Zhui Xu

Chapter 775

782. Chapter 775 is spent on the other side of the old river (2)

Chapter 775 is spent on the other side of the old river (2)

When the darkness reaches the deepest point, the memories and moods of the past are coming from the dyke, with an unstoppable, oppressive touch.

Summer, hot images, the pond is dotted with lotus seeds.

Wu, Jianye three years of autumn, with the pseudo-Qi Wenkang 200,000 troops defeated by the Huaxia Black Flag Army as the prelude, the joint army of Jin Guo and Qi Qi, launched for three consecutive years against Luliang, Xiao Canghe, Yanzhou and other places. The long siege.

The war in the northwest has never stopped since then.

In the case that the Jurchen’s southern expedition is still short, the initial offensive is basically dominated by the Liu Yu regime. Under the supervision of the Jurchen regime, the second round of offensive and blockade was quickly organized. After the failure of 200,000 people, there were as many as 600,000 troops, step by step, and pushed to the Luliang border.

This time, nominally attributed to Liu Yu’s account, it is actually surrendering to the female real Tian Hu, Cao Xingnong, Lu Zheng and other major forces have also sent troops. At the end of the autumn, a large number of troops were pushed to the Luliang and Northwest China under the supervision of the Jinren. With the advancement of this first army, the reinforcements were assembled and killed in the Central Plains. In the northwest, under the launch of the Jurchen General, the family began to move out. The rest of the surrendering forces such as Yan Zhenguo, who lost in the northwest of the previous military, also participated in this huge momentum.

This mighty army is a powerful force. At this time, although the Central Plains has entered the Jurchen’s hand, there are still several resistance forces in the northwest, but it is to understand the seriousness of the Jurchen revenge for the Yanyan room, or to avoid the rebellious identity of the Huaxia Junjun. It is only the Huaxia Army and the National Army that have less than 100,000 troops.

In the northwest, the family army was defended by the city, and in the mountains of Luliang and Xiaocanghe, the Huaxia Army launched a fierce attack on hundreds of thousands of troops.

Based on the steep mountains and complex terrain of these places, the Chinese military’s offensive is flexible and changeable. The ambushes, traps, hot air balloons flying in the sky, and the artillery arrays carefully arranged for the terrain…the winter is not yet After hundreds of thousands of troops entered the mountains in batches, they were often attacked by the Black Flag Army. The pseudo-qi army was blown off the mountain road by the violent artillery array. The black flag army rushing to the ridge pushed down the fire, grass, hills and valleys. The crowds of people and people fled and fled, and in the spread of the fire, they were burnt and burned by large and large pieces.

Violent fire attack, night attack, especially in the case of difficult mountain roads, in the first month of the violent blow against the mountain and grass troops, tens of thousands of people were almost buried in the mountains, the situation It’s so fierce that it’s impossible to look straight.

Although the Han Chinese troops were involved in the attack at this time, the Black Flag Army did not show their mercy – they could not be merciless. The Han Chinese troops do not have any meaning for Jurchens. The Liu Yu regime continued to recruit troops in the Central Plains. A small number of Jurchen troops were behind the mountains, urging the advancement of the mountain troops. Due to the initial head-on attack, the logging forces entering the mountain began a more stable way of propagating. They dug the roads and one by one. The deforestation of the mountains, in the case of ten attacks, strictly embraced the group and slowly advanced.

In the spring of Jianye four years, the pseudo-qi army first entered the periphery of Qingmu Village, and began to attack and defend around Qingmu Village. In the autumn of this year, with the increase of the Jurchen reinforcements, the offensive army approached the Xiao Cang River, and it was completed in winter. The encirclement and division of Qingmu Village and Xiao Cang River. As for the several cities controlled by the northwestern family army, they have already become a bloody land. The family army has lost control of Gyeongju, Security, and Huanzhou, and only Yuyan has been struggling to support it.

This year, the progress of the Jinqi coalition was turned into a battle report, perhaps simply. However, during the advancement of the Jinjun and the Qiqi army, the resistance of the Huaxia Army was striking and even horrifying. In the mountains near Qingmu Village and Xiao Cang River, the advancement of the offensive army was almost one inch of land. Blood, in the process of advancement, even because the Lord will be killed, attacked in the middle of the night, and the bombings led to several large-scale rout. The pseudo-qi army is mostly a rabble. If the Jurchen army that is not supervised in the rear continues to kill the tens of thousands of deserters, the human head stands on the ground and builds a long-lost forest. This battle is estimated to be impossible.

In March of the fourth year, the war has not yet surrounded the Qingmu Village. In the advancement of the Qiqi one inch and one inch, the Huaxia Army suddenly highlights the Xiao Cang River. In the northwest, it kills the wolf ridge and attacks the country, and the family is defeated. At the same time, the Guards defeated the army of the family, and they were able to escape for more than 30 years. The number of deputies who were in the family were killed by the Black Flag Army in this battle.

In June, a special team of about a thousand people sneaked into the territory of the Jin State in the north and broke into the Zhongling of Zhangzhou. More than a thousand people took the county seat and conquered a nearby horse farm guarded by gold soldiers and robbed hundreds of horses. After the fire broke out, when the Jurchen army arrived, the horse farm and the county magistrate had already paid a torch in the raging fire. All the Jurchen officials were killed in the city and hung up.

The troops left Jurchen characters on the mountain boulder returning to Luliang: Do not expect to survive.

– Don’t think you can come back alive.

This is the fierceness that no one has ever thought of. In the past few years, Jurchens have swept the world without rivals. In the process of the army attacking Xiao Canghe and attacking the northwest, although there is supervision of the Jurchen army, they are still talking about Jurchen, they are still Digesting the third South’s victory, at this time it was only like a lazy snake. No one was willing to face the full dispatch of the women’s true rules. However, the Black Flag Army actually shot this way and scraped a knife on the other side.

Such an attack does not cause the Jurchen to be painful, but the loss of face is a feeling that has not been seen for a long time.

With this movement, more Jurchen troops began to go south.

However, in the face of the black flag army’s fierce artillery attack, the Jurchen troops at this time still did not stand up to the front line. They only used a large number of Han Chinese troops to act as cannon fodder. They used them to test the power of the cannon and the power of gunpowder, and gradually sought restraint. .

However, in September, this same army, with an attack by the Black Flag Army, tore the blockade line, killing the eastern mountainous area, stirring up a back and forth between the Jurchen camps, if not this time guarding the East Line’s Jurchen The generals were spared from the attack, and the offensive in front of them would probably be washed away by this raid. However, with the rapid reaction of the Jurchen army, the thousands of people suffered a terrible round-the-clock interception on the way back to the Xiao Cang River, causing heavy losses.

In the five years of Jian’ou, the Jurchen generals resigned without losing 30,000 troops to the north and southwest. They stepped through the stone of “not expecting to survive” and led the army to 30,000 troops into the Central Plains. In February, after learning of this news, half of the troops in Xiao Cang River suddenly broke out and began a bloody battle for nearly a month. They stirred up the besieged troops between the mountains and then opened the situation. This was a tragic battle after the advancement of the army. During the period, the high-level generals Ji Wenkang and Liu Yu’s younger brother Liu Yi were all targeted by the Black Flag.

The blood flows into the river, and the corpse is full of valleys.

In March, Yanzhou fell, and the species died in the Yanzhou City until the end. They died in the battlefield and since then there has been no breeding army.

In June, under the participation of the speed-fighting troops, the Xiao Cang River broke through the dam after more than half a year of siege. The Qingmuzhai and Xiaocang River troops broke through and the mountains were chaotic. Ning Yi led a 20,000-strong force to attack Yanzhou, and the army did not miss the rate. The Black Flag army sneaked into the city of Yanzhou by the secret road dug by the cultivating army. Lost in the chaos, and then beheaded by the Black Flag Army in the city.

Qin Shaoqian led another black-flag army to go southward and eastward, and entered the Central Plains. He even broke into Taiyuan after winning several cities. It is said that Qin Shaoqian paid a memorial to the dead brother under the city of Taiyuan. Soon after, he went back to the west.

After the Black Flag Army retrieved Yanzhou, it went straight to the fold of the homeland and attacked the Fuzhou. After the defending and defeating the home reinforcements, the city should break the city and take the Linzhou. Then, it will return to the eastern mountains. Get rid of the ensuing Jurchen fine chase…

At this time, the western flag of the Central Plains, the northwest and other places where the black flag has been going, has completely turned into a chaotic killing.

Whether it is west, south or north, people are watching this battle. At the beginning, it may not have been too much thought, but at this point, its emergence and progress have not been overlooked by anyone. In the second year of the Great War, the Central Plains had mobilized nearly all of its strength to invest in it. The levy of the Liu and Henan regimes soared, the Han people fled south, the people did not live, and the uprising troops rose again.

The Jurchen also spent a lot of military repression. In the direction of the Central Plains to Xiao Canghe, Liu Yu’s army and Tian Hu’s army blocked all the lines until Qin Shaoqian led the team to kill. This lock was briefly broken.

No one knows how desperate people in the war are, and the black-flagged soldiers captured on the battlefield will be cruelly abused to death. The Han Chinese forces forced to go to the front line have already broken their daring, and sometimes even timid In the presence of the military squad, the black flag army surrendered and pleaded for the black flag army to die quickly. They could not see the black flag army still have the possibility of surviving, so they did not dare to put themselves to death – black flag The army also did not pity them.

In the second half of the five-year construction period, the Jurchen’s cannons have gradually begun to be used in the military. The Jurchen elite troops mixed into the military will raided the black flag army after the cannon stops. At this time, the black flag The gunpowder of the army is not much, and Jurchen relies on a steady supply, and there is still a lot of gunpowder available for splurge.

The intelligence sent to the south is always simple, but every conflict in this mountain may be so violent that it is impossible to breathe. There are also small-scale confrontations in large-scale slaughter. The black-flagged army of the squad squad is trapped in the mountains until they are starved to death. After being ambushed by the army, they will be killed in the Jedi to the last person. People will be in the mountains. The black flag still standing up between the bodies, in the most rigorous environment, the most desperate death, every rush of the Black Flag soldiers is chilling…

How can people who have never experienced it imagine?

In such a time, Jiangnan stabilized the situation and continued to develop. The refugees who fled from the north, the large and small workshops had ample staff, they had no permanent production, and they were able to eat a full meal. Merchants in the Jiangnan area have a lot of low-cost labor. Officials began to sing praises in the court, thinking that it was the cause of their painful thoughts and a symbol of the rise of Wu Dynasty. And for the war in the north, no one said, no one can say, no one can say.

Like the pigs and dogs, the Jingping Emperor’s annual script and the tribute to the Emperor of the Golden Emperor, the royal family is constantly blocking the news of the northwest war. The senior executives who knew these things couldn’t speak. Zhou Pei couldn’t say or think about it. She just received a cruel message about the north and rebuked the brother-in-law Junwu’s anger. For the news that made her heart stunned, she tried to press down as quietly as possible.

These feelings have been pressed for a long time, and it has become a natural reaction, so she no longer has too much shock to the tragic news – anyway, every one is fierce – in the calm and prosperous atmosphere of Jiangnan, Sometimes she will suddenly feel that those are fake. She quietly read them, quietly filed them, quietly… Only at the most relaxed moment of midnight dreams, the nightmare will suddenly come to her, reminding her of a mountainous body like a river The general blood, the waving flag and the most fierce struggle and shouting.

In the context of Jurchen’s south, where tens of millions or even ten thousand people can’t resist, it’s the thief who is angry and arrogant. In the most difficult circumstances, it’s nailed to the Jedi, which is impossible to stand on. Against the rushing attack, the throat of the almost invincible enemy was firmly held, and it was not shaken in the three years of fierce fighting.

In this monolithic crisis, no one has ever done this.

In three years, Zhou Pei was able to understand the mood of her younger brother. She could even imagine that when she received the message of the article, she would not be able to swear in Yanzhou and the black flag army in the city. After Qin Shaoqian rushed to Taiyuan’s news, it would be a kind of mood similar to Yue Fei’s generals who had dealt with the devil.

Not only these high-level officials, but in many scholars who have access to high-level information, there is news about the war in the northwest, and it will be a high-level talk of people’s exchanges. People talk about these things when they look at the devil’s head. There is a subtle emotion in my heart. These, Zhou Pei’s heart does not understand, she is just… unshakable.

In the six years of Jianye, the war continued continuously, and the Jurchen army came one after another. The northwest is an increasingly fierce battle. The people on the land were almost empty, the Central Plains became more and more people, and the losses of the Black Flag Army became bigger and bigger – how they supported it on the land, and Zhou Pei was hard to know. But… maybe he, there will be more ways.

After all, the devil’s devil… is the real chilling devil.

Jiangnan has become more stable, and she is almost ready to adapt to these things.

When will you fall? She also thought about it, every time, she could not think of it.

Wu Dynasty was built for six years, and on the eighth day of June, Jin Guo and the Qi Qilian Army were besieged by the Black Flag Army in Huangtoupo in the northwest. Thirteen, the Ning Yi, the leader of the Black Flag Army, and the countless slaves were confirmed by the military personnel. After the corpse, it was smashed into corpses and the head was laid north in front of the emperor of the Golden State.

It was a scene that has not been seen for many years, even in her deepest nightmare…

The giant, from the end of Ping, she was growing up in his time, watching his elegance, watching his fun, seeing his tenacity, seeing his fierceness…they No fate, she still remembers the fifteen years old, the goodbye in the courtyard, the night the night the night wind, she thought she suddenly grew up that night, but I don’t know why, even if he never met, he still It will appear in her life, so that her eyes can’t look at it.

She has had too many emotions in her heart, and she has had too many fantasies, but she never thought that one day, he would fall.

How could he kill the emperor, he killed even the emperor, he did not want to save the world…

In the courtyard, hot as jail, everything is bustling and serene, it is like an illusion.

Fake… she thought.

In the northwest, the chaotic war is still in the final extension. Shortly before this, it provoked great confusion, pulling every part of the spread into hell, and letting every adversary taste the great bitter fruit, it seems… finally fell…

(End of this chapter)

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