
Chapter 323 Like (2)

That night, when they returned to the Chaos Hall, both the faces of Hairpin Xing and Gu Baiying were red.

Facing Mendong's sharp scrutiny, the hairpin star, who has always been calm, felt a little guilty. He only told Gu Baiying a few words and hid in the Chaos Hall to calm his heartbeat.

The child looked at Gu Baiying who was on the side, Gu Baiying averted his eyes and said, What are you looking at?

Mendong shook his head, sighed, and said, Uncle, you are finally the eighth favorite concubine of the Chaos Hall, but how can you tell them about it?

The people of the Taiyan faction naturally didn't know what happened on the Tanabata night in Black Rock City, and it also rained on Gufeng Mountain.

The rain continued, and for the next few days, the waterfalls coming out of Hongtai were more turbulent than before.

In the Miaokong Hall, Xuan Lingzi was packing things into several large boxes, and said while loading: I want to take this long incense pill. I don't know if there are such incense pills in Black Rock City. I saved a few for the hairpin stars and just brought them with me. Why don't I take some local products from Gufeng Mountain, the broken land in Heishicheng, where birds don't lay eggs, I can't even grow green onions. Fang Fang said that the hairpin stars have lost weight, so they must not have eaten well. What can the devil have to eat? Let’s get some eggs. This chicken is a pheasant that grew up in the mountains, and the eggs it lays are more fragrant than domestic eggs.

Outside the hall, Li Danshu and Cui Yufu walked in. Li Danshu took out a bottle of medicine from his sleeve: I also bring some medicinal pills. The Huiyuan Dan I have recently practiced is good for increasing my cultivation.

I have it here too. Cui Yufu took out a large stack of books from the Qiankun bag, No one has read the spell books written in the past two years. Bring it to her, even if she becomes a demon, she can't waste her schoolwork. !

Xuan Lingzi looked at the big boxes in front of him and said, Senior brother, isn't there a bit too much?

I said, Zhao Mayi leaned on the pillar in the hall to look at them, you have to pretend. Anyway, that girl Yang Hairpin is now the daughter of the devil, all the sects are watching, you give such a big fanfare. When the demons send things, do you think our Taiyan faction has a good reputation? Be careful.

What's there to pay attention to. Xuan Lingzi said indifferently, If they do it or not, they have to talk behind their backs, it's better to break the jar.

After the demon army and his party returned from Yu'e Mountain, they told the whole story of what happened at the Five Wheel Pagoda. Everyone in the Taiyan faction was deeply surprised to learn that the hairpin star had become the next owner of Black Rock City before he died. However, after a brief surprise, Xuan Lingzi and the others quickly accepted this fact. After all, even Gu Baiying, Meng Ying and the others went to Black Rock City, which was enough to see the attitude of the Taiyan faction.

You can't say that. Zhao Mai sighed, People from Chihuamen and Xiangling faction came to our sect again today to discuss. I don't think the charge of collusion with the demons is clear.

What colluded with the demons, what kind of face do they have to bark over? Xuan Lingzi, who has always been kind, rarely showed some anger, If it wasn't for my apprentice in the Five Wheel Pagoda, I stopped Guiyansheng from turning the Buddha Wheel to eliminate demons. The entire army has long since been wiped out. Besides, it is said so powerfully. In the two years since the hairpin star did not appear, the major sects were still driven by ghosts to be like bereaved dogs? Why, persimmons are soft? They have the ability. Killing ghosts and hating life by yourself, killing yourself in Black Rock City. Hiding behind people and pretending to be a grandson, turning around and pretending to be Laozi in front of others, shameless?

Fortunately, the sect master didn't make a fool of himself this time, and it probably annoys them all day by day. Zhao Mai thought for a while: Now the major sects are targeting the ghosts. I don't have the energy to manage Black Rock City for the time being. But. He hesitated, looked out the window, but didn't say anything.

The hall was empty, and since the hairpin star left, Hongsu didn't like to talk every day, and the Miaokong Hall seemed to be a lot deserted.

On the other hand, Li Danshu rubbed his itchy nose, sneezed, and said to himself, It's almost the beginning of autumn, it rains every day, it's getting colder and colder on this mountain.

In the two days after the Qixi Festival, Black Rock City was calm.

The demons sent to track down Guiyansheng have not found Guiyansheng's whereabouts. The spiritual veins on the mountain are even thinner.

In the Underworld Hall, Hairpin Xing walked in. Bujiang was sitting on the high seat and was talking to Mingjing when they saw the hairpin star coming in, and the two looked at the hairpin star.

Mother. Hairpin Xing sat down a few minutes ago.

It's rare that you were obedient and didn't bring your little uncle. Bu Jiang gave her a smile, I thought you were so fascinated by that little lover's beauty that you forgot about the business.

Hairpin Xing: . Needless to say, she is like a faint-hearted king.

Don't think I'm trying to embarrass Gu Baiying on purpose, and I'm not targeting him, Bujiang said slowly, It's about the secrets of the Demon Race, he's a member of the sect, and it's really inconvenient if you don't belong to my race. listening.

Hairpin looked at Mingjing and couldn't help reminding: Master Mingjing is not a demon either.

He's different. Bu Jiang chuckled, He can betray the human race for me, and is Gu Baiying willing to do this for you?

Hairpin star: .

Mingjing's face seemed a little embarrassed: His Royal Highness.

I don't want to tell you that some of these are gone. Bu Jiang sighed, his expression became worried again, Did you go to the spiritual vein just now?

Hairpin Xing nodded: The spiritual veins are much thinner than before. The bright red veins are now only as thick as a little finger and a thin one, which looks very pitiful. After thinking about it, it won't be long before the spiritual veins will completely dry up.

Hairpin Xing also tried to use the Demon King's Yuan Li to re-awaken the spiritual veins, but after many attempts, to no avail.

Mother, you said that the demon king briefly awakened the spiritual veins, but he didn't refine the Xiaoyuanzhu at that time. How did he do it? Xingxing asked.

Bujiang looked into the distance and seemed to be caught in a distant memory. After a long time, she said: Back then, the spiritual veins of Black Rock City were getting thinner and thinner, the power of the magic essence was decreasing every day, and the whole demon tribe was panicking. At that time, your father accidentally got Xiao Xiao. Yuanzhu, when he first got Xiao Yuanzhu, his cultivation base grew very fast, and the Demon King's Yuan Li almost reached an unprecedented level, so the spiritual veins that were gradually depleted were temporarily enriched.

However, this only lasted for a short period of time, but within a few months, it returned to the past. It is precisely because of this that your father is eager to refine the Xiaoyuanzhu. He believes that as long as the Xiaoyuanzhu is completely refined, You can master the most powerful demon power and truly awaken the spiritual veins.

Although he failed in the end, the demons have always believed that as long as the Xiaoyuanzhu is refined, the spiritual veins of Blackrock City can be revived. After all, we have succeeded before.

I thought the same thing before you came back from Yu'e Mountain. That's why I kept telling you to get the Xiaoyuanzhu back.

Hairpin Xing's heart moved: Meaning, now you don't think so anymore?

Bujiang didn't speak, just looked at Mingjing. Mingjing said softly: Little Highness, maybe the depletion of the spiritual veins in the demon world is not accidental.

What's the meaning?

Mingjing hesitated for a while, and seemed to be thinking about how to speak. After a while, he looked at the hairpin star, and his voice was solemn: To be precise, not only the demon world, but the major sects, the spiritual veins have been getting thinner and thinner over the years.

Black Rock City is not the only one.

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