Zhui Xu

Chapter 698

698. Chapter 698 has an ordinary heart (above)

“The Criminal Department has come to the text and said that you suspected that you had killed a head called Zong Feixiao.”

Under the heavy rain, the Guangfu County Wangfu, from the open window, can see the trees in the outer courtyard turned into a dark green in the rain, and the child was in the room, and said this sentence in an understatement.

“I heard that.” Ning Yi replied in the opposite direction, “This time has nothing to do with me.”

“I don’t think it has anything to do with you.” Tong Tong said, “I said earlier that this person is old with you, and almost made your wife have an accident, but then your wife is safe and sound. If you have complaints in your heart, you want revenge. At this time, I really want to disappoint the king to you. The criminals are not sure about this, but if you knock on the mountain, you don’t have to worry too much.”

After Tong Tong finished speaking, his finger knocked on the table: “Today, Wang called you to come over. There is another important thing to discuss with you.”

“Please ask the prince to order.”

“Wu Ruiying.” Tong Tong said, “It’s going to move.”

“This is military affairs…” Ning Yi said.

“This king knows that this is a military service. You don’t have to play with the king. When you play Xia Cun, you are in the Wurui camp. I know that the logistics operations in the military are all you are doing. You are somewhat prestige. ”

Ning Yi doesn’t change his face: “But Wang Ye, this is military affairs after all.”

“You know how to measure.” Tong Tong smiled. This time, he gave some praise. “However, since Wang called you to come over, I have considered it before. This matter, you have a little below, it is better. You don’t have to avoid too much.”

“Yes.” Ning Yi nodded, and there was no anger in the words. “I don’t know how Wang Ye wants to move.”

“You don’t have to worry, just from a small place.” Tong Tongdao, “To tell the truth, Wurui can play, it is very rare. In the past six months, my Majesty, I am also good, the DPRK is good, both I don’t want to tamper with it. You see, the rest of the troops outside the capital city are now going to the Yellow River to go to the circle. Only Wurui Camp is still here to practice and repair. What I want is Wurui’s camp. Intrinsic, do not want to dismantle him casually, making him a thing that is similar to other military.”

The tall and powerful majestic king surnamed at the desk: “You also know that this time, the king is not only concerned with the Wurui camp, but also for Lee Bingwen, who is very strict, some other military Habit, the king did not allow him to bring in. Similar to the virtual expansion to eat empty, to engage in circles, pull the gang, the king has warned him, he did not do well, war, not let the king disappointed. But this time since His prestige in the military may not be enough. In the past few days, several generals in the military have yin and yang, which gave him some anger. However, there are many problems in the military. He Zhicheng privately accepts bribes, and in Beijing and People vying for powder, fighting privately, fighting with him, is the son of an idle prince’s family. Now, things have come to the king’s head.”

“Wang Ye means…”

“The things in the army, the military deal with. He Zhicheng is a rare talent, but he also has problems, Li Bingwen wants to deal with him, playing his army sticks in public. The king is not afraid of their rebound, but you are familiar with them. Tan Daren suggested In the recent period, you have to change the small movements of the Wurui camp, you can go with the one. The king here, also sent a personal to you, you have seen, the heavy in the government, he followed the king for many years, doing things Very capable, some things, you can’t do it, you can let him do it.”

Tong Guan’s face with a little smile, while talking, looked at Ning Yi’s expression. But Ning Yi’s face did not show any sorrowful look, and he agreed to it: “Yes.”

“The specific arrangement will be heavy to tell you.”

Ning Yi answered again, and then there was no other thing to see Tong Tong, leaving. Just when he was leaving the house, Tong Tong opened his mouth again: “Li Heng.”

“Yes.” Ning Yi turned around.

After sitting at the desk, Tong Tong looked at him and said: “In the palace, unlike the government, the king will be born, and the people who are under the arm are mostly from the military. They are very pragmatic. The king cannot be because of your own family. Just give you a high position, you make things, everyone will give you the corresponding status and respect, you are the person who will do things, this king believes in you, optimistic about you. This is good in the military, as long as you Doing the right thing to do, other things, it doesn’t matter.”

He said, throwing the official documents sent by the Criminal Department into the trash can next to him.

Ning Yi looked at the action and nodded. Tong Tong smiled and said, “Go.”

After Ning Yi left, Tong Guan only smiled and sat in the chair, shaking his head slightly.

Although I once attached great importance to the things left by the right-hand government, I once paid great attention to these aides of the government, but after I really entered my home, I still have to do it step by step. This little businessman has done a lot of things before. It is because there is a resource of the right-hand government behind him. What he represents is the will of Qin Yuyuan. Just like his own, there are many aides, giving power, they can make big things. . But no matter who they are, the team still has to line up, otherwise how to explain to others.

Since the other party has come over, it is also necessary to have such psychological preparations. If you enter this circle of your own, you must first suppress it, and you must fold off your arrogance. If you can’t experience this, you will not be able to use it. Tan Wei has been targeting him, and he is too high to look at him. But now it seems that this young man is still sensible. If he is polishing for a few years, he can also consider using him.

This is also the necessary process for all. If this person is not like this, it is basically challenging his authority and patience. But sitting in this position for so many years, seeing these people are like this, he is somewhat disappointed. Some people, far apart, seem to have done a lot of things, and when they get close, they are all the same. The people who came out of the Qin government are no different from others.

The rain was still going down. Ning Yi passed through a slightly dim corridor. When the curtains of several palaces came over, he gave way to the side slightly, and the other party did not pay much attention to him.

In the palace, his position is not high – in fact, it is basically not accommodated. Today’s incident is to let him do things. In fact, the meaning is simple.

Li Bingwen wants to deal with He Zhicheng, letting himself show up in the past. In a sense, it is equivalent to being a traitor, and then the emperor let him talk to the villagers, both self-destructive and split. This may be because Tong Tong believes that he has some relationships and positions in the Wurui camp, and he can’t tolerate his influence in the Wurui camp. This is also a common sense. As for the head of the Wangfu guard, he is arranged to monitor himself. of.

Compared with the things that Qin Yuyuan and others experienced before their death, this is nothing.

Soon after, he saw that heavy in the past, the other party was quite proud, and said a few words of exhortation to him. Since Li Bingwen is working on He Zhicheng tomorrow, they don’t have to get along with each other this day. After leaving the palace, Ning Yi made some gifts. In the evening, he took care of the relationship and took the rain. He gave a heavy trip to the past. He knew the situation in his home, and he had a wife and a child. Xiangfen perfume and other things, these things are high-end goods at the moment, Ning Yi’s relationship is also a considerable weight of the martial arts, that is a heavy push away, and finally accepted.

When I met again the next day, the heavy face of Ning Yi was still cold, warning a few words, but there was no martyrdom inside. This morning they came to the Wurui camp. The matter about He Zhicheng was just getting started. The five generals in the Wurui camp were Liu Chengzong, Pang Liuan, Li Yi, Sun Ye, He Zhicheng. Although the five people originally came from different teams, after the Battle of Xia Cun, Wurui Camp was not immediately split. The relationship between the two groups was still very good. When they saw Ning Yi coming over, they all wanted to talk about things, but they saw one. After the heavy dress of the palace guards, he hesitated.

I chatted with a few people one by one, and did not dare to say anything sensitive. Li Bingwen’s guards crossed the barracks and took He Zhicheng. Li Bingwen gathered the army and broke the case in public. He wanted to fight his army sticks. Sun Ye and others protested, but Li Bingwen’s mind was decided. Many people in the army secretly rushed to Ning Yi, but Ning Yi stood by and said nothing.

If in the usual time, Li Bingwen wants to deal with He Zhicheng, perhaps it really wants to cause chaos. However, Ning Yi stands next to him. No one dares to attack in the Wurui camp. Many people are only confused. He Zhicheng was beaten in public as a military stick. Someone started to whisper, and the look of Ning Yi has changed a bit.

Li Bingwen had previously known that Ning Yi had some sense of existence in the camp, but to what extent he was unclear – if it was clear, he might have to kill Ning Yi immediately – he would be beaten by He Zhicheng, the military array Among them, whispering whispered, and he stunned Ning Yi standing next to him, and his heart was somewhat proud. He certainly didn’t like Ning Yi. At this time, he understood that letting Ning Yi stand aside, and the feeling of being with the right side of Qin Yuyuan was actually similar.

He was proud of his heart. On the surface, he was naturally solemn. When the military stick was about to finish, he was drunk on the stage: “All are quiet! What are you talking about!”

The army was a little quieter.

He Zhicheng smashed this army stick in public, and the back and the back of his hip were bloody. After the disbandment of the military corps, Li Bingwen and Ning Yi smiled and said a few words – he did not dare to do more, not far from Lu Liangshan’s cavalry team is watching him, small and medium-sized generals or Han Jing This kind of leader is nothing more, the big name of Lu Hongdi looking at the eyes here makes him shudder, but the other party has not said anything after all.

Leaving the gate of Wurui Camp and looking back at the military camp, some soldiers are still looking over here, and many of them must have been talking or swearing in private. Turning around, it was a lot better for him, and he smiled a little. The task of today is well done. He also appreciates Ning Yi’s debut. Gifts are the same thing, the most important thing. Ning Yi is not only giving gifts. Today, in the military camp, he did not say anything to others. This is a sensible person. If you want to leave some good relations in the military camp, it is to take the death. The road is over.

The group of people turned back to Liangliang City. When they were not seen in the military camp, Ning Yi let the accompanying Zhu Xi hold a box: “As the saying goes, Baodao gives a hero. I have inquired in Wangfu. Shenxiong Wuyi Gaoqiang is Wangfuzhong. One of the best masters, the brothers found a treasure knife some time ago, and asked Shen Brother to taste some.”

The martial arts have a hobby for the weapons. They took the long knife out and played it. They praised it a little. When the two separated at the gate of the city, the knives were quietly lying on the carriage that was heavily back.

Yesterday was a heavy rain. Today is sunny. Ning Yi raised her head on the horse and slightly narrowed her eyes. The people behind came close. Heavy is the head of the guardian of the Wangfu. For the guards of Ning Yi, they are somewhat disdainful. Naturally, there are some arrogances. The people have not shown any emotions. Only after he left, they are quietly Spit spit.

For He Zhicheng’s affairs, Ning Yi was clear last night. The other party received some money in private. There was a fight with a guardian of Wang Wang Young Master. It was because of the discussion of Qin Shaoqian’s problem and it started to squaw… but of course, These things can’t be said.

Since Tong Tong has started to work on Wurui Camp, then from the shallower to the deeper, then, there will be no less things like this being staged, but it is only one thing to understand. What really happens is not necessarily unhealthy. Ning Yi just had no expression on the face. When I was about to enter the city, a bamboo guard was rushing out of the city. I saw Ning Yi and others, riding over, and whispering in Ning Yi’s ear.

Ning Yi didn’t have any waves in his eyes, nodded slightly.

That is just a general message of a batch of goods, even if others hear it, there will be no waves. He is a businessman after all.

With the bustling crowd of people entering the city, the horse team went to the gate of the city and the sun poured down. Not far away, there was another figure sitting by the gate of the city. It was a blue-shirt scholar in his thirties. It was thin and sullen, and it looked a bit shabby. Ning Yi rolled over and walked toward the other side.

“Cheng brother, really, how is it here?”

The coming person was Cheng Zhouhai, and he also arched his hand at this time.

“Listen to people saying that you went to Wurui camp, I want to find you, and I am tired of going to the city gate, so I will rest first.”

“It’s coming in the afternoon, go eat something?”


Cheng Zhouhai readily agreed that the two went into the city and sat down in a nice restaurant nearby. Cheng Zhouhai survived from Taiyuan. After returning, he was confronted with the case of Qin Yuyuan. He was injured and he was not lucky. But after Qin Qinyuan was killed, he was somewhat disheartened and faded out of the previous circle. Ning Yi’s relationship with him is not very close. After Qin Yuyuan’s funeral, Weng has been so disheartened to leave the capital. Ning Yi and Cheng Zhouhai have never seen each other again. I don’t think he will deliberately come to find himself today.

After ordering the dishes, Ning Yi poured him a cup of tea: “Is there a thing for a brother to find a younger brother?”

“There is something, I want to ask Li Heng.”

“Cheng brother, please.”

Ning Yi raised her hand with a smile, and then Cheng Zhouhai raised her head opposite.

“I want to ask, Li Heng, what do you want to do?”

After returning from Taiyuan, his emotions were either anger or sorrow, but the eyes in this time reflected the clarity and sharpness. When he was in Xiangfu, he used radicalism to say that he was a counselor, closer to the poisonous person. At this moment, he finally had the same look at the time.

Ning Yi’s hands overlap, his smile has not changed, only his eyes blinked…

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