
264 Si You (1)

The sharp sound of the big white bird hovered over everyone's heads, hitting the distant mountain wall, forming a crisp and empty echo.

The imminent battle froze.

Everyone's eyes followed the big bird on the head. There are all kinds of strange things in the world, especially the people who practiced. The anecdotes and anecdotes they have seen have long been seen by everyone, but I have never seen a bird that can speak human words!

Is this a spirit beast? It is rumored that a divine beast with enlightened intelligence can turn into a human form and speak human words, but it has to be transformed into a human form first. I have never seen one who speaks human words wearing a bird skin, which is too scary.

Just thinking about it, a strong male voice suddenly came: Three nines four nine, plant poplars and willows!

Protect the mountains and forests for the benefit of future generations!

Everyone looked up and almost couldn't believe their own eyes. Several colorful leopards walked out of the four-sided mountain, and it was this leopard who spoke.

Damn it, someone in the Demon Exorcism Army murmured, How can a leopard talk?

The circling big birds fluttered their wings and began to dive towards the crowd from midair, and the colorful leopards gradually surrounded them, showing their sharp fangs to the crowd.

Someone in the Demon Slayer Army has already touched the magic weapon on his waist.

In fact, a few big birds and leopards can't make everyone feel like a big enemy. Not to mention the Demon Race side, just on the side of the Demon Extermination Army, no matter how bad it is, a few beasts can still beat it. But the problem is that the bird and the leopard are too evil. They can speak human words. If they are really slaughtered, I don't know if there will be any problems.

And listening to what they were saying, like shouting slogans, neat and upright, Hairpin Xing always felt that something was wrong.

She took a step back: Mimi.

In an instant, there was a roar of a beast on the spot, and the fat white cat that was standing beside the woman, who had never been seen by the Demon Slayer, let out a howl that was completely different from its body shape. The silver light shrouded it, its body gradually pulled up and became huge, the silver mane fluttered in the wind, and the sound was like a roar of wind and thunder. This beast collapsed.

The silver giant lion took a step forward, the surrounding ground shook and the mountains swayed, looking up between the trombone, the lion might outshine the dragon, and the beasts were crawling.

The birds and leopards that were approaching the crowd stopped, they did not continue to move forward, but curled up slightly, as if deterred by the roar of the lion.

The demons of Black Rock City had already experienced the ability of Mimi's lion's roar, and when the hairpin star called out Mimi's name, they closed their breaths, or took out cotton balls to plug their ears. The people from the Demon Exorcism Army were not so lucky, and they almost vomited blood when they were shocked by Mimi's voice.

Mimi took another step forward and let out a loud roar. The white bird like a big peng seemed to be unable to resist the roar. It fell from mid-air, flapping its wings and struggling on the ground, and was about to be kicked by Mimi. Bird cake.

At this time, an unfamiliar voice suddenly came from the air.

Wait a minute.

The hairpin stared up sharply.

In the sky in front of him, a layer of transparent ripples swayed, and the hairpin star was surprised. Is there a restriction here? Why they haven't discovered it, not only them, but Gu Baiying and the others also haven't noticed.

Someone came out of the void.

This is a man and a woman, each riding a brown bear. The man is dressed in black and is extremely simple, and the woman is dressed in white, and there is no decoration on the whole body. These two are tall and thin, with a dignified and delicate appearance.

The expression of Pu Tuo of the Xiangling faction changed, and he asked, Who are you?

You Lang, the patriarch of the Shi clan in Youguosi.

Qiongniang, the head of the female clan of Youguosi, under the Sisi.

These two voices are also made at the same time, and they are exactly the same. And when they looked at the crowd, they couldn't see hostility or friendliness. They were indifferent, as if they were looking at a group of strangers passing by.

Si Youguo? Hairpin Xing was stunned for a moment, The Si Youguo in your mouth is probably the Si Youguo who never gets married, right?

As soon as these words came out, the dull expressions on the two's faces were diluted for a moment, and the woman named Qiongniang glanced at the hairpin star with surprise: It seems that the guests do not know anything about our Si Youguo.

The White Bone Woman asked the hairpin star suspiciously: Little Highness, do you know them? The demons have stayed in Black Rock City for many years and are not very familiar with the capital city mainland.

Hairpin Xing paused for a while before saying: 'It is said that there is a kingdom of Siyou. Siyou is born and misses a man, but he doesn't have a wife; when he is born and misses a daughter, he doesn't have a husband'.

What? The White Bone Woman hugged the skeleton head in her arms, and Hua Rong said, If you don't get married, you won't get married? Isn't their country dying?

Well, that's not it, Hairpin said softly: It is said that a man and a woman from the Siyou Kingdom look at each other, and they can give birth to a child. When she saw this passage in the Gufeng Mountain Bookstore, she also sighed that the legend really dared to write , If someone wants a smart and beautiful descendant, can he just pull a favorite one on the street and stare at him for a while? But today, the two told them that there is indeed a Siyou Kingdom in this world.

It's crazy.

I don't care who they are? A disciple of Chihuamen looked at the two of them with cold eyes: You came out suddenly, with those demons?

Don't act like a demon, the mountain spider sneered: I don't know, I heard it, what kind of bird do you think you are in the immortal world?

You have destroyed the mountain forest here. The patriarch of the Si Shi clan, the young man named Youlang, said calmly, with a hint of displeasure in his tone: There is a Buddhist temple on Mount Yu'e. If you want to fight, please leave this place.

Qiongniang walked to the seaside of flowers that was destroyed by Gu Baiying and Hairpin Xing just now. That beautiful sea of ​​flowers has now become a piece of scorched earth. She reached out and picked up the residue of a broken flower handed over, and sighed, It's a pity.

Hairpin Xing felt a burst of guilt, and before he could speak, Xiao Shuang next to him stood up. He first bowed apologetically to You Lang and Qiongniang, and then said warmly: You two, it's not that we want to destroy your forest on purpose. My little highness was just dragged into the water by a monster, and then escaped, by the way, from the underwater monster's lair. Two people were rescued. One of them was a member of their team. Xiaoshuang pointed to the Demon Slayer Army, and a slightly disappointed expression appeared on his face: But these people think that my little highness killed their senior sister, not only did they not Thank you, Your Highness, and keep saying that he wants to kill us for revenge. My little Highness fights against them in order to protect us. Of course, it’s our fault that damaged your flowers. I’m really sorry. After this is over, I am willing to bring flowers. Come here again, replant this destroyed sea of ​​flowers, and express my apologies.

He had a clear face, gentle demeanor, and sincere words in his words, which made him look like a bully. That Qiongniang's originally dull and alienated look was relieved a lot after Xiaoshuang's words.

Hairpin Xing secretly gave him a thumbs up in his heart, and it was right to bring Xiaoshuang after listening to Jiang's words. Xiaoshuang's communication skills are even better than Duan Xiangrao's. However, with a few words, the hostility of the two towards them was reduced a lot.

The identities of these two people from Si Youguo are mysterious, and the ban hidden in the air can't even be seen by the two teams. Blindly arguing with the other side isn't a smart thing to do when you don't know what's going on. If you don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face, it's better to inquire first. Now I can't find the entrance to the mountain gate. If these two are the key to entering the mountain, don't offend them easily now.

It was only Xiaoshuang who finished speaking, Pu Tuo of the Demon Slayer Army stood up, she stepped forward and stared at the hairpin star coldly: Sophistry, it's just to deceive my senior sister who can't wake up for a while, so she dares to open up. The senior sister of the Xiangling faction has already been helped by her own junior sisters, but she has not woken up yet. Pu Tuo said: You kept saying that you saved my senior sister from the monster underwater, what about the monster? Have you ever seen what the monster looks like? And how did it hurt people? Why are you safe? You are fighting against the monster. , why are there no wounds all over the body?

Little girl's mouth is quite powerful. Before Xiuxian, she was a storyteller in the restaurant! The Soil Eater jumped up, and seemed to have finally found an opportunity to speak, pointing at his broken leg: You see clearly, I was dragged down by the water monster! I didn't see what the water monster looked like, but I broke a leg! My little prince was not injured because she was strong. You think everyone is as vulnerable as your demon army. Little Highness, the earth-eating ghost did not forget to complain to the hairpin star: I said earlier about these shameless cultivators, so I shouldn't have rescued her at that time, and let that girl fend for itself!

Pu Tuo's eyes were as cold as frost: Evil devil heresy. His tone was very contemptuous.

The Soil Eater pretended to beat her: Don't stop me! I'm going to throw this little girl into the water, so that she won't have any bones left!

Hairpin Star: Enough.

The Earth Eater choked, glanced at the hairpin star, and obediently stepped aside. Hairpin Xing looked at Pu Tuo. I saw this little girl in Gufeng Mountain before. Although she was a little arrogant and self-willed, she was not stubborn. Now, for some reason, she seems to be full of hostility towards her, and she does not enter the oil and salt. Hairpin Xing said lightly: I once peeped at the water monster underwater. It was green and sticky. It dragged me into the water and disappeared. I saw its lair underwater, which seemed to be bound by water plants. Prey, enjoy it slowly, is no different from the habit of spiders. I saw the earth-eating ghost and the disciples of the Xiangling School among the many corpses. They were still alive when they were brought in, so I took them out together.

As for the absence of any signs of fighting, it's because I never fought that monster at all. This righteous girl, Hairpin Xing looked at Pu Tuo: Is this answer satisfactory?

Pu Tu's face was a little red, and he gritted his teeth and said, That's just your one-sided remark! It's fake! He still didn't want to believe it.

Before Hairpin Xing could speak, the voice of a man beside him interjected: What she said is true.

It is said that there is a kingdom of Siyou. Siyou is born and misses a man, but he doesn't have a wife; he misses a daughter, but he is not a husband. - Shan Hai Jing

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