
Chapter 353 Everyone (2)

Mu layerxiao put the cake basket on the desk, and said hesitantly: Senior Sister Meng, I bought this from Huajinlou when I went down the mountain. A few days ago, when Huajinlou opened its 50th anniversary store, the shopkeeper Jin specially let me The cook made it, and I saw a lot of people grabbing it, so I bought a little and brought it back.

Seeing Meng Ying staring at the basket a little hesitantly, Mu layer Xiao hurriedly said: These all contain spiritual energy, and eating them is good for cultivation. He coughed lightly, Since you returned to the sect, you have been busy with the sect every day. For affairs, Uncle Yueqin said that you have lost a lot of weight, and you have no appetite for three meals, so maybe it’s better to change your taste.”

Meng Ying looked at him and said in a low voice, I see, thank you, Junior Brother, I will eat it.

Mu layerxiao's expression relaxed, and he didn't leave.

Meng Ying asked, Do you have anything else, Junior Brother?

Mu layerxiao came back to his senses: It's nothing. He hesitated for a while, and then said casually, By the way, senior sister, I heard that there is a temple fair in Pingyang Town next month, do you want to go and have a look?

Meng Ying was startled: Temple fair?

Mu layerxiao nodded: The houses and farms in Pingyang Town that were washed away by the floods have also recovered.

Everything is moving forward, and the excitement and prosperity of the past are slowly getting back.

Meng Ying was silent for a while, and then her eyes fell back to the book that she had not read just now, and she only said, I will go and have a look when I have time next month.

Mu layerxiao um, and then asked Meng Ying a few words, and then he left reluctantly.

After his figure disappeared outside the door, someone's voice came from behind the pillars of the main hall.

This kid comes here every three days to deliver things to Meng Ying. He clearly has intentions for Meng Ying. Zhao Mai stroked the mustache on his chin, looked at the person in front of him, and said teasingly, You don't care?

The blue-clothed woman beside him said lightly, What am I doing with the young man's business?

That's surprising. Zhao Mai looked at her as if she didn't know each other, You don't hate your disciples talking about love the most, Meng Ying is your beloved disciple. There were disciples who showed affection to Meng Ying back then, you In the middle of the night, I almost got someone's legs discounted. Now that someone is courting Meng Ying in front of you, you turn a blind eye? Senior sister, when did you change your temper?

Yueqin glanced at the busy woman in the hall, and said coldly, Young people, love is normal. If you don't talk about romance when you are young, is it possible that you will be disrespectful when you are old? She glanced meaningfully. Zhao Mai.

Zhao Mai: .

Furthermore, the world is impermanent, and it is inevitable that there will be regrets in the world. Her voice suddenly sank, and she didn't know what to think. After a while, she whispered: In that case, just do what you want.

In the library, a batch of new books have been added recently.

Cui Yufu was calling for several disciples to move the books in the box to the empty shelves.

This wooden box is big and heavy, and the stairs of the library are high. It takes a lot of effort to move these books to the highest point.

Cui Yufu's spell books are always written very quickly, making people wonder if he is writing new books on three hundred and sixty-five days of the year.

The disciples opened the lid of the box and took out one heavy book after another.

The more you use the smarter life spells, Drawing spells, this book is enough, A stick of incense and spell memory, If the spell can speak, When the spell array came to my house - changing the story of 100 monks' spell array .

The younger disciple was speechless for a moment, and then he said to the people around him, I really don't understand, why did Master write these books, and would anyone really read these books?

These spells are not suitable for combat, and it may not be necessary to say that they are very suitable for daily travel. It's a pity that the food is tasteless and discarded, and the children in the sect don't like to watch it.

Xu Shi is really boring, and he writes that he is happy. Another disciple replied: Master must know that no one wants to read it, so he asked us to put these books on the highest shelf. Forget it, he is happy.

Cui Yufu, who walked to the door of the library, stopped, turned his head, and looked at the high shelf of the library.

It seems that there is a young girl in green clothes sitting by the bookshelf, holding the book and reading it with relish.

The voice of the younger disciple came from inside: Master, it's all set!

He retracted his gaze and walked towards the door: Let's go.

Li Danshu's Dharma Hall has been filled with smoke for many years.

In the early summer, the sun was already scorching hot, and the inside of the Dharma Hall was even hotter than the outside.

Before Mendong got close to Li Danshu's pill furnace, he felt a heat wave blowing towards his face, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead in an instant. He was a little taller than before, his childishness gradually faded, and he became whiter and more beautiful. As always, I still love to tie two pink lotus buns, but it is a little more light and refined than the cute and tender before.

However, when he opened his mouth, he was still as disgusting as before.

Uncle Master, it's too hot in your hall. It's not like the sect doesn't give you spirit stones. Can't you stick a few more heat-relieving talismans? Xiaotong complained while holding a large pile of spirit grass in his arms. Entered the temple.

What do you know, stinky boy? Li Danshu wiped his sweaty forehead, How to control the heat after the heat-reducing talisman? How to make alchemy when the heat is not good? The spirit grass entered the medicine pot, and suddenly jumped up and scolded: Who told you to put all the bone washing leaves in? Gu Feng's mountain was flooded with water and the spirit grass did not grow, and the grass at the bottom of the mountain was all smashed. You Why don't you put yourself in? Prodigal thing!

Mendong is not surprising.

The newly recruited disciples are ignorant, and the initial alchemy always has to scrap a lot of materials. It's just that although Gufeng's mountains and rivers have been eliminated, the destroyed flowers and plants have not been fully restored to the past, so they can't be as reckless as in the past. The duration of Li Danshu's scolding increased day by day, almost catching up with Gu Baiying.

Mendong glanced at the aggrieved little disciple, and couldn't help but persuade: Forget it, the new disciple is just getting started, you don't have to be too harsh, uncle, just try a few more times. Came like this.

Stop making excuses for him. Li Danshu said angrily: When the hairpin star girl was just getting started, she never wasted like this. He suddenly stopped, as if he had mentioned a tacit taboo, and subconsciously stopped talking.

The fire in the Pill Stove was burning chichi, and in a trance, a young girl was sitting in front of her, shaking her palm fan, and slowly followed the firelight and put down the spirit grass one by one.

When I looked again, it suddenly became empty.

Mendong sighed and said helplessly, You think everyone is Yang Hairpinxing.

Yang Hairpin Star is no longer there, and there will never be another hairpin star in the world.

He didn't continue speaking, and slowly fell silent in front of the beating flames.

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