Zhui Xu

Chapter 691

691. The 691 chapter, Yu Chen, is far away from the road (on)

Because of the meeting of the Dragon Boat Festival on this day, Tang Hate, Chen Jianyu and others made an appointment for Ningfu to challenge the demons on the second day. However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. On the sixth day of May, a major event that continued to shake the capital in these two months. The dust settled.

The trial of Dali Temple on the right side of Qin Yuyuan was finally completed, and the results of the trial were released in the form of imperial edicts. The downfall of such big men, the various types of crimes will not be less. The sacred slogan lists the top ten crimes such as tyrannical power, party smuggling, and delaying warplanes. The final result is simple and straightforward.

On the right side, Qin Yuyuan joined the party to smuggle the law, and the greed law… During the period of the period, the crimes were tiring, and they were old, flowing for three thousand miles, and never used them.

Explain the world, to the effect.

The origin of various crimes is discussed by the Chinese-speaking Chinese. The ordinary people generally know that this person is evil. Now that the sin deserves it, he has also returned to the capital. As for the martial artists, they also know that the traitor fell down and clap their hands. If there are a small number of people who talk about it, if the right side is really a traitor, why is it that he defends the military when he defends the city, and the only victory outside the city is also obtained by his son Qin Shaoqian. This answer is simple, if he does not use power for personal gain, All the soldiers and all kinds of supplies were given to his son, and the other armies were so fierce.

Although he has guarded the Jurchen’s siege, but only the people who are seriously injured in the city have more than 100,000 people. If they are guarded by others, he is not good at specializing in the power of the martial arts. Maybe tens of thousands of people will be able to retire. Jurchen.

In such an argument, Tang Hate and others went to the Ningfu, but they rushed. The management only said that Ning Yi is not there, but everyone does not believe it. However, since it is bright and straight, they are not good at making troubles. They have to ridicule a few words outside the door. This is really a misnomer. Some people come to the door to challenge, and even they don’t dare to go out to meet, it’s really bad.

Scholars have the rules of literati, and green forests also have the custom of green forests. Although the warriors always see Kung Fu under their hands, at this time, Tiannandibei is really called the heroes, often because they are bold and open-minded, and they are wealthy. If a friend comes to the door, first entertain and eat, and the family has the financial resources to send some food and food to take away, so it is often praised by everyone. Such as “timely rain” Song Jiang, it is therefore a great reputation among the green forest. This situation in Ning Yi’s house is placed in the eyes of the Green Forest people. It is really a stain that deserves to be amnesty.

The means is still second, do not give people face, but also mix what rivers and lakes.

It’s a pity that Ning Young Master, who was so excited to call “Bloody Hand Butcher”, has already been disheartened about the green forests and lakes. In the early two years of coming to this world, he also vividly fantasized about becoming a heroic disaster. Later, he said that he missed his age. This river and lake is not romantic at all. He is inevitably discouraged and then slaughtered. Liangshan, the follow-up has become a complete disaster. Unfortunately, he did not become a romantic cult big villain. The role of the role has become the image of the imperial eagle dog, the East factory factory, for his martial arts dreams, can only be said to be riddled with holes, tired and not Love.

What’s more, Ning Yi is really not at home this day.

Seeing a group of green foresters yelling outside the door, the three big five rough Ningfu management and several Fuzhong guards looked quite uncomfortable, but after all, because of the order of this time, did not learn from them.

Iron Tianying knows where Ning Yi is going.

In the evening, on the side of the canal outside the south gate of Liangliang, the iron eagle was hiding in the shade of the trees, watching a group of people in the distance are farewell.

The trial of Qin Yuyuan lasted for nearly two months, but the final result was not surprising. According to official practice, the land of Lingnan was distributed. When leaving the city gate, the old man with white hair is still wearing a lock – the land of the capital, the torture can not go. Exile to the south, for the old man, not only means the end of the political career, perhaps on the road, his life will really end.

The people who came to see him off were not too many. After the fall of the right phase, they were completely smeared, and his party feather disciples were also involved. Ning Yi has the most people, and the rest are like a boat, and people are coming alone. As for his family, such as his wife and the diverticulum, such as the disciple and the housekeeper, Ji Kun and several loyalists. The servant is going to go south and serve on the way.

Tie Tianying knows that for this incident, Ning Yi has run a lot in it. He even found out from yesterday that the identity of the servant who escorted the south, and his family. The Dragon Boat Festival opened the martial arts conference in the small candlelight. At that time, he dragged things and went door-to-door gifts. Some did not dare to ask, and he gave them to relatives and friends. There is no intention of intimidation in the middle. Several of the general arrests in the criminal department talked about this matter, and many of them sighed. This kid is really embarrassed, but it is also impossible for this kind of thing to hold the other side to the penalty department to fight.

Iron Tianying is more certain of the other’s temperament, and once such a person begins to retaliate, it is really too late.

Qin Shaoqian also sent Lingnan, but the place he went to was different – originally he was a soldier, he wanted to stab the Shandong Shamen Island. As a result, both sides of the world, the father and son will be difficult to see again in this life. In the middle, Tang Hao fights for it, and the net opens. But the place where the father and the son are assigned is still different. Wang Wei disgusted them in the scope of their duties, letting the two leave, and if the escort is enough to obey, the father and son can no longer see each other.

Far or near, in the tea pots and grass sheds along the ramp, many literati and scholars gather here. The incitement of snoring and splashing feces at the beginning has already been played. There are not many pedestrians here, and they dare not provoke the gang of murderous guards that Ning Yi is carrying. Just watching Qin Yuyuan and others in the past, or cast a cold eye, or a few words, and cast a hateful look on the elderly’s entourage, the white-haired old man is on the riverside with Ning Yi, Cheng Zhouhai and others. After a word, Ning Yi then found the escorts, one by one.

When the sun sets, there is another carriage coming from afar. The old man who is coming down from the car is thin and seems to be supported by people. It is the ancestral home that has been devastated at home. However, after coming down from the car, he waved and pushed the helper next to him, step by step and walked hard to Qin Yuyuan.

The sun shines from the west, and it is also a calm scene. People who have been in the past have become losers. The end of an era, except for the shackles and ridicule of a few others, is so dull. The two old people are already white-haired, young people don’t know when they can get up, and when they get up, the old people may Has passed away.

Tie Tianying didn’t feel anything about it. He was still watching Ning Yi’s response. From afar, the man dressed by the scholar had a little sadness, but the handling of things was well organized and there was no confusion. Obviously for these He has already thought about things. When the old man is about to leave, he will send a small group of people around him to let him go south with the old man.

Only a small episode happened in the end.

After the right phase gradually left, the Greenwooders who went to Ning Yi’s essays also figured out where he was going, and here they had to challenge each other. Seeing a large group of green foresters coming over, the literati in the roadside teahouses also watched the good scenes around, but Ning Yi got on the carriage and left with the crowd, and the people originally blocked the road to the city gate. Preparing not to let him go back to the city easily, watching him go south, he was stupid. After Ning Yi and others turned a small circle outside the city, they went back from the other gate. They did not take care of the martial artists.

Qin Yuyuan has left, and soon after, Qin Shaoqian has left, and the Qin family left the capital and left the historical stage. For everyone still in the capital, all the shackles were really cut off on this day. In Ning Yi’s indifference, Tie Tianying’s sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, and he is sure that this guy will have to do something sooner or later.

Therefore, on the day of the seventh day of the seventh day, he went to the greenwood warriors and rendered a few Ning Yi’s sects yesterday. The people were furious and went to Ningfu to block the door. On the eighth day of May, someone went to find two boxers who were plain and bamboo, and begged them to come forward and go to Ningfu to force the other party to give a statement.

Iron Tianying stood by and looked at the secret, and asked him to investigate Bamboo. At the same time, all kinds of rumors in Beijing and China are boiling. After Qin Yuyuan was officially issued, the wrestling of various great families and families has also become more and more hot. When the bayonet sees red, there will be a variety of assassinations, and frequent cases. When Tie Tianying was deeply involved, he heard news that it was a source of martyrdom and martyrdom. He had already killed the knight, and there was news that Qin Qinyuan had mastered a large number of black materials for the family. There are many forces to buy murderers. This is already outside the circle of power, not to the capital city, in a short time, Tie Tianying can not analyze its authenticity.

The incident broke out in the afternoon of May 9th.

When he received the news of Zhuji, he was not far from Ningfu. He hurriedly rushed over. The greenwood people who had gathered here were left with only two or three thousand fish. They were talking excitedly on the roadside. What happened only to them – they are people who don’t know what happened at all – “Dongtian Shenquan” Tang hate lie in the shade of the tree, the rib fracture broke several times, and several of his disciples were waiting nearby, his nose and face swollen.

Fortunately, the two invited Jingcheng warriors were still nearby. Tie Tianying hurried forward to ask, one of them shook his head and sighed: “Hey, why bother to provoke them.” Another talent said the story.

Both of them are still famous in the green forests of Beijing. When the bamboo is still open, there are many contacts between the two sides, and Ning Yi is also known. These days, they were found by warriors from other places. Some of them were related before, and they couldn’t be opened on the face. They had to come over. But they know the power of bamboo? Even if they don’t understand the political and economic power, as a warrior, they are most clear about the force. In the recent period, the bamboo bells have been in bad luck and the periphery has shrunk, but the connotation has not been damaged. After a surviving group of bamboo escorts survived on the battlefield, the momentum is terrifying. At the beginning, everyone had a good relationship, and they were in a good mood. They could also get together. In the recent period, people were unlucky, and they didn’t even dare to come over.

But fortunately, both of them know that Ning Yi’s temperament is good. After noon to No. 1 in the day, Ning Yi also gave people a cup of tea, received them, and talked quietly about some parents. The two men slammed the side and said something outside, Ning Yi clearly understood. At that time, in the Ningfu, the two sides were chatting, and someone rushed in from the living room door, and anxiously gave Ning Yi a message. The two only saw Ning Yi’s face change, and hurriedly asked a few words, then they went to two people. Confession to be sent to the guest.

The two naturally know and understand, know that it must be a big event, and immediately leave. They have not yet got the main entrance, and the whole of Ningfu has moved.

When they went out, everyone crowded around and asked about the passing. The two did not know how to answer. At this time, some people in Dao Ning were going out. A group of people rushed to the side door of Ningfu. Only someone opened the door. Some people took the horse first, then Ning Yi. After that, there was a big team to rush out. In this chaotic scene, Tang Hate and others first rushed up, and then they said two scenes, and immediately Ning Yi waved and called: “Zhu.”

The two have already known that something is going to happen at this time. Next to Zhu Xi, he turned over and slammed his rifle on the horse’s back. He strode to more than a hundred people here and said directly: “What about life and death?”

Everyone came over to drum up the momentum, and the life and death of the duel was brought with him. Only when someone took it out, I wished that I would wave the hand and take the thumb. I pressed a thumb and pressed a fingerprint. The rear bamboo is still going out, I wish you a little anxious, saying: “Who is coming!”

Among the first few people, Tang hate sounds the highest name, which is willing to scream, immediately shouted: “Good! The old man came to teach!” He simply cried on the paper, shooting life and death on one side, the mouth said: “All the heroes are young, and today Tang is not a junior.” He is a veteran of the long-term experience. Between the words, he has already set a posture, opposite, wishing you a simple hand, and exerting a force, suddenly Between, like a cannonball rushed over.

As soon as he stepped on the tread, he approached the face of Tang’s hate. The fierce momentum that erupted between them suddenly was like a thunder. Everyone had not reacted yet. Tang hated to open the boxing ring and wished a fist to blow. At that moment, the two sides changed their punches. Two sounds, such as the defeat of the leather.

Tang hate the whole person and flew out toward the rear. He bumped into a person, and then the body continued to smash a railing of trees in the back. It fell in the dust of the sky, and the mouth was filled with blood.

The people in the back bamboo are still coming out one after another. They don’t even look at this side. Ning Yi has already rode away. Zhu Yu stretched out and patted the place where the chest was hit. He turned his hand and turned, and several disciples of Tang hate shouted: “You dare to attack!” Rushing toward this side.

They also smashed for a while. Since coming to the capital, Dongtian Shenquan was not sought after. This scene made the disciples unable to think carefully and swarm. The sleeves of Zhu Xi’s sleeves were caught, and the reflexive body was a slap. The population spit blood on the ground, and the teeth were broken up. Then they were punched one by one, or they were thrown out when they grabbed people. Short film In the meantime, these people will be beaten. He was only on the horse and rushed away.

Chen Jianyu and other people looked stunned. The young people in front of him were simple and straightforward. Xu was a combination of the battlefield killing skills, and it was a realm of returning to the real master. They still don’t know what the reason why Zhu Ji came out in such a big way. After everyone left the horse, some unwilling greenwood people chased the past. Then Iron Tianying came and saw the scene in front of him.

Seeing the appearance of Tang’s hate, Tie Tianying couldn’t help but have some teeth infiltrated. He then called for a catch and hurry to catch up. In the capital, the rest of the heads were already alarmed.

I thought that the right side was convicted and fell down. After leaving Beijing, it was over. I really couldn’t think of it. There is such a aftermath that will suddenly grow up and wait for them here.

On the road south of Yanliang, several forces including Daguangmingjiao have been entangled, and Qin Yuyuan should be intercepted in the south. The power of Zhuji–either on the bright side or in the dark–has moved in the blink of an eye, and after that, in this afternoon, the power of one stock emerged from the dark, not long. In the past, half of the capitals have been faintly alarmed, and all the people who have dialed have begun to flock to the south of the Liangliang. They have crossed the Zhuxian Town and went to the south of the town of Zhuxian Town.

Under the sky, the wilderness is long. On the ramp south of Zhuxian Town, a white-haired old man is stopping, looking back on the road he has traveled. When he looks up, the sun is strong, and there is no cloud…

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