
Chapter 377 Extra Story: Flower Seeds (Part 1) Not Ginger x Ghost Diaotang

Not ginger likes flowers very much.

Except for the ghost head flower, there are few other flowers in the devil world. The soil on Heishi Mountain is special, and it is difficult for ordinary flowers and plants to grow here, and it is bare and dark all year round.

The demons in Black Rock City don't like flowers either.

Demons like bright and bright things, such as gold, silver and jewelry. Although flowers are beautiful, they are too fragile to last. In comparison, the spar that decorates the cave is much harder and will never wither before winter comes.

Bu Jiang is the most beautiful woman in Black Rock City, and the minister under her skirt is like a crucian carp crossing the river, knowing that she likes flowers. Many magic cultivators tried their best to pick flowers from the world, solidified and stored them in various ways and brought them to her. But Jiang just glanced at it lightly, showing a lack of interest.

The plucked flowers will wither soon, and even if they are maintained with secret techniques, they cannot completely retain their aroma and fragrance. And her requirements for beauty have always been very high.

Her friend Succubus asked her: What's so good about flowers? There are countless rare treasures in Black Rock City. What's there to like about flowers, which are fragile and need to be cared for?

Bu Jiang thought for a while: It's like me.

Succubus froze: What?

Bu Jiang looked at her, and said quietly: Don't you think, I look like a delicate flower?


The beauty sighed: When will a flower grow on Heishi Mountain?

It should be impossible in this life. The succubus said, not knowing what to think of, glanced at Jiang, and suddenly said: However, it is not impossible. A few days ago, there was a fool who had been planting flowers on Heishi Mountain. One hundred and eighty years, maybe it can be planted by him.

Fool? Bu Jiang looked at her, Who is it?

The succubus snorted twice, with hidden resentment in his eyes: Ghost Diaotang.

Bu Jiang was slightly taken aback.

The name Ghost Diaotang has become very famous in Black Rock City recently. Not only because of the opponent's strong strength, but also because this demon has an unforgettable face.

Gui Diaotang is a handsome man.

There is no shortage of handsome men in Black Rock City, they are just skins, and the demons don't care that much. But if this man rejects the succubus that everyone loves in Black Rock City, his beauty will be immediately coated with another layer of gold.

In Bu Jiang's eyes, besides himself, Succubus is the most beautiful. As long as the succubus hooks her fingers, no matter if it is a human race or a demon race, men will all go crazy for her. A few days ago, the succubus invited Gui Diao Tang to travel with him, and the news that Gui Diao Tang rejected him in full view was widely known in the city.

Countless demon cultivators were outraged by this, and the dog who didn't know how to praise him really gave him face, and even rejected their respected Lord Succubus in Black Rock City. The flower protectors rushed out one after another, vowing to seek justice for the Iraqi in their hearts, but in the end they were all knocked down by the man in Tsing Yi.

He was actually of pure Heavenly Demon bloodline.

The flower protectors wanted to protect the flower, but they couldn't fight, so they had to run away in despair. This made the succubus feel very humiliated. Of course, she herself couldn't beat the demon cultivator of the blood of the sky demon.

Seeing her friend mentioning that this man was still angry, Bu Jiang rarely comforted her: Don't be angry, there is no cat in the world who doesn't steal sex. A man who rejects a woman is most likely because he is currently in love with another woman.

What woman can match me? Succubus sneered, Is there any woman more beautiful than me in this world?

Of course. Bu Jiang looked at her calmly, Isn't that me? What if he likes me?

Succubus: No ginger!

Okay. Bu Jiang said again: Think about the good, maybe his sweetheart is dead. The living will never be able to compete with the dead, and the demons are the same.

Really? Succubus was a little suspicious.

However, Bu Jiang said thoughtfully, You said he planted flowers on Heishi Mountain? What kind of flowers did he plant?

It was raining in the city.

In fact, it rarely rains in Black Rock City, and even if it rains, it is mostly at night. The rain during the day covered the entire mountain range with a light black gauze, and even the fog became dim.

Bu Jiang had seen rain in the Jiangnan area in the human world, and it was very different from the lightness and elegance in Black Rock City. Just like a pair of ink paintings with appropriate shades, it makes people who look at the paintings feel refreshed.

She has always liked beautiful scenery very much.

The mountain road was rugged and dark, and at this moment, she heard movement ahead, and a person slowly came out from the dark forest on the mountain.

Bu Jiang cast his gaze away.

This is a man in Tsing Yi, holding a blue paper umbrella with a large surface and many ink paintings of flowers and birds on it. He walked unhurriedly, and the green shirt in this gloomy mountain, drove away the black air and turned it into clear and light ink, and the rain washed away the ink, and this place became a painting.

The drizzle gathered into water droplets along the umbrella surface, and rolled into the soil under the feet drop by drop. The wind blew the umbrella upside down, revealing the man's handsome face.

He has a dignified and elegant face, without the violence and devilish aura of the demons.

Almost instantly, Wu Jiang realized in his heart that this man in the green shirt was the legendary Ghost Diaotang.

When Gui Diaotang first appeared in Black Rock City, she was in Duzhou, and after returning to the city, she only heard about this person from the mouth of the succubus. Watching it for the first time now, I can't help but sigh in my heart, the succubus's picky eyes are second only to her. With such a good-looking figure, it's not surprising that he can fascinate the succubus.

The other party raised her eyes and saw Bu Jiang in front of her. A smile was raised on the corner of her lips, and she was about to approach the man in the blue shirt, but the other party had already turned away, walking past her as if she hadn't seen Bu Jiang.

Not Ginger: .

She looked back at the person who was walking forward, and raised her eyebrows. This person seemed to be quite arrogant.

She thought about it, but she wasn't annoyed, she just followed behind him unhurriedly. He neither stepped forward to chat nor left, just followed him like this.

Gui Diaotang knew that Jiang was following, and didn't seem to care. He stopped in front of a dead tree, put the blue paper umbrella under the tree, and took out a handful of pitch-black seeds from the kit bag at his waist.

Bu Jiang's eyes narrowed slightly.

This is a flower seed, a handful of ordinary, human flower seeds without any power or efficacy.

Gui Diaotang scattered the flower seeds in the soil in front of the dead wood.

There is no such thing as shade or sun on Heishi Mountain, and the land is generally barren or fertile. It is meaningless to choose the location where the flower seeds will fall, because there are no human flowers growing in this place.

Gui Diaotang finished planting flowers in one place, and went to the other side to sprinkle flower seeds. He seemed to want to plant the entire Black Rock Mountain with flowers.

Bu Jiang felt a little weird, and couldn't help reminding: Hey, don't waste your energy. Flowers in the world can't grow in the devil world. Even if you spread flower seeds all over Heishi Mountain, they will never bloom.

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