Zhui Xu

Chapter 924

949. Chapter 924

Chapter 924

In the rumbling sound of the rumbling, the ferocious soldiers walked between the cities, and the flames and blood had already drowned everything.

In the constant struggle and embarrassment, the original serious injury was finally able to pull his head and no longer move. Chen Shiqun’s laughter gradually became hoarse. When looking back, a group of Mongolians were being captured. Take the wall of the high place of Fuzhou and push it down in rows.

The entire city is also like a collapse and fall in this roar and flame.

In the past few years, in this place, the struggle and the struggle of the Western Army, and the people in the vicinity, have been dissolved into the heart and become part of the memory. Until then, he finally understood, from now on, all this, no longer.

Like his dead wife and family.

Also like this fallen Central Plains, Wu Dynasty.

At this time, he also knew that the emperor Zhou Yi fled, and Wu Dynasty finally collapsed. Sometimes, people are in the tide of dramatic changes in this world. They have an unbelievable feeling for many changes, but at this time, he saw the scene of the massacre being slaughtered. After the confusion, he finally understood. come.

The earth and the earth have become vast and powerful. This is an irresistible force. How can the prefectures of the district be spared?

In the raging fire, the Khan Wang named Zha Muhe came over here, and the laughter was heavy and heroic. Chen Shiqun had tears in his eyes. He looked at each other’s figure, raised his hands and squatted.

Behind him, the family broke down, the ethnic groups dispersed early, and the small northwest has become a white land. Wu Dynasty Wanli Jiangshan is disintegrating in a blood and fire, and the female real animal is raging in the world. Historically, he never looked back. At this moment, he could only adapt to this change and make his last choice as a Han Chinese.

– Dedicating this world to the conquerors from the grasslands.


When the little man named Chen Shiqun made a horrible choice in the northwest corner of the unscrupulous. Prince Wu Dynasty, who has just succeeded to the throne, is pressing on the final national dynasty of the dynasty that lasted for more than two hundred years, and Jiangning made a counterattack against the world that shocked the world.

Outside the city of Jiangning in the seventh day of September, with the killing of more than 100,000 defending city troops, the transformation of the crowd was like a plague, and it broke out in a vast area spanning dozens of miles.

The siege of more than two months, shrouded in the head of the millions of troops, is the coldness of the Jurchens and the high pressure that can be transferred to the battlefield at any time, and with the more and more regional collapse and surrender of Wu Dynasty Jiangning’s descendants had no way to rebel, and they had no way to escape. They could only wait for the fate of judgment in the daily torment.

The new emperor of Wu Dynasty succeeded to the throne, but could not save them from the fire, but with the death of Zhou Wei’s death, the dragon flag of the seventh day of the seventh day rose, this is the last chance signal, but also in everyone’s The heart flashed.

Such an opportunity is certainly not an opportunity to fight the Jiangning defenders. The land of Chen Bing, a million people, is vast and far-reaching. If you really want to fight it, I am afraid that one day and night, many people will also be spinning around the battlefield. However, with the advent of the war signal, various rumors are almost half an hour. Then swept the entire battlefield, and then with the “slow down” or “striking with them” mind and incitement, turned into an uncontrollable riot, broke out on the battlefield.

Even the soldiers with incomplete weapons rushed out of the wooden wall that surrounded them, and rushed to different directions with all sorts of thoughts. Soon after, they were wrapped in the mighty crowd and ran involuntarily.

Soldiers from Jiangning City caught the edge of the marching army and shouted and drove them to the west. The millions of people were more like sheep in this day. Some people lost their way, some people were The generals who are still bloody are shouting and marching westward.

The first group of troops who were close to the Jurchen military camp chose to flee, and then they were ruthlessly suppressed by the Zongfu troops. However, not long after, Junwu and Han Shizhong led the town’s naval forces to rush up, Zong Fu Anxious and ruined, according to the ground, but after noon, more and more Wu Dynasty troops marched toward the flank and rear of the Jurchen Camp, and they will not come.

This is the last bloodyness of the Wu Dynasty soldiers, wrapped in the tide of the tide, and constantly swayed and annihilated in the Jurchen’s artillery, and on the front line of the battlefield, the town navy and the women’s real striker constantly clash, In the encouragement of Junwu, the town navy even loomed the upper hand and pushed the Jurchen troops back and forth.

In the south of Jiangning City, Yue Fei led the relegation army like a hungry wolf. He chopped the Central Plains Han army, which was relatively loyal to the Jurchen, with a near-mad attack. He also drove the Wu Dynasty to the Wu Dynasty with great pressure from the cavalry. Finished Yan Zongfu, as for the afternoon of this afternoon, the reciting army cut the tide-like front line and extended the most aggressive attack to the face of Yan Zongfu.

At this point, Wan Yanzong’s flank defenses fell, and the tens of thousands of Jurchen troops were finally removed from the west and the south. The battlefield was full of blood. I don’t know how many Han people died in this massive war…


In the autumn of the city, in the south of Jiangzhou, when he saw the news of the war that had just arrived, Xi Yin’s hand holding the paper shivered slightly. His lips were close and his eyes became sharp.

On his side, the grain and grass of a car and a car are entering the city. The transportation team from the south is under the watch of the soldiers, which is similar to the extension.

When I came over, I’m waiting for Ann’s Yan Qingying to wait behind me. The little king of the Golden State had made great contributions in the previous big battle. He got rid of the image of the nephew who was wearing a nepotism. Now he is also going to Changsha’s direction, lobbying and inciting the various forces around him. Surrender, and to the long sofa soldiers.

Xi Yin slowly read the message on the information.

“… At the end of this embarrassment, the Zongfu army was withdrawn more than forty miles. The army led by Yue Fei, Han Shizhong and others went all the way to kill, until late at night, nearly 30,000 people were killed and injured, missing… waste.” Slowly fold up the paper. “For Jiangning’s war, I have already warned him. Don’t look at the surrendered Han Chinese, and get back sooner or later. The third child seems obedient, but he is stupid. He pulls millions of people. On the battlefield, I thought that this group of Han Chinese was insulted. What to make Jiangning into molten iron… If you don’t do this stupid thing, Jiangning is finished.”

Xi Yin’s words were worded, but Yan Yanqing knew that Master was in great anger. He thought for a moment: “If this is the case, the Wu Dynasty new king broke the Jiangning crisis, fearing that it would become a meteor? Master. Do you want to go back… help the two…”

“I can’t get into the weather.” Xi Yin shook his head. “In the Jiangnan area, the surrender has been consistently stated. Wu Dynasty has already become an avalanche. In some places, even if you want to go back, Jiangning’s army is hard to say. Keep it…”

“The millions of Wu Dynasty troops…”

“Dog chickens, don’t say that they want to go back to others, dare to dare, the autumn harvest has been completed, and now most of Jiangnan’s military food is my hand, the new monk guarded Jiangning in March, can not support people are problems I don’t have to worry about this. I want to reunite Zong Fuzong, and Jiangning can’t keep it. The only chance for the new king is to leave Jiangnan and take Zong Fuzong around. If he wants to find a place to stay, There will be no more chances for this to break down.” Xi Yin paused, and there were two staggered white hair floating in the mountain wind. “Let the teacher sigh, my Jurchen’s combat power has subsided, no longer the facts of the year. Finally, it was revealed by the gang of defeated people. You look at it. The southwestern one is good at propaganda, and the 120,000 Han army broke the girlish million, and it will soon be said.”

Wan Yanqing said: “But at this time, I believe that these Xu’s remarks are no longer able to return to heaven. However, Master…Wu Dynasty Han army has no morale, this time the southwest, even if it sends millions of soldiers in the past I am afraid it is difficult to have much influence on the Black Flag Army. The disciples have worries…”

“Hurry up the eagle, use their own methods.” Xi Yin shook his head. “The teacher has already said that Zong Fuzhi, he will be stupid like him. The land in Jiangnan is vast, Wu Dynasty is dead, everyone is asking for self-protection. In the future, I will live in the northern end of the country, and I will not be able to force them to die. It is better to let the warlords of the various parties separate the evidence. They will kill themselves. For the battle in the southwest, I will treat them fairly, and rewards and punishments, as long as they I can play a certain role on the battlefield. I won’t be rewarded with rewards. You, too, don’t want to be proud of yourself. The eyes are higher than the top. The dog who knows obedience is better than the dog who blames you. .”

Wan Yanqing took a ritual: “Teacher teaches you, and you remember it in your heart, no time or forget.”

Xi Yin waved his hand: “Well, let’s go. This time in Changsha, everything has to be careful. I heard that several people of the Huaxia Army have passed over there. You are honored. When you act, pay attention to protection. Himself.”

“Please ask Master to rest assured that in the past few years, there has been no contempt for the Chinese army on the other side of the Huaxia Army. This time, going forward, will not live up to the command of the king… As for the batch of Huaxia Army, the Qinglan is also ready. Will be them!”

He said this in his mouth, and soon after, he left in Xi Yin’s gaze. He led the horse team of thousands of people to leave Jiangzhou, embarked on the journey, and on the other side of the mountains, he saw the traces of the transfer of the silver army. In the undulating mountains, the army and the war The flag stretches all the way, like a raging iron stream.

This is the heroic power of the Jurchens on the road to the world, and Yan Yanqing looks far away, and her heart is full of heroism. He knows that the older generation will slowly pass away. Soon after, the responsibility of guarding this country will overwhelm them. On the shoulder, this moment, he is proud of this heroic scene that he still can see.

The raging army pushed west.


To the west of Chengdu, hundreds of miles away, is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is high in the terrain. Today, it is called Tubo.

Tubo has a long history. It has always been that the grazing tribes have been fighting for the killing. Since the Tang Dynasty, there have been brief periods of great unification in the hands of several monarchs such as Songtsan Gambo. However, not long after, Fu was divided into divisions. The various princes on the plateau were killed and divided, and the glory of the late Tang Dynasty has not yet been restored.

Located in the southern tip of Tubo, Dayang is a medium-sized tribe—when it has naturally prospered—and has gradually declined over the past 100 years. A few decades ago, a man who pursued the martial arts journey to the plateau once traveled to the plateau and formed a profound friendship with the leader of the Daoyang tribe. This man is Liu Dabiao, the owner of Bazhizhuang.

The Dayang tribe, which has a large open-pit iron mine in its jurisdiction, has been close to the Bazhizhuang since then, and has established a very reliable way of private cargo transportation. Later, Fangla Uprising, many weapons were also secretly transported from Tubo. However, with the failure of the Yongle Dynasty uprising, the power of Bazhizhuang fell into a trough, and the Dawang tribe in Tubo was also invaded by several nearby tribes. In a few years, it was almost annexed and removed.

On the eve of the Xiao Cang River War, Ning Yi deployed the strength of Bazhizhuang to Dayang and stabilized the situation. Later, the Huaxia Army was withdrawn from the south, and some elites were put into the central government by Ning Yi. On the one hand, it was to preserve the precious iron mines in Dayang, and on the other hand, it was to further train troops in a closed environment. Later, more than 20,000 physically strong and willing soldiers entered the area. They first defeated several nearby Tubo tribes and then settled on the plateau.

In the past few years, the Dayang tribe has been attacked and conquered by nearby parties. The youth in the tribe has almost died, but the people on the plateau are smashing, and no one has ever surrendered before the men in the family have died. Thoughts. When the Huaxia Army came over, there were a large number of women and children left in the Dayang Department, and the ethnic groups on the plateau survived. The young soldiers of the Huaxia Army also hoped to become a family, and the two sides combined. So now, the soldiers of the Huaxia Army replaced most of the men of the Dayang tribe, gradually bringing the two sides together.

For several years, the soldiers of the Huaxia Army have polished their bodies and wills on the plateau. They are racing in the wilderness and patrolling the snow peaks. A group of soldiers are required to cooperate in the most demanding environment. . What is used to polish their thoughts is the constant battle of the Xiao Cang River, the tragedy of the Northland and the Central Plains Han Chinese, the humiliation brought by the Jurchens in the world, and the glory of the Chengdu Plain in the Three Counties.

Compared with the large number of administrative members in Hedeng County, this black flag army led by Qin Shaoqian is more focused on cultivating everything they have created for the battle. Every day, the soldiers are The body and the will are tempered into the most ferocious and deadly steel.

Among them, one can bring comfort to them. One is the warmth brought by the wife and children who have already become a family soldier; the other is the towering, burial of thousands of heroes in the Huaxia Military Square in Dayang. The Xiao Cang River War Memorial, every day, the black monuments quietly and silently overlooking everyone, reminding them of the fierce past and the mission.

On this day, the low horn sounded above the plateau.

The soldiers came back from the high snow peaks, from the training field, and embraced the wife and children in the house with tears. They began to gather in the square of the military camp. In front of the huge monument, they put down some objects that contained memories of the year: once The bloody clothes, the bandages, the accompanying armor, and the broken blade of the dead brother…

This is the requirement of the army when all of them came to the plateau. Every soldier brought something, remembered Xiao Canghe, and remembered the bloody battle.

“…When one day, you put down these things, we will go out here and ask the enemies to recover all the blood debts.”

A lot of things were put down one after another, and the goshawks flew over the high sky. Under the sky, a list of murders was silently formed. Their tall and straight figure is almost identical, straight like steel.

Qin Shaoqian embarked on a high platform.

“…The Jurchens have destroyed Wu Dynasty and will enter Chengdu… Sticky is coming!” His voice spread far and wide on the plateau, echoing under the sky, on the low sky, with clouds and sounds In the gathering. But no one cares, the voice of the people is being uploaded.

“You!” The voice echoed, “Time…”


After the sound fell, the plateau was a loud bang that shook the earth, like a frozen dragon that began to disintegrate.

On this day, the 7th Army of China began to jump out of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


More than a hundred miles away from the Huaxia Army, Guo Yaoshi received news of the change in Daoyang.

Surrounded by silence, he walked out of the tent. It seemed that the oxygen-deficient environment on the plateau made him feel depressed. The vast wilderness was endless, and the sky was quietly hanging down the dull cloud.

The trepidation began from the tail vertebrae and spread up and down.

He knew that a huge storm unrelated to the plateau would have to be scraped…

(End of this chapter)

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