Sea?

At this moment, a figure fell from the sky, kicking Jin Ge away and snatching the small bird in his hand.

"You said that Heihu is Hei Moruo's younger brother? I ask you, was Hei Mo Luo a member of Kaitian City Tang Yu's back then? Since he is in the East China Sea, then the Qin Family Tang Yu and the others in the Qin Family? Is it also in the East China Sea?"

Of course the person who came was Qin An. He originally discovered that Jin Ge's lustful old problem had committed again, and wanted to come over and beat him up.

Men's **** is not a problem, but the spare tires trained for granddaughters can't be lustful. Which grandfather is willing to watch his granddaughter go to share a husband with another woman? People are selfish. Qin An's emotional problems are entangled and confused, and he doesn't want his descendants to experience so many chaos.

What Qin An didn't expect was an unexpected receipt.

After seeing Qin An's appearance, the small **** had his mouth grown, his eyes rounded, and his words were squashed.

"Qin Qin Qin... King Qin?"

"I'm Qin An, not your Qin King of the East China Sea. I just ask you, is Tang Yu on Xia Ke Island in the East China Sea?"

"Yes...you are Qin An from the Qin Clan who opened the Tiancheng City? Didn't you die long ago? Oh my god, how could a person who had been missing for ten years still appear?"

Qin An's face flushed, and his heart was full of excitement.

"What about Qiu Jinse? Where are my children?"

"Mrs. Qiu Jinse and most of the young ladies and masters are not there. Mrs. Tang Yu has been looking for them for many years but did not find out. It is estimated that they should have left the territory of the demons and went to the territory of the gods. You know, this game The world is big, and it is not easy to find some people."

The small **** slowly calmed down, but her eyes dodged, as if she did not dare to look at Qin An.

"What's wrong? Is Tang Yu okay?"

Qin An's heart was a little excited, and he was full of gratitude to Tang Yu. For so many years, this woman who had not been married into Qin's house had been in Qin's house. How could he not be moved by her?

"Ms. Tang Yu... she's okay! The losses in the BOSS strategy battle three years ago were too serious. Grandma Qi Rouzu disappeared, Madam Tang Yu and Madam Qingcheng were all seriously injured. They were rescued by the Prince of East China Sea, and the remnants of the people on both sides retreated. To the East China Sea. Madam Tang Yu and Madam Qingcheng recovered from their injuries and returned to Kaitian City. The place was destroyed and Madam Jinse disappeared. There was no way Madam Tang Yu returned to the East China Sea, trying to rely on King Qin of the East China Sea to find everyone. As a result, we have lived until now...Now we have become one family. Master, you may not know me. My little bird used to belong to the Qin family of Kaitiancheng, and I belonged to the Qin family’s army. Ordinary soldier, I really didn’t expect you to show up... Maybe I should tell you something, in seven days, Mrs. Tang Yu will remarry to King Qin of the East China Sea. That is your fan! Listen to the black Tiger Big Brother Hei Moruo said, Master Tang Yu is the Blood Master Sword God, and the only men you can follow in this life are you and King Qin of the East China Sea. Since you have disappeared for so many years, Master Tang Yu is finally dead... "

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