Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1128: Is there a last word?

Yin Hanchao smiled bitterly and shook his head, then said: "Hey, the biggest sorrow of a liar is that no one believes when he tells the truth."

"A seven-year-old girl can plan to kill a family of six people so carefully"

"So I have a different talent, and the adoptive parents are not dead, but the burned life can't take care of myself."

"Haha, sister, you really think of me as a fool, so don't talk about you before, talk about now, you said that you are the king of the Mo Ling sect, but how do I think you seem to be a sinful daughter? "

Yin Hanchao raised his eyebrows, nodded and said:

"Yes, because I have no powers, I naturally want to find some way to protect myself. The Moling Sect has captured many scientists, and then used many post-apocalyptic science and technology in Western Tibet and Russia as an expansion to develop the dark man research and development. The method of production, I have no supernatural powers, so I can only make myself a child of sin. Then the child I give birth can not only communicate with me, but also be completely loyal to me. This is a good thing. Why should I? I can’t be the daughter of sin. Although I prefer women in my heart, when I don’t mind having some relationship with some unknown creatures, and then give birth to some children, brother, don’t you think this is very exciting"

A smile appeared on Yin Hanchao's face.

"Well, even if what you said seems to be true, I don't believe it. In fact, it is not necessary. You and I are delaying time. You are waiting for your children to come and protect you, and I... .."

At this point, Qin An said nothing.

Yin Hanchao smiled and asked, "And what are you waiting for? Tell me, I am...very curious"

At the second half of the sentence, Yin Hanchao's voice suddenly changed, from a simple male voice to a delicate female voice, making Qin An shudder at hearing.

But before Qin An could explain anything, Yin Hanchao's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Qin An in shock with a female voice:

"Oh my god... why the scorpion snake died"

Qin An gave Yin Hanchao a thumbs up.

"Sure enough, ten kilometers away from here, you can still know that the scorpion is dead. It seems that the spiritual connection between the sinner and the dark is really great, you know that these are no longer useful, because You are dying, Yin Hanchao, I can’t keep you alive, no matter whether you are the master of the Mo Ling sect or not, as long as you have a relationship with it, I will definitely kill you. I don’t allow anyone in this world to fight. With my banner of evildoing, I, Qin An, is an out-and-out Virgin Mary."

The last sentence Qin An said actually contained some self-deprecating elements.

Yin Hanchao's face no longer smiled and became a little pale because he found that on the other side, the person he was waiting for... actually died.


Eight kilometers away from the location of Yin Hanchao and Qin An, the three clones of Qin An were already covered in blood.

Looking at the broken corpses in front of him, one of them, Qin An, smiled bitterly.

"Hey, these guys are stronger than ordinary dark people"

"Well, yes, if we weren't the three of us, we might not be able to deal with them, especially the one who took the lead. It should be the strongest son born to Yin Hanchao." The second Qin An clone was sitting on the ground. He had just used the power of the immortal body to save his life, and he was extremely weak at this time.

"Okay, let's return to the main body. Now after this battle, it is estimated that the power of the main body of the sword **** should have also been greatly depleted."

After a brief conversation between the three Qin Ans, the body disappeared, turned into a mist and flew, and finally returned to Qin An.


On the viewing platform, the crowd had already exploded.

Because a boy who seemed to be only eight or nine years old was suddenly killed, and the person who killed him was a boy who was eight or nine years old.

This clone of Qin An activated the super-body sword **** son's power ability, drove back to the Guanhai Platform from Qin An's body at the fastest speed, and then checked all the people on the Guanhai Platform with super vision, and finally discovered that this should be The dark one of the scorpion snake.

He just hid in the crowd, watching around.

It is not difficult for Qin An to find it out, because super vision has the powerful function of face recognition, and Qin An can see in a very short time which person on the viewing platform looks like an ordinary person and which person looks like. Appearance is conceited.

When he targeted the suspicion on the eight or nine-year-old boy, he first launched a red leaf at his back.

As expected, the little boy was quick to move. He quickly avoided the threat, and Hongye shot into the body of an ordinary person nearby.

Qin An’s clone used the healing power to save all sentient beings to the ordinary person, and then turned on the Phantom clone slash, and the little boy of the dark one who was not genetically awakened in the future would directly kill him without hesitation.


At the seaside twenty kilometers north of the city into the sea, the other two Qin An clones have been waiting.

When the six planes full of ammunition in the sky came over quickly, the expressions of the two Qin An clones became very bad. The mud horses flew over 4,000 meters, and neither of them could reach them.

Qin An avatar smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "Should you say I should transform myself and eat the giantess Lu Ya so that I can gain wind power and fly."

Qin An's Second Clone frowned and thought for a moment: "I think Li Na, Xiaoyan, and Liu Xia are all taken care of. Lan Yue is a little jealous man. He went to take Lu Ya's giantess for no reason. Will be killed by Blue Moon"

"Cut, didn't you still promise Lu Ya to dance with her under the stars"

"Qin An, can you stop talking nonsense? It's obviously that you agreed to it, OK?"

The two Qin An avatars laughed at this point, only thinking that it was a wonderful thing for them to talk to themselves.

Above them, Gu Changqing, the Yuhua sword repairman, was standing in suspension with his wings.

He is now a little confused.

"How did Qin An... change two? How many ghost powers he really can't see through"

At this time, the six fighter jets that wanted to go to the sea city had already flown oncomingly.

Gu Changqing, who was summoned by Qin An’s soul consciousness, smiled slightly, the Yuhua Divine Sword came out with his thoughts, and the Rainstorm Lihua Arrow was pushed towards the target by the spirit of the sword.

After a few seconds, all six planes exploded in the air, and the flames were flying in the sky with countless pear petals, reflecting the sunrise on the eastern sea


When the explosion sounded, Yin Hanchao quickly turned her head to look. She also saw brilliant sparks floating in the sky and scattered everywhere.

When Qin An was talking with Yin Hanchao, he actually let a clone teleport away from his body secretly, and then used the ever-changing ability to create a mist of virtual scenery behind him.

The so-called fog of virtual scenery is like a background, which obscures the real world behind Qin An.

Next, Qin An sent several clones to the back of the mist of virtual scenery, and quickly moved away to different places.

In only seven minutes described by Yin Hanchao, Qin An has resolved all his worries.

Yin Hanchao turned his head and looked at Qin An, then smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Brother Yin, do you have a last word?" Qin An's voice was cold and merciless.

"Well, my dear, there is a last word." Yin Hanchao's voice was as graceful as before.

After she said a word, she suddenly stretched her hand into her arms, and did something that Qin An never expected...

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