
Chapter 341 The Ancient Universe Array (2)

In the wilderness, the golden-eyed boy leaned his head against the stone wall, the blood on his forehead and face flowed down his neck and got into his collar.

There is no need to do more, his breath is quickly dissipating. Dedicating himself to Xiao Yuanzhu, Xiao Yuanzhu absorbed most of his magic essence, and his body was struggling to hold those remnant souls. Now, this container is about to shatter.

In the silence, Gu Caiyu sighed softly, he looked at Gui Diaotang, shook his head in disapproval and said, His Royal Highness the Demon King doesn't understand the human race, and if the woman wants you to leave, most of the times what you say are angry words, how can you take it seriously? If it were me, I would have to stay in the room with a stubborn face, softening her heart, and finally explain it seriously when she calms down. He didn't know whether it was a fire or a show of merit. He glanced at Gu Baiying again, lightly. He smiled and said, Qinghua and I will never have such a misunderstanding. Let others take advantage of it.

That's because you're shameless. Bujiang sneered.

Everyone's reminiscing about the past is almost the same. Rong Shuang looked indifferent, But we are not here today to hear the reunion of His Royal Highness the Demon King and his lost son.

Gu Caiyu's eyes widened: Oh? Then why are you here?

Hairpin said: There is continuous rain outside the capital city, floods are rampant, the spiritual veins of the major sects are depleted, and the human world is ruined. I heard that there was a flood like today a thousand years ago. A monk entered the ruins of Jinmen, found the chess of the emperor, and bet with the immortals. A game of chess, winning the fairy recipe to solve the disaster of the flood. She looked at Gui Diaotang, We came today to find the fairy recipe.

You said the flood a thousand years ago? Gu Caiyu paused, I've heard of that legend, but do you still take it seriously?

Shaoyang Zhenren said indifferently: It is revealed in the Xianxian Gua that the Ruins of Kinmen are the only way to survive.

Ask the Immortal Trigram? Gu Caiyu looked at him with some surprise. The real loss this time is really not small, but even the Immortal Trigram has been used. It seems that the situation outside is really serious.

Mozun, Bu Jiang only looked at Gui Diaotang, Why is there nothing here? There is no Emperor Taiqi, and there is no other way out.

When Ghost Diaotang heard the words, he was silent for a while before he said, This is not the Ruins of Kinmen.

What? Everyone looked at him in shock.

They finally came here with all the hardships, and some people were injured in the fight against Gui Yansheng. Looking back, they said that this place is not the Ruins of Kinmen?

What a joke!

But you gave me the key back then. Bu Jiang frowned.

I picked up Xiaoyuanzhu here back then. Legend has it that Xiaoyuanzhu was hidden in the Ruins of Jinmen, but, he looked at the sky above his head, which was covered by white mist, it fell from above.


Everyone looked up at the top of their heads. In the wilderness, there were endless snow-white clouds in the sky, making this place look like a black island floating in the clouds. The sky is endless, a monk of Yinfengzong tried to fly up with his sword, but the long sword just left the ground, and it seemed to be knocked down by an invisible hand.

The disciple got up from the ground with a puzzled expression on his face: Sect Master, Yu Jianshu can't be used here.

Ghost Diaotang seemed to have expected this to happen, and he said in a low voice, The Ruins of Jinmen are just above this head.

The hairpin star moved in his heart.

Legend has it that the Ruins of Kinmen are the place where the human world and the heavens are connected, and the entrance at the bottom of the Styx River is outrageous enough. Now that the Demon King said that the real Ruins of Kinmen are in this sky, there seems to be nothing unacceptable.

But the question is, there is no way to control the sword or ride the wind, how can they go to heaven?

How do you know that this is the real Jinmen Ruins? Rong Shuang asked, Just because Xiao Yuanzhu fell from above?

No. Gui Diaotang stood in the field, a layer of fog appeared in his long eyes, as if thinking of the scene from a long time ago, he said: I briefly glimpsed the temple above my head.

But only for a brief moment.

Everyone was startled. The white mist piled up deep and shallow in the sky, deep in the long smoke, could there really be a temple? What does the fairy's place look like? A burst of anticipation emerged in the hearts of everyone. The cultivator's life is only to climb up. Now that the fairyland is within reach, it is inevitable that the mood will be ups and downs.

But how do we get up there? Hairpin Xing's face was embarrassed, Even the Demon King back then couldn't reach the Changxu. We now see this destination close at hand, but there is no way to go.

It's not that there is no way to go. The Demon King said.

Hairpin stared at him: What do you mean?

Ghost Diaotang said: To go to the Jinmen Ruins, you need to climb the ladder.

Heavenly Ladder? Gu Baiying frowned, looking up at the surroundings.

There is nothing near here except the wilderness and gray cliffs, where is the ladder? It can't be that the gray cliff is a ladder, but there are no steps on the cliff, how can people stop on it and how to climb up?

Tian Fangfang couldn't help but say, How can there be a ladder here?

Gu Caiyu burst out laughing, and he casually pointed, Isn't that right?

Everyone was stunned.

The direction Gu Caiyu pointed was the huge deep pit where Menghunji and Suihuajian were located. Mimi screamed and rushed over, rushing too fast, almost rolled, it stopped in front of the deep pit, and probed into it.

Hairpin Xingfu Zhixin: Is that the seed?

That's the ladder. Ghost Diaotang said.

That black, huge seed is the ladder?

The ancient books say: In the beginning of man, the world is connected, and people are connected. Once they go to heaven, they go to heaven at night. When heaven and people have words, they have words at night.

It is a legend that the human world and the heavenly world communicate with each other, but now the ladder of the bridge between the two worlds is not what everyone thinks. It has become a silent seed, buried in this barren Nagano.

Gu Caiyu said: If you want to reproduce the ladder, you need to use the energy of Hongmeng to motivate. I think about it, in the world of immortality, if you build the ancient universe, you can summon the power of the ancients. But you are a little bit. He frowned tightly: It seems that the spiritual energy of Duzhou has been thinned a lot in recent years. I am afraid it is still a little difficult for such a few people to form an ancient universe.

This is the end of the matter, I'm afraid I have to give it a try. Fu Ronghua looked at the real person of Shaoyang, How does the real person feel?

Real Shaoyang lowered his eyes and said indifferently, Arrangement.

The ancient Qiankun array has not appeared in front of everyone for many years. Therefore, the formation is difficult, not only requires a large number of disciples to form formations behind, but each formation also requires a Dana Yinmen with a very high level of cultivation.

Many Dana in the capital city fell into the war of the year, and even if they did not fall into the war of the year, they have disappeared without a trace over the years.

In this ancient Qiankun formation, the formation diagram is especially present, but the formation method may not be successful.

A golden-red light instantly enveloped the entire wilderness.

The disciples took their places, and Master Shaoyang said, Let's form a formation.

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