
Chapter 360 Finale (5)

Black Rock Mountain is still as deserted as ever.

However, the most desolate heights can see the most lively city.

Looking down from a height, the lights are bright, like a thousand fireflies.

The hairpin star once transformed into a winged flower tree here. Demons are naturally good at illusions, and a winged flower tree only needs a little bit of the power of demons. She boasted of Haikou under the tree with confidence: I can keep this flower tree here forever.

However, after she left, the Biyihua tree here disappeared.

Heishishan did not become as lush as she said, even though Xiaoshuang tried to sprinkle flowers there many times. However, the soil quality of Black Rock City is special, and it is difficult for ordinary flowers and trees to grow.

In the end it's impossible.

He sat down on the top of the mountain.

In the palm of his hand, lies a small silver lock.

It was bought by him and Hairpin Xing many years ago on the Qixi Festival. At that time, the woman who sold the lock said, When the relationship breaks down in the future, if you want to change someone, you will open the lock, which made him angry enough. But later, the lock was not opened, and their love did not seem to be able to continue.

Gu Baiying lowered his eyes and looked at his palm.

Next to the small lock in the palm, there is a silver key.

On that day, he tricked Hairpin Star to throw away the key, but it was still hidden in his hand. But I was worried that the hairpin star would really want to change people one day, and the lock was found all over the mountains and fields.

But I didn't expect it, and I still can't stay strong.

Hairpin Xing once asked him here: Gu Baiying, if I really accept seven male pets, do you really want to stay away from me?

He answered firmly at that time: Really.

In fact, he lied to her.

If Hairpin Xing really accepted seven male pets, Gu Baiying thought, it would be difficult for him to keep away from her. He will probably pay attention to her all the time, worrying that the hairpin star, the owner of Blackrock City, will cause a lot of trouble. Those male pets look weak and weak, and when danger comes, they will most likely only pull back. Unlike him, he can protect her a little bit.

The young man's pupils reflected the soft night light, and he suddenly froze slightly. He seemed to be surprised by his absurd thought, and couldn't help but laugh.

Xu Zhi missed her so much that she even came up with this inexplicable idea.

Hairpin Xing said that there are usually no people on the Black Rock Mountain, it is very quiet, and you can think about something here.

He understood now that it was indeed a good place to think about things, such as missing someone.

Everything about the hairpin star has disappeared from this world. He has walked a lot of places, trying to find some traces that she had left. But no.

Nothing was left.

Gu Baiying didn't know what kind of mood the hairpin star was in when he sat here. But now, sitting here, he can clearly feel his heart.

The lights in the distance are bright, reflecting the night of Black Rock City like spring water and stars.

Gu Baiying suddenly remembered Fairy Qinghua back then.

In the secret realm, the fireworks in the night burst into layers, and the smiling man smiled at the white-robed beauty beside him: In one's life, there will be many uncomfortable moments that are unwilling to face reality, such as a sober fairy. People, maybe one day, they will need to use this vain illusion for solace.

He was young at the time and didn't understand what his father said, but now, he finally realized it.

In the past, Fairy Qinghua finally returned to Gufeng Mountain alone, and used illusions to transform trees into blooming blossoms, but he followed his mother's old path in the end.

From Gu Baiying's fingertips, a dark silver light gradually appeared. This light rides the wind and gradually condenses into a figure in the void.

She has long soft hair, bright eyes, and the corners of her emerald skirt are like spring willow branches, illuminating the dark mountain night.

The illusion is simple, but mortals love the trick the most, which only shows that it can really touch the most vulnerable part of the heart.

After Hairpin Xing left, Gu Baiying had never used illusion, and always felt that the false body created by illusion was not the person in his memory after all. He said he would wait, how could he not be able to endure this loneliness.

But Hairpin Xing has never dreamed, year after year, she has never appeared in a dream.

Tonight is the first time that Gu Baiying uses illusion to transform the person in his heart, just this time, he thought.

He really misses her so much.

The figure in the dream came out of the night, walked in front of him, bent down slightly, and looked into his eyes. Hairpin Xing said with a smile: Why are you sitting here alone?

He stared at the woman in front of him.

Hairpin Xing looked at him with a smile and said, Uncle Shi, long time no see, I miss you a little.

Gu Baiying closed his eyes.

Illusion, of course, can conjure up the thoughts and thoughts in the heart, but it can only describe the similar appearance, and cannot describe the same soul. She was too vivid and vivid in his mind, and even if he exhausted all his mental strength, he couldn't imitate one ten thousandth of her charm.

In vain.

Hairpin Xing walked to his side and sat down. The wind blew her hair, and one or two strands brushed against his face, causing a slight itch.

Gu Baiying didn't open his eyes, as if he could get closer to the phantom in his heart.

Just like the days when the hairpin had just left, when he returned to Gufeng Mountain, in the daytime it looked no different from the past, but at night, he always called the name of the hairpin to the broken hairpin over and over again. .

Hairpin Xing has a trace of his soul in his body, and their fates have long been linked together. He still remembered that hairpin star looked into his eyes and said to him, I want to change my destiny, and I want to change yours. In the end, she changed the fate of hundreds of millions of people in the capital, and then disappeared forever.

Over the years, Gu Baiying has traveled to many places, trying to discover her breath, but miracles may not always favor mortals.

The hairpin star did not appear again.

She is an evening star that crosses the night sky unintentionally, and is destined not to stay for anyone, illuminates him for a moment, and then disappears, leaving only the person waiting alone under the starry sky.

When the mood of the banquet is high, the stars and the rain will not end.

The young man sits in the wind in the silent mountain, the city below his feet is brilliantly lit, the shadow and the light are two completely different directions.

The woman's voice came from beside her, with a light smile: Black Rock City is still the same, the stars are always on the Rainbow Terrace, but there is no clear night in Black Rock City, so it looks desolate.

She said, Gu Baiying, can I give you something?

The wind became lighter.

He slowly opened his eyes, suddenly startled.

The city at the foot of the city used to be brightly lit, embellishing the wilderness with brilliance, but now, it is like the candlelight in the wilderness has been blown out bit by bit, and the earth is darkened inch by inch, it is pitch black, and nothing can be seen.

The sky darkened.

Someone stretched out a hand, and the cyan light in the palm was suddenly thrown into the sky. In an instant, the silent sky suddenly became noisy.

The starry sky lit up.

At first, it was only a few crystals, and then it became a cluster of bright lights, and then, countless clear lights filled the night sky, and the twinkling Milky Way flowed from the sky, crowded in the dome, and filled the vast world.

This evening star is unique and can't be seen anywhere else. Gu Baiying, she said softly, Do you like it?

Gu Baiying stared at her blankly, her whole body seemed to freeze.

How can people in illusions transform into the starry sky? She was still sitting beside her, but she was completely different from the phantom just now. She is lively and agile, and every expression and detail is the same as in her memory.

so true.

Ding- sound.

There is a clear and subtle voice that sounds beside itself, like a sweet final chapter, the voice is pure joy of reunion.

The knot heart bells tied his heart, and it always reflected his most instinctive heartbeat.

He couldn't possibly be heartbroken by Phantom.


Heaven and earth quieted down, countless crystals and bright lights fell on the world, and the long wind galloped freely in the mountains, rolling up the corners of the woman's pale blue robe.

She stared at the night: The starry sky is fake.

He turned his head to look at Gu Baiying again, pointed to himself, and laughed slowly and softly.

- This is true.

End of text

Continue to update tomorrow! Fanwai will be updated for about ten days. There are love stories between the main cp and parents, and they can be raised~

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