
Chapter 273 Love Roots (2)

The moonlight was clear and bright, illuminating the child's bun as pink as a blooming lotus flower.

And there were still wet tears on his face, as if he wanted to talk about the grievances that had been held in his heart for a long time, and he kept saying: This demon slayer is going to the Five Wheel Pagoda to explore the bottom. Gao, if you put your uncle in, you will make your uncle take a big bite. If you win, you will be credited by everyone in the Demon Slayer Army. If you lose, your uncle will be scolded by the major sects. My pastor and brother Tian, And Senior Sister Meng really couldn't stand it, so she volunteered to join, and fortunately we are here, you look at them like that, it's not as pleasing to the eyes of your demons. Men Dongyue was furious, and now he Regardless of position or position.

Hairpin Xing understood in his heart, no wonder the cultivation bases in this team were so uneven.

Later, Senior Sister Pu Tuo of the Xiangling faction also learned about this, and brought a few senior sisters to join. Nie Xinghong from Yinfeng Sect was punished for molesting the teacher a few days ago. As for the people from Chihuamen, Mendong snorted: On the surface, they are my own people, but they are actually here to monitor. Sometimes they have to beware of stabbing you in the back, which is not credible at all. So we are also It's bad luck to do this kind of thing.

Hairpin Xing finally figured out the ins and outs, and sighed sincerely, It's really not easy.

Mendong glanced at Hairpin Xing: Aren't you angry?

Why am I angry?

Uncle Shi doesn't remember you, and he fought with you. Mendong asked tentatively, Aren't you angry?

To be honest, I was a little angry at first. Hairpin Xing thought for a while: But after listening to you, I can't blame him for this. And I haven't entered the Five Wheel Tower yet, so it's pointless to be entangled in these things. Just like What you said, maybe everyone will die here, and it doesn't matter whether you remember it or not.

Mentong stopped for a moment, probably not expecting the hairpin to be so open-minded. He stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and took two steps in front of the hairpin star, as if he had made up his mind, raised his head to look at the hairpin star: There is no relationship between you and Shishu, and now He lost his memory, and he doesn't know when he will remember what happened. You must be very lost inside.

Pin Xing looked at him, not understanding what he wanted to say.

Why don't you look at me? Mendong said with a blushing face: Although I am not as handsome as my uncle, and I don't have his high level of cultivation, I can barely hope for the future. After all, my uncle's loss of memory also has my share. The reason, why don't I pay myself to you, can you make do with it?

Hairpin star: .

She withdrew her smile and flicked Meng Dong's forehead with her fingers: Thank you for being so thoughtful, but I didn't intend to commit a crime.

The wind stopped at the top.

The illusion of the flowers and trees in the distance has completely disappeared, the residual redness has completely dissipated, the mountains and forests at night are quiet and lonely, and the moonlight flows down from the treetops, passing by the swimming fish by the pool.

The black roof and the white roof separate two, such as night and day, sunny day and night moon, never intersect.

Inside the house, someone's footsteps sounded.

The woman on the couch was lying in her clothes, she heard the movement, opened her eyes, sat up and looked at the person who entered the room.

The lights in the house turned on.

Uncle Seven. Meng Ying whispered.

Gu Baiying took back the hand that lit the lamp, and under the lamp, the young man's face was beautiful, but his eyes were as deep as undercurrents.

Mentong has gone to Yang Zingxing's house. After a long time, he said, his voice calm: They are very familiar.

Meng Ying did not speak.

Tian Fangfang and Muchengxiao, and even you, seem to be very familiar with her. The young man bent his fingers and tapped on the table, looking at the beating lights, as if thinking, When I woke up, I lost the middle ground. For more than a year, it was rumored in the sect that the demon Yang Zhanxing sneaked into Gufeng Mountain, and I was confused by her. I lost my mind and even helped her escape from the killing formation. Later, the head sanctified my heart and I recovered, but I also lost my memory since then. .

There are some things that don't make sense. He said calmly: I felt the breath of my own soul in Yang Hairpin.

My soul is damaged. The head told me that I was injured by the demons.

Mentong is exaggerating. Tian Fangfang and Muchengxiao belong to Miaokong Temple. You grew up beside Yueqin and don't know how to lie, so I'm here to ask you. The boy looked at Meng Ying, his tone a little forced The pressure of people, Is my soul really hurt by the demons?

The lights flickered in the dark room, illuminating the silent faces of the two.

Meng Ying lowered her eyes and said nothing.

The young man was not in a hurry, patiently and quietly waiting for the other party's opening.

Meng Ying, Yueqin's most valued disciple in the entire sect, was raised as a future leader. She didn't even know what lying was. She was calm, rational, fair and upright. The answer that came out of her mouth was absolutely impossible. There will be no half falsehood.

After a long time, Meng Ying said, Uncle Seven, I'm not very clear about your affairs.

One day two years ago, I went to the Miaokong Hall to find the priest and found a lot of books in his bookcase.

Gu Baiying frowned almost imperceptibly, not understanding why Meng Ying suddenly brought this up.

Those books are very special. They are some miscellaneous books called One Hundred Dating Destinations in the Immortal Cultivation World, The Complete Love Story, Teach You How to Chase a Daoist Couple, I Become a Fairy After Cultivation and other miscellaneous books.

Gu Baiying was a little baffled. The fact that Mu Chengxiao could read these books only meant that he really didn't put his mind into cultivation. It is not easy to find these books in the Zongmen Bookstore.

I asked the pastor why he was collecting these books, and the pastor said that you asked him to find it.

The boy's eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he subconsciously said, Impossible.

Meng Ying glanced at him, her eyes very complicated: And not long after that, Junior Sister Hairpin Xing was caught in a ten thousand killing array.

You also know that the demons are trapped in the 10,000-slaughter formation, and there is absolutely no chance of survival. But Junior Sister Xingxing not only survived, but also escaped in front of everyone's eyes.

Because you used the soul transfer technique to separate a gap of the soul and send it to her, helping her block the ten thousand killings in the ten thousand killing array.

The boy's face changed slightly, and his eyes couldn't hide the shock.

It really doesn't look like something he would do, but Meng Ying would never lie.

Uncle, I don't know much about love, but according to the book, you should like Junior Sister Zhuxing and want her to be your Taoist companion. Even at the expense of your own soul, you can block each other for her. The big sect is chasing and killing.

The girl's expression was as cold as ever, but the words she said were like a boulder falling into a deep pool, causing a lot of waves.

You treat her with deep roots, like a sponge.

Xiao Gu: ? ? ?

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