
Chapter 314 Ringtones (1)

The hall was brightly lit, and it was raining outside at night.

When the hairpin star woke up, it was already dark.

It was getting dark early in Black Rock City, and Xiao Shuang walked in from outside and said with a smile, Your Highness is awake.

Restriction lifted? Hairpin stared blankly. After eating, she was probably too tired. After all, she hadn't been able to sleep well these days, so she unknowingly took a nap. This sleep was very deep, and when I woke up, I realized that it was such an hour.

His Royal Highness went out to find Master Mingjing to speak. Your Highness can now go back to the Chaos Hall. Xiaoshuang picked up her outer clothes and put it on the hairpin: The weather is wet and cold, Your Highness is careful to catch a cold.

Hairpin Xing tightened her clothes, stood up in a hurry, and said, It's okay, when mother comes back, tell her for me, I'll go first.

Tian Fangfang and the others went to the Chaos Hall in the morning.

It rained for a whole day in Black Rock City, and the wind blew down from the mountain, rampaged in the city, and blew the blue lanterns at the entrance of the cave upside down. The rain was also soaked in the coldness and dampness of the night, and it secretly squeezed the corners of people's sleeves and robes little by little.

At the entrance of the Chaos Hall, the lantern blowing ghost was hovering at the entrance with a lantern in his hand. Looking from a distance, seeing the figure of the hairpin star, this man stepped forward with a lantern and held an umbrella for the hairpin star to cover the rain on the top of the head.

Hairpin Xing took off the wet outer garment and threw it to him, asking, Where are they?

Fairy Meng and the others have already gone back.

The hairpin star paused and looked back at him.

The Lantern Blowing Ghost smiled again: Gu Xiaoxian is still here.

Hairpin Xing did not speak, the man in red stood at the door intimately: Shui Jun and the others have already gone down, and the subordinates are guarding the door.

No need, Hairpin Xing interrupted him: You can also go down.

The Lantern Blowing Ghost was stunned for a while, then smiled again: Yes, Your Highness.

Everyone retreated, and the hall was empty.

The Chaos Hall has always been empty. Even though everyone has added a lot of fancy things in the hall, when it gets dark at night, all the spar no longer shine, it looks a little deserted. The lantern-blower was disgusted by the loneliness in the hall, so many lights were placed. Now that the windows of the main hall were not closed, the wind was blowing in from outside and half of the lamps were extinguished, making it even more gloomy and desolate.

There is no moon and no starry sky. The sound of rain rustled outside, and on the stone platform in front of the window sat a man and a cat.

The flickering lights cast his shadow on the ground, and the shadow was pitifully lonely.

The boy turned his back to the hairpin star, not knowing whether he was speaking to himself or the big cat beside him, he said: Don't be delusional, I'm different from them, Yang Hairpin, listen carefully, I will never do it, never will. Do. It seemed hard to say, and he didn't say the next sentence.

Hairpin Xing waited quietly for a long time, but he didn't hear what he said, so he couldn't help but say, I will never do anything?

The sound of rain seemed to stagnate for a moment.

The snow-white big cat turned his head, only to realize that the hairpin star was coming, and happily rushed towards her, was caught by the hairpin star and held it in his arms.

Gu Baiying stood up from the platform and turned around.

He was standing opposite the hairpin star, a few steps away from the hairpin star, but it seemed to be far away.

Mingming had only met in Yu Eshan before, and Mingming had been fighting together hand in hand not long ago, but at this moment, the lights were dim, the night was raining, and the young man was standing opposite her. His eyes are as crystal clear as stars and treasures, but there is a bit of astringency in his eyes.

Mimi jumped down from Xing Xing's arms, slipped aside, and looked at the two people in the hall curiously.

After a long time, Hairpin Xing spoke. She looked at Gu Baiying and smiled softly: Uncle, do you remember me?

The sound of Uncle Master made the young man stunned for a moment, and also let the subtle rustling of the past vanish into thin air. The haze in his eyes gradually dissipated and became bright again.

Gu Baiying said, How are you now?


Xiao Yuanzhu was divided into two and got into your body. When you were in the Five Wheel Pagoda, you were injured by Gui Yansheng, and you have been unconscious. He frowned: Are you alright?

It's all right. Hairpin Xing said, I spent a whole night in the Demon Essence Pond, warming and quenching my body, and it's so good. Hairpin Xing stretched out his arms and showed him his lively side: It's the teacher. Uncle, I heard Mendong say that when you helped me leave the Ten Thousand Kills Formation, you were embarrassed by the people from Chihuamen, and you were tortured by thunder on the Wulei Platform for many days.

Nothing. Gu Baiying replied indifferently, The head healed my wounds, and I've already gotten better, but it's nothing but thunder, and it won't kill anyone. He glanced at the hairpin again and coughed lightly. After hesitating for a while, he said, I didn't mean to forget you.

Hairpin Xing smiled: I know.

Mendong had told her long ago, but even if Mendong didn't tell her, Hairpin Xing was a little angry, but he wouldn't be so brooding about it to the point of dying. After all, she didn't like to embarrass herself in the first place. After walking out of the abyss of extreme ice, she thought about it more than before.

Yang Xingxing, how did you become a Demon Race? Gu Baiying looked at her: You are a Demon Race, why do you want to go to Gufeng Mountain?

Hairpin Xing didn't answer him immediately. After a while, she asked, Does Shishu believe me?

Of course. The boy replied without thinking, otherwise why would I save you?

His attitude without the slightest hesitation, taking it for granted, made the hairpin star stunned for a moment. There was a smile in her eyes, and her tone became light: I originally wanted to tell you about this on the night of my birthday when I came out on the Rainbow Terrace. But you are going to retreat soon, for fear of affecting your retreat, I just thought, I'll tell you after you get out of the border, I didn't expect it would turn out like that later.

Thinking of the Wan Killing Array, both of them were silent.

Hairpin Xing looked up at him: What about you, what did you want to say to me at that time?

Gu Baiying was stunned: What?

Didn't you say at the time that you would have something to say to me after exiting the customs? Hairpin asked.

He didn't speak.

The rain seemed to be heavier, and it was the sound of water droplets falling on the bluestone platform outside.

Hairpin Xing stepped forward and took out the hairpin in his sleeve. The beautiful hairpin had been broken into two pieces and was carefully repaired, but there was still a trace of cracks visible. Without the star-like original soul embellishment, it looked simple and pitiful.

She stared closely at Gu Baiying's eyes, her voice was gentle and unrelenting: The cultivator won't easily separate his soul, but you lied to me that it was ordinary jewelry bought from Huajinlou. Gu Baiying, why are you? Do you want to give me this hairpin?

The lights in the hall dragged the figure on the ground for a long time. The Black Rock Mountain in the distance, the vegetation was wet, and the night was heavy.


Suddenly, a crisp, winding bell rang from the hall.

One more chapter today, more tomorrow~

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