"From the moment I first saw you, I liked you, and the more I came into contact with

you, the more I liked you," "Although you are a princess, you are not rude, you are kind, and of course, you are also beautiful

," "

So, I like you, do you like me?".

After speaking, Yang Hao still stared at Princess Changle seriously, waiting for her answer.

And Princess Changle suddenly heard Yang Hao's naked confession, a heart has been fluttering and beating, at a loss for a while,

at this time her heart is in a mess

, nervous no, no

, no, do you like him Yang Hao? The answer is yes

, when Yang Hao was imprisoned for the first time and was tortured, she wanted to kill the person who tortured him

When Yang Hao sang to her for the first time

, her heart was extremely sweet, when she saw Yang Hao being bullied by the family

, her heart was very angry, and when Yang Hao was suffering and tired, her heart was also distressed Yang Hao,

when she was ............

There are too many memories between the two, there are many firsts, there are many touches,

Princess Changle tried to calm herself down, blushing and looking at Yang Hao

, at this moment, time stood still

, the two looked at each other like this, only each other in their eyes,

and there was a strong affection

Finally, Princess Changle plucked up her courage, her red lips opened lightly, and she said softly: "Yang Hao, I... I like you too.

After saying this, Princess Changle was ashamed, and immediately lowered her head, not daring to look at Yang Hao again.

And Yang Hao, hearing the words of Princess Changle, was very happy and excited in his heart,

Seeing that Princess Changle was so shy

, Yang Hao smiled slightly, grabbed Princess Changle's hand, and gently pulled him into his arms, Princess Changle did not resist, let Yang Hao pull her into his arms, and then also plucked up the courage to hug Yang Hao's thick waist, buried his head in Yang Hao's chest, and his shy cheeks were hot, and then

, the two of them were like this, hugging each other,

watching the sunset

The beauty of this moment will forever be engraved in their minds and become the best memory of a lifetime.

In the tent, Li Shimin didn't see Yang Hao come back for a long time, so he asked

Wang De beside him, and said, "Wang De, what about Yang Hao's kid, go and call him over, it's almost dinner, and there is no one in sight,

and the girl Lizhi sent someone to call her over."

Hearing this, Wang De next to him immediately nodded

and walked out, and in less than a moment, Wang De walked back, looked at Li Shimin, hesitated, didn't know how to speak

, Li Shimin saw this, frowned and said: "What do you say, what are you hesitating to do?"

Wang De was helpless,

so he had to whisper softly in Li Shimin's ear

After a while, after Wang De finished speaking, Li Shimin's eyes widened, he slapped the table in front of him, and shouted: "Good courage, this son is so brave...... Wang

De next to him was suddenly frightened by Li Shimin's sudden shouting and took two steps back, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead,

and the other people in the tent were also startled by this sudden shout, and they all looked at Li Shimin

in disbelief I saw that Li Shimin's face was red and his neck was thick at this time, and everyone couldn't tell whether he was angry or angry.

After a while, Cheng Yanjin, a reckless man who was not afraid of 'death,' couldn't help it, and asked Li Shimin with great concern:

"Your Majesty, what's wrong? Whoever provoked you, you tell me, and I will immediately go and kill him."

Li Shimin didn't go to see

Cheng Yanjin, nor did he answer, at this moment, he wanted to be quiet very much!

Seeing this, Cheng Yanjin looked at Wang De again and asked, "Eh, I said Wang Gonggong, what did you say to stimulate Your Majesty?"

Hearing the question,

Wang De could only smile at Cheng Yanjin.

At this time, Li Shimin's heart was very uneasy

, why? Because his precious daughter was snatched away by someone and arched by Yang Hao's pig

! How could this not make him feel heartache?

Although he knew that there would be such a day before, Li Shimin was still heartbroken when he heard that the two of them were by the river at this time,

hugging and hugging!

The more Li Shimin thought about it, the more angry he became, Yang Hao, this little king and eight lambs, I had to make him look good.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin stood up violently, looked at Cheng Yanjin and Wei Chi Jingde, and said, "Zhijie, Jingde, you two come out with me."

After speaking, Li Shimin strode out of the tent first

, Cheng Yanjin and Wei Chi Jingde glanced at each other,

and hurriedly followed out.

The rest of the people in the tent thought about it and thought of a possibility, that is, there was a foreign enemy to invade the border of the Tang Dynasty, which is why Li Shimin was so excited and angry.

Outside the tent, Li Shimin led Cheng Yanjin and the two to a no-man's land, only then did he turn his head to look at them and

said: "You two, when the dinner party comes, give me a fierce drunken Yang Hao, the little king and eight lambs, so that he can't do bad things at night, it's best if he can't get up the next day, do you hear?

After telling the two of them, Li Shimin strode back to the tent again, leaving Cheng Yanjin and Wei Chi Jingde messy in the wind, looking confused.

After a long time, Cheng bit Jin's throat and rolled a few times, looked at Yu Chi Jingde, who was also dumbfounded, and asked: "No, Lao Hei, ???that's it" Yu Chi Jingde

nodded stunned and said: "

It should be here." Time

was in a hurry, Li Shimin's days of being unhappy with Yang Hao passed in a flash, and soon came to dinner time

, at the dinner, Li Shimin sometimes glanced at his shy daughter,

and sometimes glared at Yang Hao with a bright smile.

And Cheng Yanjin and Wei Chi Jingde naturally strictly obeyed the orders issued by Li Shimin, and constantly found various reasons to toast

Yang Hao's wine, Yang Hao didn't notice it, as the so-called people are in good spirits when they are happy,

which is suitable to describe Yang Hao's mood at this time.

In less than half an hour, Yang Hao was lying on the ground

, drunk and unconscious from sleeping, Li Shimin saw this, so he was relieved,

otherwise he was afraid that Yang Hao would not be able to help but mess around tonight.

On the morning of the second day, Yang Hao naturally slept until the sun hung high before getting up, and

after quickly cleaning up and washing,

he walked to the tent

Seeing this, Li Shimin coughed lightly and said, "Cough, Yang Hao, the roof that was poured yesterday should be dry, right? Take me to take a look!"

Yang Hao was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Li Shimin was in such a hurry, so he said: "Your Majesty, the minister just woke up, he drank too much last night, this will be a headache, you let the minister rest for a while."

After speaking, Yang Hao didn't care whether Li Shimin agreed or not, Gu Zi sat down, and quietly winked at Princess Changle next to him.

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