Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1532: The temptation of the three female sword gods

"She is the Sword God!"

"How come? How could another sword **** come out? Impossible!"

"But this majestic energy, this terrible sense of oppression... She must be the sword god!"

Amidst people’s astonishment and shouts, with the release of the aura of the colorful lightsaber, two **** women with a height of five meters, with wings on their backs, slender, hot curves, and snow-white skin condensed above Wengdie’s body They are exactly the same in length, and the degree of concavity and convexity of the body is exactly the same. The only difference between them is the color of the eyes, one red and one blue, which looks charming and mysterious.

The red-eyed person holds a string of golden Buddha beads in his hands, and the blue-eyed person holds a silver wooden fish in both hands, both of them kneeling down, like two female monks who practice monks, but they are not bald, each with long black hair equal to the waist. With the sword spirit swaying and flying gently, it looks free and easy and elegant.

After the Gemini, one hundred and twenty-eight colored energy light **** form a roulette wheel that spins quickly, which is dazzling and frightening.

All the people around were stunned. They had never heard of the image of the spirit of the sword **** before, and it was different from any of the forty-nine sword gods.

Of course, there are many people who haven't seen many sword spirits of the Sword God, so they started to inquire around them.

"What kind of sword spirit is this? Yamo? I heard that Yamo is a double sword."

"It's not Yamo, I have seen Yamo's sword spirit before, and it's not like this at all."

"What the **** is that?"

"Where do I know? I have collected forty-nine sword spirit sword spirit stamps. Except for the first, second, and third sword spirits, I can say that I have seen them all. There is no such shape at all."

"Just kidding, she can't be one of the three main gods, right?"

"There is only one female among the three main gods. Why don't you say that she is the second sword body really fire!"

"Stop it, I heard that when the real fire sword spirit appears, there will be fire rain falling all over the sky. This is definitely not a real fire sword spirit!"

Amidst the noisy discussions, Weng Die finally spoke.

"Everyone, you may not know me, because I am a sword body that appeared later than Princess Linghua, named Gemini."

what? The new Gemini Sword God?

How could another sword **** appear? Is becoming a **** so easy now?

In the spectator stand, Gula, the super powerhouse of the Giant Spirit Race who was eliminated in the first round of poetry writing, suddenly laughed.

Gula is very powerful, and is also very famous on the Sword Spirit Star Continent.

It's just that this kid is too honest in his mind. He was boring to think about how to write a poem at the poem writing meeting. In the end, he forgot to find someone to write a poem, and he couldn't write a poem by himself.

After being eliminated, Gula has been very depressed. When Xiangying Jian appeared yesterday, he felt that he had suffered a big loss. He had missed such a good opportunity for nothing and missed the two sword gods and the throne.

So now seeing Weng Die appearing and claiming to be the so-called Gemini Sword God, Gula immediately didn’t believe it. He stood up and laughed and shouted, even though the voice of the device that did not use sound transmission was loud enough People from kilometers away can hear it.

"Huh, how can there be so many sword gods? I think this must be the conspiracy of the Green Sword Clan. They are not at ease. Maybe yesterday's Xiangying sword body is also fake. Let me expose you!"

While talking, Gula summoned her back and wings, flew to Weng Die quickly, and then grabbed her head.

The average height of the giant spirit human race is about four meters, and the Gula is strong, up to five meters in height, a big hand is as big as a hula hoop, ordinary powers are caught by him, and they will be pinched. His brain cracked and died.

Weng Die looked at Gula's attack, not polite at all.

Her body quickly turned into two lights and flashed to one side, and Gula's body appeared between the two shadows of Weng and Butterfly.

Just for a moment, a few flashes of lightning flashed between the two shadows, and Gula's body was completely torn apart by the power of the lightning, turning into flesh and blood and falling to the ground.

Gula, who claims to be able to fight against the powerful sword god, was easily killed by Weng Die in this way.

The attack power of Gemini Pulse ignores the defense, even if the sword **** falls between the two shadows, it is estimated that he will be seriously injured or even killed, so how can a little Gura not die!

Weng Die's hand frightened everyone.

People no longer dare to doubt, how could the powerhouse who can kill the giant spirit Gura in seconds be not the sword god?

"This deity first ascended to the throne of God, and appeared before the eyes of the world for the first time. Do you want to challenge the deity's majesty? Come on!"

The two shadows of Weng and Die have quickly merged together, looking at everyone with a gloomy expression.

Qin An curled his lips helplessly. He knew that Weng Die should be a little nervous at this time. The reason why she was able to put her aura so full was completely poisoned by Yin Yao.

Over the years, Yin Yao has been getting along well with everyone, so things about the Sword God are often mentioned to everyone. Weng Die understands very clearly, otherwise it is impossible to claim to be the deity at this time, so majestic and arrogant. There is something like that, just learned from Yin Yao.

A staff member ran up to the rostrum to deal with the corpse, and everyone around was silent. The facts were already in front of them, and no one would doubt the identity of Weng Die.

Weng Die didn't see any trouble, so he softened his tone and said softly, "I am not an unreasonable person, but I am not afraid of an unreasonable person. The reason why I came here today is only as a woman. It appeared, I heard about Princess Linghua and Xiangying Sword God’s meeting for choosing husbands, and I felt a lot of emotion in my heart. In fact, the deity has reached the age when he should be married, but it’s a pity that he still stays in the boudoir and didn’t meet a suitable one. People. So, I thought, Linghua and Xiangying's husband-in-law must be someone who has never been before, right? It must be a good man who knows cold and hot will make people feel very caring, right? Therefore, I visited King Mo Yu Dongchen yesterday and got his approval. It will appear as the prize of the final winner, which means that the winner of this meeting can marry three sword gods... Then , Dears, come on."

When Weng Die said the last sentence, she smiled like a flower, and her heart trembled. She was shocked by the beauty that suddenly bloomed.

Weng Die is an actor, and how to hook up people with scratching her head can only be regarded as a basic skill for her.

Therefore, her smile infected everyone. After being frightened by Weng Die's power appearance, people were amazed by Weng Die's charming appearance.

After the audience was quiet for more than ten seconds, the pot exploded. A thousand candidates had hormones exploded. They only felt that the blood was surging rapidly. Some people who were good at fantasy had already appeared in their minds with three beautiful sword gods. Three hundred rounds of battle naked on the bed!

OMG, that Nima is the three sword gods! The supreme existence in daily life, so who can tolerate that kind of picture?

The finalists are all a little bit windy, and the spectators in the audience have become star chasers, and they began to evaluate the three beautiful sword gods who are more flavorful. All of a sudden, the whole audience roared and couldn't control it.

After Weng Die appeared, she left the scene. She didn't come to see Qin An, but contacted Qin An mentally behind the scenes and asked about her mother.

Qin An didn't conceal it. Telling her the story of Weng Die's mother made Weng Die shocked. She couldn't believe that her mother would be an alien, and she had such a strong background and ability. But now that the facts are in front of her, she can't help but believe it.

Qin An was frightened by Weng Die's behavior. Could it be that if he won the championship of the election meeting, he would really marry his sister-in-law?

So what the **** did he explain to Weng Lan?

But...Qin An is also a man, and in some respects he is also fanciful.

Therefore, he also somewhat wickedly thought of the situation of sharing the bed with Weng Lan and Weng Die, and was embarrassed for a while, his old face flushed.

By Qin An, Princess Linghua was also completely stupid.

Under what circumstances, why did a Gemini Sword God jump out and choose to marry him?

Are this female sword **** and yesterday's Xiangying sword **** crazy?

With their identities, what kind of men do you want to find? Why do you want to join in the fun with yourself?

Linghua is really puzzled, and she still can’t think that Weng Die’s appearance is related to Qin An, because she doesn’t think Qin An will win in the end. In her eyes, Qin An is still just a strong man on earth. So no matter how strong the earthlings are, can they be better than the strong sword spirit race?

In the extremely hot atmosphere on the scene, four hundred magicians hired by the Blue Sword people appeared, surrounded the huge square, and then jointly opened the energy shielding circle. In order to protect the audience from being affected by energy, the guard of the Blue Sword king It also opened a two-spirit sticky spell card for the magic circle to improve the defense ability of the magic circle.

In this way, it can be guaranteed to be foolproof. No matter how fierce the fighting on the square is, theoretically, the energy should not be able to break through the protective cover and reach the audience.

A thousand contestants, including Qin An, all walked into the central square. After a lottery, the 1VS1 PK match will start. The loser will either choose to die or choose to withdraw.

Of course, if you quit the game, you will definitely be despised by the public.

This is a life-and-death battle. I have given the opportunity to let everyone quit and give up. Since I chose to stay, I must pay the price that may die. This is something that every contestant must face.

Qin An's opponent was an orc, and his strength was actually good, and he was cautious enough when facing Qin An, and did not have the slightest intention of despising him.

"Haha, I know that you are a human being on earth, but I will not look down on you. There are already many powerful supernatural beings on earth. I know this very well, so I will let you take a fight with me soon. Right!"

Seeing his opponent with high morale, Qin An nodded slightly, but didn't feel tired of him too much.

Respecting the opponent is a kind of politeness. Since the opponent respects himself, then Qin An naturally has to show a gentlemanly demeanor.

Although he didn't speak, Qin An bent slightly towards the other party, which was naturally a kind of polite manners.

At this moment, the whistle of the match sounded, and Qin An was unceremonious and moved quickly to the opponent's side, then turned on the control ability to make the opponent's body unable to move, grabbed his collar and threw it over two hundred meters away. After the arena, the poor orc who was still full of energy just now became the first player to be eliminated.

The audience around was in an uproar, they all knew Qin An's identity and they all knew him.

Although some female audience members have become fans of Qin An's poems and songs, no one can believe that Qin An is also so strong in military force, and he has solved the enemy unscathed without any damage.

The orc who was thrown out of the arena was stunned, not knowing why his body suddenly couldn't move.

Qin An also turned on control skills such as time deceleration magnetic field, three ghost possession, gravitational magnetic field, etc., for an opponent whose realm is lower than his own, these control skills can play a very good role.

Therefore, the orc failed without resisting. He was extremely depressed and shocked in his heart. He couldn't believe that he was actually as vulnerable as a scholar with no power to restrain his opponent.

In the VIP room, Princess Linghua with a complicated mentality squinted her eyes, looking at Qin An's back, her heart is getting more and more confused. This man is so powerful...Where did he come from?

After Qin An defeated his opponent, he could naturally leave the field, waiting for the end of the fight on the other side, and then another 500-player elimination round.

There were two sword repairmen working beside Qin An, and they seemed to be fighting fiercely.

Qin An naturally wanted to bypass their battle circle, and then walked around the gap between nearby fighters, trying to retreat to the sidelines.

But he had just stepped out a few steps, and his mental power suddenly shook, and he found that the two sword repairmen who had just been fighting for the dead were rushing towards his back at the same time.


Qin An understood right away, and he instantly discovered that the assassin should not only consist of these two people, there were 23 other supernatural beings who were moving fast to him beside him. The goal was obvious, and he was definitely coming to him. !

Qin An sneered coldly. The battle he was best at was to kill powerful people in groups, because his body skills were flexible enough and his killer moves were enough, so Qin An was not afraid of these people's siege.

The two people who moved first were also the closest to Qin An. Qin An did not wait for them to reach his side, but moved fast and moved behind them like lightning.

At this moment, Linghua stood up. She had been paying attention to Qin An, and naturally saw the person who suddenly ran towards Qin An in that circle.

Hmph, Linghua somewhat despised these guys and the forces behind them. She was really impatient. Seeing that she was particularly concerned about Qin An these two days, they wanted to kill people directly! And the courage is so big, choose to do it in the competition, or to attack in groups! Do they think they are a decoration? How dare you be so arrogant in your own selection meeting?

Thinking of this, Linghua planned to personally get rid of those guys who tried to kill Qin An...

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