Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1447: Alien dog blood drama

White lion?

The Ice King froze for a moment, then did not speak, as if he had acquiesced to Disana's suggestion.

"Why, do you think she gave you the right name?" The Blue Fire Demon's complexion became very bad, and anger shot out in her eyes.

"Hey, baby, now we are likely to be dying, so stop fooling around! Damn, if it wasn't for the violent waves, magma and earthquake that exhausted my energy, how could this king fall into the hands of the tree spirit! Ah, what a pity My King of Ice and Snow has lived for so many years, and the final outcome is actually being eaten! I used to feel that life is boring. I really have to face death. It will be so... so... regretful? How much time was wasted, how much wasted Years, I am ashamed of my life..."

"Since you are dying, why don't you just talk to your heart, how come you have a relationship with Gul'dan's female magician? Or, this spirit-level magician? You Gul'dan women never treat men Are you serious? Why can't you forget about this male lion? Don't think I can't see the mess between you!" The blue fire demon's tone was full of jealousy.

"What nonsense? We are fine!" The Ice King said nervously.

With a faint smile on her face, Disana whispered to tell the story of regret, some simple dog blood.

"Earth Time Record Three thousand years ago, as a ronin, I wandered around to Kestermo, one of the northern polar continents. I was trapped in a sea of ​​psychedelic flowers and could not escape.

I have never seen psychedelic flowers before. The red flowers are as beautiful as miracles, but the fragrance they release is poison, which can make people want to burn. They are full of infinite fantasy and lose their abilities. Exhausted. Several universes, the sun and the moon, almost a month later, when I was lying in the sea of ​​flowers, I was too poisoned. I was about to starve to death because I didn’t eat. I was about to be burned to death by desire because of the flower poison...

Finally, when I was desperate, a snow-white lion appeared. He seemed to know Kestermo’s psychedelic flower very well, and he knew the terrible toxicity. If...if you can’t release your desire, even give it to me Food keeps me full, and I still can’t live, and can’t escape all kinds of delusions.

So he saved me.

We stayed there for three days and three nights, and I will never forget the experience that joy brought me. I was intoxicated in that strong embrace, and I fell on that broad shoulder!

After that, as long as I think of those three days and three nights, my body will shudder, as if someone was holding me sprinting into the wind and waves.

Later, he left, and I drove away when I was rescued.

I thought it was nothing. I thanked the people who saved me, but that was all.

I am a spirit-level magister of the Gul'dan tribe, it is impossible to marry a foreigner, let alone an orc!

Yes, I thought he was an orc at the time, because he appeared in the shape of a white lion, very mighty, majestic, and beautiful. I didn't know what kind of creature he was.

Later, I inadvertently heard the legend of the King of Ice and Snow, and finally realized that he was not an orc, but a sword spirit ancestor beast that could transform a human form.

And what makes me sad is that this king of ice and snow has a companion who doesn’t know how many universes, the sun and the moon, that is, the Blue Fire Demon..."

Speaking of this, Disana lowered her head, and a drop of glittering crystal dropped to the ground.

The room was quiet for a long time, and the Blue Fire Demon finally sighed and whispered:

"So that's the case, Shirayuki, you have broken our vow, you have other women."

"This... there was really no way at the time. If I didn't save her, she would die." The Ice King's voice was lower, obviously lacking confidence.

"Mage Gul'dan, I still don't understand. Even if Bai Xue is your savior, why do you miss him? As you said, you can't accept foreign creatures. What about the proud Gul'dan woman? Will she be emotional for foreigners?" The Blue Fire Demon Girl ignored the Snow King and continued to talk to Disana.

"Yeah, I should have nothing to do with him. But after I returned to the clan, I became pregnant and gave birth to a child. Gul'dan spirit-level magician must not have the same offspring with foreign men. This is not a family rule. I could not accept it myself! So I quietly gave birth to the girl to be raised by others, sealed her father’s blood, and planned to hide this secret for a lifetime! But now... Gul'dan has been exterminated, and only left is Lacey, a man! We are the whole family teleported to the earth, and there are no ronin in the ethnic group, so now the Gul'dan people are in trouble here...the ethnic group is gone, all beliefs naturally disappeared, so this The secret does not need to be hidden..."

Disana turned her head to look at the lion, and said with a warm face: "Did you see the girl next to me? Her name is Pandan Sharjah, my apprentice, the soul-level magician of Gul'dan! Actually... she It’s also my daughter, the child I gave birth to with you! If I unlock her father’s blood, she might become a spirit-level magician a little stronger than me, because her body is a noble sword that wanderers think The blood of the spirit ancestor!"

what! ! !

The Snow King, Blue Fire Demon Girl, and Pandan Shaka were all stunned, and no one could believe this fact.

In fact, the Ice King had two women in his entire life. For many years with the Blue Fire Demon, they did not have any offspring. The Sword Spirit Archaeopteryx had the same genetic type regardless of gender. There is no difference in genetic cells between species, and naturally there is no way to get pregnant.

The King of Ice and Snow had never considered his descendants before. After all, he himself was the gathering of heaven and earth sword spirit. Over the long years, his body gradually evolved into the current sword spirit ancestor. He was not born by his parents and naturally did not understand. This kind of feeling, I don't know that I still have the ability to continue offspring!

"This... are you lying? How could I make you pregnant?" The Ice King trembled.

"Unfortunately, if I can still use magic, I can unlock the magic seal on her, and then she can transform into a white lioness as beautiful as you if I can't fix it!"

"Hahaha! It turned out to be like this? So... you are now a complete family! And what am I? I turned out to be a joke!"

The Blue Fire Demon Girl laughed, but her face was full of tears.

Disana was very quiet, bowed her head and said nothing.

Pandan Shaka and the Snow King looked at each other, continuing to be dumbfounded...

Qin An frowned slightly when he saw this place, and became guilty.

He is much more than a lion. His wife made a lot of things, and the child had a basket. If she saw Weng Lan, how would she react? Will she be as sad as the Blue Fire Demon at this time?

It turns out that the love story of aliens is so bloody. These people claim to live longer than the earth, but they are so clumsy when facing emotions!

At this moment, the wooden house was opened, and a beautiful tree elf woman walked in. It was Muzi, the queen of the tribe.

"What? Are you all awake?"

There was a sweet smile on Muzi's face.

She first walked to Xiao Beiyu's side, then directly sat on the ground, and leaned on Xiao Beiyu's body and said, "Are you from the Qingjian tribe? Yo Yo Yo, look at your strong muscles, how come they are scars? Very poor. It was very hard when the earthquake broke out, right?"

While speaking, Muzi stretched out his tongue and gently licked and sucked at Xiao Beiyu's wound, looking very charming.

Xiao Beiyu did not move, closed his eyes and frowned.

In the Star of Sword Spirit, many races call tree spirits tree spirits or tree spirits. They are one of the worst races because they eat all kinds of intelligent creatures!

There are many carnivorous races on the Sword Spirit Star, but species like tree spirits who only like to eat the body of intelligent creatures are rare. Even the orcs have their own rules and will not wantonly attack and hunt other intelligent races.

Therefore, no matter who is caught by the tree spirit, no matter what identity, they will eventually be eaten by them.

Proverbs circulating on the sword spirit star——

Stay away from those green-eyed demons. When he cries and pretends to be pitiful in front of you, his purpose may be to turn you into a pile of bones!

Mu Yi bit through Xiao Beiyu's wound and took a few mouthfuls of his blood, then stood up and walked over to Pandan Sharjah to sit down.

It is difficult for Chinese people to distinguish the differences between Europeans and Americans, but Europeans and Americans can quickly understand whether each other is from the United States, Britain, or Italy through simple contact.

Therefore, the aliens have their own way of distinguishing different races.

Squeezing the cheek of Pandan Sharjah, Mu Zi smiled and said:

"Gul'dan, right? Haha, the meat of women of your race is the most delicious, because your blood and bones have arrogant genes flowing, and as women, the meat is smoother and tenderer than men. I have eaten many ancient meats before. Er'dan woman, so I am very good at how to eat you! Find so many men to abuse Gul'dan women in every way, crush your arrogant posture, torture your faith, and poison your soul! After experiencing a series of emotions such as resentment, pain, struggle, resistance, fear, depression, xing climax, loss, doubt, torture, abandonment, resignation, depravity, weakness, longing, etc., your body can produce and form a variety of organic enzymes. Some functional organs will be broken down into slimy packaging, which is rich in many proteins, polydine peptides, Calubi and other nutrients! So at this time to keep you awake, and then swallow your meat bite by bite is the most delicious Haha, I can’t wait!"

Muzi's tone was very kind, and Pandan Sharjah only felt that his whole body began to tremble. She had just experienced a major change in her life, and suddenly she had a new relative. Her emotions were very complicated. After hearing Muzi's words, a message of fear appeared in her fragile nerves.

"Dryant, do you know who I am? If you dare to move her, I will destroy your whole family of dryads!"

The Ice King shouted angrily, loudly shocking the eardrums.

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