
Chapter 249 Bloodline Awakening (3)

Pull it down. A disciple interrupted at the right time: This kind of thunder calamity, I am afraid that the Mahayana cultivation base may not be able to survive. If the calamity fails, such a big thunder calamity, people are afraid that they will not be able to find even the ashes. Fortunately, this old man is not in our Gufeng Mountain, otherwise, dozens of purple robbery clouds will come down, and our mountain will probably be gone.

The gate of the hall blocked the noise outside. In the hall, everyone looked at the dark clouds in the distance, each with a lot of thoughts.

Yueqin couldn't help but say, Sect Master, the fellow practitioners in the early years have long since fallen. Among the new generation, I have never heard of anyone with this cultivation level. Could this be a demon?

The demons are already eyeing them, if another genius is born, it will not be a good thing for the world.

It's unfortunate enough to be the Demon Race, Xuan Lingzi coughed lightly: We have no confidence that we can stop this kind of robbery cloud. Since the fall of the Demon King, even if there is a genius in the younger generation of the demon world, the purple robbery cloud is a blow. Under the circumstances, they will surely die, not to mention dozens of them. This is not a calamity, it is simply torture.

Yueqin wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, what Xuan Lingzi said also made sense. This kind of thunder calamity, several people in their hall can't bear it, how can the demons be able to get it.

Shaoyang Zhenren looked into the distance with his hands behind his back, and the roaring clouds of robbery in the distance were reflected in his calm eyes. After a long time, he lowered his eyes and said softly, I was born.

The purple thunder robbery on the land of the capital city slammed into a certain place one after another, as if there was no end.

The remnants of the Demon Race hiding everywhere, but at the same time couldn't help but look at the direction where the robbery clouds converged.

Demons are a group that grows in the darkest land, and are born to fear thunder and lightning. And this violent and violent thunder robbery slammed down, causing the blood in their bodies to boil slightly.

Not an illusion.

The boulders are exposed in the deserted sand, and in the rolling mountains, there is nothing but dead wood and dark stones. When the guarded demon cultivator heard the movement, he also raised his head and looked at Jieyun on the horizon to watch the excitement.

Looking at it, he suddenly felt the sound of water flowing in his ears, and he couldn't help but startled.

Mo Xiu rubbed his eyes, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

The spiritual veins of the demon world gradually dried up after the death of the demon king Gui Diaotang. Two years ago, the depleted spiritual veins were revived, but it only added a touch of vitality. But even this trace of vitality is enough to revive the spirit of the demon world that has been sluggish for many years. It is with this trace of vitality that Gui Yansheng can gather a group of followers.

But now, at some point in the dry spiritual spring, clear undercurrents began to gurgling out of the spring.

The undercurrent carried the pure Demon King Yuan Li, rushing forward, moistening the dry wasteland in an instant. However, in just a short while, the demons scattered all over the capital city felt the Demon King Yuan Li within their bodies boil, as if they were about to break out of their bodies, and their bodies were filled with majestic power.

In the main hall, Rong Chun picked up the melons and fruits that fell to the ground due to the chaos, feeling a little apprehensive. Now that Guiyansheng has been in retreat for many days, he has disappeared without a trace, this young man is uncertain, and no one knows where he is going. If there is chaos at this time, she is not very safe here as an ordinary person.

Just thinking about it, there was an excited voice from a demon cultivator: The spiritual pulse! The spiritual pulse is moving!

Rong Chun's heart jumped, and he got up and looked out. The demon cultivators gathered at the entrance of the temple hoorayed and all ran towards the direction of the spirit veins of the demon world, accompanied by excited shouts.

The spiritual veins are flowing again! The Demon King is back!


Countless purple thunders smashed down from the dome, all of them smashed to the top of the girl sitting in the ice cave.

Bujiang couldn't help clenching his fists, then loosened them again, staring at the corner of Bingyuan.

This purple thunder robbery, from the beginning to the present, has been a day and a night, and there is no sign of stopping. If it weren't for the green tree shadow still growing, it would be difficult for her to confirm whether the hairpin star was still alive.

The power of the laws of heaven and earth contained in the thunder tribulation was surging and violent. Even if it was her own, she was not sure that she could endure all of them, let alone the hairpin stars that did not even have a golden core. But those purple thunder tribulations fell in the ice cave, like falling into the mouth of a giant beast, raging and disappearing silently.

There seemed to be a low roar of a beast coming from the ice cave. This roar was vague and unreal, but in the silent abyss, it exploded like a shock.

In the abyss of extreme ice, how can there be beast sounds?

Bu Jiang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, his expression became strange: Silver Lion

Next to the hairpin star, a sluggish fat cat has been following. This cat is said to have the meager blood of the Silver Lion, but with that meager blood, it is impossible for the spirit beast to awaken. Most likely, this silver lion is no different from an ordinary domestic cat.


When the hairpin star was in Gufeng Mountain, he used to feed the cat with a lot of pills, which added some spiritual energy to the cat, and after every trial in Li'er Kingdom, Wufan City, and Treasure Land, Mi Mi did not fall. In the end, he jumped into the pillar of divine fire during the Ten Thousand Killing Array and devoured countless divine fires.

Shenhuo is extremely poisonous to demons, but not necessarily to spirit beasts. Being roasted by divine fire, then entering the ice abyss and entering the cold, between the ice and fire, it is not impossible to reach a trial that no other spirit beast will ever have in their lifetime, to reshape the beast's body, and to awaken the bloodline.

The immortal records indicate that in the east of the North Sea, there is Yinlang, shaped like a lion beast, with a silver body and snow feet, and it eats clouds for a living.

Food cloud, naturally also includes robbery cloud.

Just thinking about it, the purple calamity cloud on the head suddenly became thicker. It was night, and the time when the cyan flower bloomed, but it seemed to be frightened by this surging thunder calamity. The petals closed, and the entire ice abyss was pitch black.


A crisp sound resounded from the depths of the ice abyss.

Since that day and night, a tiny crack suddenly appeared on the ice in the ice cave that was motionless, the cage that wrapped the girl.


This crack was originally a thin one, but in an instant, it quickly covered the entire ice surface, like a crack on a snow-white porcelain, spreading from the bottom and continuing upward.


The ice cave seemed to finally be unable to maintain it, and it suddenly cracked, and a roar of a giant beast came from it. Before Bujiang could see clearly, he saw a cyan light shot straight into the sky in the dark ice cave, and a woman riding a silver giant lion jumped out of the bottomless abyss, and then moved towards the sky. Above the ice wall of the abyss, raised the cyan long stick in his hand——

Chop as many as you can!

In an instant, a loud noise came from the depths of the capital city.

Countless beasts in the mountains and forests curled up and slumped, seeming to be shocked by this great change in the world. And that blue light passed through the clouds, splitting the clouds of calamity.

In the ice abyss, there was a rustling sound of falling rocks.

The names that were engraved on the ice wall by the strange power all cracked in this cyan light, and shattered into ashes little by little.

Bu Jiang felt that the huge stone locks that bound her body were loosened. She raised her head and heard the sound of ice cracking. She fell silent in the extremely yin place of the Demon Race and began to collapse inch by inch.

The abyss of extreme ice collapsed.

Bu Jiang looked at the top of his head in horror, where the ice abyss and the sky are connected, a woman holding a long cyan stick is standing, gently stroking the head of the silver lion beside her. Countless stars fell on her head, illuminating her face. She has a beautiful face, a gentle expression, and a small begonia blooms on the top of her forehead.

Not black, not red, but cyan.

The blood of the Demon King has awakened.

The ancient abyss slowly collapsed under her feet, and the night sky was brilliant with silver flames. The second one, she said.

She became the second person to walk out of the abyss of extreme ice.

End of the stars

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