
Chapter 348 The real ending (1)

They are all people who make up the sky.

A cultivator a thousand years ago used his own body to make up the sky, but after all, it was not a long-term way.

Time gradually passed, many sects appeared and disappeared, countless geniuses were born and fell, the capital continent, the four seasons of cold and heat, the rotation was endless.

The gap that was filled began to gradually become empty again.

The feet of the gods that support the four poles can't stand the devastation of this wind and frost.

The spiritual energy is gradually thinning, and the rain often falls. It is not that there are no monks who have cultivated to the top of the avenue, and then here, I saw this strange endgame under the heaven.

It is only one step away from flying.

Success or failure is here.

Is it disregarding the countless creatures on this continent and stepping into the Nine Heavens? Or turn into an insignificant piece on this huge chessboard and be that tiny, tree-shaking mayfly?

The smiling little statues in the grid left their answers.

On the stone tablet in Sendai, it was empty, without a name. Because there was no monk, he chose to ascend alone.

They stood in the Ruins of Kinmen, the place closest to the heaven, and bet on the last game of chess with the immortals of the Nine Heavens.

Heaven is treacherous, fate is ruthless, and making deals with immortals is never a cheap thing. Ordinary people who want to go against the sky and compete with the destiny must do their best and sacrifice their lives before they are qualified to take on that game of chess and become one of the chess games.

The first monk to find this place stood under the starry sky, facing the vast chess game, looking at the void in the clouds.

It was as if there were huge eyes peeping in the depths, watching this tiny mortal with contempt.

A small piece in the chess game has no influence on the overall game. Changing the momentary situation will not change the destined outcome.

He can't save Duzhou, and he can't save the whole life for a while. Sooner or later, the monstrous flood will come back and drown all these poor ants.

How about we take a bet? The cultivator said with a smile.

His body gradually turned into countless scattered rays of light, flying towards the empty vortex in the starry sky.

I bet that Duzhou will never disappear. In the future, there will still be people like me who give up soaring and support the four poles of Duzhou.

Mortals are not at the mercy of fate.

I bet you, I will never win this game.

Countless vast stars rose, and countless bright stars fell.

On the Xiantai, the great masters who had reached the peak of their cultivation base stopped here, and with their lifelong cultivation base, they propped up the divine pillar that was about to be destroyed, preventing the collapse of the world.

The eyes of the real Shaoyang fell on the small statue at the forefront.

The old man on this small statue has kind eyes, beard and hair all white, and holds a whisk, which is very similar to the statue enshrined in the main hall of the Taiyan School.

If there is a difference, the smile on his face is brighter, brighter, and more free and easy.

Master Shaoyang waved his sleeves gently, and a line of golden words gradually floated from the statue of Saint Yushan. This handwriting is crooked, and it is really not very good-looking. At first glance, it looks like a child who is just learning to write with a pen.

Is there no death in life? It's too expensive to be heard by death. It's hard to be content with the world. It's too empty to smile, and it's my own business. , People are also great. Turn the world around, wander the world, and now you can be worthy of it.

This is the masterpiece of the saint of Hayama.

The saint didn't ascend. Shaoyang Zhenren stared at the golden inscriptions in the sky, as if recalling a distant scene, his voice was soft, as if he was about to disappear in mid-air.

He wants me to leave hope for the monks in the world.

Those well-known monks in the capital mainland gradually disappeared from everyone's sight, or ascended or fell, and no one got the news. Only the sage of Yushan rose to immortality, when Gufeng had a sudden vision on the mountain, and everyone saw it.

But in fact, only the real Shaoyang knew, it was just a trick.

Saint Yushan's cultivation base is only one step away from ascending to the Immortal. It is really an easy thing to deceive the world with illusions.

He created the appearance of ascension, which made everyone in the capital think that he had succeeded in ascension, leaving behind an unreachable, magnificent and beautiful hope.

Countless cultivators have gone one after another, cultivating with great concentration, just for the hope of ascending to the Nine Heavens.

Where there is hope, everything is possible.

The way of heaven is entrenched in the sky, watching all beings struggle with their doomed destiny. But it is not impossible to modify the destiny. One day, there may be a warrior who has a great opportunity and a great fortune. Heaven can't help it, God can't stop it, and fate can't manipulate it. He can walk here, reverse the chess game, change from a chess piece to a chess player, and change the doomed outcome of the capital.

The statues in the grid have dissipated. The last divine consciousness condensed into a small image, becoming the trace of their existence.

Kongtan Laojun, Soul Dream Master Zhuang Shengdie, Battle Emperor Wulie, Yuling Immortal Princess, Qingyuan Tianzun, Yushan Saint. And the first monk who never even left his name or statue.

Without their names on Sendai, the people of Duzhou have no way of knowing what they did. Only in the depths of this dilapidated hall, these luminous little statues have remembered their merits.

Silence all around.

The tide of water falling from the end of the sky, the sound of water splashing, like thunder blasting in the ear.

The red robe without ginger was stained with a little splash of water, forming a vague mark. She looked at Zhenren Shaoyang and said calmly, So, what does this have to do with the hairpin star?

Shaoyang Zhenren looked at her silently, and after a long while, he whispered: She is the one who was chosen, Xiao Yuanzhu chose her, and she is the last and only piece of chess that can mend the sky.

The sages of Yushan back then and their group never got Xiao Yuanzhu, so they could only go to the Dao by themselves to delay the collapse of the capital. But the loopholes in this chess game cannot be covered up one day.

Like this moment.

Master, Gu Baiying stared at the real Shaoyang with a pale face, and said coldly, The hairpin star is not a chess piece.

In the hall, there was a sudden laughter of Bu Jiang, which was crisp and sweet, as if he had heard the most ridiculous thing in the world. She stared coldly at the real Shaoyang, her eyes suddenly sharp: Xiao Yuanzhu is the stone that fills the sky? Do you think this deceitful nonsense will be believed by the temple? Back then, the Demon Lord obtained this magic bead and never refined it, although the magic bead made him Going into the devil, but it also made his cultivation soar. Now you say that this bead is the stone of repairing the sky, whoever has this bead will die? Shaoyang real person, could it be that the devils of our Black Rock City are all Fool, let you coax me?

People in the sect are used to being tricky. It's hard to believe that at this time, they still want to let the daughter of this temple die for you!

The Demon King picked up Xiao Yuanzhu at the bottom of the Golden Gate, but he has never really refined Xiao Yuanzhu. Shaoyang Zhenren was not angry, his expression was still calm, his long snow-white hair was perpendicular to his waist, which made him even more indifferent. He said: Xiao Yuanzhu cannot be refined for people, it will only assimilate people.

Yang Xingxing, she is the stone that fills the sky, and she is also Xiaoyuanzhu.

If you want to save hundreds of millions of souls in the capital city, you need to make up the sky with your own body, and the flood can be solved.

He raised his head, looked at the young woman who was shrouded in light in the center, and said lightly, Didn't you already know this?

There is no death in life, and it is worth dying to hear. The father must be a loyal minister, the son must be a filial son, and the smile is too empty, and I have my own affairs. The Dao has no life, and the body is regarded as a cloak. But motivated by anger, fate Understand the principles of heaven and man. Seventeen years of nightmares, revenge is in the next life. You can be ashamed when you travel in the world. - Xia Wanchun, The Book of the Mother in Prison

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