Zhui Xu

Chapter 899

922. Chapter 899 Grab the Ground (12)

Chapter 899 Grab the Ground (12)

When I got up, it was still in the early hours of the morning. I walked out of the door to the yard. There were sparse stars in the night sky before dawn. The air was cold and quiet, and the orange light was lit up in the guard room outside the courtyard.

Knocking on his clothes, Ning Yi went to the quiet living room, poured himself a cup of hot water, yawned a few times while drinking water, and then squinted to wake himself up.

I had a few dreams at night. After I woke up, I couldn’t think of it in a daze. There was still a little time in the morning exercise. Jin’er was holding Xiaoning’s sleep and watching them sleep. Ning Yi’s heart calmed down and she wore her clothes lightly.

Without lighting the oil lamp, Ning Yi sat in the dark living room for a while, and the window illuminates the starlight outside, reflecting the crescent-like white. After a while, a figure came in: “Can’t sleep?”

It is red.

“Nothing, wake you up?”

The red smile was just a smile. He went to him to caress his forehead, but he was sitting on his lap with Ning Yi: “Make a few dreams, wake up and think about things, see Jin’er and Xiaoxiao sleep well, don’t want to Wake them up. You sleep late, you can go to sleep again.”

“Yeah.” Red replied, but did not walk away, holding Ning Yi’s neck and closing his eyes. She walked in the rivers and lakes in the early years, the wind and the rain, the temperament of the body is similar to the simplicity of the village, in the past few years, the heart settled down, just followed by Ning Yi, but a little soft and charming feeling.

The couple sat for a while, Ning Yi got up, and the red was naturally not sleepy. In the past, the kitchen washed her face. During this time, Ning Yi walked to the courtyard outside the door and shoveled the snow in the corner of the courtyard for the first two days. Stack it up. After a few days, the undissolved snow has become hard. After the red one came to wash the face, Ning Yi took a small shovel to make a snowman. She screamed twice and then had to twist the towel to Ning. Yi wiped his face, then washed himself, poured hot water, and came over to help.

One big one and two small snowballs piled up into the main body of the snowman. Ning Yi made the eyes with the stones, made the hands with the branches, and then used a pair of snowballs to pinch a gourd, placed on the head of the snowman, and inserted the gourd. On a piece of dead leaves, look back and look at the way when the child came out, Ning Yi just clap his hands with satisfaction, and then congratulate with the helpless red clap.

The two walked out of the courtyard. Under the black sky, there were still sparse lights in the village. The outline of the street, the outline of the house, the outline of the riverside workshop and the waterwheel, and the outline of the military camp in the distance were sparsely lit. The embellishment is faintly visible, and the patrolling soldiers walked away from a distance, and the slogans of white lime were written on the walls of the courtyard. Ning Yi avoided the river and circled the small hillside on the side of Zhangcun. Over the village, the land of the Chengdu Plain extended far away.

Ning Yi looked into the distance, and the red figure stood by, not bothering him.

The light spots gradually increased in the night, and there was gradually a movement of people in the field of vision. The dog occasionally called a few times, and soon after, the chicken began to crow, and the white smoke came from the house under the vision. When it falls, the sky is like a shaking, showing the white belly.

The time is December 28th of the ten years of Wu Jianzhen, and the old year has passed. When I came here for more than ten years, the original antiques of the deep house were still close at hand, but at this moment, Zhangcun’s bit by bit is more like a farmer’s village in the world, relatively neat. The dirt road, the courtyard wall, the lime text on the courtyard wall, the cockerel shit in the morning, and the vagueness, the world is like being connected with something.

But this is naturally an illusion.

After leaving this film, the outside is still Wu Dynasty. After ten years of Jianye, it was Jianye’s eleven years. The Jurchen was attacking the city and killing people. He never stopped for a moment, even if it looks strange and strong in front of him. Small villages, if they fall into the flames of war, it will only need to blink in time for the wreckage. Before the flood of history, everything is as fragile as the sand castle on the beach.

After a short stay, Ning Yi jogged around the hillside, and the distance from the horizon gradually became clear. Some horses flew from the distance on the road and turned into a yard in the village below.

“It should be the news from the east.” Red said.

Ning Yi nodded: “No hurry.”

Around this hillside ran for a while, the middle of the military camp was also ringing, the soldiers began to exercise, and several figures came from the front, but it was Chen Fan and Qin Shaoqian who also got up early. Although the weather is cold, Chen Fan is single-handed, and he can’t see the coldness at all. Qin Shaoqian is wearing neat military uniforms. He may be training with the soldiers around him, and Chen Fan meets here. The two were talking to each other and saw Ning Yi coming up and laughing and greeting him.

“Li Heng is coming.” Qin Shaoqian nodded.

Chen Fan smiled: “Get up so late, why are you going in the night?”

“Adults have a bit of a city, and they ask what they are doing at night, seeing you hungry…” Ning Yi smiled and damaged Chen Fan, “What are you talking about?”

“Say you are black-hearted, and you are not allowed to give a holiday to your men.”

“You don’t have a holiday at home, the pig teammates are killing again, I will give you a holiday, can you sleep?”

The two men responded to each other. Qin Shaoqian smiled over there: “I just told Chen Fan that Zhou Hao had done so many things, how do we deal with it… I didn’t think that the emperor’s lord was so chaotic at first, I thought Laughing, but today, everyone can’t guess the consequences are so serious. The swordsmanship refers to Ling’an, Wu Dynasty is inconsistency, Zhou Wei has no responsibility, if it really collapses, the consequences are unimaginable.”

Ning Yi smiled a little at the corner of his mouth, and then he solemnly said: “I told him at the beginning that these things were going to talk to him about a pair of children. Who knows that Zhou Wei’s neurosis is directly going to the church, and his brain is broken…” He said Here, I laughed again. “It’s also funny to say it. When I felt that the emperor was in the way, it was a rebellion. Now it’s an anti-thief, or it’s been blocked by this emperor. He really has the ability…”

When he said this, several people couldn’t help but laugh out. Chen Fan smiled for a while: “Now I have seen it. Zhou Wei proposed to reconcile with us. On the one hand, it is to explore the tone of the minister and put pressure on them. At the other end, it’s our turn to make a choice. I just talked to Lao Qin. If this time, we will come out and pick up a shackle. Maybe we can help you to stabilize the situation. These two days, the General Staff is also discussing, how are you? miss you?”

He looked at Ning Yi and Ning Yi shook his head and looked serious: “No.”

Listening to him saying this sentence, Chen Fan’s eyes were obviously relaxed. On the other hand, Qin Shaoqian also smiled slightly: “How does Li Heng think about it?”

“You also come to test me for this kind of thing.” Ning Yi laughed. “The royal majesty is the root of the rule. I killed Zhou Wei. Zhou Yi can recognize it. Who else is he afraid of this emperor? I can understand it, even if I put it in the same position, I will not let the emperor do this stupid thing, but Zhou Wei is too naive…”

He sighed: “He did this kind of thing, the minister blocked it, and Hou Shao died. It is still a small matter. The biggest problem is that when the prince is determined to resist the gold, Wu Dynasty is basically still equal, even if there are two hearts. I don’t dare to move on the bright side. Zhou Wei took this step, and privately want to surrender, want to rebel, or at least want to leave a path for himself to be moved. For more than ten years, Jin Guo The guys who are secretly connected can’t hold their paws now. In addition, the people on the side of Xiyin have already started activities…”

Ning Yi said that he had a slight pause: “The intelligence personnel of Wu Dynasty have been notified to move, but these years, the focus of the intelligence work is in the Central Plains and the North. Wu Dynasty is mostly taking the commercial route. Yin this line of personnel, I am afraid it is not easy in a short time… In addition, although the martial arts may have been calculated by Xi Yin, there are premeditated plans, but the 50,000 rides before and after crossing the Yangtze River three times, and finally caught the tail, to say The Jiangyin military did not have the Yinzi’s dark son, and no one believed it. On this cusp, Zhou Wei still killed himself like this. I guess Xi Yin, who was in Fuyang, had to be scared by Zhou Yu’s stupidity after hearing the news. Up…”

“Zhou Yi wants to reconcile with us. Wu Dynasty’s slightly common sense readers will stop him. At this time, we stand up and say that it is to invigorate the people. In fact, the resistance is big, and Zhou Wei’s position will only be more unstable. Our team is thousands of miles away… Chen Fan, your 10,000 people, dare to wear more than a thousand miles to Ling’an?”

“Chengdu has just stabilized here. More than 15,000 people who have been recruited for the New Year Games have not started training. The water can’t save the fire. After Zhou Yiyi, Wu Dynasty is going to crash faster, we can “Ning Yi smiled.” In addition, we came out to rebel, relying on the unity, now the place has just expanded, the people are still not stable, and suddenly said that they want to help the emperor to fight, previously with our brothers Cool your heart, you will be wrong when you join the new one.

When he said this, the words gradually stopped, and Chen Fan laughed: “I think so clearly, there is nothing to say, hey, I was still thinking, if we come out to pick up a word, Wu Dynasty’s reading face Not all of them have to be colorful, haha… Hey, what do you want?”

He saw Ning Yi’s eyes flickering, fell into meditation, and asked, Ning Yi’s eyes turned to him, silent for a while.

“…I just thought, if I am finished Yan Xiyin, now I can pretend to be the Huaxia Army.”

“Oh…” Chen Fan blinked and squatted there.


Ling’an, the moment before dawn, there are lights in the antique courtyard.

In the Ling’an City, which has been closed in recent years, the atmosphere of the New Year is accompanied by tension and chill. With the daily news from the south of the martial arts, the moat army has begun to mobilize on a large scale, and some people choose Abandoning the city and leaving, but most of the people are still in the city, the atmosphere of the New Year and the tension of the military disaster are strangely combined, daily and daily, it is a feeling of mixed feelings and anxiety.

This is also the case in the Long Princess House.

The management of life and the lighting of the next generation create a good taste, but as another set of members of the Princess House, whether it is involved in espionage or participation in political, logistics, military personnel, these times have been highly nervous In response to various events, as Ning Yi said, the opponents have not yet rested, and the pig teammates are dying to race against each other. The people who work will naturally not be able to stop because of the New Year.

The two teams are singularly interspersed together, and they contain each other and do not interfere with each other, forming a wonderful and special scene.

For the personnel of the Princess House, the so-called pig teammates, including the head of a country nowadays: the father of the long princess, when the emperor Zhou Zhou.

If it is only the golden scorpion that suddenly goes to the south and the south, the situation facing the princess in the palace will not be as irritating as it is. And at the moment – especially after the death of the Housuo column – every day is a huge torment. The Wu Dynasty’s dynasty is like a sudden change. The various families and forces that make up the entire Nanwu system seem to be the resistance of Zhou. They may have problems or even turn against each other at any time.

The rumors of all parties are constantly coming, and the students in Taixue sit on the street and ask the emperor to sin. For the dead, Hou Shao’s name, seal, and tribute, the traitor of the Jin State constantly moves in the dark. All over the place persuaded to persuade, only in the past ten days, Jiangning has already suffered two defeats, all of which were defeated by the enemy due to the lack of military power.

Wu Dynasty’s two hundred years of operation, it will not be much clear at this time, but in this wave of morale, Wu Dynasty’s hard-fought anti-gold situation has become even more It is in jeopardy. Then, it’s not surprising that anything might happen.

Above the hall, the huge twists and turns have subsided. After Hou Shao’s death in the Golden Temple, Zhou Yi’s whole person has begun to become devastated. He hides in the harem and no longer goes up. Zhou Pei originally thought that her father still didn’t see the situation clearly. He wanted to go to the palace to continue to say that he was very good. Who knows that when he entered the palace, Zhou Hao’s attitude towards her became harder. She knew that her father had already admitted.

Zhou Pei and Zhao Ding, Qin Yu and others urgently met and confirmed each other that the most important thing at the moment is the influence of Muping, and the total resistance to Jurchen, but at this time, the female actress has been secretly active. On the other hand, even if everyone avoids it Talking about Zhou Wei’s work, there is no Confucian scholar who will quietly shut up for the feat of Hou Shao’s death.

For Zhao Ding, Qin Yu, and Lu Yihao, the top members of the ceremonial class, shutting up and not talking about the whole situation caused by Zhou Wei this time, of course, there is no problem. But wait for it, for the middle and lower level officials and even the Confucian scholars who will be the official, the emperor’s right and wrong, and the solution after doing this kind of thing, even the songs and qualitative questions of the Houshao feat, can’t help but say clearly.

And even if you only talk about Hou Shao, you will definitely talk about Zhou Wei.

Since this time, Zhou Pei often wakes up at night, sitting in the small attic, watching the situation in the government daze, and every new information coming outside, she often has to look at the first time. On the 28th day, she woke up in the early hours of the morning. When the sky was bright, there was gradually a sense of drowsiness. However, there were also messengers coming in outside the government. New news about the Jurchen was sent.

This is news about martial arts.

Beginning on December 14th, Qiu Shu led a 50,000 cavalry to lightly pack the south in the form of abandoning most of the heavy weights, killing and looting on the way, and eating the people. The distance from the Yangtze River to Ling’an is the land of rich land in the south of the Yangtze River. Although the waterway is vertical and horizontal, it is also densely populated. Although Junwu urgently mobilized the 170,000-strong army in the south to try to intercept the scorpion, the scorpion rushed all the way, not only twice. The army that was killed was defeated, and in the course of half a month, there were countless killings and looting of the village. Wherever the cavalry went, all the wealthy villages were white, the woman was raped, the man was killed, and the drive was stopped… In the past eight years, the human tragedy of the time when the Jurchen was searching for the sea was faintly coming.

The army of the martial arts raged in the west side of Taihu Lake, two hundred miles away from Ling’an. The urgently sent information counted the names of the villages burned by them and the estimated population. After Zhou Pei saw it, in the room. The large map on the large map marked the position – this did not help, her eyes did not have the tears when I first saw such information, just quietly remember these in my heart.

The humming sound came from far away, and the sky outside was slightly bright. Zhou Pei walked up the terrace outside the attic and looked at the white belly in the east. The maids in the princess’s house were cleaning the yard. She looked at it for a while and thought of the woman. The scene when the real person came, unconsciously hugged his arm.

Suddenly, the bells of alarms and martial law in the city rang, and Zhou Pei slammed down for a moment and quickly went downstairs. After a while, some people in the outer yard rushed.

“what’s up!?”

“Report, there are traitors in the city to make trouble, and the generals have ordered the martial law to arrest people…”

For the defending work of Ling’an City at this time, several banned troops have taken over, and there are plans for all kinds of things. In the morning of this day, more than a dozen monks invariably launched in the city. They chose the crowded places in the city of Ling’an, picked up the heights, and rushed to the crowds on the streets. The flyers, the soldiers in the patrol city found it wrong, immediately reported it, and the ban on the military issued a warning of martial law according to the order.

Zhou Pei took the car and left the Princess House. At this time, Ling’an City had begun to martial law. Soldiers went to the streets to hunt down the people involved. However, due to the sudden incident, there was a small chaos on the way, and it was not far away. Cheng Zhouhai rushed over with a horse. His face was gloomy like paper, with some blood on his body. He held a few leaflets in his hand. Zhou Pei thought he was injured. Cheng Zhouhai explained it a little, and she knew that. Blood is not a boat.

“…the front man escaping, he has been killed by the patrol guards, the scene is bloody, and the highness of the temple is not going to pass, but the things written on it are heart-wrenching, and your highness may be seen.” He handed the leaflet to Zhou. Pei, and lowered his voice again. “On the other side of Qiantangmen, Guozijian and Taixue were also thrown into a lot of such news. When it was a Jurchen, things were troublesome…”

Zhou Pei took the leaflet and looked at it. He suddenly closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and opened them. Above the leaflet is a piece of essay written by the Black Flag Army.

In the text, the first scene of the Emperor of the Han Dynasty was incompetent and incompetent, indulging the six tigers, and ruining Wu Dynasty, and ruining the loyalty to the Qin dynasty, and today’s wise sacred priests last week, the great deeds, the face of this heaven and earth, the national peril Difficult, not counting the wish to reconcile with the Huaxia Army, Huaxia Army is also grateful to Dade, willing to return to Wu Dynasty, who knows that the DPRK and the sinister Zhao Ding, the long princess Zhou Pei and others ignore the world, in order to control the government, do the chicken In the morning, it was actually under house arrest in the palace today.

The text later called for the righteousness of the world, the survival of the nation, and asked Ling’an and Wu Dynasty loyalists to rescue Zhou Wei, to smuggle the sorrow, to clean up the dynasty, to resist the Jurchen, and to reunite the world.

Zhou Pei looked at the flyer and looked up. Cheng Zhouhai saw the red blood in the eyes.

Thanks to the “Nanke County” and “dr196007773” to reward the lords…

The next chapter is for the chapter name “Boiled Sea”.

(End of this chapter)

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