
Chapter 275 Plaything (2)

Liuquan Temple is much smaller than everyone thinks.

This temple seems to have existed for a long time, and the wood of the house is very old. The courtyard was clean and there was no dust at all. The old elm tree in front of the courtyard is not young, the trunk is extremely thick, and the branches and leaves are dense, almost enclosing the entire Liuquan Temple.

A monk in front of the door saw the group of hairpin stars, and his face was puzzled. Qiongniang stepped forward, bowed gently to the monk, and said, They are here to find Master Mingjing.

Senior Brother Mingjing? The monk glanced at everyone, put down his broom, and went into the house. Not long after, another young monk in a gray monk's robe came out of the temple. He stepped forward and folded his hands towards everyone, saying : Under Mingjing.

The hairpin star raised his eyebrows slightly.

This monk named Mingjing looked very young, in his twenties. He was very handsome, and there was an air of unworldliness between his eyebrows and eyes, which made people feel peaceful at first glance. A string of black rosary beads hung around his neck, and the rosary beads contained spiritual power. Holding a Zen staff in his hand, it looks like a high-level magic weapon.

This is a young Buddhist practitioner, or rather, a Buddhist practitioner who looks very young.

Hairpin Xing took a step forward and said warmly, Master Mingjing, I'm Hairpin Xing. I came here to find it because I heard that you have seen Guiyansheng enter the Five Wheel Pagoda here.

Master Mingjing raised his head to look at the hairpin star, the moment he saw the hairpin star's face, the monk lost his mind for a moment, but soon, he lowered his eyes slightly and said, Yes, about half a month ago, I was in front of the Five Wheels Pagoda. I've seen that golden-eyed boy.

Everyone paused, and someone in the Demon Slayer Army couldn't help but ask: And then? He entered the tower? Why didn't you stop him?

The people who eliminated the demon army did not like Master Mingjing. I heard that Master Jing was an old friend of the demon queen. Since he was related to the demons, the world of immortals was naturally ashamed to be in the company. Therefore, the tone of speaking with Mingjing is not polite.

However, Master Mingjing is obviously a good-tempered person. When questioned so rudely, he only replied in a low voice: I can't stop those who enter the Five Wheels Pagoda, and those who can enter the Buddhist Pagoda are all recognized by the Buddha.

He is a demon! A disciple of Yinfengzong couldn't help but said: If the demons are allowed to break into the fifth-floor pagoda and get rewards through the trial, maybe this demon will increase his cultivation and kill him. More people. Is this what you mean by Buddhist compassion?

Mingjing replied calmly: At that time, there were no men and women, high and low, high and low, and there were no different names. All people lived together in the world, so they were called sentient beings. Humans or demons, all sentient beings are equal, and they can all be Buddhas.

What nonsense are you talking to him? Someone who can be implicated in the demons can be a good thing. Maybe he put the demon in there on purpose. Who knows what kind of crooked idea he has in his heart! Chihua The disciple of the door sneered.

Hairpin Xing glanced at the speaker and said with a smile, What you said is so righteous and indignant, if it was you, you must have come forward to stop it? Before the person could speak, she continued: That's great, wait a minute. Entering the tower, we are all looking forward to your performance at the first glimpse of Guiyansheng.

The man suddenly choked, blushing and speechless.

Hahaha, the mountain spider laughed out loud when he heard the words: Little Highness, you don't know these people, the sparrow-headed dumplings - all mouths! I really saw ghosts, and they ran faster than anyone else. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When he was excited, he said two words in a row.

There was a lot of noise on the other end, and Gu Baiying on the other end had already frowned and asked, What is a person recognized by the Buddha?

This five-wheeled pagoda is well known. It is not so much a Buddhist pagoda as it is a trial ground, but no one knows what the trial content is in this trial ground.

Mingjing answered patiently: Not everyone can enter the tower, and only if certain conditions are met can they enter the five-wheel tower.

What are the conditions?

Yes Mingjing said here, stopped again, looked at the crowd, and seemed a little helpless: If you want to enter the tower, you will naturally know when you get to the five-wheel tower.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. The rumors about the Five Wheel Pagoda were already divided, and Mingjing said it so mysteriously, which made people even more suspicious.

Xiaoshuang said with a smile: Master, you entered the tower before you saw the ghost, did you see him come out of the tower?

Mingjing shook his head slowly.

I only saw him go in, but I didn't see him come out, Tian Fangfang was very optimistic: Will he fail the test and die inside?

It shouldn't be, Mingjing looked towards the direction of the Five Wheels Pagoda and said softly: Last night, I heard movement in the Five Wheels Pagoda. If I guessed correctly, he should have entered the fifth floor by now.

So fast? Mu Shengxiao clenched the God-destroying sword in his hand, and his expression became a little more nervous.

Guiyansheng entered the five-round tower, it must be for the reward of the fifth floor in the five-round tower. Since he is so valued by him, the prizes of the fifth floor trial are definitely not ordinary. It would be best if he fell in the tower, but if he passed the test and got the reward, judging from the behavior of ghosts that would destroy the sky and destroy the earth, it would undoubtedly be a game for the entire Duzhou continent. Doomsday.

Even if they enter the tower immediately, they may not be able to stop the ghosts. But if you don't enter the tower, the ghost with a higher cultivation base will only be more difficult to deal with than now.

Hairpin Xing pondered in his heart, now that the Demon Slayer Army and the Demon Race have met under the tower ahead of time, it is impossible for the fisherman to take advantage of it. Fortunately, this army of demons is headed by Gu Baiying. Although Gu Baiying is arrogant, he is not reckless. He knows that fighting with the demons will only hurt both sides, and he will not fight here.

That being the case, it is better to temporarily form an alliance to deal with the ghosts. After all, the two teams have already held hands before, and if they cooperate again, they will not be dead or alive.

Hairpin thought for a while, and said seriously to Master Mingjing: Master, we want to enter the pagoda. However, this is the first time we have come to Mount Yu'e, and we do not understand the taboos related to the Five Wheel Pagoda. You have lived here for many years. , I want to know more about the pagoda, can you give us some pointers?

At first glance, this Buddhist cultivator has the demeanor of an expert, and it may be the key to breaking through the trial.

I thought that Master Mingjing would have to shirk a bit, but the monk in gray didn't even think about it when he heard the words, he just nodded and said, Of course you can. The attitude was very friendly.

Hairpin Xing breathed a sigh of relief, since Master Mingjing is willing to help, many things are much easier to handle. She looked at Gu Baiying again: How about you? Do you want to go together?

The woman's attitude was natural, as if she had discussed this matter with him thousands of times before she acted.

Gu Baiying was slightly startled, Meng Ying's words appeared in his ears like a curse.

You treat her with deep roots, like a sponge.

Xiao Gu: Make up in the brain, make up in the brain (.

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