Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1861: pirate

In fact, Qin An did not make the food good enough to make people soar.

But it does surpass the best food that a few women have ever eaten on weekdays. Qin An not only understands their tastes now, but also understands their tastes in the future, so coupled with his own cooking skills, how could he make them No good stuff.

So the mouths of several women get busy after they come into contact with food. One thing they are doing is naturally eating, and they are basically saying: "You eat this, this is super delicious!"

Qin An is very satisfied to see them like this, so food is really important, it can resolve conflicts and make people forget their sorrows.

After lunch, seven women sat in a row on the couch in the living room. Only then did they think of evaluating Qin An. Needless to say, Qin An was naturally recognized as a **** cook, and the seven women agreed that if they could every day After eating such delicious food, it doesn't matter if you marry Qin An. Of course, this is just a joke from a certain woman, and no other woman opposes it.

Qin An actually likes the top floor layout of the Dixing Building, because Weng Lan mostly lives here, so some of the rooms here are very strict, but many of them are also very warm.

For example, in this large living room, what Qin An is most satisfied with is the TV, which is simply a wall, like a movie theater.

"How about ladies, one by one, do you want to watch something interesting with me now?"

While talking, Qin An took out the DVD player that had long been hidden behind him.

The women were pleasantly surprised, only Weng Lan's face was green.

"Sister, the DVD player! Does your big TV have an interface...Sister, why is your face so bad?" Li Ying sat next to Weng Lan, seeing her expression very worried.

"It's nothing……"

Weng Lan secretly said in her heart: This kid has prepared many restricted discs, isn't he going to watch it here? Can't he find a computer to see for himself?

Facts have proved that Weng Lan's worry is not redundant at all.

When Qin An connected the DVD player to the TV, all the women blushed when the film was released, because Qin An put Jin Ping Mei, a kind of emotional version!

Originally, Liu Xia was shy and was about to run away, but Li Na said very generously: "Ah! I've seen a short section of this version. It seems that the female pig's feet is a Japanese, known as Asia's most beautiful breast! I didn't expect you to get this!"

The women all looked at Li Na with weird faces, secretly saying that they are police officers, and they have seen everything without fear. It seems that this kind of behavior of watching movies with men can not scare her!

That's right! Why should you be afraid? There are seven women here, and only Qin An is a man. Why should you be afraid of him?

With such thoughts, the women calmed down and continued to chat with melon seeds, and their attention was actually focused on the film!

It can only be said that this version of Jin Ping Mei is really good, the actors are good enough, and the plot is gradual.

Then Pan Jinlian came out to take a bath, and the straight chest leaked out, making people dizzy. At this time, Wuhan University came back and put his wife in bed to have a meal and pinch. Naturally, there were a lot of lustful scenes. However, the expressions of actresses were more brilliant. That kind of helplessness and kind of unhappiness all expressed the sadness of women in the feudal era.

In this way, Wu Song returned a few days later, and the powerful figure of Kong Wu fascinated Pan Jinlian. The one who dreamed of Wu Song in sleep at night...

The plot unfolded like this, the women became shy as they watched. They hadn't been exposed to this kind of film before, but now they can stand it.

Women are also humans, and they also have physical needs. They may not be so good at watching the a. film directly, but it is this kind of storyline that can stimulate their imagination, stimulate the senses, and reflect the possibility. Stronger than men.

"Hahaha... this line is really funny!"

Qin An laughed heartlessly, which made the women extremely resentful.

Do you want this kid?

Does he think this is a comedy? It was speechless to see how he smiled.

The original atmosphere was destroyed, and the women finally laughed after different emotions.

No one is really happy since the last days. Although they are at ease, they worry about their family and friends because they can't get in touch with anyone.

Now that I think about it, what Qin An brings to them is not only comfort, but also warmth. Although this future traveler who claims to be their friend seems to be very different, everything about him has not escaped the three views of the women here.

At least, most of the time he gave them the feeling that he was just an ordinary man, an approachable and not far away person, a Popeye, a Mister Almighty!

And although he occasionally showed the squint of a middle-aged man, he didn't really attack anyone. He hadn't even touched Qin Xiaoyan, which was a bit unpredictable.

At least Weng Die couldn't understand. Qin An often made some intimate actions with her. Weng Die thought he would go further, and the little rabbits in his heart started to show joy, but in the end he did nothing, which was really annoying!

The atmosphere became a little weird, which should have been exciting, but because Qin An's laughter from time to time distracted the women, everyone began to ponder about Qin An.


There have been five heavy rains in the past month. Now the water level is 15 meters high. Many buildings are submerged. The whole world really looks like a sea.

Outside the original Hangzhou City, three battleships and a dozen small boats were parked at this time.

The owner of the battleship is not a soldier, but a fisherman named Song Hai.

He was lucky. When he found the three wandering warships, they were all zombies and there were only a few living people.

He led a group of fishermen to clean up the zombies, and then sent out a few living soldiers, and then became a leader, dominating the boat, occasionally going around searching for supplies, and when encountering survivors, he robbed other people’s things directly. It was a woman who got to play on the ship, and she was already a pirate.

At this time, seven women were pressed into the cabin. Song Haizheng, who was just over 30, and deputy captain Li Bing were drinking and eating peanuts.

Li Bing used to be a soldier on this ship. Not all soldiers were good people. When Li Bing was in the army, his quality was relatively poor. Now he has no imprisonment in his entry mode, and his natural nature has exploded. He has become brothers with Song Hai. The status of the ship is very high, because he knows how to control the mechanical weapons on the ship, so he is highly valued by Song Hai.

"Big brother, second brother, hehe, seven of them are here, hiding on a roof, and they are going to be drowned. There are also a few men and old women who I didn’t bring back. Let them fend for themselves. , The quality of these seven is good, two brothers first choose?"

The third speaker is Ding Yi. He is only in his early twenties this year. He used to be Song Hai’s neighbor and a fisherman. He has good water and strong body and likes to fight fiercely.

Song Hai chuckled and walked in front of the seven women with a wine glass, and finally fell in love with two of them.

One of them was a pink and tender girl, and the other was a mature woman who was about 27 or eighteen years old. The latter had some disheveled clothes, and a lot of meat leaked out of her shorts and underwear. Song Hai's eyes were bright, so she started with her. speak.

"what is it call?"

"My name is Liu Fang. Are you a navy? Can you give me a dress? It's too cold."

Liu Fang is a little unsure. These people don't look like good people, but they obviously have warships!

"Oh, Liu Fang, he looks so beautiful, what did you do before?"

Song Hai was not in a hurry. As for the meat on the cutting board, he would cut it whenever he wanted.

"I am the teacher of Hanghai No. 3 Middle School..."

"Teacher of Hanghai No. 3 Elementary School? Wait...Did you teach math?"


"Did you teach Song Zeyu in the third grade?"

"Yeah... are you?"

"I'm his father!"

Song Hai didn't expect to meet his son's teacher. He actually met Liu Fang when he attended the parent meeting, but it was a year ago, so he didn't remember it for a while.

The bad guys also have emotions. Song Hai's wife and sons all died at the beginning of the end. It was sad to think of him.

However, the difference between a bad person and a good person is that a good person may be sad alone, while a bad person will hurt others to vent their emotions.

After pondering for a while, Song Hai's face reappeared with an evil smile.

"Ms. Liu, it's really not warm this day, why do you wear so little?"

"Hey, when the heavy rain fell last night, I was sleeping. I woke up and relied on the water to flood the bed. It was already the top floor. In desperation, I could take care of my clothes and climbed directly onto the roof. Fortunately, I met you. People, otherwise us survivors would be miserable!"

Liu Fang was not a fool. She saw that the man with a beard and scum on the other side treated her badly, but now he can only compliment him. Liu Fang knows that he is the fish on the chopping board.

"Ah... Mrs. Liu is really affectionate, and you take off your clothes at night? This underwear is really irritating!"

Liu Fang was depressed. The people in the previous shelter were very kind to each other. There were also many rooms on that floor. Is it normal for her to sleep in one room by herself and take off her coat?

Moreover, the set of underwear she wears is considered conservative. The tight-fitting is tight-fitting, but there are a lot of fabrics, and the **** and buttocks are covered. How can it be said to be irritating?

Secretly sighed in his heart, Liu Fang was relieved, she knew men as someone who came by.

Most of these creatures are still animals that rely on their lower body to think. Even if she is dressed neatly, they will guess from one of their actions, expressions, and words whether they are seduce them!

Try to put a smile on your face, Liu Fang said: "You can really laugh, since you are the parent of my student, you can rely on you to take care of it in the future. Hey, my husband was not with me when I was trapped. One person almost died several times."

"Haha, then Teacher Liu is really lucky! Come and come, I will take good care of you."

Song Hai stepped forward to hug Liu Fang, put one hand on her butt, and slapped it twice. The sound was really loud, making people blush.

Liu Fang really hated and helpless, this man is already unscrupulous, but unfortunately he can't do anything.

Since I can't resist, I can only accept it.

As Liu Fang said before, she has encountered many dangers and almost died, so she knows the horror of death and the difficulty of life.

So Liu Fang accepted her fate. In her opinion, her body is only valuable if she is alive, so it is right to give her body to live.

Therefore, Liu Fang still had a smile on his face after being wiped, "Mr. Song, thank you very much, I am very courageous and afraid of death! Now that I have met you, I am finally protected."

I rely on?

Song Hai was a little surprised, and secretly said that this woman was a human being, and she was so calm in her arms.

Recently, he has played with several women. Although they are not chaste women, they all understand and resist at the beginning. It is really surprising that the woman in front of him can be so calm.

Song Hai was very satisfied, and decided that if the teacher was really obedient, it wouldn't matter if he came to protect her.

At this moment, the little girl who had made Song Hai look good before suddenly said, "Big brother, I'm hungry, do I have something to eat?"

Looking at the little girl who was only seventeen or eighteen years old, Song Hai noticed that she was looking at herself with a pair of cute big eyes, and her heartbeat immediately accelerated.

Such a tender little girl, he would often see them in the street before, but every time he saw it, he would stop and watch them for a long time, after which infinite fantasy arose in his heart.

But now, he doesn't need to fantasize anymore, because the little girl in front of him can ask for it and cannot resist.

Ignoring Liu Fang for the time being, Song Hai walked up to the girl and asked with a treacherous smile: "Little sister, what's your name, how old is it?"

"Big Brother, I am sixteen and my name is Wu Jiaojiao."

Wu Jiaojiao?

Liu Fang behind Song Hai was a little surprised. She had heard this name. He seemed to be a child prodigy in Hang Hai No. 2 Middle School. At the age of 16, he took the national university entrance examination and won the first place in the province! In the Education Bureau, they are all named key seeds, and the province of college gives money!

So is Wu Jiaojiao this child prodigy? She was all sixteen years old, but Wu Jiaojiao looked a little dull, not like a child prodigy, making Liu Fang a little uncertain.

"Sixteen? You grow up so well? What did you eat to grow up? Come and let the big brother see."

Song Hai smiled and pulled Wu Jiaojiao into the bad, and then touched her full-bodied body back and forth.

Wu Jiaojiao seemed to be very shy, blushing, kept her head down, whispering no, but her body did not fiercely resist.

The appearance of wanting to refuse and welcome embarrassment and stealing is the most attractive. Song Hai was immediately attracted and naturally took Wu Jiaojiao away.

In the end, Song Hai chose two women, Wu Jiaojiao and Liu Fang. Li Bing only chose one with a big chest. He was not picky about women, just one who could vent.

This situation is actually the daily routine on the pirate ship, but today is different from the past. The two women selected by Song Hai did not resist as strongly as the other women. They easily compromised and became Song The double pet by the sea.

In Song Hai's opinion, it is naturally a happy thing to have the blessing of all people. However, he has not considered that a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, let alone know what a pink skull is, and the country is not there.

The other women who were not selected were naturally taken away by the third child. They were not smart enough. They never thought that if they were not selected by a few bosses, they would naturally have to go out and become a man's plaything. , Time and time again, the madness of different men made them miserable. It was then that they understood how happy they would be if they were chosen to go in the cabin before.

At this time, the people in the cabin were talking about the wine and adding a few more dishes. Song Hai hugged left and right, thinking that both women liked it. The content of the conversation could not only be around the coloring words, when Song Hai and Li Bing mentioned it. During the food, the shy little girl spoke.

"Brother, I know a place where there is a lot of food."

"Oh? Where?"

"It's around the Dixing Building business district. The people on the Dixing Building are very powerful. They cleared all the zombies nearby, and then collected all the nearby food. Big brother should know, there were originally many large supermarkets there. Yes, so the material reserves are very sufficient. Maybe the big brother can go to them to plead and let them give some food."

"Alms? Haha, my sister-in-law is so funny, do you know what our ship is? This is a military destroyer with all the weapons on it. We don't even need to go there. We can bomb the Emperor Star Building by firing a gun here. Now, do you think we need to ask them for alms?" Li Bing was very disdainful, and felt that it was a little girl who was ignorant.

"No, no! Big brother, you don't know that the leader of the family is very powerful. I hid near there before and killed many zombies when I saw him alone. Originally I wanted to ask him for help to Emperor Star Inside the building, but he didn't find me. Hey, I met their material search team and wanted to go back with them at that time, but they didn't look like good people, so I ran away."

Song Hai and Li Bing were almost crying by this little girl. Ma De didn't think other people looked like good people. Is it better to look at them? Is she blind? Her brothers are now doing the evil thing of killing people and making money, OK?

The little girl didn't seem to notice that she had a problem at all, and continued to tell.

"I got some news from the material search team when I ran away. It seems that the big star Weng Die, Weng Lan, the president of the Emperor Star Group, and several other stunning beauties are all trapped on the top of the building and become the leader. ...What is his name? It seems to be Qin An! Yes, it is Qin An. He has become Qin An's confinement and plaything."

what? Are Weng Die and Weng Lan in that building? Both Song Hai and Li Bing's eyes spit fire.

These two women are well-known throughout the country, especially Weng Die, who is a super star national idol. No one in the country knows this woman. I didn't expect her to fall into Hanghai City!

Li Bing took a sip of wine and looked at Song Hai with a smile: "Brother, I have no interest in women, but this Weng Die is different. I admire her very much. I am a fan of her! If I can sleep with her once in my life, Let me die immediately and willingly."

"Brother, I have the same idea as you! Let's do it, anyway, the water level is deep enough now, let's send a boat to plan the route first, so that the boat will not hit the underwater buildings, and then how to trigger it? Go grab food and women!"

"Haha, good brother, come on, toast!"

The two men were carrying wine equipment and looked excited.

In Song Hai’s arms, Wu Jiaojiao, a cute little girl, hides a trace of insidiousness that is not easy to detect...

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