Zhui Xu

Chapter 904

929. Chapter 904 boiled sea (5)

Chapter 904 boiled sea (5)

In January, when the Green Foresters in the north and the third moved northward toward the Yangtze River, more people were rushing west and south, fleeing the battlefield.

From Jiangning to the east to Zhenjiang more than 100 miles, south to Ling’an more than 450 miles of the triangle area, is gradually falling into the flames of war. This is the most prosperous place in the whole world since Wu Dynasty moved south. It contains the most prosperous Jiangnan towns near Taihu Lake, radiating a large city such as Changzhou, Suzhou and Jiaxing, with a total population of 10 million.

After the Jurchens are killed, there is a busy place to be guarded everywhere. However, even with the human power of Wu Dynasty, it is impossible to squander every city, and to protect it without losing it – in fact, it was built two years ago. In the battle called Shoushan Haihai, the scorpion led the army. In fact, many towns in Jiangnan have already passed through.

Fortunately, this situation is different from the past. In order to defeat Nanwu for the fourth time, the Jurchen has no long-lost capital. After the army of the martyrdom arrived in Ling’an, Wu Dynasty mobilized some of the troops stationed in Jiaxing, Suzhou and other places to reach about 170,000 people, and came to Ling’an Qinwang, together with 200,000 troops stationed at Ling’an. The banned army has become a core part of this war.

The other core is naturally the Yangtze River battle circle with Jiangning and Zhenjiang as the center. After crossing the river, the main attack point of the East Road Army led by Zong Fu was in Jiangning, and then spread to Zhenjiang and the large and small cities in the south. In the north, Liu Chengzong’s attack on Xuzhou took away the attention of some Jurchen troops. The main force of Zongsong’s army, except for the reduction of staff, was less than 200,000, plus hundreds of thousands of Han troops from the Central Plains. Jiangning, on the one hand, sent a fine soldier and pushed the front line as far as possible.

The distance between Jiangning and Ling’an is more than four hundred miles. If it is full speed, it will take more than ten days. For Jurchen, there are two strategic directions at the moment. Either defeating the resistance group led by Prince Junwu on the banks of the Yangtze River, or gradually down the city, together with the elite cavalry of the martial arts, intimidating Ling’an and forcing Wu Dynasty.

These two strategic directions can be carried out simultaneously. In mid-January, Zongsuke’s main force was divided into more than 30,000 people led by the generals and Arubao to the south and southeast, and more than 100,000 men led by the Central Plains warlords Lin Baoyue and Li Yangzong. The army has pushed the front to the south of Taipingzhou (the later generation of Ma’anshan), Danyang, and Changning. During this period, several small towns were knocked open, and a group of Han troops arbitrarily plundered and killed them.

On the Wu Dynasty side, it is naturally impossible to allow the troops of Zongsuke and others to continue southward. In addition to the 100,000 Wulie Camp originally stationed in Jiangning, Han Shizhong also led the 50,000-strong navy to Jiangning, and another 70,000 town navy To Changning, plus the nearly 300,000 Huaiyang troops and reinforcements, firmly blocked the way the Zongfu troops went south.

Until the middle and late January, Yue Fei’s back-shoulder army, Xi Yin and the silver-skilled Tu Shanwei arrived at the battlefield. The Jurchen general Arubao smashed a shot of more than 30,000 people who went to Changning and flew to Zhenjiang in the northeast direction. When the Xiyin troops launched a raid on Zhenjiang, the whole Jiangnan was staggered and caught in the chaos of you and me.

Ling’an’s situation is more complicated.

The cavalry of the squadron did not attack the city after an attack on Ling’an in early January. The army wandered around Ling’an, occasionally clashed with the Wucheng’s Shencheng and Xu Lie’s troops. friction. In terms of reason, it is not easy for 50,000 troops to break through the big city where the 200,000 troops are stationed. Although the Jurchens have had a more brilliant record in the past, the complex human heart in Ling’an is more like a later generation. The stock market changes, with the news from the outside world once again, the news in the city has a tendency to fluctuate. In addition to the anti-gold voice and the slogan of death on the bright side, all kinds of thoughts are intertwined in private, dark tide. Surging, going up and down with every victory or defeat message.

Of course, Wu Dynasty’s custodians for more than two hundred years, the words about falling gold or enemies will not be hanged by everyone. Since the rest of the day, the changes in Ling’an’s various news have become more complicated. There are only a few messages about Zhou Wei’s fallout with a number of officials. For example, Zhou’s desire to reconcile with the black flag and then being under house arrest by Baiguan is particularly convincing because of its half-truth.

In addition, since the Huaxia Army issued a sectarian squad, the debates in the capital about who is the traitor who has already succumbed to the enemy have also started. The students will look at each suspicious minister in the court, some in Li frequency. After that, the Beijing City tabloids, which were opened for the sake of sales, began to privately sell and sell brochures on the family background and personal relationships of the priests and military officers for reference. Among them, there are literary people who have repeatedly participated in it, and they have a high opinion.

As for the direction of the world war situation, the possible judgment of future wins and losses, and many arguments for defeating the winning method, since the beginning of the war, it has never been cut off. Those who worry about the country and the people are running in private. The books include rumors such as “Three Enemies of the Old Enemy” and “The Journey of the Retired Women”. Every day, they go to the church and even the Princess House. Flying around.

On the fourth day of February, even the 60-year-old scholars who came from the “Autumn Old Man” found a large number of pages published with his “Good Country Policy”, following the example of the previous Jurchen, and distributed such flyers in the city. After the patrol army arrested him, the old man shouted to see Ling’an Fu Yin, to see the prime minister, to see the ambassador, to see the princess and so on.

Ling’an House Yin Luo Shuwen must have seen him and asked his best policy, but he only asked the emperor to reuse his great tyrant, and immediately killed many stereotypes of the imperial court members who he thought were problematic. As for him How to determine that there are problems with the imperial court members, the news is mostly from the news of the Beijing-China trail. The old man has been busy with his fame in his life. In fact, he has only one talent to show his talents. At the end of his life, only his old wife went to the streets to pick up some leaves and even beggars. When he printed the flyers, he even had some coffins. It is. The house Yin Luo Shuwen was crying and laughing. In the end, he had to offer the silver and two, and put the old man back home.

More ambiguous people are hidden under this mighty and chaotic paradox.

On the eighth day of February, a poetry meeting in Ling’an City, the venue used is an old courtyard called Baopu Garden. The trees are sprouting, the peach blossoms are buds, and the breath of spring is just coming, and the year is over. At the end of the 30th year, the middle-aged scholars who stored the goats were surrounded by a lot of people. This person took a map of the entire territory of Wu Dynasty and was pointing at it. His arguments were clear and persuasive, and they were alarmed.

“…viewing the situation of Wu Dynasty, the world thinks that the center is trapped in Jiangnan. This naturally makes sense. If Ling’an is fine, the Yangtze River will finally be able to defend and drag the Jurchen two-way army. Solution, this is the right theory. If you can do it, you don’t have to think about it… but if you just look at it, when you are today, there is still a little core, in the west – the land of Fuyang…”

He tapped his finger on the map and took it to the west.

“…you may not agree with it. Fuyang is a heavy town, but it is more than 1,500 miles from Ling’an. Whether it is defending or being shackled by Liyang, it doesn’t matter to my overall situation of Ling’an. But here, I have to talk about it. To a stale theory, it is the so-called Jurchen and East Court battle. In the past, I talked about the Eastern and Western courts, and provoked distraction, but the scholars talked about the paper. But today, the Jurchen came over, and the past, but There is a difference…”

“… For you and me, if you consider the whole country as one, then the purpose of this Nanzheng is to destroy me Wu Dynasty, but after the destruction, what are they going to do next?” Going west and west, I knocked over and knocked, “Remove the black flag!”

“You, the words are not good, now for the Jurchen, the real confidant, I am afraid it is not really Wu Dynasty, but from the southwest rise, once killed the room, resigned and so on the black of the Jurchen At the moment, the Jurchen two-way army, the importance attached to the black flag, is different. According to the previous situation, the Zonghan and Xiyin departments really regarded the Black Flag Army as the enemy. The flow of martial arts is to destroy Wu Dynasty and break Ling’an as the primary purpose… The two armies merge, first break Wu Dynasty, and then invade the world to destroy the southwest, naturally the best. But here, we should watch When, what if you want to go back?”

“…In those previous years, we said that there is a contradiction between the Jurchen and the court, and we can provoke it. It is just a dream of a good thing, and Zonghan and others are fighting for the world, and it will be because of some private provocation. Just directly with A Bone guilty? But now, let’s think about it, if there is such a choice in front of Zong Han and others: Let’s Ling’an, can keep a lot of time, drag the martial arts, and even let The Nanzheng of the Jurchen East Road Army returned without success, but for the West Road Army, they were able to take advantage of the big, even straight into the southwest, against the Black Flag Army, destroying this army, killing the Ning Devil, Zong Han Xiyin, is it really not tempting?”

“…I’m going to say something wrong, but it’s just an idea, if…”

The middle-aged people lowered their voices, and everyone attached their ears. When there was not much time, there was some meditation on the side of the essay, some people admired, and some people suggested refutations… The buds of the trees in the courtyard were shaking, people and various viewpoints. Soon it was drowned in this cold spring.

The poetry ended, it was already afternoon, and the crowds of threes and threes were dispersed. The middle-aged man who spoke earlier said goodbye to a group of scribes and then turned to the streets of Ling’an. The military disaster was just around the corner, the atmosphere in the city was chilling, and there were not many pedestrians. The middle-aged man turned several streets and realized that there was something wrong behind him. He accelerated his footsteps in the next lane and turned into an unmanned alley. Leveraging, climbed up to the wall of the other people’s house, but then fell because of insufficient strength.

When I got up from the mud, there were already a few people coming to him before and after.

The figure was covered with sacks, pulled out of the lane, and then thrown into the carriage. The carriage folded over a few long streets and entered the prison of Ling’an. Soon, the iron eagle came in from outside and someone led him to the prison. The middle-aged man in his thirties was tied. I used the penalty room.

The middle-aged man woke up and saw the old catcher who was burning the iron. He struggled on the shelf a few times: “You, you, who are you!? Who? I am a person, Jinghan thirteen years The identity of the people! What are you doing!?”

Tien Tianying looked up at him: “If you don’t know where you are, talk about the identity of the child. If you are kidnapped by a monk, can your identity save you?”

“I, I, I, I… I can guess that the country has training, not a doctor, you can’t kill people, you…”

“Who did you say these things? Who taught you what?”

“No one! No one! The country is rising and falling, and the husband is responsible! I am the Wu Dynasty people, I am a person, the country is in trouble, I am worried about the country! I am worried about the country! And I just talked about it with everyone. Didn’t do anything else –“

The middle-aged man struggled on the wooden shelf and yelled in a panic. Iron Tianying looked at him quietly. After a while, he untied the bloated robe and put it aside, then picked up the torture device.

“It’s not a day or two to stare at you. It’s offensive to do it all.


The sun in the early spring sinks and enters the night during the day.

In the early morning of the second day of February, Zhou Pei wore clothes, washed and took the carriage and passed through the city.

Only one hour after midnight, the city still looks awkward, but the more northward, the more you can hear the squeaking noises in the air, close to the north and Ningmen, the shattered sound gradually clear, it is a lot The sound of crowd activity.

On the eighth day of the eighth day, Xu Lie’s 30,000 people were defeated by 20,000 squadrons sent by the martial arts on the way to the transfer. Thousands of deaths and injuries were killed. Later, Xu Liezhen sent tens of thousands of Jewish cavalry to repel. The wounded are now moving to Ling’ An in the city.

After the wounded were transported to Yucheng, a screening was carried out. Some doctors went in for emergency treatment of the seriously wounded. Zhou Pei climbed the wall and watched the sound of screams and screams in the city. Cheng Zhouhai is already here, coming over to salute.

“After losing again, I don’t know how many people are going to talk in private.” Zhou Pei whispered.

“Nothing is that when you fight, there are people who want to think carefully.” Chengzhou Haidao.

“After more than ten years ago, the world still didn’t know that Wu Dynasty would really lose the Central Plains. Even if you think about it in private, you can’t help but feel that Wu Dynasty can continue. Now everyone’s discussion, but you can’t help but make some ‘worst plans.’ ‘Well, ‘the worst plan’, they also hope that they will have a good day…” Zhou Pei whispered, looking up into the darkness of the outermost wall of the city wall, “Mr. Cheng, the wall of the beam Is it so high and so thick? I sometimes stand up and look up. I feel that such awkward walls are always difficult, but things over the years have told me that it is not necessary to knock it open. difficult.”

Cheng Zhouhai was silent for a moment: “…Your kneeling down to the palace to enter the palace, what did you say?”

Zhou Pei smiled and then looked down and looked around. He whispered to Cheng Zhouhai: “My father asked me if I was in a critical situation. If the situation in the capital is critical, can I withdraw the Zhenhai New Army led by General Han Shizhong in time to Ling. ‘an, and the banned army to change defense… The father knows that the following people are floating, but they also believe that they are banned, and even want to… remove the sergeant Yu Yuhuan.”

“Withdrawal of the town navy, this is a rush to go to the hospital, as for the generals…” Cheng Zhouhai frowned: “Yu general… rose from the martial arts camp, but his confession.”

Zhou Pei hesitated for a moment, remembering what his father said yesterday, with a satirical smile on his face: “…Yes, Wu Lieying was stationed in Jiangning, and Yu Zihua and his father were acquainted with each other, so they were able to lead the ban, but At this time… Mr. Cheng, what kind of people are playing with him in the same year, the father is also the most clear. He is just no one available, bullying bullying people to drink wine, the father is more trusting than anyone else. They are going to fight, but the father is better than anyone else…”

“However, the generals have been painstakingly changed over the years, and the law is extremely strict.”

“The father does not believe this, I can only … do my best to dissuade.” Zhou Pei licked his forehead, “the town navy can not be moved, the generals can not be light, hehe, I hope the father can be stable. He also recently When the Qin and Qin dynasties are often called into the palace to ask questions, the Qin Daren is old and seeking a country. It seems that the mind of the father has played a dissuasion role. The father wants to call the town navy to return to Beijing, and Qin Daren also persuaded… these days I want to visit Qin Daren personally and ask him to talk openly and honestly…”

The two men watched on the tower for a while, then left and left. The carriage drove off the city wall and drove through the streets in the dark. When she arrived near the prison in Ling’an, Zhou Pei, who was on her forehead, remembered something: “Yesterday. There seems to be some people caught in the iron catching head. Let’s go to the prison to see.”

Cheng Zhouhai nodded.

The group of people came to the prison, and the deputy next to them had reported the things that Tie Tianying was doing. When he approached the torture room, the bloody smell came out. The iron eagle probably washed his face and hands slightly, and came out from the clothes. With a lot of blood. He took a stack of inquiring transcripts in his hand and led Zhou Pei and the Cheng Zhou Hai Chao criminal room. The middle-aged students tied to the wooden shelves were not adult.

“Are you a slap in the face?” Cheng Zhouhai frowned.

“No.” Tie Tianying shook his head. “The contact between this person and the Jurchen side has been confirmed. Letters, referrals, and banned guards who sent messages for him have been confirmed. Of course, he only thinks he is a big family. Instructed to talk about the interests of some of the people in the south, but he has participated in the news of the confirmation of Jurchen in the past few times. Now it seems that the Jurchens are starting to take a new mind.”

“Is the one you reported previously?” Cheng Zhouhai asked.

Tie Tianying nodded, and then looked at Zhou Pei together with Cheng Zhouhai: “This matter is under the guise of the next report, His Royal Highness is thinking…” Tie Tianying pointed to the relatively clean little room on the other side of the torture room, a little inquiry. Zhou Pei looked at the bloody man whose nails were pulled out of the cell and turned to the small room.

Tie Tianying and Cheng Zhouhai followed the past and spread out the map on the table in the small room: “There was a small-scale conversation in the early days of the incident. It sounded quite deviant, but if you chew it, it is a good one. Kind of idea, its general direction is like this…”

Iron Tianying paused, cut the palm of his hand on the map in the Xiangyang position, and then swept to the west area marked by the map: “If the battle in the capital is urgent, there is no way to retreat… to the Jurchen West Road, Marshal Han Marshal, cede West of Xiangfan and Xiangfan, all areas north of the Yangtze River.”

After he said this, Zhou Pei’s arm pressed on the table and the entire face was already gloomy.

Cheng Zhouhai whispered on the side: “There is a saying in private. This is the request that Yan Xiyin, who is now in the vicinity of Zhenjiang, has secretly brought it to the city. At the beginning of January, the black flag party intends to discuss with the sword guard Shouzhong. By the way of the road, Jiange is the main way out of Sichuan. This is obviously the deterrence and pressure of Ning Yi on the Jurchen. The Jurchen side made these decisions, and it is obviously a counterattack against the Black Flag Army.”

He pointed to the area on the map: “Xiangfan to Jiange, a thousand miles, and control of Sichuan and Chongqing. Once this place is ceded, the Jurchen West Road Army has enough records, and there is no reason for the south to cut down, even East Road. The military’s resilience will be more enjoyable for them. Once the area is controlled, Zonghan and Xiyin will enter Chengdu with strong soldiers, and Zonghan and Ning Yi will be in the opposite direction. It is not impossible…”

“Cut the land of thousands of miles? Is this also said?” Zhou Pei’s voice dried up.

“If Ling’an is critical, then it would be quite good…” Chengzhou Haidao, “And, if you look at the general direction, Jurchen… at least Zonghan Xiyin, for the black flag army, Even more than Wu Dynasty, if you can swallow Wu Dynasty and then black flag, it is best, but if you want to go second, I sometimes feel that they would rather break the black flag this time…”

After he said this, quietly watching Zhou Pei, Zhou Pei’s body swayed. Some things sound like a fantasy, but if it can be done, Zong Han leads the army into the southwest, Ning Yi leads the Chinese army, and will certainly not retreat. The two strongest troops in the world are killed together. In the case, it will not be as embarrassing as the Jiang Dynasty war in Wu Dynasty…

Zhou Pei thought for a while and finally shook his head and left: “This is the words of the cholera people, take them out, and kill them all day!”

Cheng Zhouhai showed some smiles. When he left the prison, he was just right: “Now these things are even more beautiful, and their purpose is just to confuse my military heart. Wan Yan Xi Yin does not blame the name of the god, its yin and yang strategy, I don’t lose the Ningren’s slaughter in the southwest. However, although I can understand this matter, many people in the city are afraid to be tempted, and there is a squatting side…

Zhou Pei nodded and soon went to the carriage.

After a few days, similar news began to spread and ferment in the city. The Jurchen West Road Army put forward the requirements: ceding west of Xiangfan and retreating north of the Yangtze River.

Among them, it is said that the Jurchen East Road Army also put forward a request: Wu Dynasty recognizes Daikin as the father, and is always a member of the tribute.

– Kill Han Shizhong, to comfort the hearts of the people!


In Zhenjiang in February, the camps of the soldiers were mixed with frost and mud. Junwu walked out of the camp and saw the scene of the army changing in and out of the materials. Sometimes the wounded came in, with the smell of smoke and blood.

The war is more about iron and blood. For half a year, Junwu has almost adapted to this rhythm. In front of him, the attack of many Jurchen generals who are famous in the world, has already experienced behind him. Tens of thousands of people and even hundreds of thousands of military and civilian casualties.

To the east and south of Zhenjiang, Xiyin, Yinshu, Arubao and other Jurchen generals conquered several small towns, carefully extending the front to the south, and in the larger area, belonging to Wu Dynasty The troops are blocking the roads on the southern line. There will be one or two frictions every few days.

The most elite Tu Shanwei, who is led by Xi Yin, is even the most important player in the battle. It is difficult to stop its offensive in frontal combat. But the surrounding forces of the Wu Dynasty troops squandered its brilliance. Even if it could not stop its advancement in one or two battles, it would certainly block his back road and make him smack the gun. He could not travel south for a long time.

Compared with the blood of the frontline soldiers, the general’s strategy, the identity of the Prince is more like a backbone and mascot here, he only needs to exist and firmly implement the belief of resistance to complete the task. Junwu is not frustrated by this. No matter how tired every day, he tries to dress himself up, leave some beards and correct appearances, make himself look more mature and firm, and also encourage the morale of the soldiers.

Occasionally, the intrigues and complex human hearts that came from Ling’an made him laugh and made him sigh. Occasionally, some of the behaviors that Jin Zhishi who came from outside to do in front of the Jin people made him Encouraged, these news are mostly heroic and tragic, but if everyone in the world can do this, how can Wu Dynasty lose the Central Plains?

On February 12, the emissaries of the Jin people came to the army of Zhenjiang and demanded to persuade the prince Junwu and the entire Wu Dynasty court. The conditions were to confess and cede the area north of the Yangtze River in Xiangfan, severely punish the anti-gold generals, etc. Junwu saw it at the beginning and threw it out.

“Xi Yin and others are now besieged by my million army. Go back and talk about it! Let him launch it to kill me-“

The ambassador was dragged out and shouted in his mouth: “The two armies will not fight to kill! The two armies will not fight to kill! You can talk! You can talk about your prince–” was dragged to the school yard and cut a knife. Head.

Soon after, Yan Yanxi, who was in the southeast of Zhenjiang, received the head of the ambassador in the military camp. He smiled slightly and said to the people around him: “This little prince is very strong, and is different from Wu Dynasty. ”

“Unfortunately…” he sighed.

Well, I would like to thank the book friends for their “destiny?” “Knife is a broken factory gunner” and “loshu” to reward the lord, this chapter is six hundred and nine hundred words.

(End of this chapter)

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