
Chapter 219 Carved Hairpin (2)

It rained at night.

It was raining fast, and on the way back from the Rainbow Terrace to the Miaokong Temple, Hairpin Xing's clothes were mostly wet from the rain. After finishing training, Yuan Li has not recovered yet, so there is no need to use the rain protection art.

The rain was dense, and the sky and the earth seemed to be sewn together by silk threads.

A figure passed from the front.

Hairpin stared for a while and looked in the direction of Xiaoyao Hall. I wondered if it was her illusion just now, as if she saw someone entering?

She suspected that what she saw was Gu Baiying. She hadn't seen him go out for a long time. She wondered if Gu Baiying's second pill would be any better if she took the spiritual pulse. When the hairpin star stopped, Hongsu ran out of the temple, holding a paper umbrella in her hand, and called to her, Miss, what are you doing standing there in the rain? Go back quickly, your clothes are all wet!

Hairpin Xing withdrew his gaze and stepped into the gate of Miaokong Hall with Hongsu.

The door slammed shut.

A boy who was soaked by the rain hurriedly entered the house, his clothes were almost soaked by the rain, the snow-white robe was stained with blood, and the hairband that was always flying was now dripping wet on his head. After that, he looked very embarrassed. Those beautiful eyes were bright as always, but his face was a little pale.

The bone gun was placed in the corner, and he didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he carefully took out a palm-length branch from his arms.

This branch is only as thick as a human thumb, and the whole body exudes a luster of green and faint. If you touch it with your hands, it seems that warm and moist energy flows into the body along the fingertips. Heavenly Soul Wood can't increase a person's Yuan Power, but it can protect the soul. The Yinfeng Sect's people are rich and powerful, and they have smashed dozens or even millions of spirit stones to buy one as a spirit tool, and some people will scold them behind their backs for tyranny, which is enough to see that this tree is rare.

The entire Gufeng Mountain is just such a Heavenly Soul Wood. It is even more difficult to cut off a branch on the Heavenly Soul Wood and take it away. Even though Gu Baiying had already taken the second pill and his spiritual veins had recovered by most, he still suffered serious injuries when he faced the silver rhinoceros.

However, fortunately something has been gained.

The emerald green branch was fresh and dripping in color, as if it had just been plucked from the tree. Gu Baiying didn't wait long, sat down at the table, and pulled out a short dagger from the wooden drawer.

The material of Heavenly Soul Wood is rare. If there is no primordial force to block it, the soul power will overflow and it will soon wither. If someone gets a piece of Sky Soul Wood, it is best to process and cast it in the shortest time to retain the maximum effect. He chopped off a piece of Heavenly Soul Wood under Yinxiong's eyelids, without stopping, he immediately went out of the mountain and returned to the sect, in order to bring back the Heavenly Soul Wood in the shortest possible time.

The rain and the wind slapped the window, making a crack and crackle sound.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the branches in his hands, what should I do with this?

It rained all night.

When the sky was a little brighter, the Sichen Chicken flew up to the branch, paced back and forth in a spirited way, and let out a high-pitched crowing. The night of Gufengshan was awakened.

Clap sound.

The dagger was placed on the table, and someone leaned back slightly, stretching their stiff body.

The wet clothes on the boy's body have long been dried by the wind. After the wounded blood has dried up in the water, it looks like a thick and light flower blooming on a white robe.

And he was holding a wooden hairpin at the tip of his finger.

The hairpin is thin and delicate, and the whole body is rounded by the tip of the knife. On the top of the hairpin's head, there is also a fine carving of a green luan that spreads its wings and wants to fly.

Gu Baiying stared at the hairpin for a moment, then frowned slightly: It's still a bit plain.

The hairpins and rings in the painting golden building are named one by one and the other is long. There are neither rubies nor snow shells on this hairpin, and there is no coral in the mouth of a phoenix. But if you add some jewelry casually, it will not be worthy of this day's soul wood hairpin.

While he was thinking, someone tapped the door outside: Uncle, uncle!

Gu Baiying put away the wooden hairpin, got up and opened the door, Meng Dong was startled when he saw him: My God, Shishu, are you going to kill?

He hurried back last night, and it was too late for the Heavenly Soul Wood to wither, and he immediately started making hairpins, so that he didn't even have time to change the soiled clothes.

Don't talk nonsense, Gu Baiying patted his head: Why are you looking for me?

I'm here to see you. You haven't been seen for a few days. Uncle Fourth is afraid that something happened to you after taking the medicine pill.

I'm fine. Gu Baiying took off her soiled robe and planned to go to wash it up. As soon as she turned around, Meng Dong grabbed the corner of her robe. The child looked him up and down suspiciously, and asked, Uncle Shi, you Did you go to Houshan to find Tianhunmu?

Yes. Gu Baiying answered cheerfully.

Mendong's eyes widened: Did you really go looking for Tianshunmu? You are too impulsive! That Yinxiu even has to join hands with Uncle Yueqin and Uncle San to subdue it. You are alone, and your spiritual veins have not been repaired completely. .Then have you got the Sky Soul Wood?


You really got it? Mendong's eyes lit up, and he raised his head to stare at Gu Baiying: Uncle, can you show me what Tianhunmu looks like? The last time I saw Tianhunmu was at the sect meeting. Well, let me see, this day soul wood is a good thing, it is good for alchemy and medicine, you have just repaired the spiritual veins, and then warm up the spirit energy, it will also be of great benefit to your future cultivation.

Gu Baiying stretched out his hand to cover his face, and said impatiently, Crap, I'm going to take a bath.

Uncle Shi, show it to me, show it to me! Mendong followed behind him unwillingly.

In the end, Mendong couldn't see what Soul Wood looked like that day. He searched in Gu Bai's Ying's house, but in the end it was still fruitless. Staring at Gu Baiying for a long time, after all, he still didn't have the guts to search Gu Baiying's body, and left in annoyance. Before leaving, he also instructed Gu Baiying: By the way, Yang Hairpinxing asked me a few times before how you were. Uncle, if you are all right, go to the Miaokong Hall, lest she ask me again when she sees me. one time.

On rainy nights in the mountains, sleep is always extra sweet.

Hairpin Xing slept until three poles in the sun, and only woke up when Hongsu asked her to come to eat.

She rubbed her eyes, she was always sleepy lately, and she had a better time to sleep than Mimi, and she didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

There was no one in the Miaokong Hall, and the pastor went out to practice at Hongtai before dawn. Tian Fangfang was in a hurry to have lunch. He went a little later in the dining hall, and the meat and vegetables were all robbed by other disciples. After Hairpin Xing finished grooming, he didn't feel hungry in his stomach, so he walked to the dining hall without haste.

Perhaps it had rained overnight, the air on the mountain was exceptionally fresh, the sun poured down from the gaps in the branches, and it fell on people with a kind of clean warmth.

From time to time, disciples hurried past with various wooden boxes or utensils, because the demon king might be resurrected, all sects began to prepare. The same is true for the Taiyan faction. Not only did they descend the formation below the mountain, but they also began to set up the formation on the mountain. The halls of the Dharma began to be arranged, and the spiritual tools and spells that had been fought against the demons in the early years were also re-washed by the disciples, and they were counted one by one.

Seeing this scene, the original good mood was swept away. The fact that this Demon King is really annoying, you can either simply go up the mountain to have a good time, or simply stop and don't show up. Just harassing the small sects from time to time, making the major sects stand by, but he has not shown up for a long time, and I don’t know if there is some big conspiracy brewing. What's more, her identity is like a knife hanging over her head, and she has to worry about when it will fall down every day.

Right now, I don't want to go down the mountain.

She walked with a heavy heart, until a dissatisfied voice came from her ear: Yang Hairpinxing.

Hairpin Xing snapped back to her senses, and when she saw Gu Baiying standing in front of her, she was stunned for a moment: Uncle?

I called you a few times and didn't hear it. He approached suspiciously, staring into the hairpin's eyes: Are you hiding something from me?

I've been hiding a lot of things from you, which one are you talking about? Hairpin asked.

Gu Baiying was speechless for a moment, and hummed: You are quite courageous now, and you dare to talk back to your elders.

He is an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy, and it is really awkward to always call himself an elder. Hairpin Xing smiled: Uncle Shi, how have you been in retreat recently? Mendong said that you have taken the second pill, how is it, is your spiritual vein repairing okay?

Let's be so-so.

Hairpin Xing sighed: That's good, otherwise the worms will be gone, and the fruit of the holy tree will be useless. I will blame myself for the rest of my life.

Cough cough cough! Gu Baiying almost choked on himself, he looked at the hairpin star like a ghost: How do you know about Qin Zong?

Senior Brother Tian told me when I came back from the treasure field last time. Hairpin stared at him seriously: No wonder you have been so opposed to my double cultivation before, because once I double cultivation, the seeds of the violin bug will no longer be on me. .

Gu Baiying suddenly realized that when he was in the treasure trove, Hairpin Xing and Mujiexiao had fallen into the spiritual realm of the holy tree together. Mendong told the story of the qinworm in a hurry. He didn't expect Mendong's big mouth, and later he was careful to Tian Fangfang. explained.

Just thinking about it, Gu Baiying saw Hairpin Xing take a step forward, leaned in slightly, and said sincerely, The way you were guarding the people around me back then, I thought you liked me.

The wind blew, blowing the woman's hair slightly, and a few strands brushed against his face, which made people itch.

The young man's ears quickly turned red, and while his eyes were dodging, he looked like there was no silver in this place.

The eyes of the two met, speechless for a moment, until someone passed by and interrupted the freezing in the sunlight.

It was two outer disciples, one of them was holding a wooden box and the other was holding a flower pot. There is a blue flower in the flowerpot. This flower is very beautiful. The petals are large and gorgeous, and the color is beautiful peacock blue.

Hairpin Xing's eyes were attracted by the flower, and he casually asked Gu Baiying beside him, Uncle, what kind of flower is that? The color is really beautiful.

As soon as these words came out, the boy's shy expression quickly faded, and he suddenly looked at the hairpin star on the side: What did you say?

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