After thinking about it for more than half an hour, Yang Hao still had no clue, and couldn't help muttering: "Women, women, what do women like?money?=No, jewelry?=No, clothes and underwear?= It is estimated that Li Shimin wants to kill me, or not."

Yang Hao thought about it, and thought about it, and thought about

it, and finally, after some hard thinking, Yang Hao patted his thigh and said happily: "There is."

After a while, after the drawings were drawn, he instructed Steward Lin to take them to the craftsmen to make them, while

Yang Hao took Xue Rengui to look for flowers and plants.

Time flew like water, and three days passed quickly.

In the past three days, Yang Hao spent the rest of his time studying how to make perfumes, except for occasionally directing the workers of the steelmaking furnace to do things.

On this morning

, Yang Hao concentrated on extracting some liquid from the distillation utensils, leaned in front of his nose and smelled

it, and suddenly, a jasmine fragrance came into Yang Hao's sense of smell

, Yang Hao closed his eyes and felt the fragrance carefully, and muttered to himself:

"Hmm... It should be this smell, not much different, the taste is not pungent, if the taste is too strong, it will not be beautiful, okay, this jasmine perfume is like this!"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Hao extracted another liquid from the distillation utensils on the side, the color was a little reddish

, the same as before, Yang Hao leaned in front of his nose and sniffed it carefully, and after a while, Yang Hao nodded with satisfaction.

After doing this, Yang Hao was thinking about whether to open a perfume manufacturing factory,

If it is opened, the business will definitely be very good, and the profit will not be much worse than that of the red brick and cement factories, and the current rouge gouache cannot be compared with it at all.

After thinking about it, Yang Hao still shook his head, at least he wouldn't open it, and when he returned to Chang'an, he would ask Princess Changle if she was interested, and if so, she would give her the production method.

Time is in a hurry, in the next few days, Yang Hao is either busy with things in the cast iron base or making perfume

, the day before the birthday banquet of the queen mother, Yang Hao arranged the things in the base, and took Xue Rengui, Steward Lin and others to Chang'an City

, of course, Cheng Chumo and Wei Chi Baolin, the two bodyguard leaders, also led thousands of Praetorian Guards to follow.

Near noon, Yang Hao and others returned to Yang's house, the family had to shush the cold and ask

for warmth, the family saw Yang Hao black and thin, they were very distressed, Yang's mother was most distressed about this son, seeing her son's appearance, her eyes were red, and she hurriedly ordered people to kill chickens and fish, and then kept holding Yang Hao's hand and asked for warmth

At this time, Xiao Tingting just woke up and was very happy to see her eldest brother come back, and then she was still the same as before, her hands were raised back, she bent down and ran towards Yang Hao

excitedly, shouting as she ran: "Dawo Dawo, you are back..."

Not long after, Yang Hao picked up Xiao Tingting, touched her little head, pinched her little face that was still pink because she had just woken up, and then took a sip of her face, and then said with a smile:

"Little girl, you slept naughty and slept late last night, right?

When Xiao Tingting heard this, she shook her head and snorted: "Dawo, I'm not naughty, it's because my father and mother were doing sports last night, and they quarreled with Tingting, and Tingting is very well-behaved."

Xiao Tingting said, showing an aggrieved look, as if she was misunderstood by her eldest brother and felt very sad.

As Xiao Tingting's words fell, there was silence in the field, several women in the family blushed instantly, Yang Lingfeng was also embarrassed to death, his throat rolled a few times, he wanted to say something, and finally chose to be silent, Zhang's face was also blushing, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

Yang Hao glanced at his father and Zhang, then laughed and said, "Haha...... Xiao Tingting just woke up and was talking nonsense, don't take it seriously.

Everyone smiled awkwardly and remained silent.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Tingting looked at Yang Hao, who had a dark face, and asked curiously, "Dawo, are you going to be a bandit?" Hearing

this, Yang Hao smiled and asked, "Oh, Xiao Tingting, do you know what a thief looks like?" Xiao Tingting

nodded and said, "I know, my father told me that the thieves are all black and thin like you in Dawo."

Yang Hao pinched her little face and said with a smile: "Then are you afraid of the big brother, the thief?"

Xiao Tingting looked at Yang Hao for a while, and then put her little hand around Yang Hao's neck and grinned: "Hehe... Tingting is not afraid. The

brother and sister played for a while, and Yang Hao asked Steward Lin to take out some perfume and put it on the table, so that the women in the family could choose their favorite perfume flavors.

It is said to be a selection, but in fact, there are not many perfume flavors, and there are only two kinds of jasmine and rose.

Sister Yang Xiaoyan picked out a bottle of rose perfume first, couldn't wait to open the bottle cap, leaned in front of her nose and smelled

it, just like that, Yang Xiaoyan's eyes suddenly widened, and she exclaimed: "Wow, big brother, what kind of perfume is too fragrant, right?

Yang Hao smiled and said:" This is called rose perfume, you pour out a little, you don't need more, and then apply it evenly on your hands or neck, it will keep you in a fragrant state all day long.

Hearing this, Yang Xiaoyan's eyes brightened even more, and after nodding her head and humming lightly, she poured out a little

perfume, although the color of the perfume seemed to be light red, but after applying it to her hands, she couldn't see any signs of light red.

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