Zhui Xu

Chapter 969

995. 969 chapter Shiling frontier

The 969 chapter Shiling frontier

More than ten miles away from Zhangzhou, Shiling is like a lion in front of the mountains.

As the sun sets, the black smoke has stopped filling. For six days, the sound of the battle has stopped for the first time. Trees burning in the flames near the mountain are reflected in the rays of the setting sun. A strange and quiet atmosphere.

Someone still ran on one defensive position after another. The soldiers were still reinforcing the line of defense and checking the gun position. People looked at the gold position in front of the field of vision and only whispered.

“You said, the Golden Dog is still coming today?”

“Don’t want this, come and do his mother!”

“I heard that Wangyuan Bridge won the battle and did the job.”

“People brought by Mr. Ning, remember? Those who have been withdrawn from the second company… I have thought that I have 30,000 people. It’s not enough for him to go to Mr. Ning…”

“How to fight…”

“It’s not clear yet…”

In such a whisper, the sun is golden and yellow across the valley in front, and the convergence and quietness of the Jurchen has been going on for more than an hour.

Later in the mountain, there was a wounded battalion. After the battlefield continued in the unusual quiet for a long time, the wounded with the bandages and bandages came out of the tent and looked at the back of the Shiling Mountain.

“what happened?”

People ask each other so much.

In the hot air balloon, some people quickly waved the slogan downwards, reporting every movement in the Jurchen camp. Senior officials of the staff department waited directly below to confirm that all important clues were not missed.

The sniper war between Shiling and Xiukou lasted for nearly six days. In the records of later generations, it was often overshadowed by the significance and brilliance of Wangyuan Bridge’s great era. In the southwestern battle of months, they often seem to be unimportant. But in fact, they are important fulcrums for the victory of the Wangyuan Bridge.

During the entire six-day period, Qu Zhengyan and Yu Zhongdao blocked the Xiukou, Han Jing and Pang Liuan fought in Shiling. Although it is said that the Jurchens are counting on the slopes of the village to play some tricks in front of Ning Yi, but at Shiling and Xiukou, they did not have the slightest release or slack, and the number of offensives allowed the number of people. The Huaxia military line, which is not much, has been stretched to the extreme, and it may collapse in a slight accident.

Although relying on the terrain, the cannon can also take advantage of the point of defense, but in the six days, the strength of the Chinese side of the Huaxia Army has reached 7,000. In this respect, the speed of such reductions is actually much more tragic than that of Huangming County and Yushuixi.

Especially in the direction of Shiling, after the appearance of Zonghan Shuaiqi, the morale of Jin Bing was greatly enhanced. Zonghan, pull-off speed and other people also made the battlefield command and force deployment skills for so many years, and the elite soldiers continued to oscillate. The defense of the entire mountain makes the breakthrough focus on one point. Sometimes, even the Chinese military officers who participated in the defense, it is difficult to feel where the most reductions and pressures are greatest. When somewhere is broken, they realize the true intention of Zonghan in tactics. At this time, they can only make another deployment and take back the position from the Jin Bing.

This is the gap between the Chinese military generals and Zong Han’s Jurchen names at the tactical level. However, in terms of the quality of individual soldiers and the small-scale tactical cooperation of grassroots soldiers, the Chinese military has already put aside these “invincible”. “The Jurchen soldier has a cut.”

Among them, especially the second division led by Pang Liuan, who lost the Huangming County City, was furious and brave, facing the “environment of the enemy”, and the second division soldiers who had lost their heart and revenge even changed. The style of steadfast and defensive is the most determined style of fighting in the repeated battles of several positions.

On the one hand, this kind of combat will has the merits of political work. On the other hand, it is because the commander Pang Liuan once set the stage for life and death. In order to protect the division commander, the brigade commander and head of the second division always provoke the girders first.

The Jurchen side pulled out and flew away in person. However, after occupying a position, it was attacked by the soldiers of the second division. A group of soldiers even tried to block the speed of the road and let the artillery bombard the enemy. Although the party did not do this, the second division’s attitude made it necessary to withdraw from the speed.

In fact, it is not only the blood of the soldiers who died in Huangming County, but some soldiers did not break through. At this time, they still fell into the hands of Jurchens. This is perhaps the biggest thing among the soldiers. Terrier.

Shiling was fiercely fighting and repeatedly fighting. Later, He Zhicheng, the commander of the army, constantly mobilized the lightly wounded soldiers, militiamen and the living forces still interspersed in the mountains. He also invested in the front line of Shiling and finally maintained this very tight defense line. If this is not the case, on the 28th day, Han Jing could not even draw his more than a thousand horses. After the battle of Wangyuan Bridge, it is difficult to quickly sweep and end.

Jin Bing’s truce and cringe in this afternoon were obviously after the Wangyuan Bridge’s report, but the Huaxia army generals on the position did not relax their vigilance. He Zhicheng and Pang Liu’an constantly reminded the frontline soldiers to consolidate the defense line. The information of the bridge was not officially announced, and the soldiers were prevented from being underestimated. In the final counterattack of the Jurchen, they ate the other party’s losses.

About two o’clock, He Zhicheng, Pang Liuan and others saw the horses from the Wangyuan Bridge and the horses in front of the big car about 100 people. Ning Yi was among the horses. He approached the horse, He Zhicheng said with a smile: “Mr. Ning is out of the horse, this battle can be fixed… it is not easy.”

There is also smoke on his face. When he says this, there are tears in his eyes. On the side of Pang Luan, he was already hanged with blood. Due to the loss of Huang Ming County, he was the master of the second division at this time, and he bowed to Ning Yi: “The second division of the Fifth Army of China was ordered to defend the front of the Lions. Fortunately, not to be insulted.”

“Thanks to you.”

If you usually say something whispering in Ning Yi’s character, but then, no, he salutes the two and walks forward. Pang Luan looks at the rear car: “This is the ‘Dijiang’?”

Ning Yi nodded: “In fact, the whole idea was already in the Xiao Cang River, and the manual operation was completed in the last year. When it came to the southwest, it started slowly. In a few years, the first military was dead for it. There are no less than two hundred, tightening the waistband and slowly grinding such things. We were still worried that it was enough, but fortunately, the diagonal protection hit and it also played a role.”

Perhaps it is to recall the history of these years, his tone is serious, but not nervous, is a serious with a sense of relaxation. Going forward for a while, and again:

“Others are still looking at the bridge, and they have captured more than 20,000 people. It is not easy to watch them. It will be difficult to handle them cleanly for a while. We are worried that the Jurchens are going crazy here, so I dragged them over. It was originally more than 600.” Was worried enough before the war, can you give the Jurchen the most painful blow in the first battle, but in the end only used less than three hundred – how does Zonghan react?

“The reaction is very fast, ginger is old and spicy.” He Zhicheng smiled. The convenience was a mountain road. He raised his hand and looked at the rear. “These cars…”

“Slow up, some may rely on the horse, not in a hurry, find a good place.” Ning Yi smiled, “the measured range, normally more than four hundred feet, can not find a solution, enough Zonghan drink A pot.”

“However, Zonghan has prepared.”

“……So fast?”

“Before half an hour began, their soldiers were retreating.” He Zhicheng said, “It was a simple retreat at the beginning, probably in response to the loss of the Wangyuan Bridge. It seemed to be a hasty. But a quarter of an hour ago, With a lot of adjustments, the action is not big, and there are rules.”

Everyone walked up the hillside, crossed the high line on the ridge, saw the situation of the entire Shiling battlefield in the sunset, another piece of blood-stained position, one after another, the black pit of the shell. In the Jinbing camp in front, the big account and the handsome flag are still floating. The golden man built a simple wooden wall, and there are intertwined wooden thorns outside the wall. The retreat of the front force makes the entire arrangement of the golden man show the defensive Come, the transfer of the team in the camp seems to continue.

Ning Yi looked at the side with a telescope. He Zhicheng and others introduced at the side: “…the situation seen from half an hour ago, some people are withdrawing to the rear of the mountain pass, the front line retreat is most obvious, the tent behind the wooden wall Unmoved, it seems that there are still people, but the information of each observation point is summarized. In the large-scale mobilization, the Jin people are taking away the soldiers in the tent in front. In addition, looking at the heights of the rear mountain pass, some people have previously sent the guns to the guns. Moving up, it seems to be blocking the road when retreating.”

“Zong Han, these people, really are outstanding people.” Ning Yi gave a sigh of relief and murmured.

Lin Jingwei, the chief engineer at the side, was also curiously watching the situation there. At this time, he said: “It is indeed a 30-year-old sergeant. If I am in a different place, I am afraid that I will believe that there will be rockets in one hour. The existence of these strange things.”

“Even if you believe, I am afraid that it is difficult to turn this corner in my heart.”

“Facing the reality is the basic quality of the famous general. In any case, there is indeed a firearm that can be as far as four or five hundred feet on the battlefield of Wangyuan Bridge. He must respond to this matter. Otherwise, does he wait for the emperor? After confirming it, please confirm it again?” Ning Yi said with a telescope, and then smiled. “But ah, you can boast a few more words, and then write it into the book. Great.”

Everyone laughed. Someone said: “If Zonghan is prepared, I am afraid that our rockets will be hard to collect the effects of the squad. At this moment, the Jurchen battalion is mobilizing. Do you want to take this opportunity and rush into the rocket and go to their camp. In the explosion?”

He Zhicheng and others looked at each other, and most of them thought about it. Ning Yi looked down on this matter obviously. He said that facing the reality is the basic quality of the famous, but in fact, Zong Han made a decision and faced the reality fast, he also admired some, if it is himself, if he is still himself, in the mall Can you acknowledge the reality in such a short period of time when you are in a good mood – or when your son has suffered bad luck? He also has no grasp.

And how much can it be to throw out these rockets at this time?

Ning Yi’s tongue licked on his lips: “The virtual reality is imaginary, the rocket is racked up, and they are prepared to defend the enemy to weaken and then do the counterattack. Directly bombing, temporarily not used. In addition to killing some people, they are scared. I am afraid it is difficult to play a role in the finalization.”

The people around nodded.

“From today, the era when the Jurchen is invincible has completely passed.”

Ning Yi said: “The end of Yan Zonghan’s mood must be very complicated. I will write a letter and throw it over. His son is in my hand to see if he is interested or not. Tell me about it.”

The setting sun is falling, and everything will be done in February. Even old creatures will not stop their resistance to the world. The continuation and reincarnation of the world is always done in this way.

The name of the chapter originally wanted to call “You drip the moth in my hand”. I felt that I was not very serious and changed my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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