Zhui Xu

Chapter 695

695. Chapter 695 chapter Ningxia reminder ghost language erotic wind thunder (2)

“This is… is that Ning Yi Ning Li Heng teaching you?”

In the royal study room, the light of the full house came over, and after listening to the enquiry of the emperor, Han Jing slightly stunned: “Ning Yi?”

Zhou Wei stared at him and did not speak.

Han Jinglian was there, and his expression seemed to be a bit flustered at a time. He couldn’t understand the feeling of the mind: “Your Majesty, Ning Yi is a businessman…”

“Well, what about that?”

“Then he… is a business…” Han Jing’s expression was complicated. He didn’t seem to understand why Zhou Yi mentioned Ning Yi at this time. He sorted out his thoughts. “No, no, you When Lu Liangshan wants to eat, when he is doing business, Mr. Ning comes over and has a good relationship with Lu Liangshan. After I entered Beijing, I also had contacts. But… today, he, he… he is a businessman. ……”

“He has a good relationship with the right.” Zhou Yi took his hands and silenced for a moment, saying to himself, “Yes, it’s a sneak peek. Although he is good, he never really touches the officialdom, but he is in person. Behind things…”

Han Jing didn’t know where to pick up the words. After a while, Zhou Wei pointed to him: “Han Jing, it depends on this matter, you should kill you.”

Han revered and shrunk.

“But you Lu Qingshan Qingmu Village people, can have such combat power, it is precisely because of these sentiments, without this bloody, without such grass and grass, and he is afraid to become like everyone else. Han Jing, in any case, the capital, is a place to talk about rules, some things, can not do, to make a compromise, you say, what do you want to do with you?”

“Chen, Chen… I don’t know… please drop the sin.”

“Sin, it must be lowered!” Zhou Wei emphasized, “However, how to make this grasshopper and the rules together, you have to think of ways together with you. For Er et al, some should change, some should not, Where is the middle of it, I haven’t completely thought about it. You are a big sin this time, but… old Qin…”

He looked up and paused a little: “The old Qin family died without going out of Beijing. These people can’t wait to look like it. It’s really chilly! Han Jing, you used to be in the Wurui camp, how did Qin Shaoqian, Qin Shaoqian, your heart Do you know?”

“Qin General… Chen feels that it is actually a good person…”

“Yeah, it’s a good person.” Zhou Wei did not refute this. “I understand it. He is not bad for the people below. In order to win, he borrows his father’s power and takes all the good things to his knees. Others. The army has suffered a lot. He has had some merits, but he can’t let him pass the trick. This is the rule, but this time, his father died, he was also cut off at both ends, and he was sad. Distressed, saddened that their family is dead, and saddened by… these living powers, intrigue, set the country in nothing!”

“Han Qing, you will not become such a power minister in the future.”

Zhou Qian took a breath and slowly walked over to the desk: “Get up, this time, I will give you a note. You know, this time I saw you alone, Tan Wei, Li Bingwen, Cao Fangxiu, I have already come, I will give you a bottom, Li Bingwen did not say that you are bad, he is to treat you as a brother, but other people, to participate in you is their duty, you can not remember in your heart, do you know? ”


“It’s not asking you to get up.” Zhou Yan frowned.

“The criminals don’t dare.”

“Get up when you get up, otherwise you’re going to be angry.” Zhou Wei waved his hand. “There are a few things to ask you.”

“Thank you.”

Han Jing stood up, Zhou Hao nodded, and his face was a little smiling.

“I heard that this Lin Zongwu, known as the world’s first master? Is it not?”

“Yes.” Han Jing nodded. “The green forest is rumored. His great light teaches, and the predecessor is Manichaeism. And this time he went to Beijing, there are people behind him…”

“These things are in the heart, but you don’t want to climb.” Zhou Wei simply taught that he waited until Han Jing nodded, and he was satisfied. “I heard that this time he went to Beijing, the person he brought with him, They are also masters.”


“How are you going to be with him?”

“He was wounded and fled, but he left the church and was waiting for me to kill seven or eight…”

“Haha.” Zhou Xiao smiled. “The world is the first. In front of the cavalry, you have to hold your head and mouse. How are you, casualties?”

“There are also… a few people killed and injured…” Han Jing hesitated and added, “The five brothers died, some are wounded…”

Zhou Hao opened his mouth and said: “It’s all martyrs, you have to pay for it. Although you are out of the camp for the big master, this time, the money comes out of the palace. But you have to say good to everyone. I admire what you have done in the big house, but this is not a matter of unruly, but if you have another time, you have to treat the Qin family like you, and you will endure it… check it out.”

After Han Jing replied, Zhou Haocai nodded again and smiled. “There is another point. It is a bit strange to be stumbling. You are so loved by Lu Da, why do you come to see you every time, not the landlord himself? What?”

Han Jing hesitated a moment: “…the big master, after all, is a woman, therefore, these things are all undertook to say that … is not disrespectful to his majesty…”

“Ha ha ha ha.” Zhou Yi smiled openly. “I understand, I understand. Han Qing doesn’t have to worry, he knows it. You are a big man, a respectable woman, a hero, and a heart.” If today, if she comes, if we are between us, maybe it’s really hard to talk. Lu Liangshan, all of you are awkward people, you have suffered for many years, it’s a fault, but the past is awkward, you don’t have to look back. The Jurchen is mad, the mountains and rivers are swaying, but it is not the opportunity for men to build their strength. Han Jing, you are good at defending this world, and you will not be able to live up to you. You can’t be like the King of Guangyang County, and you will be given the title of King…”

Zhou Wei had some doubts about the cavalry in Qingmu Village. Between Han Jing and Lu Hongdi, which one is the leader of the book, he did not know very clearly. At this time, his heart suddenly became bright. Lvliang Mountain Qingmu Village, originally developed by Lu Hongdi, but after the growth, the woman can dominate the group, and after all, Han Jing is the person, but the young lady of the land is very prestigious, and everyone in the village also accepts Her love is extremely respectful.

In this way, for Han Jing, who is in charge of the real power, he will be entrusted to him, and if Lu Hongdi is offered, he will be able to add all kinds of glory and grace.

These things are clear, and his heart is quite pleasant. I thought of Ning Yi before, but it was a flash of my heart. When Han Jing looked confused, he regretted it.

His previous interest in Ning Yi was mainly that he did not see Li Shishi several times. Later, he saw Li Shishi performing for the soldiers in the city. His heart also had complex emotions. However, Li Shishi has a sweetheart, he is an emperor, and he can be jealous of it. He learned in detail about Ning Yi, a scholar, but ran to do business, tossing in the right side of the various means of incompetence, and his heart was disgusted, but he could not but admit that he had some skills. Since he is an emperor, he should use people without class. Qin Yuyuan is dead. He is a clown in front of him in different days. He uses him. If he makes a mistake, he will wipe it off.

I will really care about such a person, and even if the right side falls, I will go to kill him because of this emotion. But if he does something wrong in the future, he will not tolerate it.

Because of this kind of emotion, he often doesn’t want to think too much about this name. If he wants more, he doesn’t seem to value him very much. This time, on such a formal occasion, he said Ning Yi to the generals who valued it. After the exit, Han Jing’s confused expression, he felt that he was a little shameful: whether you are doing this, is it a businessman’s instigation.

Oh, it’s really a share.

Fortunately, Han Jing also knows that he has made a big mistake, his heart is nervous, and he should not notice anything.

After that, I also know the general situation of this Luliang cavalry. With a breakthrough, he is very happy. How to adjust this Luliang cavalry, so that they can not hold the wildness, can hold it firmly, and even develop more This kind of quality army comes, this is actually the biggest thing he thinks recently, because there is no law here – as for the death of Qin Yuyuan, the alternation of various powers, even if it is such a big thing in the vicinity of Gyeonggi, all kinds of eating It’s ugly, according to the rules, the beat of the beat is just that.

After chatting with Han Jing for a while, Zhou Yucai let him go back, appease the military heart, and by the way gave him a patch of troops. As for Tan Wei, Li Bingwen and others, they will not be arranged to face up in the palace, lest they have to persuade.

Han Jing took a few of his relatives and sneaked out of Beijing. After passing through a courtyard, he saw that the small hall had been set up. He sighed slightly…

After he left the city, the atmosphere in the capital seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. In this night, the people could not see clearly.


Nearly two thousand cavalrymen, who went out without military command, and then sneaked into the river in the wilderness. This kind of thing is naturally a big thing. In the current situation, it should be said to be big or small.

The problem of Qin Yuyuan’s problem is too broad. There are several big families in Beijing and several of the most high-ranking courtiers. It’s really not much to say that they are completely out of touch. The news came that there were big members entering the palace. The core of the power is speculating about what might happen next. As for the following, similar to Chen Qinghe and Tie Tianying, they also returned to Beijing early and made a big deal. Prepare for some work. It is obviously more complicated when the consumption of Qin Yuyuan’s family is introduced into Beijing.

This time, no matter which side you want to deal with, it obviously has a head.

However, this evening, things have been tightened there, and there is no follow-up development. Or the emperor has not yet made a decision, or several powers are still negotiating in private, and everyone is watching the limelight and dare not act rashly.

Zhuxian Town is three to forty miles away from the capital. The death of Qin Yuyuan and Qin Shaoqian was introduced to Beijing in the evening, but the body has not been there. As for the rescue of Qin Yuyuan this evening, a group of people who mastered the final strength of the Qin government, only with the carriage of the body slowly.

After the Jurchen went, although Liang Liang was prosperous again, he closed the gate at night. Qin Yuyuan’s body followed Ning Yi and others in the early morning of the Liangliang South Gate. When he opened the door in the early morning, he drove into the city. Tie Tianying and others had already been there.

At this point, the early dynasty has already begun, and once things are settled, he can take people. Ning Yi and others guarded the body and looked cold. It seemed that they didn’t want to do anything more. Soon after, they transported the corpse into a small mourning hall.

The tree fell and the wall fell. Although Qin Yuyuan is a cover, there may not be many people who dare to pay homage to him at this time. After the dawn was up, Tie Tianying received the news that the cavalry was out of the camp and was taken lightly.

However, the matter has not been completed yet. In the early morning, the first big member who came to pay homage was unexpectedly a child. He went in and saw the mourning hall of Qin Yuyuan and others. When he came out, he first called Ning Yi and talked to the side.

In the courtyard room not far from the mourning hall, the dialogue is like this:

“For your business, this king did not sleep well last night! You won someone else, can you overtake me? The things that the 1800 Lvliang cavalry went out to say, have nothing to do with you? You have won the world?”

“Only to save the Qin and live a life…”

“You! Saved?”

“For the sake of doing it, Qin Xiang really did his best, he should not be such an ending…”

“However, for the sake of doing it, he still used the wrong method. The lessons of the car are the afterthoughts!”

“But I can’t think of the first one to come to pay homage, it will be the prince…”

“Hey! This king…hey…”

“In order to protect Qin Qin, I have exhausted the method, and now, after all, I am defeated…”

“what do you want to say?”

“Before Qin walked away, there were some things left, many people wanted it. I was a businessman. Qin Xiang was gone, I couldn’t keep it. Things… here.”

“…you want to kill people with a knife!? The people of the king’s army, want you this!?”

“Wang Ye is the shallowest and the least afraid of things here. This is the cause and effect of Qin Xiang’s stay. Whoever is bad is not good, Wang Ye wants to use it, or take it to burn, feel free.”


Tie Tianying thought that at least the Childhood Society would be angry for the cavalry. However, the thoughts of the big man he really couldn’t figure out. After the private negotiation with Ning Yi, the prince also walked calmly.

For Ning Yi, Tong Guan is no longer pursued. In the army, there are Zhou Hao who wrote the book in the palace. After that, he only ordered the assassination of Qin Yuyuan’s murderer. This is also not to be taken. The total arrest of the criminal department is indeed a comet among the green forests, but it is not easy to move to the level of Lin Zongwu. In recent decades, the only great master who has been moved by them is Liu Dabiao.

Among them, Lin Zongwu is also really suffering from a big loss. He originally had a large-scale support from the Beijing-Chinese team. After he wanted to assassinate Qin Yuyuan, the world was famous, and Beijing Zhongzhong took it a bit more. Daguang Mingjiao expanded to Beijing. Who knows that the head-on slammed into the army, the master of the teachings was killed, and the next step was to become a bubble.

In addition to Lin Zongwu, there are many losses in the large family of secret guardians in Beijing. Going to the wilderness to see the lively greenwood master is even more bleak and unreasonable. However, in this rush, many things that emerged in the dark are also really moving. Some of the felons that have long been wanted by the capital, including the sacred princes and others, have all entered Beijing. It seems that they all indicate some A good sign is coming.

After the death of Qin Yuyuan, the division of power must also have a fierce competition to be stabilized again.

And Tie Tianying also does not believe that Ning Yi will be outside this chaos. He is relying on Tong Tong or which side is still second. What is important is that for the hundred people in the family, he went to slaughter half of Liangshan. This time, he will definitely go back to revenge!

However, due to the gentle handling of the upper head, coupled with the death of the Qin family, and the child’s intentional or unintentional photo, the Ning Yi side of the matter temporarily faded out of the eyes of most people.

In the following days, Lingtang occasionally came to worship, Ning Yi spent some money, set up some stage in the Hutong mouth, and summoned the performers, or books, or singing, the children nearby came to listen to them occasionally. Look, the stage is still giving sugar. These performances are also measured, and most of them perform programs that make people laugh, and the storytelling does not talk about tragic, just telling stories that are not related to the world. In the summer, it was sunny or rainy. Some children came over and were told that this was a traitorous funeral. They were pulled back. When it rained, there were not many people. The performance on the stage continued, and once again, the teacher came over. In the deep and shallow shade of the summer, I heard the erhu sound rang and the singer sang.

“The rolling waters of the Yangtze River are gone, the waves are rushing to the hero… The success or failure is turning empty. The green hills are still there, and the sunset is red… The white hair is fishing on the river, and it is used to see the autumn moon…”

The song was so bleak, lining up in a piece of laughter story, it seemed funny. When I heard “what is the ancient and the modern, I have to pay a smile”, I don’t feel the tears falling. The summer is bright, the wind and rain are so vast, and after bidding farewell to Qin Yuyuan, who is defending the city, he has to leave, take the bones of his younger brother and go back to the northwest.

The rest of the Beijing-Chinese members did not care about this little thing after Qin Yuyuan’s death. At this time, he is still a traitor. He can’t talk about right and wrong. If he can’t talk about “having”, he can only say “empty”. Since talking about the success or failure of the people, these people will be more forgotten, and those who have such ideas will not play for politics.

Only Tie Tianying was not confused by such an atmosphere. After Qin Yuyuan and Qin Shaoqian’s first seven days, Ning Yi and others buried the family without disturbing too many people. At this time, all the things in Beijing have returned to the chaotic and busy formalities. The Ministry of Criminal Affairs has spent a lot of effort to investigate the Manichyu embers from the north. However, due to the fact that there have been too many people going to Beijing in the recent period, the outbreak in Beijing There have been many cases, and the investigation has been slow, but Tie Tianying has arranged manpower to monitor the movement of Zhuji.

In the big direction, after the fall of Taiyuan, the establishment of the Yellow River defense line has become the biggest strategic action in Beijing recently. To build such a large line of defense, it is necessary to contribute money, contribute money, and have the right to distribute things. So Beijing All the forces in the fight are fighting for it. On the other hand, the right side is vacant, and the new candidate is undecided. This is also a big pie. In fact, as long as it is a discerning person, it can be seen that the left-hand position supported by Li Gang is estimated to have not been done for a long time. .

Because of the threat of Jurchens, the military is the top priority. All the members of the Beijing-China team are seeking ways to innovate. The Wurui camp outside the city has been held at the cusp of the storm, but the more it is, how to The more careful the parties are to start with this army. These are big things. After burying Qin Yuyuan, Ning Yi began to tend to be a child in a big direction. Zhu Ji began to move again, but he just entered the circle of childhood. Basically, he is also on his own, and may have to reply first. The vitality of his own bamboo.

For such a reason, among the many major events, the things that Zhu Ji is doing are really insignificant. Many things of Zhu Ji’s members seem to be somewhat purposeless at one time. After Qin Yuyuan’s death, Ning Yi’s acting was also a lot strange. Tie Tianying occasionally saw him go out, look at the cloth, talk about business, and do something more boring than before. During this time, he couldn’t guess. What he is thinking about.

There are more and more things in the criminal department. When the middle of May is about to finish, Zong Feixiao will be transferred back to Beijing. At noon that day, the two met in the neighborhood of Ning Yi’s recent trip to the restaurant and talked about the recent events…

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