Zhui Xu

Chapter 728

728. Chapter 728 Chapter of the First World War (Middle)

Chapter 728, the beginning of the war of the Great Heaven (middle)

Xiao Cang River, the sun is shining, this is a tough day for the coming Greenwooders.

Since Ning Yi Yu Jun, this nearly a year, the Greenwood people who came to Xiao Cang River to try to stab, in fact, every month. These people came or were killed, or were found outside the Xiao Cang River. They were injured and fled, and they caused a small number of casualties in the Xiao Cang River. But between the entire Wu Dynasty society and the green forest, the name of the demons has already fallen to negative numbers.

After more than half a year after being assigned to the task, Fan Zhong, the chief catcher, has been running for this purpose, calling for the Greenwood Qunhao to prepare for the killing of Ning Yi. Prior to this, Zhu Ji had already rendered the sorrowful and sorrowful things of Zhou Wei to be tragic and strong. When Fan Zhong went to pull people, many green foresters who were filled with indignation were actually moved by Zhu Ji. Such things often caused Fan Zhong and Iron Tianying and others feel ironic and interesting.

This time, the Green Foresters gathered outside the Xiao Cang River, a total of 362 people, mixed with three religions. At the beginning, some of the Greenwood people who had been arrested by Ning Yi and who had had previous hatred were also called.

For example, Guan Sheng, such as Qin Ming, they were in the hands of Ning Yi in Liangshan. Later they entered the army. When Ning Yi rebelled, they did not take care of them. But after the liquidation, they naturally did not have a good life. Transfer it over and sin.

And such as Lei Heng, Li Jun and other people, Liangshan broke, was chased by the forces of the right Xiangfu, running all day, fearful. After Fan Zhong found them, they made a lot of money and threatened them. They followed this way.

But the people who had previously dealt with Ning Yi met each other, but most of them were complicated.

In addition to the main entrance of the Xiao Cang River, it is still surrounded by rugged mountain roads. The timing of the offensive is chosen during the day, because the concealment in the dark night also makes people unable to see the traps around them. The Ning Yi was originally used to use firearms and Qiqiao, this time since it is hundreds of people. The offense, chosen at night, may be disrupted by accident.

In any case, everyone has made up their minds about life and death. Zhou Zongshi slashed with dozens of people, and almost killed the glutton. He walked hundreds of people on his side. Even if it was unsuccessful, it was necessary to let the devil chill.

– Everyone responded in this way when planning.

It’s just awkward when faced with life and death.


In order to contain the defensive forces in the Xiao Cang River Valley, this time the Green Forest people chose a total of three places.

First, sneak up the west slope with a small number of people. If it is discovered – or not found, a green forest master of about 80 people will try to break through the main entrance of the Xiao Cang River estuary. The road here is narrow, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. However, there are many people in the Greenwoods who are good at flying the wall and climbing the wall. These good players attacked the past, and the other party could not give up the embankment, as long as it was on the river bank. There aren’t too many people in the narrow places to confront each other, not to mention the water next to them. Among the green foresters, there are also many water-based ones, which are carried by Li Jun enough to make the defenders of Xiao Canghe unprepared.

The real attack, placed on the east side of the mountain, was finally launched. The path that was originally explored was up the mountain, and the past was taken straight to the nest of the demons. According to the intelligence of the Ministry of Justice, this time the Xiao Cang River went out to grab the grain and the defenders were all dispatched. Even if there were defenders left, there would be not much. The Greenwoods may be almost killed in the battle, and as long as they rush in, they will wait to kill the demons. Everyone’s efforts will pay off.

Among the more than 200 main forces on the east side of Xu Qiang, he did not know the specific situation of the other two roads. However, this road was just beginning and he encountered problems.

“White tooth gun” Yu Lie stepped on the fire, the whole person was blown up, and the blood drenched Xu Qiang. This is not too strange. When starting, everyone expected a trap. It’s just that the power of this trap is so great that the guards on the mountain will surely be alarmed. He Longqian, the “Grand Theft” who led the team in front, screamed: “Everyone is on the ground for new movements!”

Li Yan reversed the “broken door knife”: “I have already alarmed the mountain anyway. I will stop waiting, and immediately kill it.”

For a time, the crowd was passionate, but the real problem occurred after a few steps of running, and the rear sounded: “Cao Sheng! I knew you had a problem!”

This is the former Liangshan hero Hao Swen, who is not far from Lei Heng and Guan Sheng, and has no steps. Hearing this voice, everyone went back subconsciously, only to see Guan Sheng holding a large knife, his face was cloudy and uncertain. At this time there are still some people around, some people ask: “Changsheng, why don’t you go!”

Someone came up: “Chang brother, have something to say.”

At this time, although it was the beginning of the attack, it was also the most urgent moment. The explosion just passed, and who knows what enemies will appear on the mountain. Someone subconsciously surrounded, Guan Sheng retired two steps toward the rear, leaving the surrounding surrounded by several people. Seeing that he actually resisted, the nearby people subconsciously bullied him. Guan Sheng slashed his sword and swept out the situation. The nearby three weapons smashed with him and they all retreated.

“After Liang Shan, I didn’t come and go with the surname Ning. But you have to go today?”

Hao Siwen bit his teeth: “You have been broken by the demons!”

“There is no benefit, send it to death.” Guan Sheng’s eyes swept over the mountains. “Hey, Hao Siwen, you want to be wrong, but one thing is right. With the calculation of the demons, there is no such thing.” His people? I am afraid that it is not one or two. Playing such a sly, I see that Fan Zhong is the devil!”

“Sophistication! Guansheng, you will make it clear, dare to do it!”

Someone rushed over, Guansheng turned around, and the blade swayed, and the man was forced to open. The figure had already crossed the road. “When things are here, what is more to Guan?”

His voice did not fall, and a figure above the hillside lifted the steel whip. He shattered the heads of the two people like watermelon. This person laughed, but it was “bonfire” Qin Ming: “Guanjia My brother is right, a group of rabble voluntarily comes, and there is no spy in the middle! He is not, Qin is!”

There was a quick reaction nearby, and the knife rushed: “Kill him!”

The Qin Ming steel whip swayed, and the brush brushed back a few feet away. The knife puller rushed again. He only heard the bang, the ground exploded, and the man was blown out and flew out.

Qin Ming stood there, but no one dared to go anymore. I saw him shaking his steel whip: “A group of stupid dogs! It’s not enough to make a fuss! It dares to nickname chivalry, but it is ignorant. I waited for the murder of this Xiao Cang River to come to kill, but some people know that this Why is Xiao Cang River empty?”

“Don’t listen to him nonsense!” A flying meteorite brush flew past and was opened by Qin Ming.

“We can see that the whole army of Xiao Cang River is out, it is the westward, 200,000 Xixia army, and now ravages the northwest. This Xiaocang River army is fighting with the Xixia people! In the fall of the enemy, when the creatures are charcoal, they dare not fight with the foreigners. They dare to come here sneaky and come to the wind and want to make a name. Let’s die here!”

His words echoed in the mountains, and when the words were finished, the figures flew away toward the rear and disappeared into the rocks in the distance. Everyone on the hillside looks at each other. Xu Qiang also had blood on his face. For a time, he felt that his teeth were sour and had no power.

A group of people put on life and death, to get rid of the devil, just started, it is a traitor and guilt. This iron rope crosses the river, can’t go up and can’t come down, how can this be played?

For a moment, someone shouted: “This is a demon confession, and the devil is the best at this. I am waiting to come to know the dangers, you can’t be shaken, come, kill me with me-“

Then someone should and: “Yes! Rush, except this devil -“

The crowd shouted and rushed up the mountain. After a while, another explosion rang, and some people were blown out. The figure gradually appeared on the hill, and the arrows began to fly down…


In the valley, you can hear the sound of rushing and exploding outside. In the courtyard on the mountainside, Ning Yi comes out with tea and pastries, and the mouth is swaying with a light tone.

“A big river is wide… The wind blows the flowers and flowers on both sides of the river. My family is on the hustle and bustle. I am used to the singer’s slogan. I used to see the white sails on the boat… Young Lady is like… flowers…”

At the door of the courtyard, the old man stood with his hands on his back and looked up at the balloon floating in the sky. In the basket hanging in the balloon, someone held a red white flag and waved there.

“This thing has to fly out, how to turn?”

“Friends are coming… there is good wine, if the wolf is coming… um, can’t turn, this thing can only rely on the wind, which is what it is. Zuo Gong, come drink tea.”

Zuo Duanyou walked over, picked up a piece of cake, put it in the mouth, then patted the palm of his hand and continued to listen to the outside fight: “Hundreds of green foresters, rushed up and died almost, it seems that Li Heng is not afraid I’m offended the whole world. The man’s blood is splashed ten steps, and you won’t be able to live in the future.”

Ning Yi drank a cup of tea: “I have already offended, isn’t it?”


On the east side of the mountain, on the rugged cliffs of the later side, at this time, the two ropes are hanging silently there. In the lively fighting outside, dozens of people walked along the rock wall that was the least likely to climb. Climb up.

Li frequency is one of them. His face was red and his hands were broken by the ropes. However, with the help of his peers, he was already weak and he still climbed to the top of the mountain.

So far, they have not alarmed any of the defenders of the Xiao Cang River, because this cliff, it is really difficult to get up and down. However, finding a strange person who can climb the mountain and rock climbing is also the biggest reliance of Li Feng’s trip.

Ning Yi has been operating the Xiao Cang River for a while. Even though most of the army in the mountains have already gone out, it is still impossible to sneak into the thorns. For this day’s offensive, Fan Zhong has assembled a large group of Greenwooders, but Li has not trusted this team from the beginning – this may have been influenced by Ning Yi’s original, no strict organization, no one use.

They are just bait.

On this side of the mountain, everyone pulls on this rope one by one and climbs forward again. The wind blew from the west, and Li Feng stood at the last stop. After the break, he was about to go up again. He suddenly stumbled and many people bowed.

A huge hot air balloon floated out of the mountain. Li Feng raised a thousand-mile mirror on his hand and looked over there. In the basket in the sky, a person was looking at the mirror, and his expression seemed to be slightly distorted.

The man in the basket put down the mirror and shook the flag in his hand!


Li frequency shouted –

In the valley, a horse team ran towards the cliff on this side.

Before the arrival of the horse team, Li Feng’s men turned over the steep cliff, and the first person who came up began to defend and kill. On the other side, the explosion on the hillside is still ringing, braving the defender’s bow and arrow, Li Yanrui and other people rushed into the valley with blood, they want to find someone to kill, the defenders who had previously been on the head have begun The speed is pulled back faster, and the person who rushes down again falls into the trap of traps, bows, and the like.

On the outer side of the hillside, at this time, there are spotted blood spots and corpses of the cross. Some people are already dead. Some people are lying between the rocks on the hillside. At this time, they are afraid to move because they don’t know where it will happen suddenly. The explosion, and the wounded, are screaming in pain on the side of the mountain that is gradually becoming quiet.

The people who rushed into the valley rushed forward for a while before finally someone came out and played against them. The team of three or five people rushed toward the green forests who had settled down, and ran and left after a while. “Chongcheng guns” wish you a sigh, Yu Wenfeidu, Xiaohei and others are dying to harvest the fate of the order. This unfair battle, for the attackers, is like falling into a pool of mud. They continued to attack the courtyard on the mountainside there. The valley was not big after all. When they came in, they saw Ning Yi and others on the other side of the courtyard.

On the other hand, Li Pin and others also struggled to kill in the “Kite” tactics of the horse team. After the people around him fought on the cliff, there were more than forty people left. These people were relatively strict and disciplined, and they were hard bones.

Of course, Ning Yi did not intend to work hard with them.

Chen Fan and Ji Qianer are among the defenders, and they are near the courtyard, waiting for the arrival of Li Pin and others.

Zuo Duanyou looked at the queue that had been killed on the northeast side of the hillside and frowned slightly: “You don’t plan to kill them immediately?”

“After the storm, there will be a little casualties. When they get here, their hearts will be almost the same.” Ning Yi took a teacup in his hand and glanced at it. “There is also a friend in the middle. I haven’t seen it for a long time. I should always see one side. Zuo Gong should also See you.”


“called Li Pin, once with the Qin family to keep Taiyuan together, nine deaths. People have experienced training, a good reader.” Ning Yi left the head biased, “can … inherit Confucianism.”

“Inheritance?” The old man frowned.

Ning Yi nodded, no explanation.

Soon after, the two men met in front of the side of the small courtyard and gathered in front of the tens of meters of open space, ready to kill. On the side of the courtyard, more than ten large shields were dragged out, and the battle was set up. The people standing in the Xiao Cang River rushed out from all directions, pointing the bow and the knife in the hand.

The ones that can get here are just over a hundred people. However, at this time, there are as many as three or five hundred people who have rushed out from the vicinity, and surrounded the hillside. In fact, from the moment Li Wei and others were discovered, these people have no chance. Now, when you charge, you will see the difference.

Xu Qiang is among these people, and there is a feeling of despair and coldness in his heart. As a martial arts person, I don’t think much. I started to say that my life was dead, and then I just consciously rushed. After I got this step, I realized that such a rush might only bring a shock to the other side. Death, but it is really true.

Moreover, when he got here, he didn’t even be able to fight with him. He was injured by an explosion and smashed two arrows. The rest of the time, but the wielding weapons desperately dodge. I really want to say that it will be shocked by the other party, I am afraid it is unlikely.

In front, there was a sound that delayed the time of his death.

“Li brother, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Come over and talk about the old.”

In the crowd, Li frequency lined up everyone and walked out with difficulty. He looked at more than a hundred people around him and then walked over to the opposite side.


Crossing the shield wall, Ning Yi raised a teacup at him.

“More than three hundred green foresters, dozens of servants are catching fast… Even if the whole army is out, the three or four hundred people must be left behind. You are fainting? Come over to drink tea.”

In the small yard, the voice of this speech was flat and simple. Li Pin saw the figure of Ning Yi, took a deep breath and finished the whole coat. At this time, he knew that he must die, but he still did not know how much the current dialogue would develop.

So he replied: “I am fainted? You are fainted? The world says that the devil is ten steps and counts. There is no cure. But I can’t think of it. I am angry with the king and enemies with the world. You take this step, not only It’s faint, it’s crazy!”

“It’s just a small matter to kill Zhou Wei. I made a rebellion. Oh, yes, Zuo Duan Zuo Gong.”

Li frequency walked close, slightly stunned, and then handed over: “The late school Li Dexin, I have seen Zuo Gong.”

Zuo Duanyou stood there and nodded. “You help Qin Jiazi to keep Taiyuan, and he is born and died outside, very good.”

“This is the responsibility of the younger generation. Taiyuan is finally broken, and the life is not good.” After this, he has already walked to the yard, picked up the teacup on the table, and then drank another drink.

“Rebel has been made?” Li frequency silenced for a moment, and then said again, “The rebellion has a rebellious road, the Golden Temple, the Heavenly King, you can’t walk any way! Ning Li Heng, you are foolish! Today I Death here, you are hard to come tomorrow!”

“Rebellion…” Ning Yi smiled. “The Li brother may wish to say, what is the path of rebellion?”

“You have more roads, you have Luliangshan to help, there is a right-handedness, south, you have Kangxima as a friend, you have the relationship of Kangwangfu. Kangwang is now going to be a big treasure. Anyway, you just have to All the roads will go better than your eyes. But you have chosen the most reckless road… No, there is no way for the place you choose.”

Li frequency shook his head and looked at Ning Yi. Ning Yi stood there and kept laughing. He poured the tea again: “Drink it?”


“Well, then let’s talk about the difference between rebelling and killing the emperor.” Ning Yi clap his hands. “Li brother thinks, why should I rebel, why should I kill the emperor?”

Li frequency was silent for a moment: “For the weakening of Wu Dynasty, for the loyal ministers, there is no result for the effort?”

“Suffering for the people,” Ning Yi added.

“Have it?”

“Yes, you always like to look at the big place. Elder Qin is a loyal minister. He suffers, is suffering, isn’t others? I am fighting in Xia Cun, I saw a woman who was jealous, she was rescued, skinny, Very poor, rested for a few days, got up to cook for her soldiers, bandaged the wounds, and some said to marry her. On the last day of the summer village war, she rushed out with a knife, you see, she learned to take It’s a real person…and died on the battlefield.”

Ning Yi shook his head: “How many people died in order to hold the city, and those outside the city, Xia Cun, they died to save Wu Dynasty. After the death, there is no result. An emperor, There are hundreds of millions of lives on the shoulders, and the trade-offs are like weighing a child. There is no responsibility. Who is he who will die?”

“This is for the people?”

“Seeking common ground while reserving differences, we have very different opinions about the suffering of all people. However, I am trying for these good things, so that I feel that there are weights, precious things, and people, to rebel. Is this understandable?”

“You are damn, but you can understand.”

“Well, then Li Xiong believes that what is the most important thing to rebel such a big thing?”

Ning Yi asked this sentence, Li frequency looked at him, did not answer, Ning Yi smiled.

“You, you, many people think how it is implemented, how to plan step by step, and slowly. You can do this kind of thing as a cold case analysis, a simple thing, take it off, see how I can’t agree with it: I don’t agree with any big thing, it’s a big thing to rebel against this level, and his most important thing is to make a decision!”

Ning Yi raised a finger and his eyes became cold and harsh: “Chen Sheng Wu Guang was under pressure and said that Wang Hou would have a kind of relationship with him; Fang La was rebellious, and there was no equality in law. You read and read silly, thinking that This kind of ambition is to shout out and play, and those who are farming.” He reached out and knocked on the table, “–this is the most important thing!”

He smiled and said: “Why is my rebellion? The person who did the good thing is dead, the person who has the good news is dead, the living person is dead, the damn person is alive. I want to change the first of these things. Step, I want to slowly figure it out?”

Li frequency cold and cold: “Then you want to marry you?”

“I have the ability to swear by Jun.” Ning Yi said, “If I don’t have the ability, of course, it’s a sloppy figure. If I am Chen Sheng Wu Guang, it’s Fang La, of course I have to make a sudden move, but I am not, this possibility is placed. In front of me. I want to rebel, he has to pay the price, I can kill him without killing, then I will not have to reverse it later.”

After a moment of silence in the yard, Ning Yi took a cup and took a drink: “It’s all done by people. In the end, your standards will fall back to a certain extent, because the world is harsh. You have a highest standard, the standard of life. The standard is OK, you can’t get through, you can retire a little, you can compromise a little, but your last achievement is how much you have retired. Ning died, you can’t retreat, you can become a big thing, from the very beginning The person who is Xu Xutu thinks that it is clear again, and nothing can be done.”

“Have you ever thought about… What will happen to the people of Liangliang? What will happen to the world?”

“Crap.” Ning Yi drank the tea in his hand. “They have to die.”

boom! Li Pin’s palm was shot on the table: “They have to die!?”

Ning Yi’s eyes are calm: “Of course, you have to choose the wrong side. You know, when Lao Qin was in prison, they poured feces on Lao Qin.”

Li Pin has already slammed it out in a word: “Is that their fault?”

“Not their fault?” Ning Yi spread his hands and shrugged. “Oh, not their fault, they are innocent.”

After saying this, Ning Yi has pity in his eyes, but he has begun to become severe. He slowly and steadily shook his head: “No, they are their faults! They are not innocent! They are Wu Dynasty people! Wu Dynasty can’t beat Jurchen, they’re dead –”

His voice was loud and the internal force was stirring. Later, the voice had been shaken all around, and spread far away: “You are reasonable because you composed Wu Dynasty! The farmer cultivated and woven, the scholars ruled, the workers repaired the house, and the merchants used the currency. You live together! The country is strong, the people are benefited! The country is weak, the people are dead and dead! This is a punishment! Because the country is facing this world, the world is not reasonable! There are only eight words in heaven…”

His voice spread out, one word: “–natural selection, survival of the fittest!”

The voice was faintly thunderous, and Li frequency frowned. He wanted to say something. Ning Yi, who was doing this opposite, suddenly smiled: “Hah, I am joking.”

This time, even the left end of the side, are frowning, can’t figure out what Ning Yi wants to say. Ning Yi turned around and took out a few books in the box next to him and walked over and spoke.

“Really, the people of Suiliang are very innocent. Why are they not innocent? They don’t know anything in their lives. The emperor did something wrong. The Jurchens were beaten. They died humiliated. People like me rebelled. They die humiliated. Whether they know the truth or not, they have no use in speaking. They can only continue after the sky falls. Hey, Li Pin, this is the book left by Qin Xiang, and I will give you a set. ”

Ning Yi threw the book on the table: “So, in the middle, did you find anything wrong with them? They are too innocent, and this is not right in itself. How can it be innocent when doing this wrong thing? So I I am thinking, how can I give them a speech about how useful the country is? In this way, if something goes wrong, people will die and the truth will be the same.”

This is like a slang in the voice, there is something wrong with the looming thing, Ning Yi sat there, his fingers pounding his knees, seems to be thinking. Li Fengsu knows his actions, will not be untargeted, still thinking about the profound meaning of his words. On the other side, the left end blessed his brow and opened his mouth.

“People can make it, don’t make it known. The reason in the middle is not just to talk about it.”

Over there, the fingers that hit the knees stopped, and Ning Yi looked up, and there was no more banter in the eyes.

Soon after, what he spoke out was like a terrible abyss…

Well, this chapter is seven thousand words. Give a monthly ticket 呗^_^

(End of this chapter)

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