At this time, Li

Xiaogong stood up and bowed to Li Shimin, before saying:

"Your Majesty, according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, Yang Hao's original intention in this matter was good, but in the process, there was friction with the two families of Li and Wang, and some unpleasant things happened in the middle.

And Yang Hao also said that he was willing to compensate all the losses

of the Li and Wang families for this incident, including the reconstruction of the new mansion, "Since the Li and Wang families were unwilling to demolish the old mansion before, although Yang Hao was well-intentioned, he should also pay each of them another 10,000 yuan as a punishment

," "

Your Majesty, this is the disposal of Yang Hao, you see?"

Li Xiaogong avoided the important and said lightly about the disposal of Yang Hao, and then looked at Li Shimin and asked him if it was feasible for him to dispose of Yang Hao in this way.

Hearing this kind of disposition, the ministers of the DPRK and China are like mirrors in their hearts, although Yang Hao needs to pay a lot of money this time, but these are things outside the body, and there is no disposal of Yang Hao himself

, this is naked protection, and the ministers of the DPRK and China all understand that although this disposition is from the mouth of Li Xiaogong,

it is the meaning of the person on the dragon chair.

The officials of the family were still silent, did not refute or speak, although 10,000 yuan is a lot, but this money is a drop in the bucket for their family

, and they can't deal with Yang Hao's own safety, and

the rest doesn't matter, this is also the words of the representatives of the seven families who explained to them after discussing it yesterday.

Li Shimin swept the reactions of the hundreds of civil and military officials below, and knew that some people were angry and did not dare to speak, such as family officials, and

some people had nothing to do with themselves and hung high.

Retracting his gaze, Li Shimin didn't ask Li Chenghai for their opinions, but looked directly at Li Xiaogong and said, "It's feasible." Just

two words, simple and clear, but it made the incident of Yang Hao's bombing of the mansion come to an end!

Hearing this, all the civil and military officials in the palace were silent, that is, they acquiesced.

And just when everyone thought that they could go down to the court, Li Shimin said leisurely: "After this incident, I also found that our Tang Dynasty law needs to be improved, and there is a chapter that must be added

," "That is, in the future, things like Yang Hao, without the consent of the owner of the mansion, no matter what the reason, good intentions or deliberate,"

You must not trespass into other people's mansions without permission, let alone do anything to other people's mansions or the guards and guards, otherwise, no matter what the identity of the other party is, they will all be killed

," "

King of the River, you should implement this law as soon as possible, and issue it to all states, provinces, and counties, and do not neglect it."

Li Xiaogong immediately replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, the ministers will go down to the court, and they will do it immediately." When

the family officials heard Li Shimin's words, their faces sank again

! Okay, good guy!

Li Shimin, you are afraid that our family will retaliate against Yang Hao or others in the same way, the

family officials are very unhappy, but they are really not good at coming out to refute

this kind of

thing After all, Li Shimin is the emperor, and you have to come out to refute two sentences to establish a law of the Tang Dynasty, so aren't you unhappy to come out to find it?

Moreover, there is no problem with this law, not to mention that in this way, in the future, Yang Hao's thief will no longer be able to bomb their family mansion in this way

, so, based on the above points,

how can the family officials not refute it and remain silent.

Other officials have no opinions, although Li Shimin is naked protecting Yang Hao, but at the same time protecting their own safety

, besides, this incident still has a great impact on the Tang Dynasty, especially the people in Chang'an City, if this law is not issued,

maybe everyone will take Yang Hao in the

future After the Tang Dynasty, if anyone looks at who is unhappy, or if there is a contradiction between the two sides, and they all do this, wouldn't it be a mess up?

Although before the Datang Law, there was also a law that it was forbidden to trespass into private houses, but there were still some loopholes in it, such as Yang Hao's self-proclaimed good intentions to bomb the mansion in this way, which is a loophole.

Of course, if it is not Yang Hao this time, but someone else

, to be precise, it is someone else who does not want Li Shimin to do it, you see if Li Shimin will let people pull him out and cut him down,

or put him in prison for more than one or two decades.

After Li Shimin finished saying this law, seeing that no one below came out to object, he nodded with satisfaction, so he announced the next dynasty.

Li Xiaogong just wanted to walk out of the main hall and wanted to deal with this law as soon as possible, when Wang De's father-in-law came over and asked him to go to the side hall of Ganlu Palace

, and when he arrived at the side hall, after Li Xiaogong saluted, he found a place to sit down, not to mention, it was really tiring to stand in the court, especially sometimes he had to stand for a long time

, and now come here, with his relationship with Li Shimin,

he doesn't have to be so restrained

Of course, this kind of trivial matter can be unrestrained, he still has to be restrained in the face of major events, no matter how good the relationship is, Li Shimin is also the emperor, he is a courtier.

After taking a seat, Li Xiaogong first asked: "Your Majesty, do you have something to tell the minister?"

Li Shimin nodded slightly, and asked rhetorically: "The matter is over, when can Yang Hao be released?"

Li Xiaogong pondered for a while and replied: "According to the law, we can release it today, after all, we have not punished Yang Hao himself."

Li Shimin took a sip of the tea he had just served, and then said, "Hehe...... Don't be in a hurry, shut him up for two more days, and let this kid suffer a little.

At the same time, Li Shimin was secretly refreshed: Yang Hao, I can't clean you up, dare to make my baby daughter like this, I will let you stay in prison for two more days.

Li Xiaogong looked puzzled, looked at Li Shimin who was smiling

, thought about it and asked: "Your Majesty, this is no problem, the minister can just find an excuse, but in this way, the cast iron base will be delayed, Yang Hao is not there, and they can't do anything, this is ......"

Li Shimin put down the teacup and said with a smile: "

It's okay, it's just a delay of two more days, so that his kid can reflect on it inside, and don't act so recklessly

in the future," "

And what kind of broken excuses are you looking for, it's kind, I think it's funny and ridiculous now, if I didn't protect him, he still wants to fight with the family now, it's still far away!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaogong touched his beard, shook his head and smiled, and then said:

"Your Majesty, this can't be completely blamed for his recklessness, the family is indeed too excessive, you can't kill him, so you turn

to his family, and no one can stand it," "The important minister said, Yang Hao's kid is already enough to be forbearing, if it weren't for the family wanting to move his family this time, he wouldn't be so angry,"

As for the excuse, although it is ridiculous, it is much better than him directly admitting that he did it deliberately, if so, it is difficult for us to protect him, and he is a sober kid.

Li Shimin thought about it a little, it was true,

if anyone dared to touch his Li Shimin's family, he would punish the other party's nine clans first.

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