
Chapter 221 Ghost Flower (2)

Gu Baiying came back to her senses and pushed her hand away from her: Don't move.

You came to my yard at night, wouldn't you just stare at this tree here in a daze? Zhu Xing followed his gaze and looked at the bushes: My tree is different from the tree in your palace, I am true, even if you want to eat persimmons, you have to wait a few more months.

Her expression was mocking, as if she was the same as usual.

Today's potted flower, he said slowly.

Didn't you let me mention it? Why did you mention it yourself? Hairpin asked curiously.

What do the flowers you see look like?

It's blue, it's very big, the color is very bright, and it looks extraordinary. Hairpin Xing answered honestly.

She spoke candidly, without any intention of concealing it, but it made the young man's eyes complicated for a moment.

If you can see flowers instead of bones, it is undoubtedly a demon, but if it is a demon, why would you say it outright without concealing it? Could it be that she doesn't know that once the people in the Immortal Cultivation World know that she is a demon, no one can protect her at this time, and her end will only be worse than Gui Diaotang.

The fear and hatred of the Demon Race in the Immortal Cultivation World will not give her any chance of life.

In an instant, many moments in the past suddenly appeared in front of him.

The servant Lao Niu from Yuecheng said that Hairpin Xing has no taboos, but in the question transferred by the silver spoon on the platform, Hairpin Xing clearly answered that she never eats green onions. In the secret realm of Li'er Kingdom, she said that she wanted to get rid of the established destiny. What is the so-called destiny?

She faltered to him on that snowy night in the treasure trove, and said to him, If someone like me is found one day with a tragic background, a background of heinous crimes, and a compelled hardship, you say, will What kind of ending?, the hidden meaning in that sentence, he has not understood until now.

That night, she suddenly asked, Do you hate Mozu? He answered Of course without hesitation. Perhaps, he missed her sincere hint at a moment.

The young man looked at the woman in front of him in silence. Perhaps his eyes were too complicated. Hairpin Xing hesitated for a moment, and suddenly asked, Uncle, do you have any concerns?

Gu Baiying has a straight temper, and everything is written on his face. It is rare to see him having such a hesitant moment. Hairpin reassures him: If you encounter any difficulties, you can tell me, maybe I will pay you back. I can help you figure it out.

Her expression was sincere, and she didn't hide it in the slightest, so that the doubts in his heart became unbearable.

Gu Baiying turned his face away, how could he ask, as a demon, what exactly do you want to do by sneaking into the Taiyan faction? Or ask her why she hides it from everyone.

In the picture of Xumi Mustard Seeds, Hairpin Xing can defeat Mosha in an instant, and in the treasure trove, even Meng Ying can't do anything about Wuyoujian, but she can easily erase the sword spirit. It seems that it is inseparable from her identity as a demon. Maybe there is Xiao Yuanzhu.

He was thinking about it when he suddenly saw a hand stretched out in front of him. Hairpin Xing's hand was clenched into a fist, and he put it in front of him and said softly, Look.

He followed along.

The fist slowly loosened, and a flower suddenly grew from the palm of her hand. The flower was as bright as fire, and it spread its wings like a red luan bird. In the middle of the summer night, it burned in her palm.

A blooming biloba.

He froze slightly.

A woman's brisk voice came from in front of her: A few days ago, I practiced illusions every day, lest you think I'm not seeking to make progress. I've practiced for a long time, although I can't transform into a whole bipedia tree like you, I can. It is also good to have a flower. Nuo, she put the flower in front of Gu Baiying: This is for you, don't be upset.

Bibihua is a fake, a flower made of illusion, but it is just a trick to deceive the eyes, and it is not worth moving. But at this moment, he seemed to smell the fragrance of the flower, the gleaming red, as if it was about to fly into his heart.

Hairpin Xing was still teasing him with the Biyi flower, and Gu Baiying grabbed her arm unexpectedly. The boy looked down at her eyes, his eyes were clear and deep.

The summer night wind stopped.

Holding a flower in her hand, she looked up at the young man in front of her. The other party's palm was holding her arm with a slight force, and his eyes were calm and deep like the emerald spring in the secret realm of Li'er Kingdom.

The eyelashes concealed the emotions in his eyes, Hairpin Xing slowly realized something, she said, Uncle Shi.

Suddenly, Gu Baiying let go of her hand suddenly, the hairpin staggered for a while, the boy looked away, his voice was as impatient as before: It took me so long to become a flower, and I'm still willing to show it off.


This flower has been confiscated. He snatched the Biyi flower from Hairpin Xing's hand again: I'll test you again in a few days.

He turned around to leave, but Hairpin called him from behind, Uncle, do you have something to say to me?

Gu Baiying's footsteps were stagnant for a moment, and the next moment, the tone was the same as before: No! You have to rest early, and you have to go out to Hongtai to practice tomorrow. After that, he left the courtyard quickly.

The evening wind blew the leaves rustling, and the hairpin star stood quietly and looked at his back. Hongsu came from behind with Mimi in her arms, and asked in confusion, Why is Uncle Gu so weird today?

Hairpin Xing did not speak, and after a long while, she retracted her gaze and reached out to caress her heart.

Gu Baiying is very strange, he has never looked at himself with that kind of eyes. A vague unease spread from the bottom of my heart.

What exactly happened?

In the next few days, Taiyan Pie started to get busy.

Mosha, who was hiding in the dark, was not satisfied with going to the small sect to make trouble, and tragedies gradually occurred in various parts of the capital. Although there has been no demonic chaos in Pingyang Town, other places have already begun to live in poverty. The evil spirits of the demons are so widespread in the world that they are the same as when Gui Diaotang was alive twenty years ago, and even more ferocious than they were twenty years ago.

For example, the big sects such as Chihuamen of Yinfeng Sect sent their disciples down the mountain to annihilate the demons, with heavy casualties. The disciples who came back revealed the news that these demons seem to have the power of the demon king, and the cultivation of the demons is profound. The ordinary disciples are not these demons at all. Shameful opponent. For a time, the major sects of the Xiu Xian world were panic-stricken.

In the Jinhua Hall at this time, Xuan Lingzi asked the person beside him with a sad face: Demon King Yuanli? Ghost Diaotang has been dead for so many years, where did the Demon King Yuanli come from? Could it be that there is a new Demon King?

Who knows? Yueqin said in disgust, The demons are dissolute, maybe Guidiaotang is merciful, and it's not surprising that one of the eight illegitimate children has inherited the demon king's Yuanli.

What's the point of talking about this? Cui Yufu rubbed Guangguang's head and said coldly, The most urgent task is to discuss the selection of demon slayers at the Zongmen Conference. The Zongmen Conference will be next month. If you want to be successful, the younger generation is not very useful these days, and they don’t know if they can get a good candidate.”

Because of the urgent matter of the devil and evil, at this important juncture, the major sects have temporarily put aside their previous quarrels and fought hand in hand. On the surface, next month's sect conference will be the selection of disciples from various sects, but it is actually a discussion about jointly dealing with demons. When Guidiaotang was in chaos, the major sects joined forces, and the Demon Slayer Army headed by Fairy Qinghua finally quelled the chaos of the Demon Race. Now that Fairy Qinghua is no more, the world has changed, and each sect has its own considerations and selfishness. It is not an easy task to assemble a whole-hearted demon army.

We old guys are definitely going. Li Danshu twisted his beard, Among the newly recruited disciples, the three younger disciples of the sixth junior brother should also be counted. The cultivation base should be clear, Seventh Junior Brother, what do you think of the three of them?

Gu Baiying did not answer.

Zhao Mayi glanced at Gu Baiying who was sitting beside him. He was looking at the fruit in the bamboo basket on the table and didn't know what he was thinking. Zhao Mai asked: Junior brother?

Gu Baiying returned to his senses: What did you say?

You've been very strange recently, Zhao Maiyi looked at Gu Baiying suspiciously: Why do you always look like you're worried? Is there something wrong with the medicine Li Danshu gave you?

Don't slander me! Li Danshu was so excited that he almost ripped off his beard, he pointed at Gu Baiying with wide eyes: Look at his look and spirit now, my medicinal pill is pure and strong, he The spiritual veins have all been repaired, and if you have one more, you will be all right. You said that there is something wrong with my medicinal pill, and you are blind?

Don't be noisy. Gu Baiying frowned: I'm thinking, why do these demons want to besiege the small sect first?

Why don't you ask? Xuan Lingzi replied without thinking: The skinny camel is bigger than a horse, these devils are very clear in their hearts. Small sects and ordinary people without cultivation.

Not necessarily. Daoist Moonlight shook his head: Maybe this is deliberate, so that the people of the sect are unstable, and the demons are cunning. It is best not to take it lightly.

Yueqin sighed: The Sect Master hasn't left the customs yet.

Shaoyang Zhenren has gone into seclusion again. He has now reached the bottleneck of cultivation. If he is not careful, it is easy to go into trouble, but it happens at this time. Although the real Shaoyang was the head of the Taiyan faction, he didn't care much about the affairs of the sect. To be discussed, it was when Fairy Qinghua was alive that everyone had a backbone.

You said, we haven't found Xiao Yuanzhu's whereabouts for so many years, will Xiao Yuanzhu have already fallen into the hands of the demons? Yueqin asked suddenly.

The crowd fell silent all of a sudden.

Xiaoyuanzhu, Guidiaotang relied on this magic bead to increase her cultivation base, and almost reached the point of invincibility in the world. If it really falls into the hands of the demons, everyone can't help but shiver. For the Xiuxian world, Not really good news.

Gu Baiying's eyes flashed slightly, and she clenched the Spirit Fruit in her hand. After a while, she lowered her head and finally fell silent.

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