After yesterday's discussion between the two of them, they knew that the family would not stop there

, and when it was time to tear their faces, then tear it, and now warn them first, if the family really wants to continue to insist on severely punishing Yang Hao,

then thoroughly investigate the causes and consequences

Anyway, Li Shimin also has evidence in his hand, not to mention that the whole thing is due to the family first, Li Shimin also wants to see if the family dares to lose face.

If the family really loses its face and doesn't care about the world's opinion of their family, and finally makes a collective dismissal, then even if he Li Shimin loses this time, Li Shimin has to think about whether to severely punish Yang Hao.

Let's say that the officials of the family were already a little at a loss when they heard Li Xiaogong say that they would strictly investigate the causes and consequences of the whole

matter, because they also knew a thing or two, this matter was that their family sent people to attack and kill Yang Hao repeatedly, and even more so to kill Yang Hao's family,

which was the first to

lose So I can't make up my mind for a while, whether to stick to Yang Hao now and insist on severely punishing Yang Hao, or go back and ask their respective heads first,

because there are some things that they can't decide.

At this moment, Li Shimin seemed to see the hesitation of the family officials, so he coughed lightly twice and said,

"Ahem...... In this way, this matter still needs to be investigated clearly, it is really inappropriate to talk about punishment now, it is too early to say

," "

Whether Yang Hao did it out of good intentions or deliberately, and make a decision tomorrow, so be it, next dynasty."

After Li Shimin finished speaking, he didn't care about them, and stood up first and walked out of the Ganlu Palace, leaving a group of family officials looking at each other.

The other officials also walked out of the Manna Hall one after another, after all, this matter had nothing to do with them.

At the same time,

when the Ganlu Hall was arguing, the news came out of nowhere in Chang'an City, and the people were talking about it.

In a teahouse in Dongcheng, there was a table at this moment, and five or six people were sitting around and discussing this matter.

"Eh, are you saying this is true? The family is too insidious to do this, isn't it

?" "Hey! there is no wave and no wind, do you know?" Since some people say that there should be this, not to mention what virtues the family usually has, don't you know?" "Well, that's

right, no wonder this person named Yang Hao went to blow up their mansion yesterday,

it turns out that the reason is here."

"Alas, this kind of behavior of the family is too much, didn't Yang Hao just go to cast pig iron, which moved their interests, they sent people to attack and kill Yang Hao many times, not to mention, but also sent people to kill his family, who is not angry? If you want to change me, it's not as simple as bombing someone's mansion." "

Eh, you keep quiet, if you let the people of the family hear, you'll be in trouble." "

I heard that the family is still trying to figure out how to get His Majesty the Emperor to punish Yang Hao, it's just a rake, shameless!"

"Well, what can they do if they don't have the shame, forget it, this matter has nothing to do with us, so don't say it, so as not to cause a commotion." Discussions

like this, the news spread very quickly, almost everywhere in Chang'an City, most

people heard the rumors that they were fighting for Yang Hao, counting the shamelessness of the family,

and bullying others.

And the people of the family also knew about this rumor at this moment, and sent people to find out the reaction of the people to this matter, and the result naturally made them feel uncomfortable in their hearts.

Of course, they also sent people to find out who and where this news came from, and the result was that they were very depressed, because they could not find the source.

At this time, the representatives of the seven great families also gathered in the box on the second floor of the Hegui Restaurant, and even Li Kai, who vomited three liters of blood yesterday, was also here, his face was still very pale and ugly.

At this moment, the box door was pushed open, Li Chenghai and a few other people walked in, their faces were not very good-looking

, Cui Xiong and the seven people saw this, they knew that the result of punishing Yang Hao was probably not ideal, but they didn't show much surprise, as expected!

After Li Chenghai and several people were also seated, and the box door was closed again, Cui Xiong's seven people signaled Li Chenghai and the others to come together about the early dynasty first,

Next, Li Chenghai and the others spoke for a quarter of an hour, and then they made the matter of the early dynasty clear, and then looked at Cui Xiong and the seven people, waiting for their decision.

Hearing their words, Li Kai slapped the table first and said angrily: "Cover-up, they are nakedly shielding Yang Hao, a thief, and they don't want to punish him at all

," "What he said is also ridiculous, when we are stupid, Yang Hao blew up our mansion with good intentions, and I am angry with mother's kindness"

Li Kai was so angry in his heart at this time that he almost vomited blood again

Not to mention that he vomited blood from the anger of Yang Hao's mansion bombed yesterday, there were even more rumors unfavorable to their family this morning, and now they heard that Li Shimin and they naked covered Yang Hao, how could he not be angry and angry?

Wang Kun was also angry, because his experience was exactly the same as Li Kai, he glanced at Li Kai who was angry, wanted to say something, thought about it, but still didn't say it, because what he wanted to say had been said by Li Kai.

Cui Xiong and the others were slightly better, although they were also angry in their hearts, they still kept calm, and they were thinking more about what to do next, whether to collectively dismiss the government and force Li Shimin to severely punish Yang Hao.

At the same time, Cui Xiong and the others also glanced at Li Kai in anger, and they were also angry with him in their hearts, this bombing incident was completely because of Li Kai's private actions and not listening

to their persuasion, so that they would lose face together, for Li Kai to vomit blood angrily, the other six of them were not sympathetic at all, if it weren't for the fact that their seven families were now in an alliance,

they all wanted to applaud in person.

At this time, Cui Xiong secretly glared at Li Kai, a pig teammate, then looked at the rest of the people, and said:

"Let's talk about it, now there are some rumors outside that are not conducive to our family, and the next step is to force Li Shimin to severely punish Yang Hao, a thief, or to compromise, everyone think about it, think about it, don't be rash."

When Cui Xiong said the last sentence, he deliberately glanced at Li Kai and Wang Kun, especially Li Kai's teammate, for fear that this guy would say something irrational and disrupt the overall situation.

When the others heard this, they all began to ponder

, but Li Kai was different, especially when he saw Cui Xiong finish speaking, and finally looked over, he thought that Cui Xiong was deliberately asking for his opinion, and his heart was suddenly moved

, and he cast a grateful eye at Cui Xiong,


was about to ......speak

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