Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1408: Almost forgotten memory

"Katrina, I really can't help you. I asked Li Chenxian just now. I can't get any extra food. Today we all just ate a little green fruit in the morning. There may be only one way now. You know Fat Luo Jie?"

"Roger? That guy in the East Side?"

"Well, the east and west districts of the global village, the west, including here, are considered slums, and the east is where the rich live. I have already investigated. This Roger is very rich. I heard that he runs a ranch! Three or four sheep! This kid has been paying attention to you for a long time. His reputation is not very good. I heard that there are several women in the family who are beaten every day. But he is good to the children. There are more than a dozen children in their family. There are so many people, and they are well raised. He told me that he had something to do with you before. I am afraid that you were beaten in the past because of his disgusting taste in bed, but now the conditions are too bad. It’s been hard, and it may be the only way to feed the child."

Catalina was stunned when she heard this, there was a sparkle in her eyes

"Qin An, are you in a daze? Are we going in?"

Qin Xiangming was a little nervous, and it was the first time she came to the West Road block.

The environment here is much stronger than the outside, there are not so many strange smells, the streets are not so crowded, and the dance hall in front of it is lit with lights of various colors, which makes people feel happy.

"Go in, Katrina is inside."

Qin An's tone was kind and calm.

There are thousands of people in the entire West Road block, and more than half of them have supernatural powers. However, the highest-level ability mutant among them is also level 10. There is not even one who has reached the super-body realm. As long as Qin An is careful enough, he can easily All the people here are wiped out.

Of course, there is another premise for Qin An's fearlessness, that is, his spatial abilities are already available. Even if someone releases group abilities suppressing drugs, he can take four small ones into the fantasy space to escape.

There was also a guard in front of the door here, and after being easily sent by Qin An, he took four children into the dance floor.

Yana had already woke up at this time. Although the music on the dance floor was soft, the sound was not small.

Rubbing her eyes and looking at the dim and colorful lights around, Yana felt a little frightened while she was confused. She turned her head and hugged Qin An's neck and pressed her head on Qin An's shoulder to feel at ease. The other three little ones were also very nervous, and they all followed Qin An closely.

Qin An took them all the way to the corner where Caterina was. When she sat across from the two women, Caterina's scared face turned green. She opened her mouth wide in shock and exclaimed.

"Why are you four here? Who is he?"

In fact, the global village has always been peaceful. As long as you don’t go into the wild, there is generally no danger.

Then Catalina has no choice. Since arriving at this place two years ago, she has always kept her children free. They are all clever and don't run around at ordinary times, so nothing happened.

So what's the situation now? Who is the man in front of you? Why did you bring your four children to yourself? What is he doing, threatening?


Seeing that her mother was a little happy, Yana left Qin An and threw herself into Catalina's arms. Several other children ran over, chatting with Catalina to explain the situation.

In the children's narration, Katerina gradually calmed down, knowing that things seemed not as bad as she thought.

"You saved my children?"

"Raise your hand."

Qin An's posture is very tall and grand, with a taste of neither humble nor overbearing.

After the two people had a conversation, they started to look at each other.

Catalina's dress is not too revealing, but it is also a low-cut tights.

She looks very beautiful in her thirties, but she is a little thin, and the skin on her face is not good. She has crow's feet in the corners of her eyes and bloodshot eyes.

Qin An could see her essence through her face.

This woman is actually not pretty anymore. She has applied a thick layer of powder on her face. It is cheap cosmetics provided by the dance hall. It damages the skin greatly. Under the layer of white powder, Catalina’s skin is not at all Not smooth, long-term malnutrition made her skin dull and somewhat loose.

Hey, the pressure for a woman to feed four wailing children is unimaginable, so if she is not so old, that would be strange.

Qin An decided to wait for her to get acquainted with Catalina. It is actually very simple. The healing power of Pudu sentient beings can make her a healthy physique quickly. After eating a few meals rich in high-protein food, and then show the ability of selfless symbiosis. It is estimated that she will be a beauty again. After all, her foundation is pretty good, and her facial features are well proportioned.

Now Qin An has been able to take the initiative to activate the ecstasy symbiosis ability, allowing someone to enter a rapid reverse growth. If you use it on Catalina, it is estimated that it can instantly make her five or six years younger, and then the skin will naturally restore firmness.

Katrina was also looking at Qin An, and then she was stunned.

Qin An and Qin Qicai actually look alike, especially now that Qin An's age seems to be about 20 years old. When Katerina and Qin Qicai were together back then, Qin Qicai was almost 20 years old.

After a long time, Katerina sighed, then slowly sat back down, looked at the four children, smiled bitterly and shook her head.

What if it looks like? They can't have anything to do with each other. There are more people in the world who look alike.

Catalina has been wandering in the apocalypse for several years, and has deeply understood the warmth and coldness of the apocalypse.

Washing raised her head and glanced at Qin An, Katarina put a faint smile on her face.

"This gentleman, thank you again for saving my children and giving them a bird."

"Roast chicken, not a bird." Qin An explained.

Catalina swallowed her saliva unconsciously. The delicious thing the children were talking about just now was a roast chicken?

God, how many years has she not seen an animal like a chicken?

"In any case, I want to thank you. I just don't know why you brought the children here to find me? Is it really to buy me a roast chicken?"

While Katerina was talking, she glanced at Qin An, Qin An didn't even bring a small bag, wouldn't the so-called roast chicken be hidden in her pocket? Katerina knew that it was impossible, and felt that this person must have some purpose for coming here, but the crux of the problem is that she is just a poor old woman, what purpose does the other party have? Her greatest wealth is her four children. Does this person want to adopt her children?

Katarina's mood became complicated thinking of this.

If this is the case, then this matter is still worth considering.

Although Catalina doesn't want to give her child to others, she has to think about it. The fact is that if the child continues to follow her, he will definitely starve to death.

Of course, there is another way out, which is to sell himself to Roger and be his plaything. In that case, the child would not be separated from himself, but the future is still unpredictable.

Apart from that, Catalina really has no choice. This is a world where she wants to sell herself without a buyer.

Qin An saw the entanglement in Katerina's heart.

Who is he? He has seen countless faces, and he can understand the different meanings of every eye, every lip movement, every snort, and every face.

Therefore, it is not difficult to see Katerina's heart.

Qin An didn't want to be entangled any more, and planned to sincerely tell Katerina that he really just wanted to help them free of charge, because it was just a matter of effort for him.

Then, he also asked about the life experiences of the four children to see if they were involved in him.

At this moment, a young guy suddenly walked over there. He had black hair and black eyes, and belonged to the Eastern descent.

"Hi, Catelina, why are the kids here? Are you in trouble?"

Secondary mutant?

Qin An saw the rune mark on the person's chest, and at the same time took back what he was about to say, and watched the change.

Li Chenxian, Li Chenfei’s two sisters and brothers are Chinese Americans. They were born in the last days. This year, one is 23 years old and the other is 25 years old. They are managers in the dance hall on the West Road district. Yard.

Katerina met them two years ago. Li Chenfei prefers children, so she took Qin Yana as a goddaughter, and the triplets called her a **** sister.

I used to have great protection by Katerina's side, and the two siblings would occasionally take care of her, otherwise it would be impossible for Katerina to get home without losing her body.

Sitting next to Katerina, the woman who just talked to was Concubine Li Chen, and the young man who came here was Li Chenxian.

Katarina hurriedly smiled when she saw a good friend coming:

"It's nothing, this gentleman is a friend. The four little guys were naughty today and ran to the garbage dump outside the global village. When they met the bad guy, they almost suffered misfortune. Fortunately, this gentleman passed by to help. We are chatting."

Li Chenxian nodded as soon as he heard it, and didn't think too much. The people who went to the garbage dump were all ordinary people at the lowest level. Even if they were taught, they couldn't prove how good this person was.

"Roger is here, with his cousin Alda, the notorious slave trader in the East!"

"What? Why did he come?" Concubine Li's complexion became a little worse. She had not seen Alda, but had heard of this person. It is said that he had absorbed a sword soul stone and broke through the tenth level mutation. Become a sword repairer!

And the bad reputation of this person is well-known throughout the global village.

"Hey, who knows, they are chatting in Arnolds' office, and they will probably come to Katerina in a while. Roger is a strange guy, and his interest is not that kind of beauty, Katerina, my sister and you Have you said it? Roger fell in love with you, what do you think? In fact, it is very difficult to refuse him. If I see, you can agree to it. Following him may be a little bitter, but at least he can be full. The children are not going to starve to death. This **** world, I went to Arnolds at night and only got a small piece of bread from him!"

While talking, Li Chenxian took out the bread from his pocket. It was really a small piece, the size of a Chinese dumpling.

"The children haven't eaten for a few days? Give this to them. Adults can bear it, but children can't stand it! Business has been sluggish these days. Look around, there are more than 100 girls, just like the guests. Four or five, there is so much meat and no wolf, everyone understands the value of food. Many people with abilities on the second floor have taken out the treasured sword soul fragments to gamble, in order to get a bite. Big Chief Atomi issued Following the order of martial law in the West District, I fear that the poor people will go crazy and make trouble. This food crisis is not easy to get through. We will not get food until autumn. Some poor people have already paid attention to the young crops in the vegetable field. I haven't picked up the fruit yet, and it tastes like grass. Everyone can't stand it. I went to the Eastern District a few days ago. Damn rich people, they don't lack food and drink."

While talking, Li Chenxian had already handed the bread to Qin Xiangming.

"Dear Mr. Li, we don't want to eat your bread, you should share it with Missli, because we ate roast chicken today!"

"Roast chicken? My little cutie, did you eat it in your dream? Trust me, the food in your dream will not make you forget your hunger!"

Naturally, Li Chenxian would not believe what Qin Xiangming said. Even in the East District, there are very few people who can eat roast chicken.

Seeing that Li Chenxian didn't believe him, Qin Xiangming just wanted two brothers to testify to her, but at this moment, three people walked over from the aisle.

Catalina immediately grabbed Qin Xiangming, then pushed her and Qin Yana to the side of Li Chenfei, and pulled Qin Dafeng and Qin Erhe into her arms.

Arnolds, the big boss of the ballroom, Roger and Alda, a guest from the east, came over.

Qin An can't speak at this time. Let's take a look at the situation first, anyway, he won't let Katerina be taken away.

When people reach a certain height, sometimes they like to smile at life. Qin An has this mentality. He is the controller here, so there is no need to be too impatient.

Arnolds is a big fat man, really a super parasite, he can still raise himself so fat in such a difficult environment, this person is a tenth-level mutant.

Roger is estimated to be fifty years old. He is also a fat man. He looks very ugly. He has a big mouth like an alien monster. His thick lips are like hot dogs, but his eyes are small and pitiful. He looks a lot like Guo Shuai when he was a child. , Those with eight-level mutation ability.

Alda is in his thirties and looks very handsome. He is estimated to be about 1.8 meters tall. He is well-proportioned. Wearing gold-rimmed glasses, he looks gentle and does not look like a bad person. But his eyes were licentious, and Qin An glanced at him and knew that this person must be an extremely abnormal guy, because his eyes had inexplicable blood and madness, ordinary people would not find it, but they could not escape Qin An's glimpse of the sky. Observation of ability.

After the three of them came, Alda's eyes suddenly became slightly fascinated, and he stared at Qin Yana and Qin Xiangming in a straightforward manner, with a slight curve in the corners of his mouth.

Qin An saw in his eyes and sneered in his heart. It seemed that this was another guy looking for death.


Suddenly, Qin An was stunned, because he thought of something!

Qin An has countless memories, including his own, as well as thousands of people once occupied by his soul crossing.

Therefore, the amount of information in Qin An's brain is really very large. Although he can remember these memories, if he wants to remember everything, it is really impossible to do it without concentration.

In the past few years, Qin An and Xiaoyan lived in harmony. He felt that he had forgotten Weng Lan. After all, only by completely forgetting that woman could he start a new life and obtain a new life.

Therefore, Qin An does not want to think of Weng Lan's various memories.

Once again in the United States to look for Weng Lan, Qin An's hidden memory in the corner of his heart is slowly recovering, so some information that he had deliberately forgotten has gradually gone out of the scene and boarded the front desk.

Qin An suddenly remembered a small event before the end of the world.

At that time, he and Weng Lan had been married for a few years and had no children, so they would naturally look forward to the arrival of the children, so sometimes they would discuss about the children before going to bed, and Qin An would even name the children.

"You must have a few more babies in the future! Eight are good, they are called Dafeng, Erhe, and Sanchuan in order (ps, here is a note, the third child should be called Qin Sanchuan, which may have been written as Qin Sanshan before, but I will modify it later , I apologize for the inconvenience of reading caused by the book friends, and I also have more reminders of the book friends in the group.), April, Wuhua, Liujiang, Qixue, Bashan! Haha, mountains, rivers, wind, flowers and snow are there, The atmosphere is graceful and not luxurious, it has much connotation!"

Qin Xiangming's three older brothers are called Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, and Qin Sanchuan?


Qin An only felt that in addition to cold sweat on his forehead, cold wind seemed to blow on his back, he was nervous.

Concentrating on his mental energy, Qin An opened the door of memory and searched for relevant information.

The dream I often had at that time, the quadruplets born to Weng Lan

God, what did he ignore?

Home? Could it be that the dreams at that time were all real, what he dreamed of was the world he saw on his way home?

And the return journey of one of the nine blood spirits has been following these children? Therefore, he could only appear here after replacing the body space on the way home, and easily encountered a few small ones. And the reason why I have to follow them on the way home is because of blood? After all, the way home is his own energy summoning creature.

Oh my god, it's a little messy!

If the dream becomes reality, how is it possible?

Even if Weng Lan had given birth to quadruplets, they would not be her own. They had been separated for 33 years. If they were her own children, they would be very big.

But they are all named Qin, what is going on?

"Hey, what about you, go to sit somewhere else, deaf?"

The big chubby hand pushed Qin An, interrupting his thoughts.

Qin An's eyes were a little red, and he raised his head to look at the fat man pushing him, it was the fellow named Roger.

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