
Chapter 224 Star Hairpin (1)

This night was more lively than usual.

Gu Fengshan's nervousness and awe over the last month seems to have been dispelled a lot by the banquet on the Dolo Terrace. There are no demons, no Xiao Yuanzhu, and no bad news from all over the place. It seems like such a peaceful and good day. It will go on like this forever.

The evening wind blew the fireflies by the Changchun Pond, and Mu Chengxiao stood up and said a little embarrassedly, I'll come when I go.

Go to the thatched hut, Tian Fangfang patted him on the shoulder: Go back quickly, I'll be waiting for you.

Mu layerxiao got up and left the table. Seeing this, Hairpin Xing thought for a while, and said, I'll go out too. He quickly followed.

At this moment, everyone in the banquet was having a good time drinking, and they didn't care too much. On the other hand, Mendong brought the wine cup to Gu Baiying's side and poked Gu Baiying's arm: Uncle, why don't you follow?

Gu Baiying turned her head to the side, her voice unable to hear emotions: Why should I follow?

It seems that Yang Hairpinxing still has a lingering love for Mu layerxiao. Mendong sighed: Although you already have the fruit of the holy tree, you don't need to rely on the seeds of the violin and worm anymore. It stands to reason that Yang Hairpinxing and whoever will cultivate both. It has nothing to do with you, but, he changed his words: Look at this black light, a lonely man and a widow, if one accidentally makes a mistake, wouldn't it be easy to clean up? I promised to help the pastor to chase after him. Senior Sister Meng, how can you watch them make big mistakes? Go and stop them.

What's the matter with me? Gu Baiying looked at him coldly: You go by yourself. The hand hidden under the table couldn't help but clenched slightly.

I'm a child after all, Mendong said solemnly: If I go at the wrong time, wouldn't it be embarrassing to break into something bad, and I went too deliberately.

Don't I go on purpose?

Of course, you are an elder, and everyone will not believe that you are selfish. Mendong pushed Gu Baiying: Uncle, you go, go quickly, it will be too late if you go too late.

Unable to bear his soft and hard bubbles, Gu Baiying stood up impatiently and threw a sentence: long-winded. Finally, he followed.

Mendong clapped his hands, looked at Gu Baiying's back with satisfaction, and sighed, Fortunately there is me.

Tian Fangfang gave Mendong a meaningful look: Junior Brother, you can really do it.

The pastor came out of the hut to clean his hands, and was about to walk towards Doluotai when he saw a man leaning against the tree in front of him. When he saw him coming out, he greeted him, Senior brother.

After stabilizing the pace that he almost fell, Mu Chengxiao looked at the woman in front of him: Junior sister, what do you want to do?

Hairpin Xing looked at him: You don't have to act like an enemy to me, and I won't eat you.


This is for you. Before he could finish speaking, Hairpin Star threw a box into his arms.

Mu layerxiao was stunned for a moment, opened the box, a golden fruit was lying in it, and it was the fruit of the holy tree returned by Ziluo.

Junior sister, what does this mean? Mu Shexiao was puzzled.

I thought about it, I don't need this fruit, so I'll give it to you. Hairpin Xing answered cheerfully.

Mu layerxiao didn't expect Hairpin Xing to say this, he hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and pushed the box towards Hairpin Xing: No, this is too precious, I can't have it.

The group of them went to the treasure trove and got only four fruits in total, all three of which were used to refine pills for Gu Baiying, and the remaining one could not be said to be precious. Gu Baiying's serious spiritual loophole can be repaired with only three spiritual pills, which is enough to see the efficacy of this spiritual pill.

What's so precious, it's just a fruit. Hairpin Xing pushed the box back to him again: For me, it's not as precious as the avatar you gave me. She took stock of the world before. The items in the bag, except for the Peerless Heart Sutra that looked like a joke, really didn't find any great opportunities. But the begonia in the palm of his hand became more and more vivid, which made Hairpin Xing feel very uneasy.

Today Ziluo brought back this golden fruit, but the hairpin star must not dare to accept it. Who knows if this is accepted, the flower will grow directly from the palm of your hand tomorrow. The conditions for the growth of this flower are really inexplicable. After thinking about it, she still decided to return this opportunity to Mu Shexiao first. After all, in the eyes of Heavenly Dao, Mu Shexiao is the one with great fortune, no matter what kind of spirit Bao can endure.

The speaker has no intention, and the listener has a heart. Gu Baiying, who had just arrived here, heard this sentence.

The fruit of the holy tree was obtained by their group of people who went deep into the treasure trove and took a lot of trouble to get it, but in the eyes of the hairpin, it is not as precious as the avatar that Mu layerxiao gave her. Maybe for her, as long as it is The things that Mu layerxiao gave her were always more special than those given by others. She should like Mu layerxiao very much, so she will gladly give away the precious things in the eyes of the world over and over again.

People are only generous to those they like, and can't wait to hold the best things in the world in front of each other. Such as Yang Hairpin Star, such as himself.

The boy's eyes dimmed, he was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

At the other end, Hairpin Xing was still comforting Mu layerxiao: You don't have to have any burdens in your heart, let alone worry about what I think of you. You also know that when I was in Yuecheng, there were more than a dozen people in front of me. I haven't practiced well for years, and then I accidentally stumbled into the Taiyan sect. I haven't practiced well, so I can't make up for the deficiency. It won't be good if I eat this fruit. I really feel that it is soft to take people's hands, and I will make that kind of avatar in the future, and give me a few more.

Mu Shexiao heard the words and was amused by her: It turns out that you want a avatar, but Junior Sister, the avatar will only be used when you are in danger. You are very safe on Gufeng Mountain, you only need to have a self-defense, you don't have to do that. many.

Hairpin waved his hand and said as he walked back: Who knows, things in the world are ever-changing, I'm afraid of death, it's always good to hide a few more.

After she delivered her things, she returned to Doluo Terrace. When she arrived at Changchun Pond, Mendong's eyes lit up and said, You're back! After looking at her up and down again, she breathed a sigh of relief: It's okay. .

Hairpin Xing was inexplicable. In a blink of an eye, the seat beside him was empty, and he couldn't help but wonder, Where is Shishu?

Didn't he come back with you? Mendong wondered.

Why did he come back with us? Hairpin Xing was even more strange.

Mendong coughed twice: It's nothing, I'm talking nonsense.

Mu layerxiao sat down next to Meng Ying again, hairpin Xing pondered what Mendong said just now, always feeling a little weird.

Out of the rainbow platform, on a clear night, the night sky is low, and the starry sky seems to fall over the head.

The stars are always the brightest on the higher mountain.

The young man sat quietly on the top of the peak, with hazy clouds under his feet, gathering and spreading. And his vermilion hairband was scattered in the wind, like a flower quietly blooming in the long night, and like a mind that is suddenly far and near.

Li Danshu's wine has never been strong, with only one-third of the alcohol's smell, but he was clearly sober, but he couldn't help sinking. In the past few years, although he knew that he would not live to be twenty years old, he never suffered because of it. Life and death had their own destiny, so why should he embarrass himself. Others in the entire sect saw him as the most unrestrained, the most arrogant, the most free and easy, and he could do whatever he wanted, but in just a short period of time, he had also tasted the taste of entanglement and sorrow.

In their sect, a demon was mixed in. This Demon Race does not harm people, is not afraid of people, smiles openly, is sincere, and fights side by side with them all the way, laughing and playing. Stand in front of him in times of danger, naively trying to change his fate.

So his fate was really changed.

Why is such a person a demon? He always felt that there might be hidden feelings in it. She seemed to have other difficulties, but every time she spoke, she couldn't ask.

Maybe it was because of his admiration for Mu layerxiao, so he followed the Taiyan faction, and he had to accompany his sweetheart while hiding his identity? The young man thought sadly, if this is the case, although the truth is sad, it is the best outcome.

The moonlight streamed through his pearl-colored robe, and the wind rustled the corners of the robe, and a star in the distance flickered, as if it was about to dive towards him, covered in starlight.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the star that was rushing fell down a few steps away from him, Gu Baiying's brows and eyes moved, the next moment, his figure flashed and he was already rushing over to support the person in front of him.

What are you doing? he said angrily.

Scared me to death. Hairpin Xing patted his chest with lingering fears: It's really reluctant to use the Wuyou stick as a sword to fly. It's still a little bit reluctant. Senior Sister Meng's moon soul is good, it's wide and long, and it's easy to step on it. Be safe. She raised her head and looked at Gu Baiying in front of her: Isn't that right, Shishu?

The young man held her arm with one hand and supported her waist with the other, his slightly drooping eyes fell on her face, and he hurriedly avoided it as if he was being scorched, and suddenly let go of his hand and turned to his side: In this way, how did Xuan Lingzi teach his disciples?

It's mainly because I'm a little afraid of heights. Hairpin Xing stood up and picked up the Wuyou stick from under his feet.

Why are you here? After a while of silence, Gu Baiying asked.

Didn't you ask me to come out of Hongtai?

He was at a loss for words, and after a while he said, I thought you forgot.

My forgetfulness isn't that big, is it? Hairpin Xing blinked: After all, Shishu, what are you looking for me for?

Gu Baiying was startled. He came looking for Hairpin Star, of course, to give a gift, but just now, the hairpin star appeared suddenly, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Fortunately, Hairpin Xing didn't struggle with this issue. He looked up at the ink-colored night sky and sighed: I often come out of Hongtai to practice at night, but I didn't pay attention to it before. The night scene from Hongtai is really beautiful. This star is even more beautiful than the one under the mountain. The wind is also cool. She smiled: Gufeng Mountain is really a good place.

Gu Baiying was stunned, and after a while, he turned his head to the hairpin and asked in a low voice, Do you like Taiyan School?

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