
Chapter 247 Bloodline Awakening (1)

Awake? Bujiang was overjoyed.

Xu is that the power of the Abyss of Extreme Ice is stronger than before, and it may be that the Demon King Yuan Li in her body has already been suppressed, and the Yuan Li that Jiang Chaoxing crossed to the star could not melt the snow in the Ice Abyss. But after such a long time, the snow and ice on the hairpin star shattered. She immediately looked at the name on the ice wall. The three words Yang Xingxing did not fade away, but were still deeply embedded in the stone wall.

didn't disappear? Bu Jiang is slightly absent-minded, why is this?

The hairpin star's body was wrapped in the ice cave, and Bujiang couldn't see clearly. She tried to call the hairpin star's name twice, but the hairpin star didn't answer, as if the broken ice just now was just a coincidence. Bu Jiang couldn't see the hairpin star, and naturally, he couldn't see the hairpin star's open eyes in the ice cave.

The hairpin star was completely awake.

The small tree in the depths of the spiritual root is still growing, and others can't see it, but she can clearly feel that a steady stream of warm current flows out from the branches and leaves of the treetops, repairing her piece that should have been dilapidated little by little. Body. The Ten Thousand Killing Formation destroyed her five senses and destroyed her soul, but now, they have gradually recovered to their original appearance, even more complete than they were at the beginning. In this ice and snow cage, they were reborn.

It was as if the whole body was torn apart and torn apart, and then condensed into a brand new self in the void, completely different from the past.

The hairpin star looked down at Mimi.

The silver lion had fallen asleep completely, and it crouched beside the hairpin star's legs, leaning against the hairpin star. The light and shadow of the seeds of the zither worms also cast on Mimi. The fur that was burned by the divine fire pillar has returned to its original appearance without knowing it. It seems to be a little different from the original. In the softness, it seems to be mixed with some silver. wave light.

The body's spiritual veins can be repaired, but Qin Zong can't re-condense a golden elixir. Hairpin star's yuan power can only do so, but compared with her empty yuan power, it is her spiritual power that increases in an instant.

Hairpin Xing suddenly found that she seemed to be able to see everything.

The ice abyss was very deep and long, as if there was no exit in sight. She climbed up from the bottom and tried her best, but she seemed to be a thousand feet away from the exit. But now, she finally sees clearly that there is no exit at the abyss of extreme ice. People can go in, but they cannot come out. At the end of the abyss, there is only covered ice and snow.

To get out of the ice abyss, only to break the ice.

But that is impossible, the ice and snow in the abyss of extreme ice can restrain and weaken one's Yuan force. Powerful as a demon, but gradually weakened in the past two years, Bingyuan left his name behind.

Those whose names are left are destined to not get out.

Is it really?

Hairpin star's eyes fell on Mimi, Yin Langshi's mouth was still biting a blue Qiankun bag, maybe he knew that he was about to fall into a deep sleep for an unknown length of time, Mimi spit out the universe bag before the next sleep. came out.

There is nothing in the Qiankun bag, just the useless charms and Yuanli Dan. Under the current situation, there is not much difference between Yuan Li Dan or not.

She moved her hands laboriously, trying to move her frozen hands, and finally touched the rope of the Qiankun bag. The hairpin pulled the rope of the Qiankun bag and poured the contents out of the bag.

Among the broken things, two volumes stand out. One is How to Conquer Handsome Young Heroes. As soon as he saw this book, Hairpin Xing thought of how serious Mendong looked when he gave this book to him, and couldn't help laughing. And the other. Hairpin star looked at the cover of that book, and didn't look away for a long time

- Peerless Heart Sutra.

This name is so sloppy that anyone who reads it will not think that this is a peerless Heart Sutra.

She got the fruit of the holy tree in the sanctuary of the treasure land, but Mimi brought back a peerless heart sutra. Hairpin Xing originally wanted to give this book to Mu Shexiao, so as not to fall into the trap of fate because of taking away some incredible opportunities. I didn’t expect to read the title page of the happy scriptures. In the Qiankun bag.

This peerless Heart Sutra, which cannot be given away, may now be the only hope in this vast ice abyss.

Hairpin Xing looked at the cover for a long time, and finally opened the first page with his fingers stiffened.

Still the familiar crooked handwriting, like a random joke from the writer.

This exercise is special and not suitable for ordinary monks to practice. If you want to practice this exercise, you need to abolish your whole body and start from scratch.

This peerless Heart Sutra is now suitable for her, so why do you need to abolish her whole body cultivation? Her cultivation was completely wiped out during the Ten Thousand Kills Formation, which really saved the beginning.

Hairpin Xing turned to the second page again: This Heart Sutra is absolutely true, and there is no false statement. Refine this Heart Sutra and dominate the Three Realms, no fear of gods and demons, and ascension is imminent.

The green light of the violin worms projected on the twisted handwriting, as if to add a bit of anger to the absurd words. Hairpin Xing's fingertips lightly brushed the pages of the book, and for a moment, he suddenly remembered the little craftsman in the treasure trove.

When the swordsmith Chai Sang was at the end of the road, he found the evil swordsmanship. At that moment, the strange swordsmanship became his only hope. He made a bold attempt, and in the end, he forged the Wuyou Sword. Although the ending was not beautiful, it was the result he wanted in the end.

Today, she and Chai Sang are in a similar situation.

It's just that the evil sword manual has been replaced by the unreliable Heart Sutra.

Hairpin Xing calmed down, thought for a long time, and finally opened the third page.

Neither a devil nor an immortal. There are gods and no essence. If you meet this premise, you can continue. If you practice hard, it will go against the principle, and the sky will be struck by lightning, and you will die suddenly on the spot.

Non-magic, non-immortal? Isn't that just normal people? What is the difference between asking for an experienced novice if there is a spirit but no energy, and there is a spirit but no cultivation base? Hairpin Xing was initially smug, but when he saw the sentence in front of him, he began to hesitate again. Is such an unreliable Heart Sutra really a peerless Heart Sutra?

Hairpin star stared at the word sudden death and did not move for a long time.

Is it a little too dangerous?


The snow in the ice abyss is still covered layer by layer. Although Qin Zong can melt some ice and snow and repair her spiritual veins, it will not be a solution in the long run. Maybe it will be like a basket of fire. used.

She really had no other choice.

The hairpin star turned down another page.

This time, the handwriting on the top changed again.

On this page, an old man's face was randomly drawn with a pen. The old man winked and seemed to be making a face, and next to it was written a line of words: If you can meet such harsh conditions, it seems that you have reached the end of the road. That being the case, fellow practitioners, You and I are destined, the old man will help you and let you practice this peerless Heart Sutra.

Hairpin Star: ?

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