Lu Bu's eyes couldn't help but light up, the prospects Jia Xu showed him were so good, and he dreamed of becoming the number one general in the Northern Army.

However, Lu Bu thought of another question, so he frowned and asked: "But if I don't lead the army to attack the city, how can I take Tianshui and wipe out Dong Zhuo's army?"

Jia Xu smiled very incomprehensibly and said: "Feng Xian doesn't have to worry about this matter! Feng Xian only needs to act according to my plan, and he will be able to take Tianshui smoothly

!" Lu Bu thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay! Everything is up to Mr.'s strategy!"

Early the next morning, Lu Bu left Meiwu and went to Fufeng. There is also Jia Xu who went to Fufeng with Lu Bu, he can't follow Lu Bu, if Lu Bu leads the army alone, it will inevitably go wrong. The affairs of Meiwu were handed over to a close lieutenant general.

Fufeng City is the county seat of Fufeng County, also called Huaili, twenty miles northwest of Meiwu, and is the last barrier to enter Chang'an from the west. The main force of the Bingzhou Corps of the Northern Expeditionary Army is stationed in Fufeng Castle.

The Bingzhou Legion here was originally led by Zhang Jaw, but when Chen Chu learned the news of Jia Xu's return, he made some adjustments to the deployment of Guanzhong, and transferred Zhang Jaw, who was both wise and brave, to Chang'an, responsible for the defense of Chang'an and Hangu Pass, and at the same time transferred Lu Bu, who was originally stationed in Chang'an, to Fufeng, assisted by Jia Xu, who was responsible for the strategy of Dong Zhuojun's attack.

Lu Bu and Jia Xu gathered an army of 90,000 in Fufeng, and then drove straight to Tianshui.

The Northern Expeditionary Army, which had not moved for many days, was finally launched, and this situation was soon fed back to Dong Zhuo's army and the Xiliang army. Immediately, it caused a strong reaction in Dong Zhuo's army and the Xiliang army, some people were happy and excited, some people were afraid and panicked, some people were at a loss, and some people secretly made small calculations.

After Dong Zhuo learned the news, he became extremely tyrannical. It is said that Dong Zhuo frantically abused and played with beauties on the day he got the news, and three beauties were played to death by Dong Zhuo. Not only that, Dong Zhuo openly broke into the palace where the royal family lived that night, and unscrupulously stretched out his claws to the harem concubines, and the screams of the harem concubines that night made people shudder.

Dong Zhuojun's soldiers became even more depressed after learning the news that the Northern Army was marching to Tianshui. Fights, gambling, robberies, deserters, almost everything. Tianshui City is almost completely chaotic.

Some of Dong Zhuojun's advisers are secretive, and they don't see anyone all day long, and they don't know what they are doing.

The advance of the Northern Army made Li Ru, the military division of Dong Zhuojun, surprised and anxious, and was surprised that the Northern Army did not withdraw its troops back to the state as he expected, but launched an offensive against his own side again; what was anxious was how to deal with the current crisis, although Li Ru was very anxious, but there was no good way to solve the current problem, he could only pin his hopes on Han Sui, if Han Sui could make a move on Ma Teng as agreed, Dong Zhuojun might still have a chance, so Li Ru set off to Didao County, where the Xiliang Army was stationed, as soon as Li Ru learned the news of the march of the Northern Army。

Contrary to Dong Zhuojun's panic and anxiety, after receiving the news that the Western Liang Army had finally marched into the army, the morale of the Xiliang Army was greatly boosted, and Ma Teng immediately decided to attack Longxi with the whole army on the same day.

The night before the Xiliang army was ready to march, Li Ru came to Han Sui's big tent.

"Master Li, don't come to harm!" Han Sui said with a smile on his face.

Li Ru didn't have a polite conversation with Han Sui, and as soon as he came, he asked straight to the point: "General Han, I don't know if what I promised before counts?"

Han Sui made a blank face and said: "Lord Li, what do you mean by this?

I, Han Sui, have always been trustworthy and have never broken my word!" Li Ru hugged his fists at Han Sui and apologized: "I lost my words, General Han, please forgive me

!" Han Sui waved his hand angrily and said, "It's okay! Lord Li is anxious, I understand!"

Li Ru frowned, because Han Sui's words seemed to reveal a message, that is, Han Sui seemed to have known the news of the march of the Northern Army.

'This Han Sui is so well-informed!' I can't imagine that I'm in a hurry or a step too late!', Li Ru couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Judging from the current situation, it is almost impossible

for Han Sui to send troops according to the agreement! After thinking for a while, Li Ru said to Han Sui: "I know that General Han already knows the news of the march of the Northern Army into Tianshui. I don't want to say anything more, I just want to ask General Han two questions.

Han Sui couldn't help but show a curious expression, and asked, "Master Li, if you have any questions, can you ask

?" Li Ru hugged his fists at Han Sui and asked with a serious face: "Does General Han think that the Northern Expeditionary Army and the 200,000 troops of the Xiliang Army can capture Tianshui, which is guarded by 100,000 elites

, in a short period of time?" Han Sui was stunned for a moment, then his face showed a look of thought, and after a while, he shook his head helplessly and replied: "Attacking Jiancheng with a two-to-one force, I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture it in a short time!"

Li Ru smiled slightly, and then continued to ask: "Let me ask General Han again, what is the result of Yuan Shao's army and Cao Cao's army, a total of 700,000 troops, attacking the two passes guarded by more than 100,000 people?"

Han Sui couldn't help but be shocked. When he was not mentioned, he didn't think that the situation in Bingzhou was sinister, but now that Li Ru said this, he felt that the situation of the Northern Army in Bingzhou was really worrying.

Han Sui didn't speak, his brows furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Li Ru couldn't help but have a hint of excitement in his eyes, because he knew that Han Sui was already a little tempted. So Li Ru hit the railroad while it was hot: "Although the Northern Army can fight, it has no chance of winning against an army of 700,000 with hundreds of thousands of horses! The general must not put the army in a place of no return because of immediate interests!"

Han Sui's brows furrowed even tighter, and only after a moment did he say, "I understand what the gentleman said. I'll do it to Ma Teng as we agreed.

When Li Ru heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, "That's great! I just don't know when the general plans to do it?"

Han Sui thought for a moment and said, "This matter can't be rushed, and it must be prepared before it can be done." You should know that Ma Teng has more people than me, and Ma Teng's son Ma Chao has the courage of ten thousand people! If you don't get rid of it first, don't even think about moving Ma Teng!"

Han Sui said very reasonably, and Li Ru couldn't urge too much, so he had to agree with Han Sui's decision.

The two discussed for about half an hour, and then one of Han Sui's personal soldiers took Li Ru down to rest. This time, Li Ru did not return immediately, he planned to stay in Han Sui's military camp and urged Han Sui to do it as soon as possible.

"General, did you really decide that Dong Zhuojun cooperated?" After Li Ru left, Han Sui's confidant lieutenant general asked rather uneasily.

Han Sui didn't answer, but asked rhetorically, "What do you think

?" "General, what Li Ru said may have a point, but if Chen Chu is not sure, how can he still order his army in Guanzhong to continue attacking Dong Zhuo's army at this time?"

The subordinates did not dare to assert themselves, but only expressed the doubts in their hearts. No matter what decision the general makes, his subordinates will follow him!"

Hearing this, Han Sui couldn't help but feel a burst of relief.

At this moment, a personal guard hurriedly came to report: "General Qiqi, the envoy of the Northern Army asks to see

you!" Han Sui and the deputy general couldn't help but be surprised, Han Sui was stunned for a while before he hurriedly said: "Hurry! Please!"

The accommodation that Han Sui arranged for Li Ru was a private house not far from the Shuai tent.

Although it was already late, Li Ru did not feel the slightest sleep, and kept pacing back and forth in the room. Li Ru's heart was very anxious, not only worried about the situation in Tianshui, but also worried about whether Han Sui's attitude would change.

However, although Li Ru was worried, he had no choice, and the current initiative was not in his hands at all.

After worrying for a while, Li Ru suddenly sighed, then blew out the oil lamp, and prepared to go to the bed to rest.

At that moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, and the fire flickered, and it was clear that a lot of people were coming this way. Li Ru couldn't help but be surprised in his heart, so he walked quickly to the door.

But as soon as he reached the door, the door was forcibly opened from the outside. Immediately, more than a dozen soldiers crowded into the room and surrounded Li Ru.

Then, a familiar face of Li Ru appeared in front of him.

"It's you!Han Sui!" Li Ru frowned, but Li Ru's tone and expression were not very surprised. Looking at his expression, it seemed that he had expected the scene in front of him for a long time.

"You chose to cooperate with the Northern Army?" Li Ru asked lightly.

Han Sui nodded and said, "Not bad!"

"Can you tell me the reason?" Do you think what I said is lying to you?"

Han Sui shook his head and replied, "No, what you said is true, and you can't hide this kind of thing from me." However, after careful consideration, I feel that it is better to cooperate with the Northern Expeditionary Army

!" Li Ru nodded, paused, and then said, "If my expectations are not bad, you are here to kill me

!" "Yes, I will sacrifice your head to the hussar general!" Han Sui's tone was very cold.

Li Ru followed Han Sui's words and said, "It seems that you want to use the power of the Northern Army to achieve your goals. But I'm afraid that you will never be able to fulfill your wish

!" Han Sui's face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "I don't have to worry about Lord Li's affairs! Someone, send Lord Li on the road!"

The two soldiers immediately stepped forward and dragged Li Ru out. The moment Li Ru passed by Han Sui's side, he only glanced at Han Sui coldly. This look made Han Sui feel very unhappy.

A moment later, a soldier came to Han Sui with a head on a wooden plate, and replied: "General, Li Ru's head is here!" Han

Sui glanced at Li Ru's head in the wooden plate, couldn't help frowning, and then waved his big hand and shouted: "Take it down, put it in a brocade box, and hand it over to the envoy of the Northern Army!" Han Sui's expression was a little unnatural, because the blood-stained head in the wooden plate was still open, and it seemed to sneer at Han Sui.

"Yes. The soldier answered, and then quickly retreated with his head in his hands.

Li Ru can be said to be a very famous strategist in the Three Kingdoms era, but in the end, he ended up in a different place.

Jia Xu sent an envoy to Han Sui a few days before he accompanied Lü Bu to lead his army westward, and he also sent an envoy to Ma Teng. Both emissaries are emissaries, and their tasks are different.

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