Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1876: Do you remember her?

Perhaps it was because he felt that it was too easy to win, so Qin An's self-confidence was bursting. This time the shout was so loud that many people heard it.

The soldiers of the Qin family camp didn't know so many things. They just understood what they saw with their eyes. Qin An won, easily won, and killed the enemy with one sword. This is simply awesome!

Is this the Qin Patriarch who insulted a female soldier in the legend?

If this is the case, then all the female soldiers of the Qin family have a dream, that is to be assaulted by Qin Anlai once!

From the beginning of the end of the world, the world has become respected by the strong. A powerful person will have everything to say, including indecent women!

Qin An heard the cheers behind him and felt proud, so he waited to face the second enemy.

However, everything in front of me changed in an instant!


This was a large piece of collapsed ruins. Qin An was originally crushed by mud and stones. He crawled out with great efforts, only to see endless dust around him, and there was no living creature in the empty space.

Qin An was dumbfounded, how could this happen?

Wasn't it in the Zenith battlefield just now? Why did you get to this ghost place all at once? TM crossed again?

Closing his eyes, Qin An thinks back to the past, everything is vividly visible, two different five-year memories, the reunion with Ci Jingyi Yabei, the first victory in the battle of the zenith, everything happened before , That is not a dream, I will never make a mistake!


"Rhine! Come out for Lao Tzu!"

Qin An roared and yelled. He felt that all this must be a ghost of Rhine. She can control her life trajectory, so there can be no one else except her!

After yelling for a long time, but no one around responded, Qin An wandered around and finally knelt on the ground. He didn't know where it was, he was left with himself!

Why is this happening? What fate is he going to experience? Why is he obviously very powerful but has been unable to control his life?

"Qin An..."

Suddenly, the voice of a woman behind him spread.

Qin An turned his head and saw that it was a mature woman with a somewhat **** figure. After a glance, Qin An remembered who she was.


Qin An, do you remember me?

The woman dashed at speed, plunged into Qin An's arms, crying bitterly.

"Why are you here? Where is this? What age is it now? I mean, how old is the game world?"

"The tenth year of the game world!"


Qin An is completely stupid!

Roland called him for a long time before he finally responded, and then asked Roland to tell him the changes in the game world over the past decade.

"This place is the site of the Skeleton Buddha Cave. You entered this copy ten years ago. Five years ago, the Skeleton Buddha copy collapsed and this site was formed. I didn't expect you to appear here again."

"I crawled out of the soil."

"Oh...Have you been asleep in the soil for so many years?"

Qin An didn't speak. If Rhine made things happen, it would be possible forever!

"Hey, anyway, in the year you disappeared, the Kowloon Empire and many other forces all sent a large number of people into the game world. Naturally, the people of the Qin family also came. I also came in with the Qin family at that time..."

Roland said that here was a little dim.

"Everything went smoothly at the beginning, except that you and Weng Lan were both missing. But Tang Yu is very capable, managed the Qin family in an orderly manner, and established an empire with Kaitian City as the emperor. It was not until the Qin Jiaqing three years ago. Only when I went out to attack the 70th level BOSS The Romance of the Gods, I received a devastating blow!"

"Destructive blow?"

"Yes, it's not just the Qin family. Most of the forces in this game world have been dismantled by the 70-level BOSS. We all think this is a death game, and the 70-level BOSS is a bug that can kill the player. If you haven't experienced it, you can never imagine how terrible a level 70 BOSS is! At present, there are only four level 70 BOSS that I know. The Romance of the Gods, the glorious ice bones, the blood-burst heavenly king and the fighting monsters! , I have only heard of these four BOSS, because the players who have seen them are basically dead...I am lucky, I have never seen it so far. The reason why I say it is lucky, because I met these four BOSS The chance of being is actually very high. After the level 70 map is opened, these 4 BOSSs will start to wander around. They can even go to the safe area to kill people. The place they pass is boneless and bleak! Players no longer have the opportunity to attack the BOSS. And the way, people finally understand why this game is called Doomsday Remnant Blood! Escape from the doomsday of the earth into the game world, it is ridiculous that we are now in the real doomsday!"

"How could this happen, the Qin family? Aren't they all dead?"

"I don't know. Back then, the 100,000 troops of the Qin family joined the East China Sea Qin Kingdom and the 10 armies of the Tiange Empire. 300,000 people went to attack the Romance of the Gods. Most of them became bones. I don't know if the Qin family is still alive! "

"What? The Qin family actually united with Tian Ge and Qin An in the future world?"

"Yeah! It was only temporarily for the purpose of attacking the BOSS. The Qin family is led by Qi Rou, and the East China Sea is your teammate in the future world. Tiange also personally came out on his own! But even this failed to kill the Romance of the Gods. !"

"What about my children?"

"It seems that it was carried by Qiu Jin. Soon after the defeat of the battle of the Romance of the Gods, the Romance of the Gods left the level 70 map, passing by the Qin family territory and killing many people. Qiu Jinse was lost in the chaos and the children No, I don’t know if they all fled with Qiu Jinse."

Qin An was completely blinded by these stories. Is this a new path in life? Or is he back to the first memory? I was trapped in the dungeon for five years. After I came out, I practiced Zhen'e sword. Afterwards, the Skeleton Buddha cave collapsed, and then he was crushed in the mud... Has been crushed to sleep until now?

So in other words, the line that had been in Archimi disappeared, and he had never interacted with Qin Er'an, nor had he had dinner in Archimi!


Damn Rhine, what the **** are you doing?

"Zhen E!"

Qin An shouted, Zhen Ejian broke out!

Seeing this sword, Qin An almost cried out, if it was gone, Qin An would feel that he was completely lost in this space!

"Qin An, are you okay? Where are we?"

In Qin An's heart, Zhen E's voice sounded.

"In the Skeleton Buddha Cave, I'm so glad you are here!"

"Well, but I'm dizzy, go to sleep, if you need to call me."

The words fell into Qin An's heart and no matter how silent, Zhen Ejian returned to his body.

"Qin An, I haven't seen this sword of yours yet. It's nice to meet you, really! It's just that life is difficult nowadays, do you... want to go back with me?"

"Go back? Where to go?"

"There is a big mountain 30 kilometers away from here. We call it the Evil Body Saint Woman Mountain. The BOSS over there has been attacked long ago and will not be brushed out again. There is a canyon in the mountain. We use both sides of the canyon. The stones are blocked and form a long and narrow space. That is where we hide. We have lived for half a year. The 70-level BOSS will actively look for players, so if it is not for food, we hide there most of the time."

"No! I can't hide, I'm going to look for Weng Lan, looking for people from the Qin family, I believe they will not die."

Roland's face changed slightly, and he paused for a while before he whispered softly, "In fact, there are also people from the Qin family."


"Yana, it's just that her condition is not good!"


Qin Yana, the third-generation grandson of the Qin family? Is she here?

"You said her condition is not very good?"

"Well, she was a survivor of the invasion of the Romance of the Gods three years ago. Her husband Adadiran died in that battle. She herself has lost her ability. She is living a miserable life!"

Qin An was a little stupid. She knew the relationship between her granddaughter and Guo Sihai's brother-in-law, Adadilan. She did not expect that they would really come together in ten years, and she had become a widow!

Chest tightness, it's hard to breathe!

After being speechless for a long time, Qin An's face became colder and colder.

Finally, he said lightly:

"Let's go Roland, go to that valley, I'm going to pick Yana!"


The Valley of the Evil Saints is now invisible.

Jin Ge is a native of the earth in the future. After using the genetic modification fluid, he has the ability to transform into earth and rock. After entering the game, he becomes a hidden professional earth mage.

His attack ability is not very strong, but his defense and escape ability is very strong. Because he has a very good life-saving method in this crisis world, he has become the leader of survivors.

He used his ability to block both sides of the valley with earth and rocks, and only a thin line of sky less than ten centimeters wide was left above, making the valley a refuge.

It's just that there are actually more than 400 people in this refuge.

Back then, there were more than 300,000 players who went to attack the performance of Ten Thousand Gods. In addition, the number of small and medium-sized forces actually exceeded 500,000. But how many people have survived now?

"It is estimated that there are only tens of thousands, right? It is really difficult to find the gathering place of our generation with more than 400 survivors. I know there are only two, so the boss is very good, you know?"

God is regarded as Jin Ge's favored subject, and can hardly do anything other than flattering.

But in front of some rough Jin Ge, this was enough.

Qin Yana was wearing a little thin at this time, a little shorts, and her upper body was a torn jacket with patches on her upper body.

No one went out to fight monsters and brush dungeons. In the early years, the durability of clothes all became zero and disappeared, so it is not that Jin Ge is harsh. It is good to be able to dress Qin Yana in clothes. Most people in the valley are naked. Yes, just like those savages in ancient times.

When most people get used to it, people in clothes are a little strange.

Jin Ge hugged a plump woman to vent his desires on his straw bed. There is no house here. Everyone rests on the spot next to each other. The space is not crowded, but not spacious.

So what Jin Ge is doing can actually be vaguely seen by everyone. If it weren't for the dim light in the valley, they would see more clearly.

The closest to Jin Ge is Qin Yana, God and a few others who are also favorites, they are actually surrounded by Jin Ge, watching Jin Ge do that, and touting Jin Ge's great achievements.

Jin Gesi ignored God. At the critical moment, after a series of rapid roars, he finally took a long breath, turned over and lay flat on the grass bed, breathing heavily.

"Boss, you are really mighty, it's been over an hour now, right?"

Jin Ge gave a cold smile, suddenly kicked the **** of the plump woman next to him, and shouted, "Go away, go to your man."

At this time, the plump woman was made weak by four, but she didn't dare to keep Jin Ge, trying to support her body on her knees and crawl away.

After the woman left, Jin Ge suddenly leaned forward and grabbed Qin Yana on one side.

"See? The woman in this cave I can ask for anything! Because I let you survive! I sheltered you! Baby, why do you look down on me? Huh? I can put you under my body at any time! It’s **** you like other women! Do you know? Huh? Why are you so humble and proud in front of me? Huh?"

Qin Yana was a little breathless when Jin Ge was holding her collar, so her face flushed.

But she didn't say anything to beg for mercy, she just kept her muffled voice, not looking at Jin Ge.

Jin Ge realized that Yana was not looking at him, so he grabbed her chin with his hand, and controlled her face to face him.

Yana couldn't resist, so she raised her eyes and scanned Jin Ge's eyes. The two of them just separated in a hurry, but Jin Ge felt Yana's incomparable indifference from this brief stare.

This made Jin Ge a little upset, but at the same time he finally understood.

In fact, he has not even been qualified to be despised by Yana, because this is a woman who has died of heart, in her eyes, maybe everything is like dust, right?

"Damn! Qin Yana, are you sure you want to keep going like this? Tell you, your good friend Roland has been thrown out of the valley by me, no one will protect her again, how about it? Don't you care about her life or death? Me! Please, I'll get her back, if she is still alive, hahaha!"

Qin Yana trembled when she heard Roland's name, and finally there was a trace of vitality in her eyes.

"Roland? Where is Roland? Where is Roland?"

She struggled free of Jin Ge's hand and stood up, repeating a sentence like a mental disorder.

"Where is Roland? Where is Roland?..."

"Hey, Qin Yana..."

"Roland... I want Roland... Where is Roland! I want Roland!"

At the beginning, Qin Yana repeated it in a low voice, but then she began to scream frantically, crying and shouting, her voice oscillating back and forth in the valley, very loud.

"Lao Lao Lao...big, can't let her scream, in case the super boss is attracted to it, it will be broken..."

God was so scared that he was speechless.

Jin Ge's expression was extremely bad, he stepped forward and hugged Qin Yana in his arms, quickly comforting her.

"Okay, okay, don't get excited... I... I won't provoke you, don't do this, I'll call someone to find Roland right away, okay? You... don't do this, I look uncomfortable."

In Jin Ge's arms, Qin Yana's mood finally improved a lot, but she kept crying in her eyes, and she kept repeating Roland's name in her mouth.

Jin Ge turned around and said to God, "Hurry up and send someone out to get Roland back for me?"

God wiped her cold sweat and nodded and ran away, then returned after a while.

"Boss, Roland, she is back, just outside the hole we left, and brought back a survivor!"


If his eyes could kill people, Qin An might have killed the world now!

Jin Ge came out by himself, he circled Qin An several times, and then looked at Roland.

"Huh, it's not bad. I didn't die when I went out, but I got dressed?"

"Well, I found a dead body in the cave over there. I'm lucky. Jin Ge, how is Yana?"

On the way, Roland told Qin An about Jin Ge.

He is not bad, but a bit wild, fascinated by Yana's love, but Yana does not love him.

After Adadilan died three years ago, Yana fell to Jin Ge. For three years, Jin Ge would take Yana wherever he went. If it were not for his protection, Yana who had disappeared might have died long ago. I don't know how many times.

Roland also borrowed Yana's light. For the past three years, he was protected by Jin Ge. Although his life was not good, he finally survived and was able to get food without being played by other men.

Therefore, Roland had a grateful heart for Jin Ge, and was polite to him, even if this kid looked like a thorn.

Roland's evaluation of Jin Ge is only four words, he has no brains!

Of course he is not really brainless, some are clever and some are clever, but most of the time he is a strong and brash man.

He is close to 1.9 meters tall, and his muscles are strong and tight, so he has a brash personality.

"Qin Yana is not the same, huh! Okay, you can go in!"

Jin Ge didn't plan to embarrass Roland, after all, he actually didn't want to see Qin Yana going crazy.

Roland didn't move. With Qin An, she knew that she didn't need to say anything, and everything was just as Qin An meant.

Qin An was full of murderous aura when he came. After listening to Roland’s introduction to Jin Ge, his murderous aura decreased a bit. When he arrived here and saw Yana’s situation, his murderous aura rose again, but it was not against Jin Ge. It's about one's own situation.

He wants to kill, no matter who it is!

"Hey, were you staring at me just now?"

Jin Ge frowned and looked at Qin An with a gloomy tone.

Qin An didn't talk nonsense, and suddenly moved forward, grabbing Jin Ge's hair, and tossing it away forcefully.

At this time, Jin Ge was thrown out nearly two hundred meters away, knocking down a large area of ​​trees.

The people in the valley were all exclaimed in shock when they saw that their boss was lost as soon as they were shot.

Qin An strode forward, passed through a cave made of stones, entered the valley, waved at will to push away all men and women who met along the way, and finally reached Qin Yana's side and hugged it into his arms. She shed tears and felt that fate was unfair. Why did she torture herself like this? Who in the world is constantly reincarnating, and then experiencing the strange time and space again and again, and yet he has to face those close relatives who have fallen into sorrow?

Even if Qin An has a good temper, it is impossible for him not to be angry!

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