Zhui Xu

Chapter 930

955. The 930 chapter of human ecstasy growth (middle)

The 930 chapter of human ecstasy growth (middle)

In the summer of Jianye’s eleventh year, three villages with considerable scale were built in the west of Zhangcun. The building has three floors, cement and red brick structure. The outer layer is covered with white lime and is transparent. Glass windows. The three buildings are lined with squares in front of the square.

Due to the host of Ning Yi, the style of the house and the house in the world are all different, but the glass embedded in the window has a lot of value. Perhaps for some kind of bad taste, the three buildings were simply named “Zhangcun No. 1 Building”, “No. 2 Building” and “No. 3 Building”.

The building is open to the public. The first floor displays various scientific and technological achievements and the principle demonstration. The second building is a large number of debates on the development of various books and Chinese military thinking, and there is a memorial hall for the event. It is a work building. It was originally intended to be allocated to the Huaxia Military Commercial Department to display relatively mature commercial products. However, at this time, the role was slightly modified.

It is extremely difficult for Huaxia Army to come along this road. In order to support itself, commercial means have played a big role. On the other hand, in the shaping of the Chinese military thoughts in these years, although it is based on the concept of “equality”, on the practical level, it advocates the spirit of contract, and the research based on the object is the germination of the industrial revolution and capitalism. A road that must be taken.

Based on these ideas, after leaving Liangshan, it is very necessary to establish such a gallery and memorial hall to introduce the outline of Huaxia Army to others. The Ministry of Commerce can also rely on such exhibitions to carry out more business, and at the same time, China The face of the military is open to the outside world.

After leaving the Liangshan area, the entire Huaxia military system was very busy at the time. It took over the localities, expanded the military and trained troops, and the infrastructure of each place must also be kept up. The construction of the face project was relatively delayed. In the design and construction of these three buildings, Ning Yi did not consider the aesthetic transition, directly applied the simplicity, atmosphere and practical style of later generations. With the background of his unscrupulous real estate developers, the housing project went smoothly, and after completion, At first glance, there is also a kind of “future” impact.

It was only in the summer of this year that three buildings were built and the showrooms were covered. The Jurchen’s military disaster was imminent. The building that was originally intended to focus on commercial affairs first went to the political propaganda direction.

In response to the arrival of Jurchen, the entire Huaxia Army on the Chengdu Plain is advancing. The area that was not occupied by the Huaxia Army was originally headed by Cangzhou. However, in addition to Cangzhou, there were dozens of small and medium-sized towns on the north side of the Sichuan 4th Road. At that time, they had already received the wanted of the Huaxia Army.

At this time, although the outside world did not seem to have a large-scale battle, the whole atmosphere was not gentle. The Huaxia Army’s elite division is divided into several stocks, and the strength of the troops is accompanied by lobbying and persuasion. In July and August, these towns have surrendered. In this context, no one thinks that the Chinese military will continue to show mercy to the recalcitrants. Everyone understands that if they continue to play dead hard, before the arrival of Jurchen, China The army will unrelentingly calm everything in front of you.

In addition to several small-scale resistances among the probabilities, in August, with the surrender of Chenzhou, the export of Chuansi Road in addition to the Jiange has successively entered the territory of the Huaxia Army, various powers, government affairs. Delivery is in full swing.

However, for the officials who were originally responsible for governing various places, Huaxia Army did not adopt a one-size-fits-all policy. After conducting a simple written test and intention test, some qualified officials who did not have much resistance to the Huaxia Army entered the training. stage.

The whole training process is also simple, and the place is in several places with Zhangcun as the core. First, visit the outlines of the three buildings in Zhangcun, and then enter the factory, the agency, the city, the military camp, and then return to Zhangcun for another round of the overall situation. At this time, you can ask questions and ask for the building. Data reference, and finally enter a simple written test.

The whole process is about seven days. The purpose is to let these officials understand the basic philosophy framework of the Huaxia Army, the administrative operation and the future expectation. It is irrelevant whether it can be fully recognized or not in the big direction, as long as it can be understood and cooperated. As long as you enter the system, there will naturally be a lot of learning, supervision, approval, and clean-up mechanisms in the future.

The autumn sun still looks bright. Standing in the showroom on the second floor of Building No. 1, Liao Qibin still can’t help but cast his eyes on the window next to him. The glass bottle and the like have already existed in the market, but it is quite precious. Later, the Huaxia Army improved the material to make it more transparent. Even after the crystal glass was coated with mercury to make the mirror, the object was fragile. Four-way mountain transportation is difficult. In the outside world, the fine glass mirror produced by Black Flag has always been a treasure in the eyes of large families. In the past two years, some places have become more accustomed to use it as a must-have item in marriage.

But here, the glass that is so clear and fragile is directly used as a window. The outside sunlight trees and the pedestrians in the distance near the river are at a glance, which makes Liao Qibin, who has been the county magistrate of Zhangzhou, Feel a luxury.

However, after six days of coming to Zhangcun, due to the visit of this road, Liao Qibin had some more complicated feelings in addition to the original sense of luxury.

“…still returning to the papermaking. I only know about it when I came to the first day. After a few days of walking, you have a lot of things in mind. This is much simpler. In this room, the improvement of the papermaking method and Efficiency, one edition and one edition are recorded here, and everyone sees that there are also some improvement steps of the papermaking method for hundreds of years… We deliberately label the year… Up to now, the efficiency of the papermaking method has increased by 12 times. This is just an improvement over the past ten years, and it is still going on… But before that, the improvement of the papermaking process lasted for hundreds of years, and the results of our decade have not been diverse…”

“… This is not a certain degree of accumulation in the accumulation of the city, and all the progress has only occurred within the Huaxia Army. This is the power of the study of the object…”

Liao Qibin turned his gaze back to the speaker before the crowd. The man was in a wheelchair, his face was not old but his hair was half white. Liao Qibin did not dare to neglect the identity of this person. His name was Qin Shaoyu, but he was a Qin family who went to Qin Yuyuan in the same year. When the strong man came, he was interrupted because the Chinese army survived to this day. Today, as the purpose of the Chinese military, the three buildings are managed by him. Every group of people return to Zhangcun on the sixth day, and he will be led by him to explain. Some people will ask questions in person.

It has been more than ten years since Ning Yi angered Zhou Wei. In the past ten years, Ning Yi has been seen by Wu Dynasty as a person who is nailed to the shame of the shame, but he has criticized Qin Yuyuan’s merits and demerits. It has been changing all the time. In the past few years, due to Zhou Wei’s power, his pair of children led the public opinion, which has largely affirmed the achievements of Qin Yuyuan.

The old man has set off the responsibility of fighting against the Jurchen and saving the world. His eldest son, Qin Shaohe, is a hero who defends Taiyuan. After just as hard as repelling the Jurchen, the traitor who was on the Jinghan court was bound to loyalty because of the taboo of Qin Yuyuan. The emperor was blinded by the traitor and made the wrong thing.

Such a paradox has restored many reputations for Qin Yuyuan, but of course, even Ning Yi has no father and no father. In Wu Dynasty’s public opinion, he is also a big and unscrupulous person. When everyone talks about it, he only says that he should deal with the court. Shang Cai Jing Tong Guan and other traitors, but never should be Jun Yunyun.

In this way, Qin Shaoyu became the best candidate for the exchanges with the Wu Dynasty people. When Cheng Zhouhai came to negotiate and pulled up Song Yongping, Ning Yi took Qin Shaoyu in the past. At this time, Qin Shaoyu’s identity can naturally shock everyone. He introduced the papermaking to everyone, and introduced the development of the glass industry. Later, there were various facilities and raw materials for ship, bridge, road, cement, steel and so on.

At the end of the second floor, the end of the building is a spacious hydraulic lift. Qin Shaoyu is in a wheelchair. It can only go up and down through the facilities similar to the “elevator” of the later generation. Some people want to help him push the wheelchair. He also shook his hand and refused everything. All by yourself.

“When the year was also a few years after Jinghan, the uncle was revived, and I went to Beijing and mixed with a group of buddies. If I had friends who had been to Beijing in the past, I might remember that at that time. A little evil ‘flowers are too old’, I didn’t have a good time, I wanted to follow others in the capital, but soon after, Ning Yi went to the capital, and my uncle asked me to receive him…”

“…Mr. Ning, who is now in the mouth, is also a wonderful person. He is kind to Zhui xu, but even if he is too old, he can’t ask for it in front of him. Later, many things happened, I followed him. After learning something, Jinghan eleven years, the right Xiangfu hosted the disaster in the north, and Mr. Ning made a plan to launch a large number of businessmen from all over the country to sell in the disaster area, suppressing the price of food… The scene at the time was really exciting…”

“I am a Chinese person, you don’t look at me old, half-headed white hair, in fact, because of the lack of qualifications, everyone who comes into contact with Wu Dynasty every day, are people in the dragon and phoenix, I dare not neglect, just learn more Something, spend more time…”

“In the Huaxia Army, the equality with the people is actually simple. Everyone has seen it. After reading the paper, after learning the way of the things, the efficiency has increased by more than ten times. The rest of the industries, even planting, fishing and hunting, There are also ways to improve, the chickens on the farm, the supply of chicken and chicken are greatly increased… Everything has a method of improvement. In the past, you have been studying hard, and it has become extremely difficult for people to be human, some people are sensible, some people do not understand. Therefore, the saints can be made by the people, and they must not be made known. It is impossible to make them known to all.”

“But now, when you see it, I may wait for someone to read the book on a certain day. After reading a book, there will be reasonable hopes. At that time, people must be completely equal. Although it is difficult, the distance is close, but it is expected.”

Qin Shaoyu used his hands to push the wheelchair to go forward from the ground. Someone asked: “When everyone is a official, who is farming?”

After listening to this question, Qin Shaoyu did not panic, and the movements on his hands did not slow down. He smiled and said: “If everyone can study, there must be another face in the world. The person who is an official is no longer superior, but only Administrative personnel who are equal to others, some people are fishing and hunting, some are farming, some are doing business, some are teaching, and by then, there are naturally people who are good at management and good at management, and they are transferred to the management of the company. The government officials in the military, for their people, are strictly forbidden to make words and swear, and they are based on this principle.”

“Of course, there have been many discussions on this matter in the Chinese military. There have been a lot of discussions on the income of these years, and there have been a lot of reservations in the second building. Mr. Ning has also had several explanations and ideas. Can go to borrow and discuss.”

Qin Shaoyu smiled and said: “Of course, the world is difficult, the road ahead is not easy. Based on the development of the study of the material, many things in time will be turned upside down. Even the many ideas in the second building are only accumulated in ten years. It’s not necessarily, it’s not the answer. If you have seen more ideas afterwards, the Chinese military will conduct such discussions on a regular basis. If you have a deep view, you may even pass it on by Mr. Ning’s personal answer, or even Let’s start the debate… Next, let’s take a look at some of the ideas and results for plant selection and breeding…”

In the three buildings of Zhangcun, everyone visited the first day of the visit. For many theories, I didn’t understand it at the time. After a few days of visits and explanations, I actually had a rough outline. . After returning to the sixth day, after Qin Shaoyu’s series explanation, the current and future picture of the entire Huaxia Army was gradually drawn up, and everyone’s heart was shocked and slowly deepened.

After Qin Shaoyu said that a large amount of data was retained in Building No. 2, some shallow questions were not mentioned. Soon after, everyone transferred to Building No. 2, and the first floor preserved the record and construction history of the Huaxia Army. In fact, it also displayed the things about Qin Yuyuan, and even after that, Qin Yuyuan died, Wu Dynasty The situation, Ning Yi’s 弑君, and so on, many details are disclosed in detail, of course, this part, Qin Shaoyu is still politely avoided at the moment.

He walked in a wheelchair and said: “The first few receptions have been asked. The Chinese military has blown these things so beautifully. Many things can only be seen in these beautiful houses, including That glass window, the steel and other things used in the construction of these three buildings, after all, can not be used by everyone… But here, I hope that you can pay attention, I have been the most in China for more than ten years. Struggling in a bad environment…”

“We are developing hard in Xiaocang River and Qingmu Village, and building up… Soon after Xixia is coming, we are defeating Xixia in the northwest, and then attacking almost the entire Central Plains million army including Jurchens… Killing the shackles, killing them, and turning to the mountains from the northwest. Similarly, it is extremely difficult to open a road in the mountains…”

“In such an environment, we still maintain the development of so many things. When we leave Liangshan, how long has it been here? The situation has stabilized. Is there a year? Friends, Jurchens came and conquered the Central Plains. Jiangnan defeated the entire Wu Dynasty and came to the southwest. Imagine what the Jurchens would conquer, and what would you look like…”

Qin Shaoyu pushed the wheelchair in a historical map: “Look at these developments. If we defeat the Jurchen, if we let us be in a bigger place – not like the Xiao Cang River, it is not It’s like a barren place like Deng’s three counties – just like the Chengdu Plain, it’s not bigger! We’re going to develop for three years and develop for five years, what will it look like, think about it, when Throughout the world, who can stop me from the Chinese people, and restore my Han family’s dress – I believe that this is also the picture that my uncle used to dream…”

The sunlight came in from the window. When everyone visited the second building, it was noon. Qin Shaoyu led the official residence of more than 20 Wu Dynasty to the canteen. Lunch is a simple but delicious buffet mode. After lunch, Liao Qibin went outside to basking in the sun, and his mind was still a little chaotic. He went to the county magistrate through formal channels. People in the dragon and phoenix, a few days is enough for him to see a big outline, but to shake this digest, but still need time.

In a short time, officials and servants came out to whisper with him. They talked about the most, and it was still a matter of the war in the near future. The core of the war was in Jiange, or in Zhangzhou, whether it was Huaxia, or Jurchen. In the end, you can get the world. These questions are the top priority of the discussion.

During this period, everyone talked about Mr. Ning. This square is far away from the side of the courtyard where Mr. Ning lived. It is said that Mr. Ning is still in Zhangcun at this time. Someone talked about the traffic in Zhangcun and the traffic in the Chengdu Plain.

“… Since the Huaxia Army entered Chengdu, it has helped the disaster relief, and it is convenient to help the business. The first priority is to build roads. Today, with Zhangcun as the center, the main ramps have been renovated, extending in all directions, Mr. Ning in Zhangcun Sitting in the town is the best choice. When the war started, even if there were people in the back, the reaction was the fastest. I didn’t see the place here a few years ago. Now the bridge has built four…”

In the discussion of the people, I can’t help but admire these things. If I can visit this place, even after a few days of visits, I will not understand the Huaxia Army. Of course, it will not be said at the moment, as long as it is not the last Huaxia Army. This official, even if he is being monitored for a while, can always get out of the way. Moreover, if you really don’t talk about ideas and only say means, Ning Yi’s ability to create such a foundation is really convincing.

After a moment of discussion, Qin Shaoyu came from afar and participated in a small-scale discussion. He smiled and enjoyed the sun in the late autumn with a staggered white hair. Then he smiled and talked about the topic that everyone cares about: “You used to In Mr. Hang Ning? Unfortunately, I can’t see him today.”

Everyone has a strange heart: “Is it possible for me to wait for Mr. Ning?” Some people even thought about it. If there is a chance to see that person, it will be a slap in the face…

However, Qin Shaoyu smiled and said: “All the things have been arranged, the war is in front… He left for the front line of Zhangzhou yesterday.”

Qin Shaoyu’s words were calm, Liao Kaibin heard this sentence, and remembered the kind of murder and tiger squad who visited the Huaxia Army Camp in these days. The heart was shocked and stayed for a while, whispering: “Mr. Ning… …to the front line? If the Jurchens are killed, they will surround the Cangzhou…the four miles of Sichuan Road…there is insufficient strain…”

They have not yet fully joined the Huaxia Army at this time. Liao Qibin knows that this matter should not be asked, but he still can’t help but slowly say it. Qin Shaoyu squinted and looked at him: “Nothing.”

He said: “As long as the Sichuan 4th Road is still in place, the Huaxia Army is still there, Zong Han… will not be able to enclose Zhangzhou.”


Ning Yi left Zhangcun on the afternoon of September 23, September 24, and was actually about to arrive in Zhangzhou.

After blocking the army of Yan Zonghan, the battlefield was determined as far as possible on the 100-kilometer journey between Jiange and Zhangzhou. It was a plan that had already been fixed earlier. Of course, the most ideal development is to block the enemy in the sword, if the sword can not be returned, it is difficult to win, then the front line is set in Zhangzhou.

Although it is said that from the south of Chenzhou, the Chengdu line has been the site of the Huaxia Army for two years, but in fact, across the Cangzhou, the Chengdu Plain is endless. Even if he can defeat Yan Zonghan in front of him, his hundreds of thousands of troops will lead the next chaos in the Jurchen name who still has excellent commanding ability. It is easy to break into a bad debt, and even take advantage of the strength of the people to occupy the small cities. Then drive the people around to kill, and even do things like Dujiangyan, and the Chinese military forces will be beaten up in the end.

Ning Yi’s departure was due to two news stories on the 23rd.

One of them was in the Jiangnan area. There was a rescue operation closely related to the lobbying department Zhongzhongxian, which failed.

The other one is a well-planned assassination that broke out in Zhangzhou and extended to the side of Ning Ji. Ning Ji was once caught by the other assassin.

Until he was taken to the suburbs of Zhangzhou, several assassins joined together. The 13-year-old Ning family was only able to cut the ropes with hidden short knives in his sleeves. Before the aid came, he pursued the assassin all the way and killed six people by various means.

Ning Yi stares at Xiao Chan and leaves for the day.

(End of this chapter)

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