Stinky boy, it's quite laid-back, and he's still in the mood to bask in the sun after making such a big deal.

Hearing this voice, Yang Hao and the others opened their eyes and looked outside the cell, and saw that it was Yang Lingfeng, and the family members saluted one after another.

Yang Hao saw that his father was coming, he also sat up, got up and walked to Yang Lingfeng, and said with a smile: "Dad, why are you here

?" Yang Lingfeng glared at his son and said, "Can I not know that your kid has made such a big move?"

Yang Hao kept smiling, knowing that Dad was worried about himself, so he touched his nose and said with a smile: "If

I don't blow them up, I won't be upset," "Dad, you don't have to worry too much, it's not a big deal, you see, this is the cell that Your Majesty sent someone to arrange for me, you see, how clean and sunny it is

," "Next, Your Majesty should find a way to deal with the family and them, and won't let me have an accident, don't worry, lock me up for a few days at most." Hearing

this, Yang Lingfeng glanced at the cell, and it was indeed cleaned up, indicating that his son was not lying, so he asked in a low voice: "Are you so sure Your Majesty will protect you......?"

Seeing that his son was so sure, Yang Lingfeng nodded, and then sighed and said:

"Alas, when you grow up, you have to think about the consequences of doing things yourself, your father is a mediocre little businessman, he can't help you anything, and you are the only son, I just hope you are safe."

Yang Hao nodded, touched in his heart.

After Yang Lingfeng finished saying these heartfelt words, he glanced at the simple cell, and then asked, "Hao'er, what do you need, Dad will bring it to you when he goes back to the house."

Two quarters of an hour later, Yang Lingfeng, who came out of the prison of the Criminal Department, took Steward Lin and them to the Dongcheng

Royal Restaurant, looked at the Royal Restaurant, Yang Lingfeng took a deep breath, walked into the Royal Restaurant quickly, and went straight to the second floor.

Two quarters of an hour later, in the prison of the Criminal Department, a group of people ushered in in front of Yang Hao's cell, walking in a hurry, looking very anxious.

Yang Hao was also alarmed by the sound of hurried footsteps, looked outside the cell, thinking that his father had sent something

, but he never thought that what caught his eye was a beautiful figure, which could be said to have been seen for a long time

, the two were separated by a prison door, silent, looking at each other for a long time, and the affection in each other's eyes represented their respective thoughts.

Even the jailer bent down in the middle to open the cell door, and the two of them tacitly ignored him and continued to look at each other.

I don't know how long this time has passed, finally, Yang Hao grinned, and just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Qianying outside the cell:

"Dead Yang Hao, as soon as you come back, you will make such a big noise, don't you know if you should tell me before you bomb the family?"

You can be angry, you know that you want to save face,"

"Also, when I came back to Chang'an City, I didn't know that I went to the Royal Restaurant to look for me, if it wasn't for your father to come to me, I wouldn't have known that you were back, let alone that you went to blow up the family mansion."

Qianying said as if she was dissatisfied and coquettish, and after speaking, she gave Yang Hao a big white look, of course, there was worry and concern in her eyes.

Yang Hao kept grinning and looking at her, listening to Princess Changle's nagging, and slowly knew that she was worried about herself, and she also knew that she was ......

Looking at Yang Hao, who was still smiling and looking at her, Princess Changle couldn't help but be ashamed: "What are you looking at? Are you still laughing and talking, are you dumb

?" "Look at you, what's going on? You look so beautiful, you don't want to see it? I like to see a beauty like you, hey, what can you do?"

Yang Hao raised the corners of his mouth and asked in a relaxed manner.

Hearing this, Princess Changle was embarrassed, she didn't expect that she hadn't seen her for so long, Yang Hao still looked like this, and she said such things in front of so many people, it was really ...... Shame on the individual.

I thought in my heart: Dead Yang Hao, don't you know how to say this kind of thing in private?

Princess Changle took a deep breath, calmed down the churning in her heart and the flush on her face, and then ordered: "Captain Xu, take him out to this princess, you dare to tease this princess, I will beat him violently."

After speaking, Princess Changle walked outside first.


, how could Captain Xu not see that these two young people were flirting, so he smiled at Yang Hao and said, "Young Master Yang, please come with me."

Yang Hao nodded and walked out of the cell, followed behind Xu Xiaowei, and came to a relatively clean rest

room outside, at this time, Princess Changle was already waiting for him inside, after Yang Hao entered, Xu Xiaowei closed the door, and the group waited outside, and Yang Hao and Princess Changle were suddenly left in the room.

Yang Hao was still wearing shackles at this time, looked at Princess Changle, and said with a smile: "Princess, why are you here? Is my father telling you that I am going to prison?" Princess Changle also looked at Yang Hao, and when she saw that he was still wearing shackles

, she felt a little distressed, and nodded: "Well, you are a little darker and thinner."

Yang Hao said indifferently: "Hey, I have been staring at the workers and craftsmen at the cast iron base all day long, and the black spots and thin spots are normal, it's okay, just rest and rest."

Princess Changle smiled and said, "Yes, then come back and rest for a few days, hehe...... It's just that I'm afraid you'll have to rest in your cell.

Yang Hao shrugged his shoulders and said, "This is okay, I don't care, it's the same where I rest, it's just a little boring here, you have to come and accompany me

," halfway through the words, Yang Hao thought about it and said, "Uh...... Forget it, it's better for you to come to this kind of place less, so as not to disturb me to think about life.

Princess Changle pretended to be angry and glared at him, pondered for a while, and then said: "Regarding the matter of you bombing the family mansion today, what are your plans next?"

Regarding Yang Hao's going to bomb the family mansion, Princess Changle also understood it clearly, and she also felt that Yang Hao was understandable to do this, after all, the people of the family sent someone to kill his family first, and it was strange that Yang Hao was not angry

As for the family's repeated attacks on Yang Hao before, she didn't know at all, otherwise, she would not have reacted like this with a little temper.

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