Cheng Chumo and Wei Chi Baolin listened to the thunderous noises that sounded one after another, and they were so anxious that they rode their horses and galloped wildly, for fear that if they were delayed any longer, Yang Hao didn't know how many people would have to be killed.

Let's say that Yang Hao's side, out of Wang Kun's mansion, the group went to the next one, the mansion of Lu Feichong of Fanyang Lu's family.

Time was in a hurry, and the days of not being able to bomb

the mansion passed in a flash, and soon half an hour passed,

and Yang Hao and his party also came to the gate of Lu Feichong's mansion.

After getting out of the carriage, Yang Hao found that there were a lot of ordinary people behind him, all of whom showed the appearance of eating melons, and they dared to come over to see the excitement?

Yang Hao thought about it a little and felt that it was normal, he made such a big move just now, if there were no ordinary people coming to see the excitement,

it would be abnormal.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts, Yang Hao instructed the family to move down the 40 earth-shattering thunders again, and then walked to the gate of Lufu

, and the common people also saw clearly at this time, the thunderous noise just now was emitted by this bulging iron ball

, so they discussed one after another, and followed behind Yang Hao and the others curiously,

and became the people who ate melons.

As soon as Yang Hao approached the gate of Lufu, he saw that the gate was open, and hundreds of people came out of it one after another, standing in front of the gate one after another, waiting for him, and the leader was a middle-aged man.

Lu Feichong also saw Yang Hao in front of him, and then swept back, and saw dozens of bulging earth-shaking thunderbolts being placed on the ground, his face instantly became gloomy, and

he scolded secretly: Made,

it seems that this Yang Hao is going to do something big today.

"Yang Hao, what are you doing here? Isn't it possible to blow up my Lu Mansion too?" Yang

Hao saw Lu Feichong put up this battle, obviously the other party already knew what had just happened, and he didn't talk nonsense

, nodded and said:

"Yes, isn't it okay? I see that your mansion is old, and I will help you demolish it and pay to rebuild a new mansion for you, isn't this fragrant?"

Hearing this, Lu Feichong sneered: "You don't need to bother, you better take someone away, think about what to do tomorrow, while there is still time, go back and have a good reunion with your family."

Yang Hao hurriedly shook his head, and said righteously: "No, no, if you want to go back, you have to help you demolish this old mansion first, otherwise I'm afraid that it is not safe for you to live in it, and I am afraid that you will be stoned to death by the beam of the house when you sleep, you don't have to thank me, I have no other hobbies, I just like to help others." Hearing

Yang Hao's

words and seeing the expressions of the people, Lu Feichong was so angry that he was called this donkey, so he glared at Yang Hao and said angrily:

"You kid had better clean your mouth, otherwise I will tear your mouth apart,"

"Also, if you dare to bomb my Lu family's mansion today, I will dare to kill you, even if you are an earl. "

Lu Feichong is also a hot-tempered person, plus he has been in a high position all these years, where has he been insulted and provoked by such words

, and now Yang Hao has brought people to want to blow up his mansion, is this still worth it? I think he is as easy to bully as Li Kai and Wang Kun?

And dare to say that he is a fool in front of so many people,

it is simply a great shame.

Yang Hao shrugged, hooked his finger at Lu Feichong, and said cheaply: "Then you~ come here!" "

I'll just wait here, definitely don't run, you come and kill me, you fool." "


When the people in the crowd heard this, they couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed out loud, and at the same time admired Yang Hao's courage, and dared to say this about Lu Feichong three times and twice.

And the crowd also began to talk about it, all inquiring about

Yang Hao's information, although Yang Hao has done a lot of things in Chang'an City this time and opened a lot of factories, but because they are usually handed over to Princess Changle to take care of, the people don't know that there is Yang Hao,

and they have never seen Yang Hao.

"Eh, do you know this young man? Who is he? How dare he scare the people of the family like this.

"I don't know, it's not just a scare, didn't you just see that the gates of the Li family and the Wang family were blown up by the iron balls on the ground just now?"

"Oh, this young man is really fierce as a tiger, and even the people of the family are not afraid. "

Hey, I know who he is, I've seen him in the Royal Restaurant, it seems to be called Yang ...... Yang Hao, yes, it's called Yang Hao, and I heard my cousin say that the current paper factory and carriage factory are all driven by him and Her Royal Highness Princess Changle, and the white paper and carriage are also made by him, no wonder he dares to be so hard with the family. "

Yes, yes, I know him too, this person is Yang Hao That's right, the reason why the food in the Royal Restaurant is so delicious now is also because he made a seasoning package.

"Oh! Hearing you say this, it seems that he is very awesome, no wonder he dares to blow up the door of the family, but the explosion is good, the people of the family are usually arrogant and domineering, and someone should clean them up."

"Don't talk nonsense about some things, let the family hear that you are good-looking, so let's take a good look at the excitement."

At this time, Lu Feichong's face was pale, gritting his teeth, he couldn't

tear Yang Hao on the spot, he was embarrassed today, and now if he wants to save a little face, he must take Yang Hao down, and then cripple him

, thinking of this, Lu Feichong tilted his head to the guards behind and ordered: "You all give it to me, take this kid down for me,

I will be rewarded."

As soon as the words fell, the guards behind him walked out one after another, wanting to rush to Yang Hao's

side, but before they rushed over, Xue Rengui was the first to take the initiative to rush up, he was familiar with this process, first put down these guards, and then bomb the mansion

, so just like that, a melee between one person and hundreds of guards began, and neither side took any sticks and weapons,

fists to the flesh,

Of course, this punch to the flesh refers to Xue Rengui's constant movement between the guards, knocking down a child

with one punch, and he is occasionally hit by one or two punches, with the strength of the guards, hitting him on the body,

it is no big deal.

The people watched it with relish, clapped their hands vigorously, and praised Xue Rengui's bravery

, Yang Hao was no longer surprised,

holding his arms and watching all this calmly.

And Lu Feichong was shocked to watch, in just a moment, more than a dozen guards had already fallen, and

if he continued to fight like this, in less than a quarter of an hour,

hundreds of guards on his side would have to fall.

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