Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1523: Five hundred ladies

Linghua was a little embarrassed.

In fact, performances like this often appear in the Green Sword Clan. A few earth women are brought to the street to encourage them, perform some funny moves and have fun, and then make some money.

If it was before, Linghua would feel that this behavior was a bit bad at best, and then turned around and walked away from nosy.

But now, with Qin An by her side, she saw that Qin An's face had become very bad, and therefore she understood his mood.

Seeing the humiliation of the same race, anyone will feel unhappy, right? What's more, it is such a proud man as Qin An.

What should I do? Want to help him out? Or let him do things indiscriminately?

When Linghua hesitated, Qin An had quickly recovered his original appearance, and then stepped forward to the center of the field.

Seeing the twenty-four girls kneeling on the ground naked with a collar around their necks, Qin An was really angry.

These girls are none other than the 24 of the black tops who were trained as unconscious female slaves. Qin An has made them become sword repairmen. He originally wanted them to be his children’s cronies, but during the Double Moon Disaster Lost in the sea. I didn't expect to meet them again in this place now, and they became slaves again.

"Ah... this gentleman? How did you enter our performance venue?"

Skylark frowned and looked at Qin An, her face also becoming unwell.

Qin An didn't pay attention to Skylark at all, but looked at the twenty-four girls with cold eyes, and finally fell on 4's body.

The twenty-four girls had a hint of surprise on their faces when they saw Qin An's appearance.

They remember Qin An, and they remember Qin An's kindness to them.

A few days ago, they were trapped in an alchemy pot and wandered on the sea. When they were taken out of it, they encountered a skylark.

Without the backbone, they have returned to their nature, and their nature is slavery. They don't know how to get along with people. When someone gives them orders, although they don't want them in their hearts, their bodies will actively follow them.

In fact, they already have a certain fighting ability, but their hearts cannot control their bodies.

Qin An's eyes met Girl 4 for a long time, and 4 finally dropped her head in shame.

Qin An sighed, the expression on his face eased, and then softly spoke:

"4. I said that your legs are not for kneeling! They should be used for walking, because walking is a more comfortable behavior for humans. This is the most basic function God has given to human legs. It seems to have said that from the moment I met you, you don’t need to kneel to anyone. Have you forgotten what I said?"

Although Qin An's tone was very flat, his voice was very high-pitched.

After hearing Qin An's words, the girls all lowered their heads tremblingly, not knowing what the depressed emotions in their hearts represented.

After hearing Qin An's words, the people around them calmed down for a few seconds and then exploded.

The women of the Qingjian clan were talking in low voices, and many women were analyzing Qin An's words.

Yes, of course, the legs are used to walk more comfortably, so why does the Qingjian clan woman have to kneel when in front of a man? Why can't they walk?

After having such questions, the women began to explore Qin An's identity.

Because Qin An has now changed back to his original appearance, he was soon released. He is the same Qin An who participated in the election meeting and has a great reputation. He wrote poem 4123 in the first knockout match. First, he handed over 100 sword spirit stones in the second round of elimination. He has the same beautiful voice and piano skills as the Oriental Long Qin. He received special treatment from Princess Linghua. I heard that he is now living in Princess Linghua. In the warm heart of the private courtyard! His name is Qin An, so who exactly is Qin An? Why is there so much light on him? Is he really an earthling? How could earthlings be so special?

After discussing for a while, the women finally thought of a crucial question.

Qin An is going to participate in the meeting of selecting husbands. If he becomes Princess Linghua's husband, then he will be the king of the Qingjian tribe in the future, and such a person actually thinks that women do not need to kneel down?

Thinking of this, most of the women stopped talking, they were afraid to express the complex emotions in their hearts, because it was not in line with the education they received and their values.

Linghua stood in the crowd, looking at Qin An with piercing eyes.

It turned out that he knew these girls, and his rhetoric was exactly the same as his own thoughts!

Someone is handsome, talented, and personal. He can cook delicious meals for a long time. He may be good at his own strength. He may have some background and the same ideas as his own. And now he is willing to get along with it. the man......

Linghua's face solidified slightly, but her heartbeat accelerated sharply.

Oh my God, isn't this the husband she once fantasized and expected?

Looking back suddenly, the man was already in the dim light.


"Hey hey, boy, are you from the earth? What do you want to do? They are my slaves. I have gone through the formalities with the official. If you want to make trouble, don't blame me for arresting you to see the official, or me You can directly start a duel with you here. You are not allowed to kill casually on the Shenyuan Festival. We can do it afterwards..."

Hibari did not finish speaking, because his head had already rolled to the ground and his head was in a different place.

Qin An used the fastest speed to activate the teleportation ability and reached Skylark's side, the Heavenly Punishment Divine Sword flashed, and returned to the original place after killing it in seconds.

Skylark itself is also the strength of the Three Soul Sword Sect, if he is fully guarded, it is very likely that Qin An will not be beheaded.

However, when Skylark discovered that Qin An was an earthling, he already had a heart to despise, and he wanted to come here to be the Shenyuan Festival, this is the territory of the Qingjian tribe, and it is impossible for an earth kid to dare to do something with him. One hit kills.

Moreover, Qin An's speed was indeed very fast. The ordinary abilities nearby could only see that a light and shadow appeared beside Skylark, and then Skylark died, and he could not see that it was Qin An's hands and feet.

Except for the sword **** Linghua, everyone present did not know what happened.

Linghua's small mouth opened slightly at this time, completely shocked.

Qin An... Is Qin An's strength so strong? Although his move is not as good as his own transmission attack without time difference, it is already very good! When facing this kind of attack, at least the Five Soul Sword Sects would have to go all out to defend.

And is the long-handled sword with strong aura fluctuations that just appeared Qin An's divine sword? Sure enough, he is still a sword repairer, so what realm he is now, why can't he see through?

At this time, the scene became chaotic, and people began to rush to report, saying that someone had been killed, and the murderer still didn't know who it was.

Linghua sighed slightly when she saw this situation. Perhaps this pot is the most suitable for her own.

Thinking of this, Linghua removed her veil, removed her beard and dress, showing her true face and walked to Qin An.

"Okay, people are dead. Since you know these girls, take them away. I don’t think anyone will come to trouble you, because during the Shenyuan Festival, I can kill people casually. For any reason. I will help you carry the murder, then you... will be even more noticeable. Perhaps it won’t take an hour before the news that Princess Linghua killed a street performer for the human man Qin An will spread. Throughout the entire territory of the Blue Sword Clan, you will become the public enemy of all male creatures here. They are likely to deal with you by any means. Are you ready for the challenge?"

Linghua's voice was so low that only Qin An could hear it.

"Isn't what you are doing is to challenge your race, your rules, your tradition? To borrow the words of the previous Nan Muchen, Xiaosheng is willing to do the same thing!"


Linghua smiled, then stood still and glanced around, looking at everyone around her.

"It's Princess Linghua!"

"Oh my God, it was Princess Linghua who killed someone. She has the ability to teleport and kill people in space, an attack that is absolutely broken! It must be Princess Linghua!"

After everyone shouted for a while, the women knelt down and bowed their heads to show their respect for Linghua.

The men just bend over ninety degrees. The men of the Qingjian tribe don't kneel. They won't kneel when they see anyone, including the sword god.

When Linghua saw that she received the pot smoothly, she felt wronged, and she was not in the mood to go shopping. So she took Qin An, Zeng Huan and the twenty-four girls out of the street and returned to the harem mansion. In fact, she returned to Qin An’s house Heart Pavilion.

On the way, an official who handled the case came to ask about the cause of Linghua's incident. Linghua explained that the 24 slaves in that servant were all her friends. He committed the crime of deceiving and kidnapping, so he killed herself.

This reason is actually a bit far-fetched, but no one will pursue it deeply. It is not a matter of raising a hand for the sword **** to kill a person. It is already a great deal of face to give a reason.

At the same time, the official actually knew about Yin Yao's murder.

Now Yin Yao is accepting the warm hospitality of the king Dongchen in the palace. Even the head of the Nan family did not show any disrespect to Yin Yao. He also said that his two sons deserved the crime. Yin Yao was right to kill. Anyway, he has many sons. , Not afraid of death so one or two.

This shows how high the status of the sword **** is in the sword spirit race.


After Qin An returned to the Nuanxin Pavilion, the twenty-four girls were placed in the attic. There were so many rooms anyway.

After Qin An asked about their experiences, he deliberately explained that they weren't slaves to anyone in the future, and there was no need to bow down.

In order for them to quickly escape the shadow of being raised in captivity over the years, Qin An also asked Linghua to help Zeng Huan and other three girls to bring these twenty girls. After all, he is a man, always staying with twenty-four little girls. Soak up together, so leave the political class to others.

Linghua didn't object either. Now her attitude towards Qin An can be described as a thousand pets. In Linghua's dictionary, she has never been so close to any man.

No one will pursue the murders in the fair, but as Princess Linghua said, many forces have completely regarded Qin An as their greatest enemy and target, and have begun to study countermeasures and plans and cooperation against Qin An.

On the night of the Shenyuan Festival, in the territory of the Qingjian tribe, the festive atmosphere was concealed, and it was actually surging.

Qin An, who has the ability to glimpse the sky, smiled and looked at Fengyun, ready to meet any storm.

When the night was deeper, Qin An and Linghua ate the so-called Mala Tang. The taste was so good that Linghua deeply understood the beauty of the food on the earth.

However, at this time, the sword **** was actually not so interested in food, she wanted to inquire about some things about Qin An, but Qin An couldn't say anything.

Just when Linghua was extremely depressed and angry, Qin An took the topic elsewhere.

"Linghua, how do I feel that you are in love with me now? This is not right. You almost died in the hot spring lake that day."

"Huh! Big liar, he's obviously good, but he pretends to be weak, even I didn't see it. But you really don't think too much, I am honest and admit that my impression of you has changed, but I want to do My Linghua man, you are not qualified!"

"The best, since you are so honest, I also tell the truth, or I mean to emphasize my purpose. I came to the Throne of the Blue Sword Clan stupidly. I heard that you have a sword named Hell The army! The sword power formation composed of 100,000 green sword abilities possesses the power of destroying the world and the power of infinite defense?"

"Yes, the Sword Prison does exist. If you become the Blue Sword King, you will naturally be able to see and command this army."

Linghua was a little absent-minded. She felt that the content of her dialogue with Qin An was not very good.

How to say it became like this? She said Qin An was not qualified, but Qin An said it was not for her.

Humph! Damn man, wouldn't he say something sweet? Where did the energy to write poems for myself before? Linghua was very upset.

The two people have a match and not a match. This kind of exploration seems random, but it is actually choppy. At least for Linghua, she will think about many things because of Qin An’s words, and then have a lot of emotions. This is true. It's a bit tiring, but it's also frightening and exciting.

I don’t know when they finally separated. Linghua would go back to the room and couldn’t sleep for a long time, while Qin An secretly returned to Xiao’s house and found Xiao Beiyu to convert all the sword soul fragments he had exchanged into a sword soul stone. To exchange the sword soul fragments, Qin An believes that it won't take long for him to become a rich man again!


Ah, before the end of the world, he dreamed of being rich, so that Weng Lan could live more comfortably and make their lives happier.

At that time he felt that if he had money he would be happy.

And now? Money has become a concept for him. To survive in this world, strength is everything. He can call the wind and the rain on a side of the water, but is he really happy?

No, it was because he lost his pursuit, goal, and touch in his life.


In the early morning of the second day of Shenyuan Festival, all the contestants gathered in the square, and the huge auditorium, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, was also full.

"Everyone, after yesterday’s knockout match, we still have 12,632 people left. Today we will hold several knockout matches until we reduce the number to 1,000. In other words, today’s competition will be very fierce. I hope everyone get ready!"

Qin An stood bored among the crowd in the square, breathlessly thinking about his thoughts.

It seems that aliens can't let go of things outside of their bodies. I didn't expect that after yesterday afternoon's choice, thousands of people would give up.

In fact, it’s right to think about it. It might have been a temporary favor to participate in the princess selection meeting. Now that you find masters here, many people naturally lose their confidence. So giving up is the best choice.

Gao Yu was still the host of the conference, and Mo Yu Dongchen on the podium still came personally, but his think tank ministers did not arrive except the patriarchs of the four major families.

Behind the festival, the managers of the Qingjian clan naturally also know the crisis they are facing, so they are actively deploying personnel, arranging armed forces to be deployed around the territory, and preparing to deal with the warcraft crisis that may come at any time.

At this time, at the trial site, Gao Yu announced the rules of this knockout.

"This game is an ability test game."

As Gao Yu spoke, five hundred ladies in colored clothes walked in from the outside.

Each of them had sweet smiles and graceful figures. They were in a commotion among the people on the field and even some good people whistled.

The maids stood upright, not responding to people's provocations, and looked very well-behaved.

"Are you already wondering what these girls do?"

"Is it the princess's dowry!" Among the contestants, I didn't know which vulgar man was shouting.

The crowd immediately burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was cheerful and lively.

Gao Yan also laughed, and then said: "Of course they are not the princess's dowry, but they are ladies in the palace. They will accompany the king in the future. If you are lucky enough to be the husband of Princess Linghua, they will become my future. King, these beautiful ladies will naturally be by your side. When it comes time for you to have some fun with them, isn't it easy? Princess Linghua is also a very big person, I believe she won't be bothered."

Linghua was sitting in yesterday's VIP room, with Zeng Huan alone as her company, and the other two maids trained twenty-four little girls in the Nuanxin Pavilion.

After listening to Gao Li's words, Linghua's eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes seemed to want to kill.

"Damn Gaoyao! When I become a princess, I will send these five hundred little girls to his house, and let him sing songs every night, not to be tired of this thing with no eyes!"

Huaner on one side stuck his tongue out, secretly saying that her own princess is not so generous, otherwise she would not have eaten the delicious food made by Qin An himself yesterday, and even the spicy supper in the evening! Hmph, the princess is very selfish and stingy, will she hand over men who value her? That's it!

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